public function prepareRest()
     /** @var FilterPastResults $model */
     $model = Yii::createObject(['class' => FilterPastResults::className(), 'scenario' => 'filter']);
     $result = ['content' => [], 'total' => [], 'errors' => []];
     include_once Yii::$app->getBasePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'crons' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'api.php';
     if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->validate()) {
         $data = ['loc' => $model->loc, 'action' => $model->action, 'DF' => strtotime(date($model->dateFrom . ' 00:00:00')) * 1000, 'DT' => strtotime(date($model->dateTo . ' 23:59:59')) * 1000, 'Sport' => $model->sports, 'collapsedSports' => false, 'substr' => $model->search, 'categoriesPerPage' => $model->categoriesPerPage, 'page' => $model->page];
         $url = '';
         $xml = apiReadUrlXml($url, $data);
         $array = apiParseXml($xml);
         if ($array['status'] === true) {
             $array = obj2array($array['result']);
             $result['total'] = $array['@attributes'];
             if ($array['@attributes']['page'] > $array['@attributes']['totalpages']) {
                 $result['status'] = 3;
                 return $result;
             if ($array['@attributes']['count'] == 0) {
                 $result['status'] = 2;
                 $result['errors'][] = Yii::t('bet', 'No results were found that met all the given criteria');
             } else {
                 include_once $this->getViewPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'template.php';
                 $array = $array['sports']['PSport'];
                 if (sizeof($array) == 2 && isset($array['@attributes']) && isset($array['Groups'])) {
                     $array = [$array];
                 if ($model->page == 1) {
                     $result['content'][] = '<table role="presentation" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">';
                     $result['content'][] = '<tbody>';
                 foreach ($array as $sport) {
                     if (is_array($sport['@attributes'])) {
                         sportBlock($result['content'], $sport['@attributes']['id'], $sport['@attributes']['code'], $sport['@attributes']['name'], $sport);
                 if ($model->page == 1) {
                     $result['content'][] = '</tbody>';
                     $result['content'][] = '</table>';
                 //$result['content'] = $array;
         } else {
             $result['errors'] = $array['errors'];
     } else {
         $result['status'] = false;
         $result['errors'] = array_values($model->getErrors());
     return $result;
 public function prepareRest()
     $result = ['filter' => [], 'content' => [], 'errors' => []];
     $path_sports = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cron' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'sports';
     $path_live = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cron' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'live';
     $files = scandir($path_sports, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
     $latest_sports_file = $files[0];
     $lsf_path = $path_sports . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $latest_sports_file;
     $files = scandir($path_live, SCANDIR_SORT_DESCENDING);
     $latest_live_file = $files[0];
     $llf_path = $path_live . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $latest_live_file;
     $files = 0;
     if (!file_exists($lsf_path)) {
         $result['errors'][] = 'Sports file not found';
     } elseif (!file_exists($llf_path)) {
         $result['errors'][] = 'Live results file not found';
     if (!is_array($sports = @(include_once $lsf_path))) {
         $result['errors'][] = 'Error reading sport file. Unknown format.';
     } elseif (!is_array($live = @(include_once $llf_path))) {
         $result['errors'][] = 'Error reading live file. Unknown format.';
     } elseif (!isset($live['Sports']) || !isset($live['Sports']['XSport']) || !is_array($live['Sports']['XSport'])) {
         $result['errors'][] = 'Unknown live file structure.';
     } elseif (!empty($live['Sports']['XSport'])) {
         include_once $this->getViewPath() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'template.php';
         $result['filter'] = [];
         while (list(, $sport) = each($live['Sports']['XSport'])) {
             if (isset($sport['@attributes'])) {
                 $result['filter'][] = filterTemplate($sport['@attributes']['Code'], $sport['@attributes']['Name']);
                 $groups = [];
                 if (isset($sport['Groups']) && isset($sport['Groups']['XGroup']) && is_array($sport['Groups']['XGroup'])) {
                     $groups = $sport['Groups']['XGroup'];
                     if (sizeof($groups) == 2 && isset($groups['@attributes']) && isset($groups['Events'])) {
                         $groups = [$groups];
                 $result['content'][] = sportBlock($sport['@attributes']['Code'], $sport['@attributes']['Name'], $groups);
     return $result;