if (!empty($commsy_config)) { $treffer = array(); preg_match('~COMMSY_WIKI_TITLE[ ]*=[ ]*["|\'](.*)["|\']~u', $commsy_config, $treffer); if (!empty($treffer[1])) { $temp_array['title'] = stripslashes($treffer[1]); $wiki_array[] = $temp_array; } } } unset($temp_array); chdir('../..'); } } closedir($handle); } $wiki_array = sortby($wiki_array); $url = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $count = count($wiki_array); if (empty($wiki_array)) { echo '* Bislang sind keine Wikis vorhanden.' . "\n"; } elseif ($count == 1) { echo '!!!Das neueste Wiki' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $url2 = str_replace('index.php', $wiki_array[$i]['dir'] . '/', $url); echo '* [=<a href="' . $url2 . '">' . $wiki_array[$i]['title'] . '</a>=] (' . date("d.m.Y, H:i", $wiki_array[$i]['time']) . ')' . "\n"; } } elseif ($count < 10) { echo '!!!Die neuesten ' . $count . ' Wikis' . "\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { $url2 = str_replace('index.php', $wiki_array[$i]['dir'] . '/', $url); echo '* [=<a href="' . $url2 . '">' . $wiki_array[$i]['title'] . '</a>=] (' . date("d.m.Y, H:i", $wiki_array[$i]['time']) . ')' . "\n";
public function getStats($mode, $cutBy='', $UserID=0) { $dealTiming = "16"; // in days // echo $mode."-".$cutBy; switch ($mode) { case ("common"): $listitems = new stdClass; $date = date("Y-m-d"); $date_yesterday = date("Y-m-d", strtotime("-1 days")); $date_thisweek_begin = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date('o-\\WW'))); $date_prevweek_begin = date("Y-m-d", strtotime(date('o-\\WW'))-7*86400); $date_thismonth_begin = date("Y-m-")."01"; $date_prevmonth_begin = date("Y-m-", strtotime("-1 months"))."01"; /* echo $date."<br>"; echo $date_yesterday."<br>"; echo $date_thisweek_begin."<br>"; echo $date_prevweek_begin."<br>"; //.strtotime('-1 days')."<br>".(strtotime('-2 days')+86400)."<br>"; echo $date_thismonth_begin."<br>"; echo $date_prevmonth_begin."<br>"; */ $tablenames = array('objects', 'customers', 'agreements', 'deposits', 'handshakes'); $sql_where_arr = array( "total" => "", "today" => " DATE(`DateTarget`) ='".$date."'", "yesterday" => " DATE(`DateTarget`) ='".$date_yesterday."'", "thisweek" => " DATE(`DateTarget`)>='".$date_thisweek_begin."'", "prevweek" => "(DATE(`DateTarget`)>='".$date_prevweek_begin."') AND (DATE(`DateTarget`)<'".$date_thisweek_begin."')", "thismonth" => " DATE(`DateTarget`)>='".$date_thismonth_begin."'", "prevmonth" => "(DATE(`DateTarget`)>='".$date_prevmonth_begin."') AND (DATE(`DateTarget`)<'".$date_thismonth_begin."')" ); foreach ($tablenames as $tablename) { foreach ($sql_where_arr as $k=>$sql_where) { if ($tablename=='agreements') { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where.="(`HasAgreement` = 1)"; } if ($tablename=='deposits') { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where.="(`DepositReceived` = 1)"; } if ($tablename=='handshakes') { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where.="(`Handshake` = 1)"; } if ($UserID) { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where .= " (`UserID`=".$UserID.") "; } if ($sql_where) $sql_where = "WHERE ".$sql_where; $sql=" SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Cnt` FROM `".((($tablename=='agreements') || ($tablename=='deposits') || ($tablename=='handshakes'))?"customers":$tablename)."` ".$sql_where." ; "; // echo $sql; $item=$this->db->query_first($sql); // ajax_echo_r ($item); $name = $tablename."_".$k; $listitems->$name = $item->Cnt; } } $tablename = 'users'; $sql_where_arr = array( "total" => "", "today" => "", "yesterday" => " DATE(`DateAdded`)<='".$date_yesterday."'", "thisweek" => " DATE(`DateAdded`)< '".$date_thisweek_begin."'", "prevweek" => "(DATE(`DateAdded`)< '".$date_prevweek_begin."')", "thismonth" => " DATE(`DateAdded`)< '".$date_thismonth_begin."'", "prevmonth" => "(DATE(`DateAdded`)< '".$date_prevmonth_begin."')" ); foreach ($sql_where_arr as $k=>$sql_where) { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where.="(`IsManager` = 1)"; if ($sql_where) $sql_where = "WHERE ".$sql_where; $sql=" SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Cnt` FROM `".(($tablename=='handshakes')?"objects":$tablename)."` ".$sql_where." ; "; // echo $sql; $item=$this->db->query_first($sql); // ajax_echo_r ($item); $name = $tablename."_".$k; $listitems->$name = $item->Cnt; } /* $sql=" SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Cnt` FROM `objects` WHERE (`Handshake` = 1) AND (DATE(`DateAdded`)>='".$date_thisweek_begin."') ; "; $item=$this->db->query_first($sql); $listitems->handshakes_thisweek = $item->Cnt; */ // ajax_echo_r ($item); $buf = explode("-", $date_prevmonth_begin); $thismonth_days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date('m'), date('Y')); $prevmonth_days = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $buf[1], $buf[0]); // echo $thismonth_days; // echo $prevmonth_days; // DT = 2 weeks, таким образом, каждый риелтор по плану делает одну сделку один раз в две недели. Здесь 3 вместо 2, потому как я пожалел риелторов $listitems->handshakes_today_plan = ceil($listitems->users_today/$dealTiming); $listitems->handshakes_yesterday_plan = ceil($listitems->users_yesterday/$dealTiming); $listitems->handshakes_thisweek_plan = ceil($listitems->users_thisweek /$dealTiming*7); $listitems->handshakes_prevweek_plan = ceil($listitems->users_prevweek /$dealTiming*7); $listitems->handshakes_thismonth_plan = ceil($listitems->users_thismonth/$dealTiming*$thismonth_days); $listitems->handshakes_prevmonth_plan = ceil($listitems->users_prevmonth/$dealTiming*$prevmonth_days); $listitems->handshakes_auto = 0; // $listitems->objects_total = $item->Cnt; // ajax_echo_r ($listitems); break; case ("customers"): switch ($cutBy) { case ("customersources"): $sql=" SELECT `ID`, `Description` FROM `customersources` WHERE `CustomerTypeID`=1 ORDER BY `Description` ; "; $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); break; case ("markets"): $sql=" SELECT `ID`, `Description` FROM `markets` ORDER BY `Description` ; "; $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); break; case ("users"): $sql=" SELECT `ID`, CONCAT(`Firstname`,' ',`Surname`) AS `Description` FROM `users` ORDER BY `Firstname`, `Surname` ; "; $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); // ajax_echo_r ($listitems); break; } $objTotal = new stdClass; $objTotal->ID = 0; $objTotal->Description = "Итого"; $listitems['total']=$objTotal; $options = array('total', 'TargetContact', 'OfficeVisit', 'ObjectShow', 'HasAgreement', 'DepositReceived', 'Handshake'); foreach ($listitems as $listitem) { foreach ($options as $option) { $sql_where = ""; if ($option!='total') { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where .= " (`".$option."`=1) "; } if ($listitem->ID) { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; switch ($cutBy) { case ("customersources"): $sql_where .= " (`SourceID`='".$listitem->ID."') "; break; case ("markets"): $sql_where .= " (`MarketID`='".$listitem->ID."') "; break; case ("users"): $sql_where .= " (`UserID`='".$listitem->ID."') "; break; } } if ($UserID) { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where .= " (`UserID`=".$UserID.") "; } if ($sql_where) $sql_where = "WHERE ".$sql_where; $sql=" SELECT COUNT(`customers`.`ID`) AS `Cnt` FROM `customers` ".$sql_where." ; "; $name = $option."_c"; // echo $sql."<br>"; $lst=$this->db->query_first($sql); $listitem->$name = floatval($lst->Cnt); } } $listitems = $this->fillTotals($listitems, $options); break; case ("objects"): switch ($cutBy) { case ("customersources"): $sql=" SELECT `ID`, `Description` FROM `customersources` WHERE `CustomerTypeID`=2 ORDER BY `Description` ; "; $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); break; case ("markets"): $sql=" SELECT `ID`, `Description` FROM `markets` ORDER BY `Description` ; "; $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); break; case ("users"): $sql=" SELECT `ID`, CONCAT(`Firstname`,' ',`Surname`) AS `Description` FROM `users` ORDER BY `Firstname`, `Surname` ; "; $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); // ajax_echo_r ($listitems); break; } $objTotal = new stdClass; $objTotal->ID = 0; $objTotal->Description = "Итого"; $listitems['total']=$objTotal; $options = array('total', 'TargetContact', 'TargetMeeting', 'OfficeVisit', 'ObjectShow', 'TargetAgreed', 'HasAgreement', 'DepositReceived', 'Handshake', 'GiftsGiven'); foreach ($listitems as $listitem) { foreach ($options as $option) { $sql_where = ""; if ($option!='total') { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where .= " (`".$option."`=1) "; } if ($listitem->ID) { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; switch ($cutBy) { case ("customersources"): $sql_where .= " (`SourceID`='".$listitem->ID."') "; break; case ("markets"): $sql_where .= " (`MarketID`='".$listitem->ID."') "; break; case ("users"): $sql_where .= " (`UserID`='".$listitem->ID."') "; break; } } if ($UserID) { if ($sql_where) $sql_where.=" AND "; $sql_where .= " (`UserID`=".$UserID.") "; } if ($sql_where) $sql_where = "WHERE ".$sql_where; $sql=" SELECT COUNT(`ID`) AS `Cnt` FROM `objects` ".$sql_where." ; "; $name = $option."_c"; $lst=$this->db->query_first($sql); $listitem->$name = floatval($lst->Cnt); } } $listitems = $this->fillTotals($listitems, $options); break; case ("monthly"): echo 1; break; } // echo $sql; // $listitems=$this->db->query_assoc($sql, 'ID'); switch ($mode) { // case ("common"): case ("customers"): case ("objects"): sortby ($listitems, "total_c"); break; } // ajax_echo_r ($listitems); return $listitems; }
function dirlist($dir = './', $up = true, $sortby = '', $sortdes = '', $rq = false) { global $dirlist_icondir; if (!$dir) { $dir = './'; } $dfiles = getdfiles($dir, array('cgi-bin')); if ($sortby) { $dfiles = sortby($dfiles, $sortby, $sortdes); } if (count($dfiles) == 0) { ?> <div id="dirlist"> <div class="nofiles">This directory contains no files.</div> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div id="dirlist"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr style="border-bottom:1px solid #777777;"> <th style="width:32px;text-align:left;" width="32"> <div style="padding:1px;border-bottom:1px solid #777777;"> </div> </td> <th style="text-align:left;"> <div style="padding:1px 5px;font-style:italic;border-bottom:1px solid #777777;">Name</div> </td> <th style="text-align:left;"> <div style="padding:1px 5px;font-style:italic;border-bottom:1px solid #777777;">Type</div> </td> <th style="text-align:left;"> <div style="padding:1px 5px;font-style:italic;border-bottom:1px solid #777777;">Size</div> </td> <th style="text-align:left;"> <div style="padding:1px 5px;font-style:italic;border-bottom:1px solid #777777;">Modified</div> </td> </tr> <?php if ($up) { ?> <tr> <td> <a href="../"><img src="<?php echo $dirlist_icondir . '_udir.gif'; ?> " width="32" height="32" alt="dir" style="border:0" /></a> </td> <td colspan="4"> <a href="../" style="display:block;overflow:hidden;padding:1px 10px 1px 5px;text-decoration:none;color:#000000;">../ <span style="color:#777777">(Up one level)</span></a> </td> </tr> <?php } foreach ($dfiles as $dfile) { $dfp = ''; if ($dfile['ext'] == 'flv') { $dfp = '/fileman/flvplayer.php?d=' . ($rq ? $rq : substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1, strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/'))); } ?> <tr> <td> <a href="<?php echo $dfp, urlencode($dfile['name']); ?> "><img src="<?php echo $dirlist_icondir . $dfile['img'] . '.gif'; ?> " width="32" height="32" alt="<?php echo $dfile['ext']; ?> " style="border:0" /></a> </td> <td> <a href="<?php echo $dfp, urlencode($dfile['name']); ?> " style="display:block;overflow:hidden;padding:1px 10px 1px 5px;text-decoration:none;color:#000000;<?php if ((!$dir || $dir == './') && basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) == $dfile['name']) { echo 'text-decoration:underline;'; } ?> "><?php echo $dfile['name']; ?> </a> </td> <td> <div style="overflow:hidden;padding:1px 10px 1px 5px;color:#777777;"><?php echo $dfile['type']; ?> </div> </td> <td> <div style="overflow:hidden;padding:1px 10px 1px 5px;color:#777777;"><?php echo $dfile['ft'] == 1 ? ' ' : $dfile['tsize']; ?> </div> </td> <td> <div style="overflow:hidden;padding:1px 10px 1px 5px;color:#777777;"><?php echo date('Y M j', $dfile['modified']); ?> </div> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> <?php } }