// elapsed time to a file. Without this trick we have no way to find out
// the end of this script.
// forward declaration for timer class ...
$sTimer = NULL;
// are we in archive play ... ?
if (!$dorec && $gmt != -1) {
    // create timer class ...
    $sTimer = new CArchTimer();
    // is any offset given ...
    if ($offset != 0) {
        // get last stop timestamp ...
        if (($lastStamp = $sTimer->getLastStopTime()) === false) {
            // can't get timestamp --> use given gmt to proceed with offset ...
            $gmt += $offset;
        } else {
            simpleLog(__FILE__ . ":" . __LINE__ . " gmt: " . $gmt . ", LastStop: " . $lastStamp . ", Offset: " . $offset . ", gmt new: " . ($lastStamp + $offset));
            // got last timestamp --> compute new gmt
            // using last stop stamp with offset ...
            $gmt = $lastStamp + $offset;
    // start measurement ...
// get stream url ...
$url = $kartAPI->getStreamUrl($cid, $gmt);
if ($url != "") {
    $url_array = parse_url($url);
    $host = $url_array['host'];
    $path = isset($url_array['path']) ? $url_array['path'] : "/";
    $port = isset($url_array['port']) ? (int) $url_array['port'] : 80;
function _pluginCreatePlayRewind($cid, $gmt, $isVideo)
    $retMediaItems = array();
    // forward / rewind values ...
    $offSetSecs = "-600, -300, -120, -60, 0, 60, 120, 300, 600";
    // create array from values ...
    $offSetArr = explode(", ", $offSetSecs);
    // master play item array ...
    $play_data = array('cid' => $cid, 'gmt' => $gmt, 'is_video' => $isVideo, 'dorec' => false, 'offset' => 0);
    // fill list with all array entries ...
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($offSetArr); $i++) {
        // update offset time ...
        $play_data['offset'] = (int) $offSetArr[$i];
        // get offset in minutes ...
        $offInMins = (int) $offSetArr[$i] / 60;
        // build http query ...
        $play_data_query = http_build_query($play_data);
        // rewind / forward or simple play ...
        if ($offInMins < 0) {
            $title = "- " . abs($offInMins) . " мин.";
            $icon = LOC_KARTINA_URL . "/images/clock.png";
        } else {
            if ($offInMins > 0) {
                $title = "+ " . $offInMins . " мин.";
                $icon = LOC_KARTINA_URL . "/images/clock.png";
            } else {
                $title = "Старт Просмотр";
                $icon = LOC_KARTINA_URL . "/images/play.png";
        simpleLog(__FUNCTION__ . "():" . __LINE__ . " Add \"" . $offInMins . " min.\" Play Item (cid=" . $cid . ", is_video=" . $isVideo . ", dorec=false)");
        // add play item ...
        $retMediaItems[] = array('id' => LOC_KARTINA_UMSP . "/kartina?" . urlencode(md5($play_data_query)), 'dc:title' => $title, 'upnp:class' => $isVideo ? "object.item.videoitem" : "object.item.audioitem", 'res' => LOC_KARTINA_URL . "/http-stream-recorder.php?" . $play_data_query, 'protocolInfo' => "http-get:*:*:*", 'upnp:album_art' => $icon);
    return $retMediaItems;