/** * Stores the user domain settings of a user. */ public function store_action() { $this->check_ticket(); $any_change = false; $userdomain_delete = Request::optionArray('userdomain_delete'); if (count($userdomain_delete) > 0) { foreach ($userdomain_delete as $id) { $domain = new UserDomain($id); $domain->removeUser($this->user->user_id); } $any_change = true; } $new_userdomain = Request::option('new_userdomain'); if ($new_userdomain && $new_userdomain != 'none') { $domain = new UserDomain($new_userdomain); $domain->addUser($this->user->user_id); $any_change = true; } if ($any_change) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Die Zuordnung zu Nutzerdomänen wurde geändert.')); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Die Zuordnung zu Nutzerdomänen wurde geändert!\n")); restoreLanguage(); } $this->redirect('settings/userdomains'); }
/** * Overwrites the parent method. This method combines messages with the same * content and prepares them for sending them as a mail with multiple * recepients instead of one mail for each recipient. * The actual sending task is done bulkSend(). * * @global object $user * * @param string $rec_user_id user_id of recipient * @param string $snd_user_id user_id of sender * @param string $message the message * @param string $subject subject for the message * @param string $message_id the message_id in the database */ function sendingEmail($rec_user_id, $snd_user_id, $message, $subject, $message_id) { global $user; $db4 = new DB_Seminar("SELECT user_id, Email FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = '{$rec_user_id}';"); $db4->next_record(); if ($to = $db4->f("Email")) { $rec_fullname = 'Sie'; setTempLanguage($db4->f("user_id")); if (empty($this->bulk_mail[md5($message)][getenv('LANG')])) { $title = "[Stud.IP - " . $GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN'] . "] " . stripslashes(kill_format(str_replace(array("\r", "\n"), '', $subject))); if ($snd_user_id != "____%system%____") { $snd_fullname = get_fullname($snd_user_id); $db4->query("SELECT Email FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE user_id = '{$user->id}'"); $db4->next_record(); $reply_to = $db4->f("Email"); } $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('mail/text'); $template->set_attribute('message', kill_format(stripslashes($message))); $template->set_attribute('rec_fullname', $rec_fullname); $mailmessage = $template->render(); $template = $GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('mail/html'); $template->set_attribute('lang', getUserLanguagePath($rec_user_id)); $template->set_attribute('message', stripslashes($message)); $template->set_attribute('rec_fullname', $rec_fullname); $mailhtml = $template->render(); $this->bulk_mail[md5($message)][getenv('LANG')] = array('text' => $mailmessage, 'html' => $mailhtml, 'title' => $title, 'reply_to' => $reply_to, 'message_id' => $message_id, 'users' => array()); } $this->bulk_mail[md5($message)][getenv('LANG')]['users'][$db4->f('user_id')] = $to; restoreLanguage(); } }
/** * Set the posting denoted by the passed topic_id as liked for the * currently logged in user * * @param string $topic_id */ static function like($topic_id) { $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("REPLACE INTO\n forum_likes (topic_id, user_id)\n VALUES (?, ?)"); $stmt->execute(array($topic_id, $GLOBALS['user']->id)); // get posting owner $data = ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id); // notify owner of posting about the like setTempLanguage($data['user_id']); $notification = get_fullname($GLOBALS['user']->id) . _(' gefällt einer deiner Forenbeiträge!'); restoreLanguage(); PersonalNotifications::add($data['user_id'], PluginEngine::getURL('coreforum/index/index/' . $topic_id . '?highlight_topic=' . $topic_id . '#' . $topic_id), $notification, $topic_id, Icon::create('forum', 'clickable')->asImagePath(40)); }
/** * Notifies the user with Stud.IP-message that/he/she was mentioned in a * blubber-posting. * @param type $posting */ public function mention($posting) { $messaging = new messaging(); setTempLanguage($this->getId()); $url = $GLOBALS['ABSOLUTE_URI_STUDIP'] . "plugins.php/blubber/streams/thread/" . $posting['root_id'] . ($posting['context_type'] === "course" ? '?cid=' . $posting['Seminar_id'] : ""); $body = sprintf(gettext("%s hat Sie in einem Blubber erwähnt. Zum Beantworten klicken auf Sie auf folgenen Link:\n\n%s\n"), get_fullname(), $url); if ($posting['context_type'] === "course" && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("user", $posting['Seminar_id'], $this->getId())) { $body .= "\n\n" . _("Sie sind noch kein Mitglied der zugehörigen Veranstaltung. Melden Sie sich erst hier an, damit Sie den Blubber sehen können: ") . ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][Course::find($posting['Seminar_id'])->status]['class']]['studygroup_mode'] ? $GLOBALS['ABSOLUTE_URI_STUDIP'] . "dispatch.php/course/studygroup/details/" . $posting['Seminar_id'] : $GLOBALS['ABSOLUTE_URI_STUDIP'] . "dispatch.php/course/details?sem_id=" . $posting['Seminar_id']); } $mention_text = _("Sie wurden erwähnt."); restoreLanguage(); $messaging->insert_message($body, $this['username'], $GLOBALS['user']->id, null, null, null, null, $mention_text); }
function setupAuth($router) { // Detect consumer $consumer = Consumer\Base::detectConsumer(); if (!$consumer) { throw new RouterException(401, 'Unauthorized (no consumer)'); } // Set authentication if present if ($user = $consumer->getUser()) { // Skip fake authentication if user is already logged in if ($GLOBALS['user']->id !== $user->id) { $GLOBALS['auth'] = new Seminar_Auth(); $GLOBALS['auth']->auth = array('uid' => $user->user_id, 'uname' => $user->username, 'perm' => $user->perms); $GLOBALS['user'] = new Seminar_User($user->user_id); $GLOBALS['perm'] = new Seminar_Perm(); $GLOBALS['MAIL_VALIDATE_BOX'] = false; } setTempLanguage($GLOBALS['user']->id); } return $consumer->getUser(); }
/** * Upload a new avatar or removes the current avatar. * Upon Sends an information email to the user if the action was not invoked * by himself. */ public function upload_action() { $this->check_ticket(); if (Request::submitted('reset')) { Avatar::getAvatar($this->user->user_id)->reset(); Visibility::removePrivacySetting('picture', $this->user->user_id); $this->reportSuccess(_('Bild gelöscht.')); } elseif (Request::submitted('upload')) { try { Avatar::getAvatar($this->user->user_id)->createFromUpload('imgfile'); NotificationCenter::postNotification('AvatarDidUpload', $this->user->user_id); $message = _('Die Bilddatei wurde erfolgreich hochgeladen. ' . 'Eventuell sehen Sie das neue Bild erst, nachdem Sie diese Seite ' . 'neu geladen haben (in den meisten Browsern F5 drücken).'); $this->reportSuccess($message); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Ein neues Bild wurde hochgeladen.\n")); restoreLanguage(); Visibility::addPrivacySetting(_('Eigenes Bild'), 'picture', 'commondata', 1, $this->user->user_id); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->reportError($e->getMessage()); } } $this->redirect('settings/avatar'); }
/** * Stores the study information of a user (institute-wise). */ public function store_in_action() { $this->check_ticket(); $inst_delete = Request::optionArray('inst_delete'); if (count($inst_delete) > 0) { $query = "DELETE FROM user_inst WHERE user_id = ? AND Institut_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); foreach ($inst_delete as $institute_id) { $statement->execute(array($this->user->user_id, $institute_id)); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { log_event('INST_USER_DEL', $institute_id, $this->user->user_id); $delete = true; } } } $new_inst = Request::option('new_inst'); if ($new_inst) { $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO user_inst\n (user_id, Institut_id, inst_perms)\n VALUES (?, ?, 'user')"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($this->user->user_id, $new_inst)); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { log_event('INST_USER_ADD', $new_inst, $this->user->user_id, 'user'); $new = true; } } if ($delete || $new) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Die Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen wurde geändert.')); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Die Zuordnung zu Einrichtungen wurde geändert!\n")); restoreLanguage(); } $this->redirect('settings/studies'); }
/** * check, if the default root-node for this seminar exists and make sure * the default category exists as well * * @param type $seminar_id * * @return void */ function checkRootEntry($seminar_id) { setTempLanguage($GLOBALS['DEFAULT_LANGUAGE']); // check, if the root entry in the topic tree exists $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forum_entries\n WHERE topic_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?"); $stmt->execute(array($seminar_id, $seminar_id)); if ($stmt->fetchColumn() == 0) { $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("INSERT INTO forum_entries\n (topic_id, seminar_id, name, mkdate, chdate, lft, rgt, depth)\n VALUES (?, ?, 'Übersicht', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 0, 1, 0)"); $stmt->execute(array($seminar_id, $seminar_id)); } // make sure, that the category "Allgemein" exists $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("INSERT IGNORE INTO forum_categories\n (category_id, seminar_id, entry_name) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); $stmt->execute(array($seminar_id, $seminar_id, _('Allgemein'))); // make sure that the default area "Allgemeine Diskussionen" exists, if there is nothing else present $stmt = DBManager::get()->prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM forum_entries\n WHERE seminar_id = ? AND depth = 1"); $stmt->execute(array($seminar_id)); // add default area if ($stmt->fetchColumn() == 0) { $data = array('topic_id' => md5(uniqid()), 'seminar_id' => $seminar_id, 'user_id' => '', 'name' => _('Allgemeine Diskussion'), 'content' => _('Hier ist Raum für allgemeine Diskussionen'), 'author' => '', 'author_host' => ''); ForumEntry::insert($data, $seminar_id); } restoreLanguage(); }
/** * Stores the statusgruppen of a user. */ public function store_action($type, $id) { if ($type === 'institute') { if ($status = Request::option('status')) { $query = "SELECT inst_perms FROM user_inst WHERE user_id = ? AND Institut_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($this->user->user_id, $id)); $perms = $statement->fetchColumn(); if ($status != $perms && in_array($status, $this->about->allowedInstitutePerms())) { $query = "UPDATE user_inst SET inst_perms = ? WHERE user_id = ? AND Institut_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($status, $this->user->user_id, $id)); log_event('INST_USER_STATUS', $id, $this->user->user_id, $perms . ' -> ' . $status); $this->reportSuccess(_('Der Status wurde geändert!')); } } if ($this->shallChange('', 'institute_data')) { $query = "UPDATE user_inst\n SET raum = ?, sprechzeiten = ?, Telefon = ?, Fax = ?\n WHERE Institut_id = ? AND user_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array(Request::get('raum'), Request::get('sprech'), Request::get('tel'), Request::get('fax'), $id, $this->user->user_id)); if ($statement->rowCount() > 0) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Ihre Daten an der Einrichtung %s wurden geändert.'), Request::get('name')); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Ihre Daten an der Einrichtung %s wurden geändert.\n"), Request::get('name')); restoreLanguage(); } } if ($default_institute = Request::int('default_institute', 0)) { $query = "UPDATE user_inst SET externdefault = 0 WHERE user_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($this->user->user_id)); } $query = "UPDATE user_inst\n SET externdefault = ?, visible = ?\n WHERE Institut_id = ? AND user_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($default_institute, Request::int('invisible', 0) ? 0 : 1, $id, $this->user->user_id)); } if (in_array($type, words('institute role'))) { if ($datafields = Request::getArray('datafields')) { $errors = array(); foreach ($datafields as $key => $value) { $struct = new DataField($key); $entry = DataFieldEntry::createDataFieldEntry($struct, array($this->user->user_id, $id)); $entry->setValueFromSubmit($value); if ($entry->isValid()) { $entry->store(); } else { $errors[] = sprintf(_('Fehlerhafter Eintrag im Feld <em>%s</em>: %s (Eintrag wurde nicht gespeichert)'), $entry->getName(), $entry->getDisplayValue()); } } } if (!empty($errors)) { $this->reportErrorWithDetails(_('Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingabe.'), $errors); } } $this->redirect('settings/statusgruppen#' . $id); }
function in_archiv ($sem_id) { global $SEM_CLASS,$SEM_TYPE, $ARCHIV_PATH, $TMP_PATH, $ZIP_PATH, $ZIP_OPTIONS, $_fullname_sql; NotificationCenter::postNotification('CourseWillArchive', $sem_id); //Besorgen der Grunddaten des Seminars $query = "SELECT Seminar_id, Name, Untertitel, Beschreibung, start_time, Institut_id, status FROM seminare WHERE Seminar_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($sem_id)); $row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $seminar_id = $row['Seminar_id']; $name = $row['Name']; $untertitel = $row['Untertitel']; $beschreibung = $row['Beschreibung']; $start_time = $row['start_time']; $heimat_inst_id = $row['Institut_id']; //Besorgen von einzelnen Daten zu dem Seminar $semester = new SemesterData; $all_semester = $semester->getAllSemesterData(); foreach ($all_semester as $sem) { if (($start_time >= $sem['beginn']) && ($start_time <= $sem['ende'])) { $semester_tmp = $sem['name']; } } //Studienbereiche if ($SEM_CLASS[$SEM_TYPE[$row['status']]['class']]['bereiche']) { $sem_path = get_sem_tree_path($seminar_id); if (is_array($sem_path)) { $studienbereiche = join(', ', $sem_path); } } // das Heimatinstitut als erstes $query = "SELECT Name FROM Institute WHERE Institut_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($heimat_inst_id)); $institute = $statement->fetchColumn(); // jetzt den Rest $query = "SELECT Name FROM Institute LEFT JOIN seminar_inst USING (institut_id) WHERE seminar_id = ? AND Institute.Institut_id != ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id, $heimat_inst_id)); while ($temp = $statement->fetchColumn()) { $institute .= ', ' . $temp; } $query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT({$_fullname_sql['full']} SEPARATOR ', ') FROM seminar_user LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) LEFT JOIN user_info USING (user_id) WHERE seminar_id = ? AND seminar_user.status = 'dozent'"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id)); $dozenten = $statement->fetchColumn(); $query = "SELECT fakultaets_id FROM seminare LEFT JOIN Institute USING (Institut_id) WHERE Seminar_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id)); $fakultaet_id = $statement->fetchColumn(); $query = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT c.Name SEPARATOR ' | ') FROM seminar_inst AS a LEFT JOIN Institute AS b USING (Institut_id) LEFT JOIN Institute AS c ON (c.Institut_id = b.fakultaets_id) WHERE a.seminar_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id)); $fakultaet = $statement->fetchColumn(); setTempLanguage(); // use $DEFAULT_LANGUAGE for archiv-dumps //Dump holen $dump = dump_sem($sem_id, 'nobody'); //Forumdump holen foreach (PluginEngine::getPlugins('ForumModule', $sem_id) as $plugin) { $forumdump .= $plugin->getDump($sem_id); } // Wikidump holen $wikidump = getAllWikiPages($sem_id, $name, FALSE); restoreLanguage(); //OK, naechster Schritt: Kopieren der Personendaten aus seminar_user in archiv_user $query = "INSERT INTO archiv_user (seminar_id, user_id, status) SELECT Seminar_id, user_id, status FROM seminar_user WHERE Seminar_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id)); // Eventuelle Vertretungen in der Veranstaltung haben weiterhin Zugriff mit Dozentenrechten if (get_config('DEPUTIES_ENABLE')) { $deputies = getDeputies($seminar_id); // Eintragen ins Archiv mit Zugriffsberechtigung "dozent" $query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO archiv_user SET seminar_id = ?, user_id = ?, status = 'dozent'"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); foreach ($deputies as $deputy) { $statement->execute(array($seminar_id, $deputy['user_id'])); } } $Modules = new Modules; $Modules = $Modules->getLocalModules($sem_id); $folder_tree = TreeAbstract::GetInstance('StudipDocumentTree', array('range_id' => $sem_id,'entity_type' => 'sem')); if ($Modules['documents_folder_permissions'] || StudipDocumentTree::ExistsGroupFolders($sem_id)) { $unreadable_folders = $folder_tree->getUnReadableFolders('nobody'); } $query = "SELECT COUNT(dokument_id) FROM dokumente WHERE seminar_id = ? AND url = ''"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id)); $count = $statement->fetchColumn(); if ($count) { $hash_secret = "frauen"; $archiv_file_id = md5(uniqid($hash_secret,1)); //temporaeres Verzeichnis anlegen $tmp_full_path = "$TMP_PATH/$archiv_file_id"; mkdir($tmp_full_path, 0700); if($folder_tree->getNumKids('root')) { $list = $folder_tree->getKids('root'); } if (is_array($list) && count($list) > 0) { $query = "SELECT folder_id, name FROM folder WHERE range_id IN (?) ORDER BY name"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($list)); $folder = 0; while ($row = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $folder += 1; $temp_folder = $tmp_full_path . "/[$folder]_" . prepareFilename($row['name'], FALSE); mkdir($temp_folder, 0700); createTempFolder($row['folder_id'], $temp_folder, $seminar_id, 'nobody'); } //zip all the stuff $archiv_full_path = "$ARCHIV_PATH/$archiv_file_id"; create_zip_from_directory($tmp_full_path, $tmp_full_path); @rename($tmp_full_path . '.zip', $archiv_full_path); } rmdirr($tmp_full_path); if (is_array($unreadable_folders)) { $query = "SELECT dokument_id FROM dokumente WHERE seminar_id = ? AND url = '' AND range_id IN (?)"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar_id, $unreadable_folders)); $archiv_protected_file_id = createSelectedZip($statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN), false, false); @rename("$TMP_PATH/$archiv_protected_file_id", "$ARCHIV_PATH/$archiv_protected_file_id"); } } else { $archiv_file_id = ''; } //Reinschreiben von diversem Klumpatsch in die Datenbank $query = "INSERT INTO archiv (seminar_id, name, untertitel, beschreibung, start_time, semester, heimat_inst_id, institute, dozenten, fakultaet, dump, archiv_file_id,archiv_protected_file_id, forumdump, wikidump, studienbereiche, mkdate) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $success = $statement->execute(array( $seminar_id, $name ?: '', $untertitel ?: '', $beschreibung ?: '', $start_time, $semester_tmp ?: '', $heimat_inst_id, $institute ?: '', $dozenten ?: '', $fakultaet ?: '', $dump ?: '', $archiv_file_id ?: '', $archiv_protected_file_id ?: '', $forumdump ?: '', $wikidump ?: '', $studienbereiche ?: '', )); if ($success) { NotificationCenter::postNotification('CourseDidArchive', $seminar_id); } }
/** * send out the notification messages for the passed topic. The contents * and a link directly to the topic are added to the messages. * * @param string $topic_id */ static function notify($topic_id) { // send message to all abo-users $db = DBManager::get(); $messaging = new ForumBulkMail(); // $messaging = new Messaging(); // get all parent topic-ids, to find out which users to notify $path = ForumEntry::getPathToPosting($topic_id); // fetch all users to notify, exlcude current user $stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT user_id\n FROM forum_abo_users\n WHERE topic_id IN (:topic_ids)\n AND user_id != :user_id"); $stmt->bindParam(':topic_ids', array_keys($path), StudipPDO::PARAM_ARRAY); $stmt->bindParam(':user_id', $GLOBALS['user']->id); $stmt->execute(); // get details for topic $topic = ForumEntry::getConstraints($topic_id); $template_factory = new Flexi_TemplateFactory(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../views'); $template = $template_factory->open('index/_mail_notification'); // notify users while ($data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $user_id = $data['user_id']; // create subject and content setTempLanguage(get_userid($user_id)); // check if user wants an email for all or selected messages only $force_email = false; if ($messaging->user_wants_email($user_id)) { $force_email = true; } $parent_id = ForumEntry::getParentTopicId($topic['topic_id']); setTempLanguage($data['user_id']); $notification = sprintf(_("%s hat einen Beitrag geschrieben"), $topic['anonymous'] ? _('Anonym') : $topic['author']); restoreLanguage(); PersonalNotifications::add($user_id, UrlHelper::getUrl('plugins.php/coreforum/index/index/' . $topic['topic_id'] . '#' . $topic['topic_id'], array('cid' => $topic['seminar_id']), true), $notification, "forumposting_" . $topic['topic_id'], Icon::create('forum', 'clickable')->asImagePath(40)); if ($force_email) { $title = implode(' >> ', ForumEntry::getFlatPathToPosting($topic_id)); $subject = addslashes(_('[Forum]') . ' ' . ($title ?: _('Neuer Beitrag'))); $htmlMessage = $template->render(compact('user_id', 'topic', 'path')); $textMessage = trim(kill_format($htmlMessage)); $userWantsHtml = UserConfig::get($user_id)->getValue('MAIL_AS_HTML'); StudipMail::sendMessage(User::find($user_id)->email, $subject, addslashes($textMessage), $userWantsHtml ? $htmlMessage : null); } restoreLanguage(); } $messaging->bulkSend(); }
function change_course_set_action() { CSRFProtection::verifyUnsafeRequest(); if (Request::submitted('change_course_set_assign') && Request::get('course_set_assign') && !LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'admission_type')) { $cs = new CourseSet(Request::option('course_set_assign')); if ($cs->isUserAllowedToAssignCourse($this->user_id, $this->course_id)) { CourseSet::addCourseToSet($cs->getId(), $this->course_id); $cs->load(); if (in_array($this->course_id, $cs->getCourses())) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_("Die Zuordnung zum Anmeldeset %s wurde durchgeführt."), htmlReady($cs->getName())))); } } } if (Request::submitted('change_course_set_unassign') && !LockRules::Check($this->course_id, 'admission_type')) { $this->response->add_header('X-Title', _('Anmelderegeln aufheben')); if ($this->course->getNumWaiting() && !Request::submitted('change_course_set_unassign_yes')) { $question = sprintf(_("In dieser Veranstaltung existiert eine Warteliste. Die bestehende Warteliste mit %s Einträgen wird gelöscht. Sind sie sicher?"), $this->course->getNumWaiting()); } $cs = CourseSet::getSetForCourse($this->course_id); if ($cs) { $priorities = AdmissionPriority::getPrioritiesByCourse($cs->getId(), $this->course_id); if (count($priorities) && !Request::submitted('change_course_set_unassign_yes')) { $question = sprintf(_("In dieser Veranstaltung existiert eine Anmeldeliste (Losverfahren am %s). Die bestehende Anmeldeliste mit %s Einträgen wird gelöscht. Sind sie sicher?"), strftime('%x %R', $cs->getSeatDistributionTime()), count($priorities)); } } if (!$question && $cs) { CourseSet::removeCourseFromSet($cs->getId(), $this->course_id); $cs->load(); if (!in_array($this->course_id, $cs->getCourses())) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_("Die Zuordnung zum Anmeldeset %s wurde aufgehoben."), htmlReady($cs->getName())))); } if (!count($cs->getCourses()) && $cs->isGlobal() && $cs->getUserid() != '') { $cs->delete(); } if ($this->course->getNumWaiting()) { $num_moved = 0; foreach ($this->course->admission_applicants->findBy('status', 'awaiting') as $applicant) { setTempLanguage($applicant->user_id); $message_body = sprintf(_('Die Warteliste der Veranstaltung **%s** wurde deaktiviert, Sie sind damit __nicht__ zugelassen worden.'), $this->course->name); $message_title = sprintf(_("Statusänderung %s"), $this->course->name); messaging::sendSystemMessage($applicant->user_id, $message_title, $message_body); restoreLanguage(); $num_moved += $applicant->delete(); } if ($num_moved) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_("%s Wartende wurden entfernt."), $num_moved))); } } } } if (!$question) { $this->redirect($this->url_for('/index')); } else { $this->request = array('change_course_set_unassign' => 1); $this->button_yes = 'change_course_set_unassign_yes'; PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info($question)); $this->render_template('course/admission/_change_admission.php'); } }
/** * Adds given users to the course waitlist, either at list beginning or end. * System messages are sent to affected users. * * @param mixed $users array of user ids to add * @param String $which_end 'last' or 'first': which list end to append to * @return mixed Array of messages (stating success and/or errors) */ public function moveToWaitlist($users, $which_end) { $course = Seminar::getInstance($this->course_id); foreach ($users as $user_id) { // Delete member from seminar if ($course->deleteMember($user_id)) { setTempLanguage($user_id); $message = sprintf(_('Sie wurden von der Veranstaltung **%s** von ' . '%s oder der Administration abgemeldet, ' . 'Sie wurden auf die Warteliste dieser Veranstaltung gesetzt.'), $this->course_title, get_title_for_status('dozent', 1)); restoreLanguage(); messaging::sendSystemMessage($user_id, sprintf('%s %s', _('Systemnachricht:'), _('Anmeldung aufgehoben, auf Warteliste gesetzt')), $message); // Insert user in waitlist at current position. if ($course->addToWaitlist($user_id, $which_end)) { $temp_user = User::find($user_id); $msgs['success'][] = $temp_user->getFullname('no_title'); $curpos++; // Something went wrong on removing the user from course. } else { $msgs['error'][] = $temp_user->getFullname('no_title'); } // Something went wrong on inserting the user in waitlist. } else { $msgs['error'][] = $temp_user->getFullname('no_title'); } } return $msgs; }
/** * Old version of CSV import (copy and paste from teilnehmer.php * @return type * @throws AccessDeniedException */ public function set_autor_csv_action() { // Security Check if (!$this->is_tutor) { throw new AccessDeniedException('Sie haben leider keine ausreichende Berechtigung, um auf diesen Bereich von Stud.IP zuzugreifen.'); } CSRFProtection::verifyUnsafeRequest(); // prepare CSV-Lines $messaging = new messaging(); $csv_request = preg_split('/(\\n\\r|\\r\\n|\\n|\\r)/', trim(Request::get('csv_import'))); $csv_mult_founds = array(); $csv_count_insert = 0; $csv_count_multiple = 0; $datafield_id = null; if (Request::get('csv_import_format') && !in_array(Request::get('csv_import_format'), words('realname username'))) { foreach (DataField::getDataFields('user', 1 | 2 | 4 | 8, true) as $df) { if ($df->accessAllowed() && in_array($df->getId(), $GLOBALS['TEILNEHMER_IMPORT_DATAFIELDS']) && $df->getId() == Request::quoted('csv_import_format')) { $datafield_id = $df->getId(); break; } } } if (Request::get('csv_import')) { // remove duplicate users from csv-import $csv_lines = array_unique($csv_request); $csv_count_contingent_full = 0; foreach ($csv_lines as $csv_line) { $csv_name = preg_split('/[,\\t]/', substr($csv_line, 0, 100), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $csv_nachname = trim($csv_name[0]); $csv_vorname = trim($csv_name[1]); if ($csv_nachname) { if (Request::quoted('csv_import_format') == 'realname') { $csv_users = $this->members->getMemberByIdentification($csv_nachname, $csv_vorname); } elseif (Request::quoted('csv_import_format') == 'username') { $csv_users = $this->members->getMemberByUsername($csv_nachname); } else { $csv_users = $this->members->getMemberByDatafield($csv_nachname, $datafield_id); } } // if found more then one result to given name if (count($csv_users) > 1) { // if user have two accounts $csv_count_present = 0; foreach ($csv_users as $row) { if ($row['is_present']) { $csv_count_present++; } else { $csv_mult_founds[$csv_line][] = $row; } } if (is_array($csv_mult_founds[$csv_line])) { $csv_count_multiple++; } } elseif (count($csv_users) > 0) { $row = reset($csv_users); if (!$row['is_present']) { $consider_contingent = Request::option('consider_contingent_csv'); if (insert_seminar_user($this->course_id, $row['user_id'], 'autor', isset($consider_contingent), $consider_contingent)) { $csv_count_insert++; setTempLanguage($this->user_id); $message = sprintf(_('Sie wurden in die Veranstaltung **%s** eingetragen.'), $this->course_title); restoreLanguage(); $messaging->insert_message($message, $row['username'], '____%system%____', FALSE, FALSE, '1', FALSE, sprintf('%s %s', _('Systemnachricht:'), _('Eintragung in Veranstaltung')), TRUE); } elseif (isset($consider_contingent)) { $csv_count_contingent_full++; } } else { $csv_count_present++; } } else { // not found $csv_not_found[] = stripslashes($csv_nachname) . ($csv_vorname ? ', ' . stripslashes($csv_vorname) : ''); } } } $selected_users = Request::getArray('selected_users'); if (!empty($selected_users) && count($selected_users) > 0) { foreach ($selected_users as $selected_user) { if ($selected_user) { if (insert_seminar_user($this->course_id, get_userid($selected_user), 'autor', isset($consider_contingent), $consider_contingent)) { $csv_count_insert++; setTempLanguage($this->user_id); if ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$_SESSION['SessSemName']['art_num']]['class']]['workgroup_mode']) { $message = sprintf(_('Sie wurden manuell in die Veranstaltung **%s** eingetragen.'), $this->course_title); } else { $message = sprintf(_('Sie wurden manuell in die Veranstaltung **%s** eingetragen.'), $this->course_title); } restoreLanguage(); $messaging->insert_message($message, $selected_user, '____%system%____', FALSE, FALSE, '1', FALSE, sprintf('%s %s', _('Systemnachricht:'), _('Eintragung in Veranstaltung')), TRUE); } elseif (isset($consider_contingent)) { $csv_count_contingent_full++; } } } } // no results if (!sizeof($csv_lines) && !sizeof($selected_users)) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_("Niemanden gefunden!"))); } if ($csv_count_insert) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_('%s Personen in die Veranstaltung eingetragen!'), $csv_count_insert))); } if ($csv_count_present) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(sprintf(_('%s Personen waren bereits in der Veranstaltung eingetragen!'), $csv_count_present))); } // redirect to manual assignment if ($csv_mult_founds) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(sprintf(_('%s Personen konnten <b>nicht eindeutig</b> zugeordnet werden! Nehmen Sie die Zuordnung bitte manuell vor.'), $csv_count_multiple))); $this->flash['csv_mult_founds'] = $csv_mult_founds; $this->redirect('course/members/csv_manual_assignment'); return; } if (count($csv_not_found) > 0) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(sprintf(_('%s konnten <b>nicht</b> zugeordnet werden!'), htmlReady(join(',', $csv_not_found))))); } if ($csv_count_contingent_full) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(sprintf(_('%s Personen konnten <b>nicht</b> zugeordnet werden, da das ausgewählte Kontingent keine freien Plätze hat.'), $csv_count_contingent_full))); } $this->redirect('course/members/index'); }
/** * This function updates an admission procedure * * The function checks, if user could be insert to the seminar. * The User gets a message, if he is inserted to the seminar * * @param string seminar_id the seminar_id of the seminar to calculate * @param boolean send_message should a system-message be send? * */ function normal_update_admission($seminar_id, $send_message = TRUE) { $messaging=new messaging; //Daten holen / Abfrage ob ueberhaupt begrenzt $seminar = Seminar::GetInstance($seminar_id); if($seminar->isAdmissionEnabled()){ $sem_preliminary = ($seminar->admission_prelim == 1); $cs = $seminar->getCourseSet(); //Veranstaltung einfach auffuellen (nach Lostermin und Ende der Kontingentierung) if (!$seminar->admission_disable_waitlist_move && $cs->hasAlgorithmRun()) { //anzahl der freien Plaetze holen $count = (int)$seminar->getFreeAdmissionSeats(); //Studis auswaehlen, die jetzt aufsteigen koennen $query = "SELECT user_id, username FROM admission_seminar_user LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 USING (user_id) WHERE seminar_id = ? AND status = 'awaiting' ORDER BY position LIMIT " . (int)$count; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($seminar->getId())); $temp = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); foreach ($temp as $row) { //ok, here ist the "colored-group" meant (for grouping on meine_seminare), not the grouped seminars as above! $group = select_group($seminar->getSemesterStartTime()); if (!$sem_preliminary) { $query = "INSERT INTO seminar_user (user_id, Seminar_id, status, gruppe, mkdate) VALUES (?, ?, 'autor', ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array( $row['user_id'], $seminar->getId(), $group )); $affected = $statement->rowCount(); NotificationCenter::postNotification('UserDidEnterCourse', $seminar->getId(), $row['user_id']); } else { $query = "UPDATE admission_seminar_user SET status = 'accepted' WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array( $row['user_id'], $seminar->getId() )); $affected = $statement->rowCount(); } if ($affected > 0) { $log_message = 'Wurde automatisch aus der Warteliste in die Veranstaltung eingetragen.'; StudipLog::log('SEM_USER_ADD', $seminar->getId(), $row['user_id'], $sem_preliminary ? 'accepted' : 'autor', $log_message); if (!$sem_preliminary) { $query = "DELETE FROM admission_seminar_user WHERE user_id = ? AND seminar_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array( $row['user_id'], $seminar->getId() )); $affected = $statement->rowCount(); } else { $affected = 0; } //User benachrichtigen if (($sem_preliminary || $affected > 0) && $send_message) { setTempLanguage($row['user_id']); if (!$sem_preliminary) { $message = sprintf (_('Sie sind in die Veranstaltung **%s (%s)** eingetragen worden, da für Sie ein Platz frei geworden ist. Ab sofort finden Sie die Veranstaltung in der Übersicht Ihrer Veranstaltungen. Damit sind Sie auch für die Präsenzveranstaltung zugelassen.'), $seminar->getName(), $seminar->getFormattedTurnus(true)); } else { $message = sprintf (_('Sie haben den Status vorläufig akzeptiert in der Veranstaltung **%s (%s)** erhalten, da für Sie ein Platz freigeworden ist.'), $seminar->getName(), $seminar->getFormattedTurnus(true)); } $subject = sprintf(_("Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung %s"),$seminar->getName()); restoreLanguage(); $messaging->insert_message($message, $row['username'], '____%system%____', FALSE, FALSE, '1', FALSE, $subject, true); } } } //Warteposition der restlichen User neu eintragen renumber_admission($seminar_id, FALSE); } $seminar->restore(); } }
/** * Writes a comment on a thread and outputs the metadata of new comment as json. * @throws AccessDeniedException */ public function comment_action() { if (!Request::isPost()) { throw new Exception("GET not supported"); } $context = Request::option("context"); $thread = new BlubberPosting(Request::option("thread")); if ($thread['context_type'] === "course" && $GLOBALS['SessSemName']['class'] === "sem") { $seminar = new Seminar($context); if ($seminar->write_level > 0 && !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_studip_perm("autor", $context)) { throw new AccessDeniedException(); } } BlubberPosting::$course_hashes = $thread['context_type'] === "course" ? $thread['Seminar_id'] : false; if (!$thread->isNew() && $thread['Seminar_id'] === $context) { $output = array(); $posting = new BlubberPosting(); $posting['context_type'] = $thread['context_type']; $posting['seminar_id'] = $thread['Seminar_id']; $posting['root_id'] = $posting['parent_id'] = $thread->getId(); $posting['name'] = "Re: " . $thread['name']; if ($GLOBALS['user']->id !== "nobody") { $posting['user_id'] = $GLOBALS['user']->id; } else { if (Request::get("anonymous_security") === $_SESSION['blubber_anonymous_security']) { $contact_user = BlubberExternalContact::findByEmail(Request::get("anonymous_email")); $_SESSION['anonymous_email'] = Request::get("anonymous_email"); $_SESSION['anonymous_name'] = $contact_user['name'] = Request::get("anonymous_name"); $contact_user->store(); $posting['user_id'] = $contact_user->getId(); $posting['external_contact'] = 1; } else { throw new AccessDeniedException("No permission to write posting."); } } $posting['author_host'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $posting['description'] = studip_utf8decode(Request::get("content")); $posting->store(); BlubberPosting::$mention_posting_id = $posting->getId(); StudipTransformFormat::addStudipMarkup("mention1", '@\\"[^\\n\\"]*\\"', null, "BlubberPosting::mention"); StudipTransformFormat::addStudipMarkup("mention2", '@[^\\s]*[\\d\\w_]+', null, "BlubberPosting::mention"); $content = transformBeforeSave(studip_utf8decode(Request::get("content"))); $posting['description'] = $content; $posting->store(); $factory = new Flexi_TemplateFactory($this->plugin->getPluginPath() . "/views/streams"); $template = $factory->open("comment.php"); $template->set_attribute('posting', $posting); $template->set_attribute('course_id', $thread['Seminar_id']); $output['content'] = $template->render($template->render()); $output['mkdate'] = time(); $output['posting_id'] = $posting->getId(); //Notifications: $user_ids = array(); if ($thread['user_id'] && $thread['user_id'] !== $GLOBALS['user']->id) { $user_ids[] = $thread['user_id']; } foreach ((array) $thread->getChildren() as $comment) { if ($comment['user_id'] && $comment['user_id'] !== $GLOBALS['user']->id && !$comment['external_contact']) { $user_ids[] = $comment['user_id']; } } $user_ids = array_unique($user_ids); foreach ($user_ids as $user_id) { setTempLanguage($user_id); $avatar = Visibility::verify('picture', $GLOBALS['user']->id, $user_id) ? Avatar::getAvatar($GLOBALS['user']->id) : Avatar::getNobody(); PersonalNotifications::add($user_id, PluginEngine::getURL($this->plugin, array('cid' => $thread['context_type'] === "course" ? $thread['Seminar_id'] : null), "streams/thread/" . $thread->getId()), sprintf(_("%s hat einen Kommentar geschrieben"), get_fullname()), "posting_" . $posting->getId(), $avatar->getURL(Avatar::MEDIUM)); restoreLanguage(); } $this->render_json($output); } else { $this->render_json(array('error' => "Konnte thread nicht zuordnen.")); } }
/** * Add the lucky ones who got a seat to the given course. * * @param Array $user_list users to add as members * @param Course $course course to add users to * @param int $prio user's priority for the given course */ private function addUsersToCourse($user_list, $course, $prio = null) { $seminar = new Seminar($course->id); foreach ($user_list as $chosen_one) { setTempLanguage($chosen_one); $message_title = sprintf(_('Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung %s'), $seminar->getName()); if ($seminar->admission_prelim) { if ($seminar->addPreliminaryMember($chosen_one)) { $message_body = sprintf(_('Sie wurden für die Veranstaltung **%s** ausgelost. Die endgültige Zulassung zu der Veranstaltung ist noch von weiteren Bedingungen abhängig, die Sie bitte der Veranstaltungsbeschreibung entnehmen.'), $seminar->getName()); } } else { if ($seminar->addMember($chosen_one, 'autor')) { $message_body = sprintf(_("Sie wurden für die Veranstaltung **%s** ausgelost. Ab sofort finden Sie die Veranstaltung in der Übersicht Ihrer Veranstaltungen. Damit sind Sie auch für die Präsenzveranstaltung zugelassen."), $seminar->getName()); } } if ($prio) { $message_body .= "\n" . sprintf(_("Sie hatten für diese Veranstaltung die Priorität %s gewählt."), $prio[$chosen_one]); } messaging::sendSystemMessage($chosen_one, $message_title, $message_body); restoreLanguage(); } }
/** * Imports a line of the table into the Stud.IP database if the check returns no errors. * @param array $line : array of fields * @return array : array('found' => true|false, 'errors' => "Error message", 'pk' => "primary key") */ public function importLine($line) { $plugin = $this->getPlugin(); $classname = $this['import_type']; if (!$classname) { return array(); } $data = $this->getMappedData($line); $pk = $this->getPrimaryKey($data); //Last chance to quit: $error = $this->checkLine($line, $data, $pk); $output = array(); $object = new $classname($pk); if (!$object->isNew()) { $output['found'] = true; $output['pk'] = $pk; foreach ((array) $this['tabledata']['ignoreonupdate'] as $fieldname) { unset($data[$fieldname]); } } else { $output['found'] = false; } foreach ($data as $fieldname => $value) { if ($value !== false && in_array($fieldname, $this->getTargetFields())) { $object[$fieldname] = $value; if ($classname === "User" && $fieldname === "password") { $object[$fieldname] = UserManagement::getPwdHasher()->HashPassword($value); } } } if (method_exists($object, "getFullName")) { $error['name'] = $output['name'] = $object->getFullName(); } elseif ($object->isField("name")) { $error['name'] = $output['name'] = $object['name']; } elseif ($object->isField("title")) { $error['name'] = $output['name'] = $object['title']; } if ($error && $error['errors']) { //exit here to have the name of the object in the log return $error; } if ($plugin) { $plugin->beforeUpdate($object, $line, $data); } $object->store(); $output['pk'] = (array) $object->getId(); //Dynamic special fields: switch ($classname) { case "Course": //fleximport_dozenten foreach ($data['fleximport_dozenten'] as $dozent_id) { $seminar = new Seminar($object->getId()); $seminar->addMember($dozent_id, 'dozent'); } //fleximport_related_institutes if (!$data['fleximport_related_institutes']) { $data['fleximport_related_institutes'] = array($object['institut_id']); } else { if (!in_array($object['institut_id'], $data['fleximport_related_institutes'])) { $data['fleximport_related_institutes'][] = $object['institut_id']; } } foreach ($data['fleximport_related_institutes'] as $institut_id) { $insert = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n INSERT IGNORE INTO seminar_inst\n SET seminar_id = :seminar_id,\n institut_id = :institut_id\n "); $insert->execute(array('seminar_id' => $object->getId(), 'institut_id' => $institut_id)); } if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_course_userdomains"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_course_userdomains", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) { $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT userdomain_id\n FROM seminar_userdomains\n WHERE seminar_id = ?\n "); $statement->execute(array($object->getId())); $olddomains = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 0); foreach (array_diff($data['fleximport_user_inst'], $olddomains) as $to_add) { $domain = new UserDomain($to_add); $domain->addSeminar($object->getId()); } foreach (array_diff($olddomains, $data['fleximport_user_inst']) as $to_remove) { $domain = new UserDomain($to_remove); $domain->removeSeminar($object->getId()); } } break; case "User": if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_user_inst"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_user_inst", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) { if ($object['perms'] !== "root") { foreach ($data['fleximport_user_inst'] as $institut_id) { $member = new InstituteMember(array($object->getId(), $institut_id)); $member['inst_perms'] = $object['perms']; $member->store(); } } } if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_userdomains"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_userdomains", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) { $olddomains = UserDomain::getUserDomainsForUser($object->getId()); foreach ($olddomains as $olddomain) { if (!in_array($olddomain->getID(), (array) $data['fleximport_userdomains'])) { $olddomain->removeUser($object->getId()); } } foreach ($data['fleximport_userdomains'] as $userdomain) { $domain = new UserDomain($userdomain); $domain->addUser($object->getId()); } AutoInsert::instance()->saveUser($object->getId()); foreach ($data['fleximport_userdomains'] as $domain_id) { if (!in_array($domain_id, $olddomains)) { $welcome = FleximportConfig::get("USERDOMAIN_WELCOME_" . $domain_id); if ($welcome) { foreach ($object->toArray() as $field => $value) { $welcome = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $welcome); } foreach ($line as $field => $value) { $welcome = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $welcome); } if (strpos($welcome, "\n") === false) { $subject = _("Willkommen!"); } else { $subject = strstr($welcome, "\n", true); $welcome = substr($welcome, strpos($welcome, "\n") + 1); } $messaging = new messaging(); $count = $messaging->insert_message($welcome, $object->username, '____%system%____', null, null, null, null, $subject, true, 'normal'); } } } } if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_expiration_date"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_expiration_date", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) { if ($data['fleximport_expiration_date']) { UserConfig::get($object->getId())->store("EXPIRATION_DATE", $data['fleximport_expiration_date']); } else { UserConfig::get($object->getId())->delete("EXPIRATION_DATE"); } } if ($output['found'] === false && $data['fleximport_welcome_message'] !== "none") { $user_language = getUserLanguagePath($object->getId()); setTempLanguage(false, $user_language); if ($data['fleximport_welcome_message'] && FleximportConfig::get($data['fleximport_welcome_message'])) { $message = FleximportConfig::get($data['fleximport_welcome_message']); foreach ($data as $field => $value) { $message = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $message); } foreach ($line as $field => $value) { if (!in_array($field, $data)) { $message = str_replace("{{" . $field . "}}", $value, $message); } } if (strpos($message, "\n") === false) { $subject = dgettext($user_language, "Anmeldung Stud.IP-System"); } else { $subject = strstr($message, "\n", true); $message = substr($message, strpos($message, "\n") + 1); } } else { $Zeit = date("H:i:s, d.m.Y", time()); $this->user_data = array('auth_user_md5.username' => $object['username'], 'auth_user_md5.perms' => $object['perms'], 'auth_user_md5.Vorname' => $object['vorname'], 'auth_user_md5.Nachname' => $object['nachname'], 'auth_user_md5.Email' => $object['email']); $password = $data['password']; //this is the not hashed password in cleartext include "locale/{$user_language}/LC_MAILS/create_mail.inc.php"; $message = $mailbody; } if ($message) { $mail = new StudipMail(); $mail->addRecipient($object['email'], $object->getFullName()); $mail->setSubject($subject); $mail->setBodyText($message); $mail->setBodyHtml(formatReady($message)); if (Config::get()->MAILQUEUE_ENABLE) { MailQueueEntry::add($mail); } else { $mail->send(); } } restoreLanguage(); } break; } //Datafields: $datafields = array(); switch ($classname) { case "Course": $datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = 'sem'"); break; case "User": $datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = 'user'"); break; case "CourseMember": $datafields = Datafield::findBySQL("object_type = 'usersemdata'"); break; } foreach ($datafields as $datafield) { $fieldname = $datafield['name']; if (isset($data[$fieldname])) { $entry = new DatafieldEntryModel(array($datafield->getId(), $object->getId(), "")); $entry['content'] = $data[$fieldname]; $entry->store(); } } if ($classname === "Course") { if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_studyarea"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_studyarea", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) { //Studienbereiche: $remove = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n DELETE FROM seminar_sem_tree\n WHERE seminar_id = :seminar_id\n "); $remove->execute(array('seminar_id' => $object->getId())); if ($GLOBALS['SEM_CLASS'][$GLOBALS['SEM_TYPE'][$data['status']]['class']]['bereiche']) { foreach ($data['fleximport_studyarea'] as $sem_tree_id) { $insert = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n INSERT IGNORE INTO seminar_sem_tree\n SET sem_tree_id = :sem_tree_id,\n seminar_id = :seminar_id\n "); $insert->execute(array('sem_tree_id' => $sem_tree_id, 'seminar_id' => $object->getId())); } } } if ($this['tabledata']['simplematching']["fleximport_locked"]['column'] || in_array("fleximport_locked", $this->fieldsToBeDynamicallyMapped())) { //Lock or unlock course if ($data['fleximport_locked']) { CourseSet::addCourseToSet(CourseSet::getGlobalLockedAdmissionSetId(), $object->getId()); } elseif (in_array($data['fleximport_locked'], array("0", 0)) && $data['fleximport_locked'] !== "") { CourseSet::removeCourseFromSet(CourseSet::getGlobalLockedAdmissionSetId(), $object->getId()); } } $folder_exist = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n SELECT 1 FROM folder WHERE range_id = ?\n "); $folder_exist->execute(array($object->getId())); if (!$folder_exist->fetch()) { $insert_folder = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n INSERT IGNORE INTO folder\n SET folder_id = MD5(CONCAT(:seminar_id, 'allgemeine_dateien')),\n range_id = :seminar_id,\n user_id = :user_id,\n name = :name,\n description = :description,\n mkdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()\n "); $insert_folder->execute(array('seminar_id' => $object->getId(), 'user_id' => $GLOBALS['user']->id, 'name' => _("Allgemeiner Dateiordner"), 'description' => _("Ablage für allgemeine Ordner und Dokumente der Veranstaltung"))); } } if ($plugin && !$object->isNew()) { $plugin->afterUpdate($object, $line); } return $output; }
/** * * @param $message * @param $rec_uname * @param $user_id * @param $time * @param $tmp_message_id * @param $set_deleted * @param $signature * @param $subject * @param $force_email * @param $priority */ function insert_message($message, $rec_uname, $user_id = '', $time = '', $tmp_message_id = '', $set_deleted = '', $signature = '', $subject = '', $force_email = '', $priority = 'normal', $tags = null) { global $user; $my_messaging_settings = UserConfig::get($user->id)->MESSAGING_SETTINGS; // wenn kein subject uebergeben $subject = $subject ?: _('Ohne Betreff'); $email_request = $this->send_as_email ?: $my_messaging_settings['send_as_email']; // wenn keine zeit uebergeben $time = $time ?: time(); // wenn keine id uebergeben $tmp_message_id = $tmp_message_id ?: md5(uniqid('321losgehtes', true)); // wenn keine user_id uebergeben $user_id = $user_id ?: $user->id; # send message now if ($user_id != '____%system%____') { // real-user message $snd_user_id = $user_id; $set_deleted = $set_deleted ?: $my_messaging_settings['save_snd'] != '1'; // don't save sms in outbox } else { // system-message $set_deleted = '1'; // system-signatur $snd_user_id = '____%system%____'; setTempLanguage(); $message .= $this->sig_string; $message .= _('Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch vom Stud.IP-System generiert. Sie können darauf nicht antworten.'); restoreLanguage(); } // Setzen der Message-ID als Range_ID für angehängte Dateien if (isset($this->provisonal_attachment_id) && $GLOBALS['ENABLE_EMAIL_ATTACHMENTS']) { $query = "UPDATE dokumente SET range_id = ?, description = '' WHERE dokument_id = ?"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); foreach (get_message_attachments($this->provisonal_attachment_id, true) as $attachment) { $statement->execute(array($tmp_message_id, $attachment['dokument_id'])); } } // insert message $query = "INSERT INTO message (message_id, autor_id, subject, message, priority, mkdate)\n VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($tmp_message_id, $snd_user_id, $subject, $message, $priority)); // insert snd $insert_tags = DBManager::get()->prepare("\n INSERT IGNORE INTO message_tags\n SET message_id = :message_id,\n user_id = :user_id,\n tag = :tag,\n chdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP(),\n mkdate = UNIX_TIMESTAMP()\n "); $query = "INSERT INTO message_user (message_id, user_id, snd_rec, deleted, mkdate)\n VALUES (?, ?, 'snd', ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"; $statement = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $statement->execute(array($tmp_message_id, $snd_user_id, $set_deleted ? 1 : 0)); if ($tags) { is_array($tags) || ($tags = explode(" ", (string) $tags)); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $insert_tags->execute(array('message_id' => $tmp_message_id, 'user_id' => $snd_user_id, 'tag' => strtolower($tag))); } } // heben wir kein array bekommen, machen wir einfach eins ... if (!is_array($rec_uname)) { $rec_uname = array($rec_uname); } // wir bastelen ein neues array, das die user_id statt des user_name enthaelt $rec_id = array(); foreach ($rec_uname as $one) { $rec_id[] = User::findByUsername($one)->user_id; } $rec_id = array_filter($rec_id); // wir gehen das eben erstellt array durch und schauen, ob irgendwer was weiterleiten moechte. // diese user_id schreiben wir in ein tempraeres array foreach ($rec_id as $one) { $tmp_forward_id = User::find($this->get_forward_id($one))->user_id; if ($tmp_forward_id) { $rec_id[] = $tmp_forward_id; } } // wir mergen die eben erstellten arrays und entfernen doppelte eintraege $rec_id = array_unique($rec_id); // hier gehen wir alle empfaenger durch, schreiben das in die db und schicken eine mail $query = "INSERT INTO message_user (message_id, user_id, snd_rec, mkdate)\n VALUES (?, ?, 'rec', UNIX_TIMESTAMP())"; $insert = DBManager::get()->prepare($query); $snd_name = $user_id != '____%system%____' ? User::find($user_id)->getFullName() . ' (' . User::find($user_id)->username . ')' : 'Stud.IP-System'; foreach ($rec_id as $one) { $insert->execute(array($tmp_message_id, $one)); if ($GLOBALS['MESSAGING_FORWARD_AS_EMAIL']) { // mail to original receiver $mailstatus_original = $this->user_wants_email($one); if ($mailstatus_original == 2 || $mailstatus_original == 3 && $email_request == 1 || $force_email) { $this->sendingEmail($one, $snd_user_id, $message, $subject, $tmp_message_id); } } if ($tags) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { $insert_tags->execute(array('message_id' => $tmp_message_id, 'user_id' => $one, 'tag' => strtolower($tag))); } } } // Obtain all users that should receive a notification $user_ids = $rec_id; if (is_object($GLOBALS['user'])) { $user_ids = array_diff($user_ids, array($GLOBALS['user']->id)); } // Create notifications PersonalNotifications::add($user_ids, URLHelper::getUrl("dispatch.php/messages/read/{$tmp_message_id}", array('cid' => null)), sprintf(_('Sie haben eine Nachricht von %s erhalten!'), $snd_name), 'message_' . $tmp_message_id, Icon::create('mail', 'clickable')->asImagePath(80)); return sizeof($rec_id); }
/** * **/ public function perform($unconsumed) { $format = reset(self::$format_guesses); if (isset($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'])) { foreach (self::$format_guesses as $mime_type => $guessed_format) { if ($_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE'] === $mime_type) { $format = $guessed_format; } } } if (preg_match('/\\.(' . implode('|', self::$format_guesses) . ')$/', $unconsumed, $match)) { $format = $match[1]; $unconsumed = substr($unconsumed, 0, -strlen($match[0])); } // Get id from authorisation (either OAuth or standard) try { if (OAuth::isSigned()) { $user_id = OAuth::verify(); } elseif (HTTPAuth::isSigned()) { $user_id = HTTPAuth::verify(); } elseif ($GLOBALS['user']->id !== 'nobody') { $user_id = $GLOBALS['user']->id; } if (!$user_id) { throw new Exception('Unauthorized', 401); } } catch (Exception $e) { $status = sprintf('HTTP/1.1 %u %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()); header($status, true, $e->getCode()); die($status); } // Fake user identity $user = User::find($user_id); $GLOBALS['auth'] = new Seminar_Auth(); $GLOBALS['auth']->auth = array('uid' => $user->user_id, 'uname' => $user->username, 'perm' => $user->perms); $GLOBALS['user'] = new Seminar_User(); $GLOBALS['user']->fake_user = true; $GLOBALS['user']->register_globals = false; $GLOBALS['user']->start($user->user_id); $GLOBALS['perm'] = new Seminar_Perm(); $GLOBALS['MAIL_VALIDATE_BOX'] = false; setTempLanguage($GLOBALS['user']->id); \Slim_Route::setDefaultConditions(array('course_id' => '[0-9a-f]{32}', 'message_id' => '[0-9a-f]{32}', 'range_id' => '[0-9a-f]{32}', 'semester_id' => '[0-9a-f]{32}', 'user_id' => '[0-9a-f]{32}')); $template_factory = new Flexi_TemplateFactory($this->dispatcher->plugin->getPluginPath()); $template = $template_factory->open('app/views/api/' . $format . '.php'); $router = RestIP\Router::getInstance(null, $template); $router->handleErrors(); if (Studip\ENV === 'development') { error_reporting(E_ALL ^ (E_NOTICE | E_WARNING)); } else { error_reporting(0); } if (Request::option('mode', 'compact') === 'complete') { $router->setMode(RestIP\Router::MODE_COMPLETE); } else { $router->setMode(RestIP\Router::MODE_COMPACT); } $env = $router->environment(); $env['PATH_INFO'] = '/' . $unconsumed; $router->hook('slim.before.dispatch', function () use($router) { $route = reset($router->router()->getMatchedRoutes()); $pattern = rtrim($route->getPattern(), '?'); $method = strtolower(reset($route->getHttpMethods())); $routes = $router->getRoutes(); $handler = $routes[$pattern][$method]; $before = sprintf('%s::before', $handler); if (is_callable($before)) { call_user_func($before); } }); $router->run(); $router->hook('slim.after.dispatch', function () use($router) { $route = reset($router->router()->getMatchedRoutes()); $pattern = rtrim($route->getPattern(), '?'); $method = strtolower(reset($route->getHttpMethods())); $routes = $router->getRoutes(); $handler = $routes[$pattern][$method]; $after = sprintf('%s::after', $handler); if (is_callable($after)) { call_user_func($after); } }); restoreLanguage(); return new Trails_Response(); }
/** * Stores a user's details. */ public function store_action() { $this->check_ticket(); $changed = false; if (Config::get()->ENABLE_SKYPE_INFO) { $new_skype_name = Request::get('skype_name'); if ($new_skype_name != $this->config->SKYPE_NAME) { $this->config->store('SKYPE_NAME', $new_skype_name); Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest(Request::get('skype_name'), _("Skype Name"), "skype_name", 'privatedata', 1, $this->user->user_id); $changed = true; } if (Request::int('skype_online_status') != $this->config->SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS) { $this->config->store('SKYPE_ONLINE_STATUS', Request::int('skype_online_status')); Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest(Request::int('skype_online_status'), _("Skype Online Status"), "skype_online_status", 'skype_name', 1, $this->user->user_id); $changed = true; } } $mapping = array('telefon' => 'privatnr', 'cell' => 'privatcell', 'anschrift' => 'privadr', 'home' => 'Home', 'motto' => 'motto', 'hobby' => 'hobby', 'lebenslauf' => 'lebenslauf', 'schwerp' => 'schwerp', 'publi' => 'publi'); // Visibilitymapping Remove in Stud.IP 3.0 with a migration $vis_mapping = array('telefon' => 'private_phone', 'cell' => 'private_cell', 'anschrift' => 'privadr', 'home' => 'homepage', 'motto' => 'motto', 'hobby' => 'hobby', 'lebenslauf' => 'lebenslauf', 'schwerp' => 'schwerp', 'publi' => 'publi'); $settingsname = array('telefon' => _('Private Telefonnummer'), 'cell' => _('Private Handynummer'), 'anschrift' => _('Private Adresse'), 'home' => _('Homepage-Adresse'), 'motto' => _('Motto'), 'hobby' => _('Hobbies'), 'lebenslauf' => _('Lebenslauf'), 'schwerp' => _('Arbeitsschwerpunkte'), 'publi' => _('Publikationen')); foreach ($mapping as $key => $column) { $value = Request::get($key); if (in_array($key, array('hobby', 'lebenslauf', 'schwerp', 'publi'))) { // purify HTML input for these fields if wysiwyg is used $value = Studip\Markup::purifyHtml($value); } if ($this->user->{$column} != $value && $this->shallChange('user_info.' . $column, $column, $value)) { $this->user->{$column} = $value; Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest($value, $settingsname[$key], $vis_mapping[$key], 'privatedata', 1, $this->user->user_id); $changed = true; } } $datafields_changed = false; $errors = array(); $datafields = DataFieldEntry::getDataFieldEntries($this->user->user_id, 'user'); $data = Request::getArray('datafields'); foreach ($datafields as $id => $entry) { if (isset($data[$id]) && $data[$id] != $entry->getValue()) { // i really dont know if this is correct but it works Visibility::updatePrivacySettingWithTest($data[$id], $entry->getName(), $entry->getID(), 'additionaldata', 1, $this->user->user_id); $entry->setValueFromSubmit($data[$id]); if ($entry->isValid()) { if ($entry->store()) { $datafields_changed = true; } } else { $errors[] = sprintf(_('Fehlerhafter Eintrag im Feld <em>%s</em>: %s (Eintrag wurde nicht gespeichert)'), $entry->getName(), $entry->getDisplayValue()); } } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->reportErrorWithDetails(_('Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben.'), $errors); } else { if ($this->user->store() || $changed || $datafields_changed) { $this->reportSuccess(_('Daten im Lebenslauf u.a. wurden geändert.')); setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_('Daten im Lebenslauf u.a. wurden geändert.')); restoreLanguage(); } } $this->redirect('settings/details'); }
/** * Builds news dialog for editing / adding news * * @param string $id news id (in case news already exists; otherwise set to "new") * @param string $context_range range id (only for new news; set to 'template' for copied news) * @param string $template_id template id (source of news template) * */ function edit_news_action($id = '', $context_range = '', $template_id = '') { // initialize $this->news_isvisible = array('news_basic' => true, 'news_comments' => false, 'news_areas' => false); $ranges = array(); $this->ranges = array(); $this->area_options_selectable = array(); $this->area_options_selected = array(); $this->may_delete = false; $this->route = "news/edit_news/{$id}"; if ($context_range) { $this->route .= "/{$context_range}"; if ($template_id) { $this->route .= "/{$template_id}"; } } $msg_object = new messaging(); if ($id == "new") { unset($id); $this->title = _("Ankündigung erstellen"); } else { $this->title = _("Ankündigung bearbeiten"); } // user has to have autor permission at least if (!$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm(autor)) { $this->set_status(401); return $this->render_nothing(); } // Output as dialog (Ajax-Request) or as Stud.IP page? if (Request::isXhr()) { $this->set_layout(null); header('X-Title: ' . $this->title); } else { $this->set_layout($GLOBALS['template_factory']->open('layouts/base')); } // load news and comment data and check if user has permission to edit $news = new StudipNews($id); if (!$news->isNew()) { $this->comments = StudipComment::GetCommentsForObject($id); } if (!$news->havePermission('edit') and !$news->isNew()) { $this->set_status(401); PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Keine Berechtigung!'))); return $this->render_nothing(); } // if form sent, get news data by post vars if (Request::get('news_isvisible')) { // visible categories, selected areas, topic, and body are utf8 encoded when sent via ajax $this->news_isvisible = unserialize(Request::get('news_isvisible')); if (Request::isXhr()) { $this->area_options_selected = unserialize(studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_selected_areas'))); $this->area_options_selectable = unserialize(studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_selectable_areas'))); $topic = studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_topic')); $body = transformBeforeSave(Studip\Markup::purifyHtml(studip_utf8decode(Request::get('news_body')))); } else { $this->area_options_selected = unserialize(Request::get('news_selected_areas')); $this->area_options_selectable = unserialize(Request::get('news_selectable_areas')); $topic = Request::get('news_topic'); $body = transformBeforeSave(Studip\Markup::purifyHtml(Request::get('news_body'))); } $date = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start'); $expire = $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end') ? $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_enddate'), 'end') - $this->getTimeStamp(Request::get('news_startdate'), 'start') : ''; $allow_comments = Request::get('news_allow_comments') ? 1 : 0; if (Request::submitted('comments_status_deny')) { $this->anker = 'news_comments'; $allow_comments = 0; } elseif (Request::submitted('comments_status_allow')) { $this->anker = 'news_comments'; $allow_comments = 1; } if ($news->getValue('topic') != $topic or $news->getValue('body') != $body or $news->getValue('date') != $date or $news->getValue('allow_comments') != $allow_comments or $news->getValue('expire') != $expire) { $changed = true; } $news->setValue('topic', $topic); $news->setValue('body', $body); $news->setValue('date', $date); $news->setValue('expire', $expire); $news->setValue('allow_comments', $allow_comments); } elseif ($id) { // if news id given check for valid id and load ranges if ($news->isNew()) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Die Ankündigung existiert nicht!'))); return $this->render_nothing(); } $ranges = $news->news_ranges->toArray(); } elseif ($template_id) { // otherwise, load data from template $news_template = new StudipNews($template_id); if ($news_template->isNew()) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Die Ankündigung existiert nicht!'))); return $this->render_nothing(); } // check for permission if (!$news_template->havePermission('edit')) { $this->set_status(401); return $this->render_nothing(); } $ranges = $news_template->news_ranges->toArray(); // remove those ranges for which user doesn't have permission foreach ($ranges as $key => $news_range) { if (!$news->haveRangePermission('edit', $news_range['range_id'])) { $changed_areas++; $this->news_isvisible['news_areas'] = true; unset($ranges[$key]); } } if ($changed_areas == 1) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(_('1 zugeordneter Bereich wurde nicht übernommen, weil Sie dort keine Ankündigungen erstellen dürfen.'))); } elseif ($changed_areas) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::info(sprintf(_('%s zugeordnete Bereiche wurden nicht übernommen, weil Sie dort keine Ankündigungen erstellen dürfen.'), $changed_areas))); } $news->setValue('topic', $news_template->getValue('topic')); $news->setValue('body', $news_template->getValue('body')); $news->setValue('date', $news_template->getValue('date')); $news->setValue('expire', $news_template->getValue('expire')); $news->setValue('allow_comments', $news_template->getValue('allow_comments')); } else { // for new news, set startdate to today and range to dialog context $news->setValue('date', strtotime(date('Y-m-d'))); // + 12*60*60; $news->setValue('expire', 604800); if ($context_range != '' and $context_range != 'template') { $add_range = new NewsRange(array('', $context_range)); $ranges[] = $add_range->toArray(); } } // build news var for template $this->news = $news->toArray(); // treat faculties and institutes as one area group (inst) foreach ($ranges as $range) { switch ($range['type']) { case 'fak': $this->area_options_selected['inst'][$range['range_id']] = $range['name']; break; default: $this->area_options_selected[$range['type']][$range['range_id']] = $range['name']; } } // define search presets $this->search_presets['user'] = _('Meine Profilseite'); if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('autor') and !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('admin')) { $my_sem = $this->search_area('__THIS_SEMESTER__'); if (count($my_sem['sem'])) { $this->search_presets['sem'] = _('Meine Veranstaltungen im aktuellen Semester') . ' (' . count($my_sem['sem']) . ')'; } } if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('dozent') and !$GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) { $my_inst = $this->search_area('__MY_INSTITUTES__'); if (count($my_inst)) { $this->search_presets['inst'] = _('Meine Einrichtungen') . ' (' . count($my_inst['inst']) . ')'; } } if ($GLOBALS['perm']->have_perm('root')) { $this->search_presets['global'] = $this->area_structure['global']['title']; } // perform search if (Request::submitted('area_search') or Request::submitted('area_search_preset')) { $this->anker = 'news_areas'; $this->search_term = studip_utf8decode(Request::get('area_search_term')); if (Request::submitted('area_search')) { $this->area_options_selectable = $this->search_area($this->search_term); } else { $this->current_search_preset = Request::option('search_preset'); if ($this->current_search_preset == 'inst') { $this->area_options_selectable = $my_inst; } elseif ($this->current_search_preset == 'sem') { $this->area_options_selectable = $my_sem; } elseif ($this->current_search_preset == 'user') { $this->area_options_selectable = array('user' => array($GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid'] => get_fullname())); } elseif ($this->current_search_preset == 'global') { $this->area_options_selectable = array('global' => array('studip' => _('Stud.IP'))); } } if (!count($this->area_options_selectable)) { unset($this->search_term); } else { // already assigned areas won't be selectable foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $data) { foreach ($data as $id => $title) { unset($this->area_options_selectable[$type][$id]); } } } } // delete comment(s) if (Request::submitted('delete_marked_comments')) { $this->anker = 'news_comments'; $this->flash['question_text'] = delete_comments(Request::optionArray('mark_comments')); $this->flash['question_param'] = array('mark_comments' => Request::optionArray('mark_comments'), 'delete_marked_comments' => 1); // reload comments if (!$this->flash['question_text']) { $this->comments = StudipComment::GetCommentsForObject($id); $changed = true; } } if ($news->havePermission('delete')) { $this->comments_admin = true; } if (is_array($this->comments)) { foreach ($this->comments as $key => $comment) { if (Request::submitted('news_delete_comment_' . $comment['comment_id'])) { $this->anker = 'news_comments'; $this->flash['question_text'] = delete_comments($comment['comment_id']); $this->flash['question_param'] = array('mark_comments' => array($comment['comment_id']), 'delete_marked_comments' => 1); } } } // open / close category foreach ($this->news_isvisible as $category => $value) { if (Request::submitted('toggle_' . $category) or Request::get($category . '_js')) { $this->news_isvisible[$category] = $this->news_isvisible[$category] ? false : true; $this->anker = $category; } } // add / remove areas if (Request::submitted('news_add_areas') and is_array($this->area_options_selectable)) { $this->anker = 'news_areas'; foreach (Request::optionArray('area_options_selectable') as $range_id) { foreach ($this->area_options_selectable as $type => $data) { if (isset($data[$range_id])) { $this->area_options_selected[$type][$range_id] = $data[$range_id]; unset($this->area_options_selectable[$type][$range_id]); } } } } if (Request::submitted('news_remove_areas') and is_array($this->area_options_selected)) { $this->anker = 'news_areas'; foreach (Request::optionArray('area_options_selected') as $range_id) { foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $data) { if (isset($data[$range_id])) { $this->area_options_selectable[$type][$range_id] = $data[$range_id]; unset($this->area_options_selected[$type][$range_id]); } } } } // prepare to save news if (Request::submitted('save_news') and Request::isPost()) { CSRFProtection::verifySecurityToken(); //prepare ranges array for already assigned news_ranges foreach ($news->getRanges() as $range_id) { $this->ranges[$range_id] = get_object_type($range_id, array('global', 'fak', 'inst', 'sem', 'user')); } // check if new ranges must be added foreach ($this->area_options_selected as $type => $area_group) { foreach ($area_group as $range_id => $area_title) { if (!isset($this->ranges[$range_id])) { if ($news->haveRangePermission('edit', $range_id)) { $news->addRange($range_id); $changed = true; } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(sprintf(_('Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Ändern der Bereichsverknüpfung für "%s".'), htmlReady($area_title)))); $error++; } } } } // check if assigned ranges must be removed foreach ($this->ranges as $range_id => $range_type) { if ($range_type === 'fak' && !isset($this->area_options_selected['inst'][$range_id]) || $range_type !== 'fak' && !isset($this->area_options_selected[$range_type][$range_id])) { if ($news->havePermission('unassign', $range_id)) { $news->deleteRange($range_id); $changed = true; } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(_('Sie haben keine Berechtigung zum Ändern der Bereichsverknüpfung.'))); $error++; } } } // save news if ($news->validate() and !$error) { if ($news->getValue('user_id') != $GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid']) { $news->setValue('chdate_uid', $GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid']); setTempLanguage($news->getValue('user_id')); $msg = sprintf(_('Ihre Ankündigung "%s" wurde von %s verändert.'), $news->getValue('topic'), get_fullname() . ' (' . get_username() . ')') . "\n"; $msg_object->insert_message($msg, get_username($news->getValue('user_id')), "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1", FALSE, _("Systemnachricht:") . " " . _("Ankündigung geändert")); restoreLanguage(); } else { $news->setValue('chdate_uid', ''); } $news->store(); PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(_('Die Ankündigung wurde gespeichert.'))); // in fallback mode redirect to edit page with proper news id if (!Request::isXhr() and !$id) { $this->redirect('news/edit_news/' . $news->getValue('news_id')); } elseif (Request::isXhr()) { $this->render_nothing(); } } } // check if user has full permission on news object if ($news->havePermission('delete')) { $this->may_delete = true; } }
/** * generates proper text for confirmation question and deletes news * * * @param mixed $delete_news_array (single id or array) * @return string text for confirmation question or empty string after deletion */ function delete_news($delete_news_array) { $text = ''; $confirmed = false; if (!is_array($delete_news_array)) { $delete_news_array = array($delete_news_array); } if (Request::submitted('yes') and Request::isPost()) { CSRFProtection::verifySecurityToken(); $confirmed = true; } foreach ($delete_news_array as $news_id) { if ($news_id) { $delete_news = new StudipNews($news_id); $delete_news_titles[] = $delete_news->getValue('topic'); if ($confirmed) { $msg_object = new messaging(); if ($delete_news->havePermission('delete')) { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::success(sprintf(_('Ankündigung "%s" wurde gelöscht.'), htmlReady($delete_news->getValue('topic'))))); if ($delete_news->getValue('user_id') != $GLOBALS['auth']->auth['uid']) { setTempLanguage($delete_news->getValue('user_id')); $msg = sprintf(_('Ihre Ankündigung "%s" wurde von der Administration gelöscht!.'), $delete_news->getValue('topic'), get_fullname() . ' (' . get_username() . ')') . "\n"; $msg_object->insert_message($msg, get_username($delete_news->getValue('user_id')), "____%system%____", FALSE, FALSE, "1", FALSE, _("Systemnachricht:") . " " . _("Ankündigung geändert")); restoreLanguage(); } $delete_news->delete(); } else { PageLayout::postMessage(MessageBox::error(sprintf(_('Keine Berechtigung zum Löschen der Ankündigung "%s".'), htmlReady($delete_news->getValue('topic'))))); } } } } if (!$confirmed) { if (count($delete_news_titles) == 1) { $text = sprintf(_('- Die Ankündigung "%s" wird unwiderruflich gelöscht.'), $delete_news_titles[0]) . "\n"; } elseif (count($delete_news_titles) > 1) { $text = sprintf(_('- Die %s Ankündigungen "%s" werden unwiderruflich gelöscht.'), count($delete_news_titles), implode('", "', $delete_news_titles)) . "\n"; } } return $text; }
/** * Executes the cronjob. * * @param mixed $last_result What the last execution of this cronjob * returned. * @param Array $parameters Parameters for this cronjob instance which * were defined during scheduling. * Only valid parameter at the moment is * "verbose" which toggles verbose output while * purging the cache. */ public function execute($last_result, $parameters = array()) { global $user; $cli_user = $user; $notification = new ModulesNotification(); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM seminar_user su WHERE notification <> 0"; if (get_config('DEPUTIES_ENABLE')) { $query .= " UNION SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM deputies WHERE notification <> 0"; } $rs = DBManager::get()->query($query); while ($r = $rs->fetch()) { $user = new Seminar_User($r["user_id"]); if ($user->locked) { continue; } setTempLanguage('', $user->preferred_language); $to = $user->email; $title = "[" . $GLOBALS['UNI_NAME_CLEAN'] . "] " . _("Tägliche Benachrichtigung"); $mailmessage = $notification->getAllNotifications($user->id); $ok = false; if ($mailmessage) { if ($user->cfg->getValue('MAIL_AS_HTML')) { $smail = new StudipMail(); $ok = $smail->setSubject($title)->addRecipient($to)->setBodyHtml($mailmessage['html'])->setBodyText($mailmessage['text'])->send(); } else { $ok = StudipMail::sendMessage($to, $title, $mailmessage['text']); } } UserConfig::set($user->id, null); if ($ok !== false && $parameters['verbose']) { echo $user->username . ':' . $ok . "\n"; } } $user = $cli_user; }
private function sendEditMail($blubber, $subject, $message) { $messaging = new \messaging(); setTempLanguage($blubber['user_id']); $messaging->insert_message($message, get_username($blubber['user_id']), $GLOBALS['user']->id, null, null, null, null, $subject); restoreLanguage(); }
/** * The after filter handles the sending of private messages via email, if * present. Also, if an action requires the user to be logged out, this is * accomplished here. * * @param String $action Name of the action that has been invoked * @param Array $args Arguments of the action */ public function after_filter($action, $args) { if ($this->restricted && count($this->private_messages) > 0) { setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $message = _("Ihre persönliche Seite wurde von Admin verändert.\n " . "Folgende Veränderungen wurden vorgenommen:\n \n") . '- ' . implode("\n- ", $this->private_messages); $subject = _('Systemnachricht:') . ' ' . _('Profil verändert'); restoreLanguage(); $messaging = new messaging(); $messaging->insert_message($message, $this->user->username, '____%system%____', null, null, true, '', $subject); } // Check whether the user should be logged out, the token is // neccessary since the user could reload the page and will be logged // out immediately after, resulting in a login/logout-loop. $should_logout = $action === 'logout' && $this->flash['logout-token'] === Request::get('token'); if ($should_logout) { $GLOBALS['sess']->delete(); $GLOBALS['auth']->logout(); } parent::after_filter($action, $args); if ($should_logout) { $GLOBALS['user']->set_last_action(time() - 15 * 60); } }
// the room-request has been resolved else { // create appropriate message if ($semObj->seminar_number) $message = sprintf (_("Ihre Raumanfrage zur Veranstaltung %s (%s) wurde bearbeitet.")." \n"._("Für folgende Belegungszeiten wurde der jeweils angegebene Raum gebucht:")."\n\n", $semObj->getName(), $semObj->seminar_number); else $message = sprintf (_("Ihre Raumanfrage zur Veranstaltung %s wurde bearbeitet.")." \n"._("Für folgende Belegungszeiten wurde der jeweils angegebene Raum gebucht:")."\n\n", $semObj->getName()); //send the message into stud.ip message system // only if there are assigned dates if ($GLOBALS['messageForUsers']) { foreach ($users as $userid) { setTempLanguage($userid); $messaging->insert_message($message . strip_tags(str_ireplace('<br>', "\n", $GLOBALS['messageForUsers'])), get_username($userid), $user->id, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, _("Raumanfrage bearbeitet"), TRUE); restoreLanguage(); } } //set more closed ;-) $reqObj->setClosed(2); $reqObj->store(); } } //unset, if all requests are edited and the set of requests should be resetted after if (Request::option('reset_set')) { unset($_SESSION['resources_data']["requests_working_on"]); unset($_SESSION['resources_data']["requests_open"]);
/** * Stores the account informations of a user */ public function store_action() { $this->check_ticket(); $errors = $info = $success = array(); $logout = false; //erstmal die "unwichtigen" Daten $geschlecht = Request::int('geschlecht'); if ($this->shallChange('user_info.geschlecht', 'gender', $geschlecht)) { $this->user->geschlecht = $geschlecht; } $title_front = Request::get('title_front') ?: Request::get('title_front_chooser'); if ($this->shallChange('user_info.title_front', 'title', $title_front)) { $this->user->title_front = $title_front; } $title_rear = Request::get('title_rear') ?: Request::get('title_rear_chooser'); if ($this->shallChange('user_info.title_rear', 'title', $title_rear)) { $this->user->title_rear = $title_rear; } if ($this->user->store()) { $success[] = _('Ihre persönlichen Daten wurden geändert.'); // Inform the user about this change setTempLanguage($this->user->user_id); $this->postPrivateMessage(_("Ihre persönlichen Daten wurden geändert.\n")); restoreLanguage(); } //nur nötig wenn der user selbst seine daten ändert if (!$this->restricted) { // Vorname verändert ? $vorname = trim(Request::get('vorname')); if ($this->shallChange('auth_user_md5.Vorname', 'name', $vorname)) { // Vorname nicht korrekt oder fehlend if (!$this->validator->ValidateName($vorname)) { $errors[] = _('Der Vorname fehlt oder ist unsinnig!'); } else { $this->user->Vorname = $vorname; $success[] = _('Ihr Vorname wurde geändert!'); } } // Nachname verändert ? $nachname = trim(Request::get('nachname')); if ($this->shallChange('auth_user_md5.Nachname', 'name', $nachname)) { // Nachname nicht korrekt oder fehlend if (!$this->validator->ValidateName($nachname)) { $errors[] = _('Der Nachname fehlt oder ist unsinnig!'); } else { $this->user->Nachname = $nachname; $success[] = _('Ihr Nachname wurde geändert!'); } } // Username $new_username = trim(Request::get('new_username')); if ($this->shallChange('auth_user_md5.username', 'username', $new_username)) { if (!$this->validator->ValidateUsername($new_username)) { $errors[] = _('Der gewählte Benutzername ist nicht lang genug!'); } else { if ($check_uname = StudipAuthAbstract::CheckUsername($new_username) && $check_uname['found']) { $errors[] = _('Der Benutzername wird bereits von einem anderen Benutzer verwendet. Bitte wählen Sie einen anderen Usernamen!'); } else { $this->user->username = $new_username; $success[] = _('Ihr Benutzername wurde geändert!'); URLHelper::addLinkParam('username', $this->user->username); $logout = true; } } } // Email $email1 = trim(Request::get('email1')); $email2 = trim(Request::get('email2')); if ($this->shallChange('auth_user_md5.Email', 'email', $email1)) { $auth = StudipAuthAbstract::GetInstance($this->user->auth_plugin ?: 'standard'); $is_sso = $auth instanceof StudipAuthSSO; if (!$is_sso && !$auth->isAuthenticated($this->user->username, Request::get('password'))) { $errors[] = _('Das aktuelle Passwort wurde nicht korrekt eingegeben.'); } else { if ($email1 !== $email2) { $errors[] = _('Die Wiederholung der E-Mail-Adresse stimmt nicht mit Ihrer Eingabe überein.'); } else { $result = edit_email($this->user, $email1); $messages = explode('§', $result[1]); if ($result[0]) { $this->user->Email = $email1; if (count($messages) < 2) { $success[] = _('Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde geändert!'); } } for ($i = 0; $i < count($messages); $i += 2) { $type = $messages[$i]; if ($type === 'msg') { $type = 'success'; } else { if ($type === 'error') { $type = 'errors'; } } ${$type}[] = $messages[$i + 1]; } } } } } if (count($errors) > 0) { $this->reportErrorWithDetails(_('Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre Eingaben:'), $errors); } else { if ($this->user->store()) { $this->reportSuccessWithDetails(_('Ihre Nutzerdaten wurden geändert.'), $success); if (count($info) > 0) { $this->reportInfoWithDetails(_('Bitte beachten Sie:'), $info); } } } if ($logout) { $token = uniqid('logout', true); $this->flash['logout-token'] = $token; $this->redirect('settings/account/logout?token=' . $token); } else { $this->redirect('settings/account'); } }