function sc_admin_page() { $sc_updated = false; $sc_options = get_option('shortcoder_data'); $sc_flags = get_option('shortcoder_flags'); $title = __("Create a Shortcode", 'shortcoder'); $button = __("Create Shortcode", 'shortcoder'); $edit = 0; $sc_content = ''; $sc_disable = 0; $sc_hide_admin = 0; // Insert shortcode if (isset($_POST["sc_form_main"]) && $_POST["sc_form_main"] == '1' && check_admin_referer('shortcoder_create_form')) { $sc_options = get_option('shortcoder_data'); $sc_name = stripslashes($_POST['sc_name']); $sc_post_disabled = isset($_POST['sc_disable']) ? intval($_POST['sc_disable']) : 0; $sc_post_hideadmin = isset($_POST['sc_hide_admin']) ? intval($_POST['sc_hide_admin']) : 0; $sc_options[$sc_name] = array('content' => stripslashes($_POST['sc_content']), 'disabled' => $sc_post_disabled, 'hide_admin' => $sc_post_hideadmin); // Updating the DB update_option("shortcoder_data", $sc_options); $sc_updated = true; // Insert Message if ($sc_updated == 'true') { echo '<div class="message updated fade"><p>' . __('Shortcode updated successfully !', 'shortcoder') . '</p></div>'; } else { echo '<div class="message error fade"><p>' . __('Unable to create shortcode !', 'shortcoder') . '</p></div>'; } } // Edit shortcode if (isset($_POST["sc_form_edit"]) && $_POST["sc_form_edit"] == '1' && check_admin_referer('shortcoder_edit_form')) { $sc_options = get_option('shortcoder_data'); $sc_name_edit = stripslashes($_POST['sc_name_edit']); if ($_POST["sc_form_action"] == "edit") { $sc_content = stripslashes($sc_options[$sc_name_edit]['content']); $sc_disable = $sc_options[$sc_name_edit]['disabled']; $sc_hide_admin = $sc_options[$sc_name_edit]['hide_admin']; $title = __('Edit this Shortcode - ', 'shortcoder') . '<small>' . $sc_name_edit . '</small>'; $button = __('Update Shortcode', 'shortcoder'); $edit = 1; } else { unset($sc_options[$sc_name_edit]); unset($sc_name_edit); update_option("shortcoder_data", $sc_options); echo '<div class="message updated fade"><p>' . __('Shortcode deleted successfully !', 'shortcoder') . '</p></div>'; } } ?> <!-- Shortcoder Admin page --> <div class="wrap"> <?php sc_admin_buttons('fbrec'); ?> <h2><img width="32" height="32" src="<?php echo SC_URL; ?> /images/shortcoder.png" align="absmiddle"/> Shortcoder<sup class="smallText"> v<?php echo SC_VERSION; ?> </sup></h2> <ul class="sc_share_wrap"> <li class="sc_donate" data-width="300" data-height="220" data-url="<?php echo SC_URL . '/js/share.php?i=1'; ?> "><a href="#"></a></li> <li class="sc_share" data-width="350" data-height="85" data-url="<?php echo SC_URL . '/js/share.php?i=2'; ?> "><a href="#"></a></li> </ul> <div id="content"> <h3><?php echo $title; ?> <?php if ($edit == 1) { echo '<span class="button sc_back"><< ' . __("Back", 'shortcoder') . '</span>'; } ?> </h3> <form method="post" id="sc_form"> <div class="sc_section"> <label for="sc_name" class="sc_fld_title"><?php _e("Title:", 'shortcoder'); ?> :</label> <span class="sc_name_wrap"><input type="text" name="sc_name" id="sc_name" value="<?php echo isset($sc_name_edit) ? $sc_name_edit : ''; ?> " placeholder="Enter a shortcode name" class="widefat" required="required"/><div id="sc_code"></div></span> </div> <div class="sc_section"> <label for="sc_content" class="sc_fld_title"><?php _e("Content:", 'shortcoder'); ?> :</label> <?php wp_editor($sc_content, 'sc_content', array('wpautop' => false, 'textarea_rows' => 8)); ?> </div> <div class="sc_section"><p><b>Note:</b> Use <strong style="color:#006600">%%someParameter%%</strong> to insert custom parameters. <a href="" target="_blank">Learn More</a></p></div> <div class="sc_section"> <table width="100%"><tr> <td width="50%" class="sc_settings"><label><input name="sc_disable" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo $sc_disable == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : ""; ?> /> <?php _e("Temporarily disable this shortcode", 'shortcoder'); ?> </label> <label><input name="sc_hide_admin" type="checkbox" value="1" <?php echo $sc_hide_admin == "1" ? 'checked="checked"' : ""; ?> /> <?php _e("Disable this Shortcode to admins", 'shortcoder'); ?> </label></td> <td><p align="right"><input type="submit" name="sc_submit" id="sc_submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php echo $button; ?> " /></p></td> </tr></table> </div> <?php wp_nonce_field('shortcoder_create_form'); ?> <input name="sc_form_main" type="hidden" value="1" /> </form> <h3><?php _e("Created Shortcodes", 'shortcoder'); ?> <small>(<?php _e("Click to edit", 'shortcoder'); ?> )</small></h3> <form method="post" id="sc_edit_form"> <ul id="sc_list" class="clearfix"> <?php $sc_options = get_option('shortcoder_data'); if (is_array($sc_options)) { foreach ($sc_options as $key => $value) { echo '<li>' . $key . '</li>'; } } ?> </ul> <?php wp_nonce_field('shortcoder_edit_form'); ?> <input name="sc_form_edit" type="hidden" value="1" /> <input name="sc_form_action" id="sc_form_action" type="hidden" value="edit" /> <input name="sc_name_edit" id="sc_name_edit" type="hidden" /> </form> <div id="sc_delete" title="Drag & drop shortcodes to delete"></div> </div><!-- Content --> <br/> <p align="center"> <a href="" target="_blank">Report bugs</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Support Forum</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Help</a> | <a href="" target="_blank">Donate</a><br/><br/> <a href="#" class="sc_open_video">(Demo video)</a><br /><br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Follow @vaakash</a><br/><br/> <a href="" target="_blank" class="sc_credits">a plugin from Aakash Web</a> </p> </div><!-- Wrap --> <?php }
}); var sc_closeiframe = function(){ $('.sc_share_iframe').remove(); } function wsc(s){ if(s == null) return ''; return s.indexOf(' ') >= 0; } </script> </head> <body> <?php sc_admin_buttons('fbrec'); ?> <h2><img src="images/shortcoder.png" align="absmiddle" alt="Shortcoder" width="35px"/> Insert shortcode to editor</h2> <div class="sc_wrap"> <?php foreach ($sc_options as $key => $value) { if ($key != '_version_fix') { echo '<div class="sc_shortcode"><div class="sc_shortcode_name">' . $key; echo '</div>'; preg_match_all('/%%[^%\\s]+%%/', $value['content'], $matches); echo '<div class="sc_params">'; if (!empty($matches[0])) { echo '<h4>Available parameters: </h4>'; $temp = array(); foreach ($matches[0] as $k => $v) {