function getData()
    $capth = htmlspecialchars($_GET['cap']);
    $username = $_GET['reg'];
    $password = $_GET['dd'];
    $mobile = $_GET['m'];
    $url = "";
    $cookie = dirname(__FILE__) . "/cookie/" . $_GET['hash'] . ".txt";
    $veri = $capth;
    $postdata = "wdregno=" . $username . "&wdpswd=" . $password . "&wdmobno=" . $mobile . "&vrfcd=" . $veri;
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 260);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $postdata);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, '');
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/");
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 60);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $cookie);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, '');
    $result = curl_exec($ch);
    //// Uncomment To View Timetable [Debugging]
    //	echo $result;
    $id = $_GET['reg'];
    $dd = $_GET['dd'];
    $stamp = md5(time());
    //// The parser is called here
    if (parser($result, $id)) {
        //// Login was successful! Add this user to registered user table or something..
        	  mysql_query("INSERT INTO users( name, regno, pass, birthday, auth ) VALUES( '$name', '$id', '$pass', '$dd', '$stamp' )");
        	 echo "Registration Successful :D";
    } else {
        die("Whoops! Something went wrong. Please recheck your ID, birthday and captcha.");
         $ausgaben[news_rspalte] = "";
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . BEITRAG_KOPF . " WHERE " . $news_where_statement_aktuell;
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         while ($news = $db->fetch_array($result, 1)) {
             $ausgaben[news_ueberschrift] = "<a href=\"" . $pathvars[virtual] . "/news," . $news[beitragid] . ",1.html\">" . $news[beitrag] . "</a><br />";
             $sql = "SELECT " . $environment[news_uebersicht_pre_inh] . " FROM " . BEITRAG_INHALT . " where beitragid = '" . $news[beitragid] . "'";
             $inh_result = $db->query($sql);
             $row = $db->fetch_row($inh_result, 1);
             $ausgaben[news_teiltext] = tagremove($row[0]);
             $ausgaben[news_teiltext] = substr($ausgaben[news_teiltext], 0, $environment[news_uebersicht_pre_len]) . "&nbsp;<a href=\"" . $pathvars[virtual] . "/news," . $news[beitragid] . ",1.html\">... mehr?</a><br />";
             if ($spalte == "news_lspalte") {
                 $spalte = "news_rspalte";
             } else {
                 $spalte = "news_lspalte";
             $ausgaben[$spalte] .= parser("news.preview", "") . "<br />";
         $mapping[main] = "news";
         if ($ausgaben[news_lspalte] == "") {
             $ausgaben[news_lspalte] = "Aktuell keine Eintr&auml;ge";
         if ($ausgaben[news_rspalte] == "") {
             $ausgaben[news_rspalte] = "Aktuell keine weiteren Eintr&auml;ge";
 } elseif ($environment[subkatid] == "archiv") {
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . BEITRAG_KOPF . " WHERE " . $news_where_statement_archiv;
     $result = $db->query($sql);
     while ($news = $db->fetch_array($result, 1)) {
         if ($news[ausgabe] != $newsausgabe) {
             if ($newsausgabe != "") {
//    error_message(mysql_error());
//$query_data = mysql_fetch_array($result);
//$captcha = $query_data['bool'];
//$captchadate = $query_data['accessdate'];
//$todayCU = intval(date("U")) + (!date('I')) * 60 * 60;
//$accessCU = intval(strtotime($captchadate));
//$diffC = $todayCU - $accessCU;
//$deltaC = 2 * 60 * 60;
//if ($captcha == 1 && $diffC < $deltaC) {
//    $PauseC = gmdate('H:i:s', abs($deltaC - $diffC));
//    echo"Работа сервиса приостановлена на $PauseC из-за блокировки Yandex";
//    exit;
//} elseif ($captcha == 1 && $diffC >= $deltaC) {
//    $query = "UPDATE $captcha_tablename SET bool = '0'";
//    $result = mysql_query($query);
//    if (!$result) {
//        error_message(mysql_error());
//    }
$value = "кафе";
$str_query = $value;
$url_str = "http://" . $url . "/yandsearch?text=" . $str_query;
print_r(parser($url, $url_str));
    $b = explode("=", $arg);
    if (isset($options[$b[0]])) {
        $options[$b[0]] = $b[1];
    } else {
        $buf .= "unknown key {$b['0']}";
        echo $buf;
if (!file_exists($options['i']) && !file_exists($options['l'])) {
    echo $buf;
$a = parser($options['i'], $options['l']);
$table = htmlPrinter($a);
$odir = $options['o'] . $options['r'] . "/";
if (is_dir($odir)) {
    file_put_contents($odir . 'index.html', $table);
} else {
    file_put_contents('index.html', $table);
* This function will first parse the file and 
* get the data metrics for each endpoint. The returned array will then 
* be merged by prefix name with the LSR and one multidimensional array will 
* be returned
function parser($instances, $lsr)
     // globale bereiche
     if (count($dataloop[$bereich . "_edit"]) > 0 && priv_check($url, "admin;edit")) {
         $hidedata[$bereich . "_edit"]["num"] = count($dataloop[$bereich . "_edit"]);
     if (count($dataloop[$bereich . "_release_wait"]) > 0 && !priv_check($url, "admin;publish") && priv_check($url, "admin;edit")) {
         $hidedata[$bereich . "_release_wait"]["num"] = count($dataloop[$bereich . "_release"]);
     if (count($dataloop[$bereich . "_release_queue"]) > 0 && priv_check($url, "admin;publish")) {
         $hidedata[$bereich . "_release_queue"]["num"] = count($dataloop[$bereich . "_release_queue"]);
     // suche in freigebenen artikeln immer einblenden
     $search = $url;
     $id = $url;
     $kate = $url;
     $ausgaben[$bereich . "_search"] = parser("administration-recent", '');
     // berechtigung checken
     if (!priv_check($url, "admin;edit")) {
     $hidedata[$bereich . "_section"] = array("heading" => "#(" . $bereich . "_heading)", "new" => "#(" . $bereich . "_new)");
 // normalen content ausschliesslich spezielle bereiche durchgehen
 // * * *
 $bereich = "content";
 $buffer = find_marked_content("/", $cfg, "inhalt", array(-2, -1), array(), FALSE, array("/blog"));
 $dataloop[$bereich . "_edit"] = $buffer[-1];
 $dataloop[$bereich . "_release_queue"] = $buffer[-2];
 $dataloop[$bereich . "_release_wait"] = $buffer[-2];
 $toggle_fields = array("edit" => array("all", "edit;publish"), "release_queue" => array("all", "publish"), "release_wait" => array("own", "edit"), "release_recent" => array("own", "edit;publish"));
 foreach ($toggle_fields as $tog_key => $tog_value) {
            #    $submenuresult  = $db -> query($sql);
            while ($level3array = $db->fetch_array($level3result, $nop)) {
                if ($cfg["menu"]["level3"]["enable"] == -1) {
                    if ($level3array["level"] == "") {
                        $right = -1;
                    } else {
                        if ($rechte[$level3array["level"]] == -1) {
                            $right = -1;
                        } else {
                            $right = 0;
                    if ($right == -1) {
                        if ($level3array["entry"] != "") {
                            $ausgaben["punkte"] .= "<img src=\"../../images/" . $environment["design"] . "/menu.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"12\" align=\"absbottom\"> <a class=\"" . $cfg["menu"]["level3"]["style"] . "\" href=\"" . $pathvars["fqdn"] . $pathvars["virtual"] . "/" . $level1array["entry"] . "/" . $level2array["entry"] . "/" . $level3array["entry"] . ".html\">" . $level3array["label"] . "</a><br>";
                        } else {
                            #$ausgaben["punkte"] .= "<img src=\"../../images/".$environment["design"]."/menu.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"12\" align=\"absbottom\"> <a class=\"".$cfg["menu"]["level3"]["style"]."\" target=\"_blank\" href=\"".$level3array["exturl"]."\">".$level3array["label"]."</a><br>";
                            $ausgaben["punkte"] .= "<img src=\"../../images/" . $environment["design"] . "/menu.png\" width=\"2\" height=\"12\" align=\"absbottom\"> <a class=\"" . $cfg["menu"]["level3"]["style"] . "\" href=\"" . $level3array["exturl"] . "\">" . $level3array["label"] . "</a><br>";
    if ($cfg["menu"]["level1"]["enable"] == -1 && $parser == -1) {
        $ausgaben[$cfg["menu"]["name"]] .= parser($cfg["menu"]["name"], "", $parse_find, $parse_put);
#if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "[ ++ $script_name ++ ]".$debugging["char"];
function tagreplace($replace)
    global $db, $debugging, $cfg, $pathvars, $environment, $ausgaben, $defaults, $specialvars, $dataloop, $hidedata, $mapping;
    // cariage return + linefeed fix
    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] != True) {
        $sear = array("\r\n[TA", "\r\n[RO", "\r\n[CO", "/H1]\r\n", "/H2]\r\n", "/H3]\r\n", "/H4]\r\n", "/H5]\r\n", "/H6]\r\n[", "/HR]\r\n", "AB]\r\n", "OW]\r\n", "OL]\r\n", "IV]\r\n");
        $repl = array("[TA", "[RO", "[CO", "/H1]", "/H2]", "/H3]", "/H4]", "/H5]", "/H6]", "/HR]", "AB]", "OW]", "OL]", "IV]");
        $replace = str_replace($sear, $repl, $replace);
    $preg = "|\\[\\/[!A-Z0-9]{1,6}\\]|";
    $selection_counter = 0;
    $img_counter = 0;
    $imgb_counter = 0;
    while (preg_match($preg, $replace, $match)) {
        $closetag = $match[0];
        if (strstr($replace, $closetag)) {
            // wo beginnt der closetag
            $closetagbeg = strpos($replace, $closetag);
            // wie sieht der opentag aus
            $opentag = str_replace(array("/", "]"), array("", ""), $closetag);
            // wie lang ist der opentag
            $opentaglen = strlen($opentag);
            // nur hier kann der opentag sein
            $haystack = substr($replace, 0, $closetagbeg);
            // fehlenden open tag abfangen
            if (strpos($haystack, $opentag . "]") === false && strpos($haystack, $opentag . "=") === false) {
                if ($defaults["tag"]["error"] == "") {
                    $error = " <font color=\"#FF0000\">" . $opentag . "]?</font> ";
                } else {
                    $error = $defaults["tag"]["error"] . $opentag . "]" . $defaults["tag"]["/error"];
                $replace = $haystack . $error . substr($replace, $closetagbeg + $opentaglen + 2);
            // wie lautet der tagwert
            $tagwertbeg = strlen($haystack) - (strpos(strrev($haystack), strrev($opentag)) + strlen($opentag)) + $opentaglen + 1;
            $tagoriginal = substr($replace, $tagwertbeg, $closetagbeg - $tagwertbeg);
            $tagwert = $tagoriginal;
            // parameter?
            $sign = substr($replace, $tagwertbeg - 1, 1);
            // opentag komplettieren
            $opentag = $opentag . $sign;
            // kompletten tag mit tagwert ersetzen
            switch ($closetag) {
                // Block Elemente
                // H1-6 | P | PRE | DIV | LIST | HR | TAB, ROW, COL | CENTER
                case "[/H1]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["h1"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["h1"] = "<h1>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/h1"] = "</h1>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["h1"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/h1"], $replace);
                case "[/H2]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["h2"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["h2"] = "<h2>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/h2"] = "</h2>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["h2"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/h2"], $replace);
                case "[/H3]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["h3"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["h3"] = "<h3>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/h3"] = "</h3>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["h3"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/h3"], $replace);
                case "[/H4]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["h4"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["h4"] = "<h4>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/h4"] = "</h4>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["h4"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/h4"], $replace);
                case "[/H5]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["h5"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["h5"] = "<h5>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/h5"] = "</h5>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["h5"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/h5"], $replace);
                case "[/H6]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["h6"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["h6"] = "<h6>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/h6"] = "</h6>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["h6"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/h6"], $replace);
                case "[/P]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<p>" . $tagwert . "</p>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $pwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        $extrawerte = explode(":", $pwerte[0]);
                        if ($extrawerte[1] != "") {
                            $pwerte[0] = $extrawerte[1];
                        if ($extrawerte[0] == "id") {
                            $art = "id";
                        } else {
                            $art = "class";
                        $attrib = "";
                        if ($pwerte[0] != "") {
                            $attrib = " " . $art . "=\"" . $pwerte[0] . "\"";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<p" . $attrib . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</p>", $replace);
                case "[/PRE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<pre>" . $tagwert . "</pre>", $replace);
                case "[/DIV]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True && strpos($specialvars["newbrblock"], "DIV") === false) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<div>" . $tagwert . "</div>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $divwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        $extrawerte = explode(":", $divwerte[0]);
                        if ($extrawerte[1] != "") {
                            $divwerte[0] = $extrawerte[1];
                        if ($extrawerte[0] == "id") {
                            $art = "id";
                        } else {
                            $art = "class";
                        $attrib = "";
                        if ($divwerte[0] != "") {
                            $attrib = " " . $art . "=\"" . $divwerte[0] . "\"";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<div" . $attrib . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</div>", $replace);
                case "[/LIST]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $tagwerte = explode("[*]", $tagwert);
                        $ausgabewert = "<ul>";
                        while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                            if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                                $punkt = nlreplace($punkt);
                            $ausgabewert .= "<li><span>" . $punkt . "</span></li>";
                        $ausgabewert .= "</ul>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagrestbeg = strpos($tagwert, "]");
                        $listart = substr($tagwert, 0, $tagrestbeg);
                        $tagrest = substr($tagwert, $tagrestbeg + 1);
                        $tagwerte = explode("[*]", $tagrest);
                        if ($listart == 1) {
                            $ausgabewert = "<ol>";
                            while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                                if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                                    $punkt = nlreplace($punkt);
                                $ausgabewert .= "<li><span>" . $punkt . "</span></li>";
                            $ausgabewert .= "</ol>";
                        } elseif ($listart == "DEF") {
                            $ausgabewert = "<dl>";
                            while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                                if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                                    $punkt = nlreplace($punkt);
                                if ($key % 2 != 0) {
                                    $ausgabewert .= "<dd>" . $punkt . "</dd>";
                                } else {
                                    $ausgabewert .= "<dt>" . $punkt . "</dt>";
                            $ausgabewert .= "</dl>";
                        } else {
                            if (strlen($listart) > 1) {
                                $ausgabewert = "<ul type=\"" . $listart . "\">";
                            } else {
                                $ausgabewert = "<ol type=\"" . $listart . "\">";
                            while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                                if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                                    $punkt = nlreplace($punkt);
                                $ausgabewert .= "<li><span>" . $punkt . "</span></li>";
                            if (strlen($listart) > 1) {
                                $ausgabewert .= "</ul>";
                            } else {
                                $ausgabewert .= "</ol>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[/HR]":
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["hr"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["hr"] = "<hr />";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/hr"] = "";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["hr"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/hr"], $replace);
                case "[/TAB]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = str_replace("\r\n", "", $tagwert);
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\">" . $tagwert . "</table>", $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $tabwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        if ($tabwerte[0] == "l") {
                            $align = " align=\"left\"";
                        } elseif ($tabwerte[0] == "m") {
                            $align = " align=\"center\"";
                        } elseif ($tabwerte[0] == "r") {
                            $align = " align=\"right\"";
                        } else {
                            $align = "";
                        if ($tabwerte[1] != "") {
                            $width = " width=\"" . $tabwerte[1] . "\"";
                        if ($tabwerte[2] != "") {
                            $border = " border=\"" . $tabwerte[2] . "\"";
                        if ($tabwerte[3] != "") {
                            $cellspacing = " cellspacing=\"" . $tabwerte[3] . "\"";
                        } else {
                            $cellspacing = " cellspacing=\"0\"";
                        if ($tabwerte[4] != "") {
                            $cellpadding = " cellpadding=\"" . $tabwerte[4] . "\"";
                        } else {
                            $cellpadding = " cellpadding=\"1\"";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<table" . $cellspacing . $cellpadding . $width . $align . $border . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</table>", $replace);
                        $replace = tagreplace($replace);
                case "[/TABCSV]":
                    if ($sign != "]") {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $tabwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        // csv-datei
                        if ($specialvars["subdir"] != "") {
                            $pfad = str_replace($specialvars["subdir"] . "/", "", $tabwerte[0]);
                        } else {
                            $pfad = $tabwerte[0];
                        $file_path = explode("/", $pfad);
                        $extension = $cfg["file"]["filetyp"][$file_path[2]];
                        $directory = $cfg["file"]["fileopt"][$extension]["path"];
                        $file_name = $extension . "_" . $file_path[3] . "." . $file_path[2];
                        if (file_exists($directory . $file_name)) {
                            $table = "";
                            $handle = fopen($directory . $file_name, "r");
                            // enthaelt die erste zeile spaltenueberschriften
                            if ($tabwerte[3] != "") {
                                $cell_tag1 = "<th scope=\"col\">";
                                $cell_tag2 = "</th>\n";
                                $row_tag1 = "<thead>\n<tr>";
                                $row_tag2 = "</tr>\n</thead>";
                            } else {
                                $cell_tag1 = "<td>";
                                $cell_tag2 = "</td>\n";
                                $row_tag1 = "<tr>";
                                $row_tag2 = "</tr>\n";
                            $thead = "";
                            while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ";")) !== FALSE) {
                                $row = "";
                                foreach ($data as $value) {
                                    $row .= $cell_tag1 . $value . $cell_tag2;
                                if ($row != "") {
                                    $table .= $row_tag1 . $row . $row_tag2;
                                if (strstr($cell_tag1, "<th")) {
                                    $thead = $table;
                                    $table = "";
                                    $cell_tag1 = "<td>";
                                    $cell_tag2 = "</td>\n";
                                    $row_tag1 = "<tr>";
                                    $row_tag2 = "</tr>\n";
                            // summary
                            if ($tagwerte[1] != "") {
                                $summary = " summary=\"" . $tagwerte[1] . "\"";
                            } else {
                                $summary = "";
                            // breite
                            if ($tabwerte[1] != "") {
                                $width = " width=\"" . $tabwerte[1] . "%\"";
                            } else {
                                $width = "";
                            // border
                            if ($tabwerte[2] != "") {
                                $border = " border=\"" . $tabwerte[2] . "\"";
                            } else {
                                $border = "";
                            if ($table != "") {
                                $table = "<table" . $border . $width . $summary . ">\n" . $thead . "<tbody>\n" . $table . "</tbody>\n</table>\n";
                        } else {
                            $table = "";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $table, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "", $replace);
                case "[/ROW]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = str_replace("\r\n", "", $tagwert);
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<tr>" . $tagwert . "</tr>", $replace);
                case "[/TH]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<th valign=\"top\">" . $tagwert . "</th>", $replace);
                case "[/COL]":
                    if ($specialvars["newbrmode"] == True) {
                        $tagwert = nlreplace($tagwert);
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<td valign=\"top\">" . $tagwert . "</td>", $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $colwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        if ($colwerte[0] == "l") {
                            $align = " align=\"left\"";
                        } elseif ($colwerte[0] == "m") {
                            $align = " align=\"center\"";
                        } elseif ($colwerte[0] == "r") {
                            $align = " align=\"right\"";
                        } else {
                            $align = "";
                        if ($colwerte[1] != "") {
                            $width = " width=\"" . $colwerte[1] . "\"";
                        if ($colwerte[2] == "o") {
                            $valign = " valign=\"top\"";
                        } elseif ($colwerte[2] == "m") {
                            $valign = " valign=\"middle\"";
                        } elseif ($colwerte[2] == "u") {
                            $valign = " valign=\"bottom\"";
                        } elseif ($colwerte[2] == "g") {
                            $valign = " valign=\"baseline\"";
                        } else {
                            $valign = " valign=\"top\"";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<td" . $align . $width . $valign . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</td>", $replace);
                case "[/CENTER]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<center>" . $tagwert . "</center>", $replace);
                    // Inline Elemente
                    // BR | IMG | LINK | -span-
                // Inline Elemente
                // BR | IMG | LINK | -span-
                case "[/BR]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<br />", $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $brwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        if ($brwerte[0] == "a") {
                            $clear = "clear=\"all\"";
                            $style_clear = "style=\"clear:both;\"";
                        } elseif ($brwerte[0] == "l") {
                            $clear = "clear=\"left\"";
                            $style_clear = "style=\"clear:left;\"";
                        } elseif ($brwerte[0] == "r") {
                            $clear = "clear=\"right\"";
                            $style_clear = "style=\"clear:right;\"";
                        } else {
                            $clear = "";
                            $style_clear = "";
                        if ($specialvars["w3c"] == "strict") {
                            $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<br " . $style_clear . "/>", $replace);
                        } else {
                            $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<br " . $clear . "/>", $replace);
                case "[/IMG]":
                    $imgsize = "";
                    $imgurl = "";
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        if (!strstr($tagwert, "/")) {
                            $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $tagwert;
                            if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                                $imgurl = $pathvars["images"] . $tagwert;
                        } else {
                            $imgurl = $tagwert;
                            if (!strstr($tagwert, "http")) {
                                if (strpos($tagwert, $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"]) === false) {
                                    $opt = explode("/", $tagwert);
                                    $imgfile = $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"][$opt[4]] . "img_" . $opt[3] . "." . $opt[2];
                                } elseif (strstr($tagwert, $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"])) {
                                    $imgfile = str_replace($cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"], "", $tagwert);
                                    $imgfile = $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"] . $imgfile;
                                } else {
                                    $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . $tagwert;
                                if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                    $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                    $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                                } else {
                                    $imgsize = "";
                        $ausgabewert = "<img src=\"" . $imgurl . "\" title=\"" . $tagwert . "\" alt=\"" . $tagwert . "\"" . $imgsize . " />";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["img_w3c"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["img_w3c"] = "<img src=\"##imgurl##\" title=\"##beschriftung##\" alt=\"##beschriftung##\"##imgsize## style=\"##style_align####style_border####style_hspace####style_vspace##\"##attrib## />";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["img"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["img"] = "<img src=\"##imgurl##\"##attrib####vspace####hspace## title=\"##beschriftung##\" alt=\"##beschriftung##\"##align####border####imgsize## />";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["img_link"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["img_link"] = "<a href=\"##imglnk##\" title=\"##beschriftung##\">";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["img_link_lb"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["img_link_lb"] = "<a href=\"##imglnk##\" title=\"##beschriftung##\" ##lightbox## >";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["/img_link"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["/img_link"] = "</a>";
                        $repl = array("imgurl", "beschriftung", "funder", "fdesc", "imgsize", "attrib", "vspace", "hspace", "align", "border", "style_align", "style_border", "style_hspace", "style_vspace", "imglnk", "lightbox");
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $imgwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        $extrawerte = explode(":", $imgwerte[1]);
                        if ($extrawerte[1] != "") {
                            $imgwerte[1] = $extrawerte[1];
                        if ($extrawerte[0] == "id") {
                            $art = " id";
                        } else {
                            $art = " class";
                        $align = "";
                        $attrib = "";
                        $style_align = "";
                        if ($imgwerte[1] == "r") {
                            $align = " align=\"right\"";
                            $style_align = "float:right;";
                        } elseif ($imgwerte[1] == "l") {
                            $align = " align=\"left\"";
                            $style_align = "float:left;";
                        } elseif ($imgwerte[1] != "") {
                            $attrib = " " . $art . "=\"" . $imgwerte[1] . "\"";
                        if ($imgwerte[2] == "0") {
                            $border = " border=\"0\"";
                            $style_border = "border-width:0;";
                        } elseif ($imgwerte[2] > 0) {
                            $border = " border=\"" . $imgwerte[2] . "\"";
                            $style_border = "border-width:" . $imgwerte[2] . "px;";
                        } else {
                            $border = "";
                            $style_border = "";
                        if ($imgwerte[3] == "l") {
                            $lightbox = "rel=\"lightbox[" . $img_counter . "]\"";
                        if ($imgwerte[4] == "") {
                            $vspace = "";
                            $style_vspace = "";
                        } else {
                            $vspace = " vspace=\"" . $imgwerte[4] . "\"";
                            $style_vspace = "margin-top:" . $imgwerte[4] . "px;margin-bottom:" . $imgwerte[4] . "px;";
                        if ($imgwerte[6] == "") {
                            $hspace = "";
                            $style_hspace = "";
                        } else {
                            $hspace = " hspace=\"" . $imgwerte[6] . "\"";
                            if ($imgwerte[1] == "r") {
                                $style_hspace = "margin-left:" . $imgwerte[6] . "px;margin-right:0px;";
                            } elseif ($imgwerte[1] == "l") {
                                $style_hspace = "margin-left:0px;margin-right:" . $imgwerte[6] . "px;";
                            } else {
                                $style_hspace = "margin-left:" . $imgwerte[6] . "px;margin-right:" . $imgwerte[6] . "px;";
                        if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                            $beschriftung = $imgwerte[0];
                        } else {
                            $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                        // weitere informationen aus datenbank holen
                        if (preg_match("/^\\//", $tagwerte[0])) {
                            $img_path = explode("/", str_replace($cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"], "", $tagwerte[0]));
                            if (is_numeric($img_path[3])) {
                                $fid = $img_path[3];
                                //subdir quickfix
                            } elseif (is_numeric($img_path[4])) {
                                $fid = $img_path[4];
                            } else {
                                $fid = substr($tagwerte[0], 0, strpos($tagwerte[0], ";"));
                                $fid = strrchr($fid, "_");
                                $fid = substr($fid, 1, strpos($fid, ".") - 1);
                            $sql = "SELECT *\n                                            FROM site_file\n                                            WHERE fid=" . $fid;
                            $result = $db->query($sql);
                            $data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1);
                            $funder = $data["funder"];
                            $fdesc = $data["fdesc"];
                        } else {
                            $funder = $beschriftung;
                            $fdesc = $beschriftung;
                        $linka = "";
                        $linkb = "";
                        if (!strstr($imgwerte[0], "/")) {
                            $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $imgwerte[0];
                            if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                                $imgurl = $pathvars["images"] . $imgwerte[0];
                            } else {
                                $imgsize = "";
                        } else {
                            $imgurl = $imgwerte[0];
                            if (!strstr($imgwerte[0], "http")) {
                                if (strpos($imgwerte[0], $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"]) === false) {
                                    $opt = explode("/", str_replace($pathvars["subdir"], "", $imgwerte[0]));
                                    $imgfile = $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"][$opt[4]] . "img_" . $opt[3] . "." . $opt[2];
                                } elseif (strstr($imgwerte[0], $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"])) {
                                    $imgfile = str_replace($cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"], "", $imgwerte[0]);
                                    $imgfile = $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"] . $imgfile;
                                } else {
                                    $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . $imgwerte[0];
                                if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                    $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                    $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                                if ($imgwerte[3] != "") {
                                    $bilderstrecke = "," . $imgwerte[7];
                                } else {
                                    $bilderstrecke = "";
                                if ($imgwerte[3] != "") {
                                    if (strpos($imgurl, $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"]) === false) {
                                        $opt = explode("/", str_replace($pathvars["subdir"], "", $imgurl));
                                        $imgid = $opt[3];
                                    } else {
                                        $opt = split("[_.]", $imgurl);
                                        $imgid = $opt[1];
                                    $path = dirname($pathvars["requested"]);
                                    if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
                                        $path = $path . "/";
                                    $imglnk = $path . basename($pathvars["requested"], ".html") . "/view," . $imgwerte[3] . "," . $imgid . $bilderstrecke . ".html";
                                    if ($imgwerte[3] == "l") {
                                        $imglnk = preg_replace("/\\/(tn|s|m|b)\\//", "/o/", $imgurl);
                                        $linka = $defaults["tag"]["img_link_lb"];
                                    } else {
                                        $linka = $defaults["tag"]["img_link"];
                                    $linkb = $defaults["tag"]["/img_link"];
                            } else {
                                $imgsize = "";
                        if ($specialvars["w3c"] == "strict") {
                            $ausgabewert = $linka . $defaults["tag"]["img_w3c"] . $linkb;
                        } else {
                            $ausgabewert = $linka . $defaults["tag"]["img"] . $linkb;
                        foreach ($repl as $value) {
                            $ausgabewert = str_replace("##" . $value . "##", ${$value}, $ausgabewert);
                            ${$value} = "";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[/LINK]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"" . $tagwert . "\" title=\"" . $tagwert . "\">" . $tagwert . "</a>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $linkwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        $href = $linkwerte[0];
                        if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                            $beschriftung = $href;
                        } else {
                            $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                        // ziel
                        if ($linkwerte[1] != "") {
                            $target = " target=\"" . $linkwerte[1] . "\"";
                        } else {
                            $target = "";
                        // title-tag
                        if ($linkwerte[2] != "") {
                            $title = $linkwerte[2];
                        } else {
                            if ($linkwerte[1] == "_blank") {
                                $title = "Link in neuem Fenster: " . str_replace("http://", "", $href);
                            } elseif (!strstr($beschriftung, "<")) {
                                $title = $beschriftung;
                            } else {
                                $title = "";
                        // css-klasse, je nachdem, welche art link vorliegt
                        $class = "";
                        if (preg_match("/^http/", $href)) {
                            $class = "link_extern";
                        } elseif (preg_match("/^" . str_replace("/", "\\/", $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"]) . ".*\\.([a-zA-Z]+)/", $href, $match)) {
                            if ($cfg["file"]["filetyp"][$match[1]] != "") {
                                $class = "link_" . $cfg["file"]["filetyp"][$match[1]];
                        // klasse manuell hinzufuegen
                        if ($linkwerte[3] != "") {
                            $class .= " " . $linkwerte[3];
                        // id
                        if ($linkwerte[4] != "") {
                            $id = " id=\"" . $linkwerte[4] . "\"";
                        } else {
                            $id = "";
                        $ausgabewert = $pic . "<a href=\"" . $href . "\"" . $id . $target . " title=\"" . $title . "\" class=\"" . $class . "\">" . $beschriftung . "</a>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    // Inline Elemente - Logische Auszeichnungen
                    // AKR | EM | STRONG | CODE | CITE | -q-
                // Inline Elemente - Logische Auszeichnungen
                // AKR | EM | STRONG | CODE | CITE | -q-
                case "[/ACR]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<acronym>" . $tagwert . "</acronym>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $acrwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        $attrib = "";
                        if ($acrwerte[0] != "") {
                            $attrib = " title=\"" . $acrwerte[0] . "\"";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<acronym" . $attrib . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</acronym>", $replace);
                case "[/EM]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<em>" . $tagwert . "</em>", $replace);
                case "[/STRONG]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<strong>" . $tagwert . "</strong>", $replace);
                case "[/CODE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<code>" . $tagwert . "</code>", $replace);
                case "[/CITE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<blockquote>" . $tagwert . "</blockquote>", $replace);
                    // Inline Elemente - Physische Auszeichnungen
                    // B | I | TT | U | S, ST | BIG | SMALL | SUB | SUP
                // Inline Elemente - Physische Auszeichnungen
                // B | I | TT | U | S, ST | BIG | SMALL | SUB | SUP
                case "[/B]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<b>" . $tagwert . "</b>", $replace);
                case "[/I]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<i>" . $tagwert . "</i>", $replace);
                case "[/TT]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<tt>" . $tagwert . "</tt>", $replace);
                case "[/U]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<u>" . $tagwert . "</u>", $replace);
                case "[/S]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<s>" . $tagwert . "</s>", $replace);
                case "[/ST]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<strike>" . $tagwert . "</strike>", $replace);
                case "[/BIG]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<big>" . $tagwert . "</big>", $replace);
                case "[/SMALL]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<small>" . $tagwert . "</small>", $replace);
                case "[/SUB]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<sub>" . $tagwert . "</sub>", $replace);
                case "[/SUP]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<sup>" . $tagwert . "</sup>", $replace);
                    // eWeBuKi Spezial
                    // E | ! | ANK | EMAIL | HS |HL | IMGB | IN | M0 | M1 | M2 | QUOTE | SP | UP | PREV | NEXT
                // eWeBuKi Spezial
                // E | ! | ANK | EMAIL | HS |HL | IMGB | IN | M0 | M1 | M2 | QUOTE | SP | UP | PREV | NEXT
                case "[/E]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<pre>" . $tagwert . "</pre>", $replace);
                case "[/!]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<!--" . $tagwert . "-->", $replace);
                case "[/ANK]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<a name=\"" . $tagwert . "\"></a>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $ausgabewert = "<a name=\"" . $tagwerte[0] . "\">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</a>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[/EMAIL]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"mailto:" . $tagwert . "\">" . $tagwert . "</a>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                            $beschriftung = $tagwerte[0];
                        } else {
                            $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                        $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"mailto:" . $tagwerte[0] . "\">" . $beschriftung . "</a>";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[/HS]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $tagwert, $replace);
                case "[/HL]":
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["hl"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["hl"] = "<hr />";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/hl"] = "";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["hl"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/hl"], $replace);
                case "[/IMGB]":
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["img_link"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["img_link"] = "<a href=\"##imglnk##\">";
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["img_link_lb"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["img_link_lb"] = "<a href=\"##imglnk##\" title=\"##beschriftung##\" ##lightbox## >";
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["/img_link"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["/img_link"] = "</a>";
                    $repl = array("imgurl", "imglnk", "beschriftung", "funder", "fdesc", "lightbox");
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $imgwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    $extrawerte = explode(":", $imgwerte[1]);
                    if ($extrawerte[1] != "") {
                        $imgwerte[1] = $extrawerte[1];
                    $ausgaben["align"] = "";
                    $lspace = "";
                    $rspace = "";
                    $ausgaben["imgstyle"] = "";
                    $ausgaben["float"] = "";
                    // "id" or "class" wird im template gesetzt (!#ausgaben_imgstyle)
                    if ($imgwerte[1] == "r") {
                        $ausgaben["align"] = "right";
                        $ausgaben["float"] = "float:right;";
                        if ($imgwerte[6] == "") {
                            $lspace = "10";
                        } else {
                            $lspace = $imgwerte[6];
                        $rspace = "0";
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[1] == "l") {
                        $ausgaben["align"] = "left";
                        $ausgaben["float"] = "float:left;";
                        $lspace = "0";
                        if ($imgwerte[6] == "") {
                            $rspace = "10";
                        } else {
                            $rspace = $imgwerte[6];
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[1] != "") {
                        $ausgaben["imgstyle"] = $imgwerte[1];
                    if ($imgwerte[2] == "0") {
                        $ausgaben["border"] = "border-width:0;";
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[2] > 0) {
                        $ausgaben["border"] = "border-width:" . $imgwerte[2] . ";";
                    } else {
                        $ausgaben["border"] = "";
                    if ($imgwerte[3] == "l") {
                        $lightbox = "rel=\"lightbox[b" . $imgb_counter . "]\"";
                    if ($imgwerte[4] == "") {
                        $tspace = "0";
                    } else {
                        $tspace = $imgwerte[4];
                    if ($imgwerte[5] == "") {
                        $bspace = "0";
                    } else {
                        $bspace = $imgwerte[5];
                    if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                        $beschriftung = $imgwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                    // weitere informationen aus datenbank holen
                    if (preg_match("/^\\//", $tagwerte[0])) {
                        $img_path = explode("/", str_replace($cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"], "", $tagwerte[0]));
                        if (is_numeric($img_path[3])) {
                            $fid = $img_path[3];
                        } else {
                            $fid = substr($tagwerte[0], 0, strpos($tagwerte[0], ";"));
                            $fid = strrchr($fid, "_");
                            $fid = substr($fid, 1, strpos($fid, ".") - 1);
                        $sql = "SELECT *\n                                        FROM site_file\n                                        WHERE fid=" . $fid;
                        $result = $db->query($sql);
                        $data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1);
                        $funder = $data["funder"];
                        $fdesc = $data["fdesc"];
                    } else {
                        $funder = $beschriftung;
                        $fdesc = $beschriftung;
                    $ausgaben["linka"] = "";
                    $ausgaben["linkb"] = "";
                    if (strpos($imgwerte[0], "/") === false) {
                        $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $imgwerte[0];
                        if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                            $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                            $ausgaben["imgsize"] = " " . $imgsize[3];
                            $ausgaben["imgurl"] = $pathvars["images"] . $imgwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $imgurl = $imgwerte[0];
                        if (strpos($imgurl, "http") === false) {
                            if (strpos($imgwerte[0], $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"]) === false) {
                                $opt = explode("/", str_replace($pathvars["subdir"], "", $imgurl));
                                $imgfile = $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"][$opt[4]] . "img_" . $opt[3] . "." . $opt[2];
                            } elseif (strpos($imgurl, $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"]) !== false) {
                                $imgfile = $cfg["file"]["base"]["maindir"] . str_replace($cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"], "", $imgurl);
                            } else {
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . $imgwerte[0];
                            if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                $ausgaben["tabwidth"] = $imgsize[0];
                                $ausgaben["imgsize"] = " " . $imgsize[3];
                            } else {
                                $ausgaben["tabwidth"] = "";
                                $ausgaben["imgsize"] = "";
                            if ($imgwerte[7] != "") {
                                $bilderstrecke = "," . $imgwerte[7];
                            } else {
                                $bilderstrecke = "";
                            if ($imgwerte[3] != "") {
                                if (strpos($imgurl, $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"]) === false) {
                                    $opt = explode("/", str_replace($pathvars["subdir"], "", $imgurl));
                                    $imgid = $opt[3];
                                } else {
                                    $opt = split("[_.]", $imgurl);
                                    $imgid = $opt[1];
                                if (substr($pathvars["requested"], 0, 1) == '/') {
                                    $path = substr($pathvars["requested"], 1);
                                $path = dirname($pathvars["requested"]);
                                if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
                                    $path = $path . "/";
                                $imglnk = $path . basename($pathvars["requested"], ".html") . "/view," . $imgwerte[3] . "," . $imgid . $bilderstrecke . ".html";
                                if ($imgwerte[3] == "l") {
                                    $imglnk = preg_replace("/\\/(tn|s|m)\\//", "/b/", $imgurl);
                                    $ausgaben["linka"] = $defaults["tag"]["img_link_lb"];
                                } else {
                                    $ausgaben["linka"] = $defaults["tag"]["img_link"];
                                foreach ($repl as $value) {
                                    $ausgaben["linka"] = str_replace("##" . $value . "##", ${$value}, $ausgaben["linka"]);
                                $ausgaben["linkb"] = $defaults["tag"]["/img_link"];
                            } else {
                                $ausgaben["linka"] = "";
                                $ausgaben["linkb"] = "";
                        $ausgaben["imgurl"] = $imgurl;
                    $ausgaben["alt"] = $beschriftung;
                    $ausgaben["beschriftung"] = $beschriftung;
                    $ausgaben["funder"] = $funder;
                    $ausgaben["fdesc"] = $fdesc;
                    $ausgaben["tspace"] = $tspace;
                    $ausgaben["lspace"] = $lspace;
                    $ausgaben["rspace"] = $rspace;
                    $ausgaben["bspace"] = $bspace;
                    $ausgabewert = str_replace(chr(13) . chr(10), "", parser("imgb", ""));
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[/SEL]":
                    $tag_value = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $tag_param = explode(";", $tag_value[0]);
                    $tag_extra = explode(":", $tag_param[3]);
                    $tag_special = explode(":", $tag_param[0]);
                    if (!preg_match("/[0-9]+/", $tag_param[0])) {
                        $sel = "selection not ready";
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $sel, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $path = dirname($pathvars["requested"]);
                        if (substr($path, -1) != '/') {
                            $path = $path . "/";
                        $link = $path . basename($pathvars["requested"], ".html") . "/view," . $tag_param[1] . ",#," . $tag_param[0] . "," . $tag_param[2] . ".html";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["sel"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["sel"] = "<div style=\"position:relative\" class=\"selection_teaser\">##no_image####youtube_div##\n<b>##title## ##youtube_link##</b>\n##no_image_end##<div>\n<ul>\n";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["*sel"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["*sel"] = "<li class=\"thumbs\"##style##>\n<a href=\"##link##\" ##lb##class=\"pic\" title=\"##fdesc##\"><img src=\"##tn##\" alt=\"##funder##\" title=\"##funder##\"/></a>\n</li>\n";
                        if ($defaults["tag"]["/sel"] == "") {
                            $defaults["tag"]["/sel"] = "</ul>\n</div>\n<span##display##>g(compilation_info)(##count## g(compilation_pics))</span>\n</div>";
                        if (strstr($tag_param[0], ":")) {
                            $sel_pics = "";
                            foreach ($tag_special as $pics) {
                                if ($pics == "") {
                                $sel_pics != "" ? $trenner = " ," : ($trenner = "");
                                $sel_pics .= $trenner . $pics;
                            if ($sel_pics == "") {
                                $sel_pics = 0;
                            $sql = "SELECT * FROM site_file WHERE fid in (" . $sel_pics . ")";
                            $sel_pics1 = explode(":", $tag_param[0]);
                            $i = 0;
                            foreach ($sel_pics1 as $key => $value) {
                                $tmp_sort[$value] = $i;
                            $result = $db->query($sql);
                            $files = array();
                            $sortarray = array();
                            while ($data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1)) {
                                $sortarray[] = $tmp_sort[$data["fid"]];
                                $files[] = array("fid" => $data["fid"], "sort" => $counter, "ffart" => $data["ffart"], "ffname" => $data["ffname"], "funder" => $data["funder"], "fdesc" => $data["fdesc"]);
                            if (count($files) > 0) {
                                array_multisort($sortarray, $files);
                        } else {
                            $sql = "SELECT *\n                                          FROM site_file\n                                         WHERE fhit LIKE '%#p" . $tag_param[0] . "%'";
                            $result = $db->query($sql);
                            $files = array();
                            while ($data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1)) {
                                preg_match("/#p" . $tag_param[0] . "[,]*([0-9]*)#/i", $data["fhit"], $match);
                                $files[$match[1]] = array("fid" => $data["fid"], "sort" => $match[1], "ffart" => $data["ffart"], "ffname" => $data["ffname"], "funder" => $data["funder"], "fdesc" => $data["fdesc"]);
                            $sort = array();
                            foreach ($files as $key => $row) {
                                $sort[$key] = $row['sort'];
                            array_multisort($sort, $files);
                        $sel = str_replace("##title##", $tag_value[1], $defaults["tag"]["sel"]);
                        // wenn video-parameter vorhanden dann marken ersetzen
                        if ($tag_param[5] != "") {
                            $sel = str_replace("##youtube_div##", "<div class=\"new_box new_space_inside\" style=\"background: #EEF3FB;height:212px;width:250px;display:none\" id=\"" . $tag_param[0] . "_video\">\n                                [OBJECT=" . $tag_param[5] . "&hl=de_DE&fs=1&;250;192;application/x-shockwave-flash]\n                                [PARAM=movie]" . $tag_param[5] . "&hl=de_DE&fs=1&[/PARAM]\n                                [PARAM=wmode]transparent[/PARAM]\n                                [/OBJECT]\n                                <span style=\"float:right\"><b><a onclick=\"Element.setStyle('" . $tag_param[0] . "_video', 'display:none');\">Schließen</a></b></span></div>", $sel);
                            $sel = str_replace("##youtube_link##", "<a onclick=\"Element.setStyle('" . $tag_param[0] . "_video', 'display:block;position:absolute;left:-1px;top:-228px');\">Video</a>", $sel);
                        } else {
                            $sel = str_replace("##youtube_div##", "", $sel);
                            $sel = str_replace("##youtube_link##", "", $sel);
                        $lb_helper = "";
                        $file_counter = 0;
                        foreach ($files as $row) {
                            if ($cfg["file"]["base"]["realname"] == True) {
                                $img = $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"] . $row["ffart"] . "/" . $row["fid"] . "/" . $tag_param[1] . "/" . $row["ffname"];
                                $tn = $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"] . $row["ffart"] . "/" . $row["fid"] . "/" . "tn/" . $row["ffname"];
                            } else {
                                $img = $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"][$tag_param[1]] . "img_" . $row["fid"] . "." . $row["ffart"];
                                $tn = $cfg["file"]["base"]["webdir"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["root"] . $cfg["file"]["base"]["pic"]["tn"] . "tn_" . $row["fid"] . "." . $row["ffart"];
                            $style = "";
                            if (!in_array($row["fid"], $tag_extra) && $tag_param[3] != "a") {
                                if ($tag_param[4] == "l") {
                                    $style = " style=\"display:none;\"";
                                } else {
                            if ($tag_param[4] == "l") {
                                $changed = $img;
                                $lb = "rel=\"lightbox[group_" . $selection_counter . "]\" ";
                            } else {
                                $changed = str_replace("#", $row["fid"], $link);
                                $lb = "";
                            if ($tag_param[3] == "" && $tag_param[4] == "l" && $file_counter == 1) {
                                $tn1 = $img;
                            $s = array("##link##", "##lb##", "##tn##", "##funder##", "##fdesc##", "##style##");
                            $r = array($changed, $lb, $tn, $row["funder"], $row["fdesc"], $style);
                            $sel .= str_replace($s, $r, $defaults["tag"]["*sel"]);
                        if ($tag_param[3] == "" && $tag_param[4] == "l") {
                            $ArrayReplace = array(count($files), " style=\"display:none\"");
                        } else {
                            $ArrayReplace = array(count($files), "");
                        $sel .= str_replace(array("##count##", "##display##"), $ArrayReplace, $defaults["tag"]["/sel"]);
                        if ($tag_param[3] == "") {
                            if ($tag_param[4] == "l") {
                                $sel = str_replace("##no_image##", "<a href=\"" . $tn1 . "\" " . $lb . ">", $sel);
                                $sel = str_replace("##no_image_end##", "</a>", $sel);
                            } else {
                                $changed = str_replace("#", $files[0]["fid"], $link);
                                $sel = "<a href=\"" . $changed . "\">" . $tag_value[1] . "</a>";
                        } else {
                            $sel = str_replace("##no_image##", "", $sel);
                            $sel = str_replace("##no_image_end##", "", $sel);
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $sel, $replace);
                case "[/IN]":
                    if ($defaults["tag"]["in"] == "") {
                        $defaults["tag"]["in"] = "<em>";
                        $defaults["tag"]["/in"] = "</em>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $defaults["tag"]["in"] . $tagwert . $defaults["tag"]["/in"], $replace);
                case "[/M0]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        $m0 = $ausgaben["M0"];
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $m0, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $m0werte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        if ($m0werte[0] == "l") {
                            $m0 = $ausgaben["L0"];
                        } else {
                            $m0 = $ausgaben["M0"];
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $m0, $replace);
                case "[/M1]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        if ($tagwert == "") {
                            $label = " .. ";
                        } else {
                            $label = $tagwert;
                        if ($ausgaben["M1"] != "") {
                            $trenner = $defaults["split"]["m1"];
                        } else {
                            $trenner = "";
                        $m1 = "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a>" . $trenner . $ausgaben["M1"];
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $m1, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $m1werte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                            $label = " .. ";
                        } else {
                            $label = $tagwerte[1];
                        if ($m1werte[0] == "l") {
                            $m1 = "";
                            if ($m1werte[1] == "b") {
                                $m1 = $defaults["split"]["l1"] . "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a><br />";
                            $m1 .= $ausgaben["L1"];
                        } else {
                            $m1 = "";
                            if ($m1werte[1] == "b") {
                                if ($ausgaben["M1"] != "") {
                                    $trenner = $defaults["split"]["m1"];
                                } else {
                                    $trenner = "";
                                $m1 = "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a>" . $trenner;
                            $m1 .= $ausgaben["M1"];
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $m1, $replace);
                case "[/M2]":
                    if ($sign == "]") {
                        if ($tagwert == "") {
                            $label = " .. ";
                        } else {
                            $label = $tagwert;
                        if ($ausgaben["M2"] != "") {
                            $trenner = $defaults["split"]["m2"];
                        } else {
                            $trenner = "";
                        $m2 = "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a>" . $trenner . $ausgaben["M2"];
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $m2, $replace);
                    } else {
                        $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                        $m2werte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                        if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                            $label = " .. ";
                        } else {
                            $label = $tagwerte[1];
                        if ($m2werte[0] == "l") {
                            $m2 = "";
                            if ($m2werte[1] == "b") {
                                $m2 = $defaults["split"]["l2"] . "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a><br />";
                            $m2 .= $ausgaben["L2"];
                        } else {
                            $m2 = "";
                            if ($m2werte[1] == "b") {
                                if ($ausgaben["M2"] != "") {
                                    $trenner = $defaults["split"]["m2"];
                                } else {
                                    $trenner = "";
                                $m2 = "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a>" . $trenner;
                            $m2 .= $ausgaben["M2"];
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $m2, $replace);
                case "[/M3]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgaben["M3"], $replace);
                case "[/UP]":
                    if ($tagwert == "") {
                        $label = " .. ";
                    } else {
                        $label = $tagwert;
                    $up = "<a class=\"menu_punkte\" href=\"" . $ausgaben["UP"] . "\">" . $label . "</a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $up, $replace);
                case "[/PREV]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgaben["prev"], $replace);
                case "[/NEXT]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $ausgaben["next"], $replace);
                case "[/QUOTE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "&quot;" . $tagwert . "&quot;", $replace);
                case "[/SP]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "&nbsp;", $replace);
                case "[/BLOG]":
                    if ($environment["ebene"] == "/wizard" && $environment["kategorie"] == "show") {
                        $kat = tname2path($environment["parameter"][2]);
                    } else {
                        if ($environment["ebene"] == "") {
                            $kat = "/" . $environment["kategorie"];
                        } else {
                            $kat = $environment["ebene"] . "/" . $environment["kategorie"];
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $url = $tagwerte[0];
                    // erstellen der tags die angezeigt werden
                    if (is_array($cfg["bloged"]["blogs"][$url]["tags"])) {
                        foreach ($cfg["bloged"]["blogs"][$url]["tags"] as $key => $value) {
                            $tags[$key] = $value;
                    require_once $pathvars["moduleroot"] . "libraries/";
                    require_once $pathvars["moduleroot"] . "libraries/";
                    if ($environment["parameter"][2] == "" || $environment["ebene"] == "/wizard") {
                        $dataloop["list"] = show_blog($url, $tags, $cfg["auth"]["ghost"]["contented"], $cfg["bloged"]["blogs"][$url]["rows"], $kat);
                    } else {
                        $all = show_blog($url, $tags, $cfg["auth"]["ghost"]["contented"], $cfg["bloged"]["blogs"][$url]["rows"], $kat);
                        $hidedata["all"]["inhalt"] = $all[1]["all"];
                    if ($cfg["bloged"]["blogs"][$url]["category"] != "") {
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, parser($mapping["main"], ""), $replace);
                    } else {
                        $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "not allowed", $replace);
                case "[/OBJECT]":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $objectwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<object type=\"" . $objectwerte[3] . "\" data=\"" . $objectwerte[0] . "\" width=\"" . $objectwerte[1] . "\" height=\"" . $objectwerte[2] . "\">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</object>", $replace);
                case "[/PARAM]":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, "<param name=\"" . $tagwerte[0] . "\" value=\"" . $tagwerte[1] . "\"></param>", $replace);
                case "[/YT]":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $ytwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    $yt = "<object width=\"" . $ytwerte[0] . "\" height=\"" . $ytwerte[1] . "\">\n                                <param name=\"movie\" value=\"" . $tagwerte[1] . "&hl=de_DE&fs=1&\"></param>\n                                <param name=\"allowFullScreen\" value=\"true\"></param>\n                                <param name=\"allowscriptaccess\" value=\"always\"></param>\n                                <embed src=\"" . $tagwerte[1] . "&hl=de_DE&fs=1&\" type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" allowscriptaccess=\"always\" allowfullscreen=\"true\" width=\"" . $ytwerte[0] . "\" height=\"" . $ytwerte[1] . "\"></embed>\n                                </object>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagoriginal . $closetag, $yt, $replace);
                    $extra_tag = str_replace(array("/", "]", "["), array("", "", ""), $closetag);
                    if ($defaults["extra_tags"][$extra_tag] != "") {
                        if (file_exists($pathvars["moduleroot"] . $defaults["extra_tags"][$extra_tag])) {
                            include $pathvars["moduleroot"] . $defaults["extra_tags"][$extra_tag];
                    // unbekannte tags verstecken
                    $replace = str_replace($closetag, "[##" . substr($closetag, 1), $replace);
    // unbekannte tags wiederherstellen
    $replace = str_replace("[##/", "[/", $replace);
    return $replace;
Exemple #8

include "init.php";
$tid = $_GET["tid"];
$page = fopen("{$tid}", "r");
$contents = stream_get_contents($page);
$values = parser($contents);
foreach ($values as $players) {
    echo update($players);
function update($player)
    $names = explode(" ", $player[0][0], 2);
    $first = $names[0];
    $last = $names[1];
    if ($player[0][1] == "G" && $player[6] == 0) {
        return "<tr><td>{$first} {$last} is a goalie</td></tr>";
    $query = "SELECT * FROM players WHERE first='{$first}' AND last='{$last}'";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die("<b>YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG YOU IDIOT</b>.\n<br />Query: {$query}<br />\nError: (" . mysql_errno() . ") " . mysql_error());
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
    if ($row) {
        if ($player[0][1] == "G") {
            $query = "UPDATE players SET stype='hg', s1='{$player['1']}', s2='{$player['2']}', s3='{$player['3']}', s4='{$player['4']}', s5={$player['10']}, s6='{$player['7']}' WHERE first='{$first}' AND last='{$last}'";
        } else {
            $query = "UPDATE players SET stype='hp', s1='{$player['1']}', s2='{$player['2']}', s3='{$player['3']}', s4='{$player['4']}', s5='{$player['6']}', s6='{$player['10']}' WHERE first='{$first}' AND last='{$last}'";
 function makece($ce_formname, $ce_name, $ce_inhalt, $allowed_tags = array())
     global $debugging, $environment, $db, $cfg, $pathvars, $ausgaben, $specialvars, $defaults;
     // label fuer neue buttons fuellen
     $sql = "SELECT label, content\n                      FROM " . SITETEXT . "\n                     WHERE tname='-141347382.modify'\n                       AND lang='" . $environment["language"] . "'";
     if ($debugging["html_enable"]) {
         $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "sql: " . $sql . $debugging["char"];
     $result = $db->query($sql);
     while ($data = $db->fetch_array($result)) {
         $label[$data["label"]] = $data["content"];
     $cms_old_mode = False;
     $tag_marken = explode(":", $environment["parameter"][4]);
     $ausgaben["njs"] = "";
     foreach ($cfg["wizard"]["tags"] as $key => $value) {
         // feststellen, ob der tag erlaubt ist
         if (is_array($allowed_tags) && !in_array($key, $allowed_tags)) {
         if ($value[1] != "") {
             $k = " [KEY-" . $value[1] . "]";
         } else {
             $k = "";
         if ($value[2] == False) {
             $s = "' + selText + '";
         } else {
             $s = "";
         if ($value[3] != "") {
             $l = $value[3];
         } else {
             $l = "]";
         if ($value[6] == "") {
             $keyX = $key;
         } else {
             $keyX = $value[6];
         if ($value[0] == "" && $cfg["wizard"]["debug"] == True) {
             $value[0] = "T";
         // position (T=top, B=bottom), access key, no select, links, rechts, disable
         //                                                     ebButtons[ebButtons.length] = new ebButton(
         // id           used to name the toolbar button           'eb_h1'
         // key          label on button                          ,'H1'
         // tit          button title                             ,'�berschrift [Alt-1]'
         // position     position (top, bot)                      ,'T'
         // access       access key                               ,'1'
         // noSelect                                              ,'-1'
         // tagStart     open tag                                 ,'[H1]'
         // tagMid       mid tag                                  ,''
         // tagEnd       close tag                                ,'[/H1]'
         //                                                     );
         $ausgaben["njs"] .= "ebButtons[ebButtons.length] = new ebButton(\n";
         $ausgaben["njs"] .= "'eb_" . $key . "'\n                                    ,'" . strtoupper($key) . "'\n                                    ,'" . $label[$key] . $k . "'\n                                    ,'" . $value[0] . "'\n                                    ,'" . $value[1] . "'\n                                    ,'noSelect'\n                                    ,'[" . strtoupper($keyX) . $l . "'\n                                    ,'" . $value[4] . "'\n                                    ,'" . $value[5] . "[/" . strtoupper($keyX) . "]'\n";
         $ausgaben["njs"] .= ");\n";
     // script in seite parsen
     $ausgaben["ce_script"] = parser($cfg["wizard"]["tagjs"], "");
     return $tn;

function parser($filename)
    $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');
    $main = fseek($handle, 520, SEEK_SET);
    $content = trim(fread($handle, filesize($filename)));
    $rawdataarray = explode("\n", $content);
    $totalunits = 0;
    $units = "Units   |   ";
    $fullname = "Full Name   |   ";
    $employeenumber = "Employee Number";
    $report = "";
    foreach ($rawdataarray as $innerdata) {
        $innerdataarray = explode(",", $innerdata);
        $totalunits += $innerdataarray[3];
        $report .= $innerdataarray[3] . "       " . $innerdataarray[1] . $innerdataarray[2] . "       " . $innerdataarray[0] . PHP_EOL;
    $reporthead = $units . $fullname . $employeenumber . PHP_EOL;
    $totalemployees = "Total number of employees: " . (count($rawdataarray) + 1) . PHP_EOL;
    $unitssold = "Total number of units sold: " . $totalunits . PHP_EOL;
    $averageunits = "Average number of units sold per employee: " . $totalunits / (count($rawdataarray) + 1) . PHP_EOL;
    return $totalemployees . $unitssold . $averageunits . $reporthead . $report;
echo parser('report.txt');
Exemple #11
// воруем данные у информера Гисметео
$xml = simplexml_load_file(rawurlencode($xmlurl));
// загружаем в переменную
/* Выбираем нужные данные */
$cloudiness = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->PHENOMENA->attributes()->cloudiness;
$precipitation = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->PHENOMENA->attributes()->precipitation;
$rpower = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->PHENOMENA->attributes()->rpower;
$pressure = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->PRESSURE->attributes()->max;
$relwet = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->RELWET->attributes()->max;
$heat = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->HEAT->attributes()->max;
$wind = $xml->REPORT->TOWN->FORECAST[0]->WIND->attributes()->max;
$tempws = parser($url, $start, $finish);
// запуск парсера
$tempws_s = parser($url, '<font size=4 color=#888888>', ' C</font>/');
// запуск парсера для юга
$tempws_n = parser($url, '<font size=4 color=#BBBBBB>', ' C</font>)');
// запуск парсера для севера
/* расчитываем время восхода и заказа */
$lat = 54.78278;
// latitude: 54.78278
$lng = 32.04528;
// longitude: 32.04528
$gmt = 3;
// offset: +3 GMT
$zen = ini_get("date.sunrise_zenith");
// zenith ~= 90, получаем из php
$sunrise = date_sunrise(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $lat, $lng, $zen, $gmt);
// расчет времени восхода солнца
$sunset = date_sunset(time(), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $lat, $lng, $zen, $gmt);
// расчет времени захода солнца
/* выводим данные в json */
 case "kontakt":
     if ($environment["ebene"] == "" || strstr($environment["ebene"], "/aemter/")) {
         $sql = "SELECT " . $cfg["aemter"]["db"]["dst"]["email"] . "\n                              FROM " . $cfg["aemter"]["db"]["dst"]["entries"] . "\n                             WHERE " . $cfg["aemter"]["db"]["dst"]["akz"] . "='" . $environment["parameter"][1] . "'";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         $data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1);
         $hidedata["heading"]["heading"] = "#(kontakt)";
         $environment["ebene"] = "/service";
         $environment["kategorie"] = "kontakt";
         include $pathvars["moduleroot"] . "addon/kontakt.cfg.php";
         $cfg["kontakt"]["basis"] = "kontakt";
         if ($cfg["aemter"]["email"] == -1) {
             $cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["owner"] = $data["ademail"];
         include $pathvars["moduleroot"] . "addon/";
         $hidedata["kontakt"]["inhalt"] = "on";
         $ausgaben["kontakt"] = parser("aemter-kontakt", "");
 case "va-aktuell":
     require_once $pathvars["moduleroot"] . "libraries/";
     require $pathvars["moduleroot"] . "libraries/";
     $tags["titel"] = "H1";
     $tags["teaser"] = "P=teaser";
     $tags["image"] = "IMG=";
     $tags["termine"] = "_NAME";
     $hidedata["sub_menu"]["link"] = "aktuell.html";
     if ($environment["parameter"][1] == "archiv") {
         $dataloop["artikel2"] = show_blog("/aktuell/archiv", $tags, "disabled", "", "/aemter/" . $amtid . "/index");
     } elseif ($environment["parameter"][1] == "termine") {
         $dataloop["termine"] = show_blog("/aktuell/termine", $tags, "disabled", "", "/aemter/" . $amtid . "/index");
function tagreplace($replace)
    global $pathvars, $environment, $ausgaben;
    // neues generelles tagreplace
    while (ereg("\\[[A-Z1-2]{1,6}(\\]|=)", $replace, $tag)) {
        $opentag = $tag[0];
        if (strstr($replace, $opentag)) {
            // wo beginnt der tag
            $tagbeg = strpos($replace, $opentag);
            // wie sieht der endtag aus
            if (strstr($opentag, "=")) {
                $endtag = str_replace("=", "]", $opentag);
                $endtag = str_replace("[", "[/", $endtag);
            } else {
                $endtag = str_replace("[", "[/", $opentag);
            // wo endet der tag
            $tagend = strpos($replace, $endtag);
            // wie lang ist der tag
            $taglen = (int) $tagend - $tagbeg;
            // wie lautet der tagwert
            $tagwertbeg = $tagbeg + strlen($opentag);
            $tagwertlen = $taglen - strlen($endtag) + 1;
            $tagwert = substr($replace, $tagwertbeg, $tagwertlen);
            // cariage return + linefeed fix
            $tagwert_nocrlf = str_replace("AB]\r\n", "AB]", $tagwert);
            $tagwert_nocrlf = str_replace("W]\r\n", "W]", $tagwert_nocrlf);
            $tagwert_nocrlf = str_replace("L]\r\n", "L]", $tagwert_nocrlf);
            $tagwert_nocrlf = str_replace("\r\n[", "[", $tagwert_nocrlf);
            #echo "<pre>";
            #echo ">".$tagwert_nocrlf."<";
            #echo "</pre>";
            // offene tags abfangen
            #if ( strstr($tagwert, $opentag) || ( strstr($replace, $opentag) && $tagwert == "" ) ) {
            if (strstr($tagwert, $opentag) || $tagwertlen < 0) {
                $merk_es_dir["##{$i}##"] = $opentag;
                $ausgabewert = "<big><font color=\"#FF0000\">##{$i}## (close tag?) </font></big>";
                $replace = str_replace($opentag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
            // kompletten tag mit tagwert ersetzen
            switch ($opentag) {
                case "[B]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<b>" . $tagwert . "</b>", $replace);
                case "[I]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<i>" . $tagwert . "</i>", $replace);
                case "[TT]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<tt>" . $tagwert . "</tt>", $replace);
                case "[U]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<u>" . $tagwert . "</u>", $replace);
                case "[S]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<s>" . $tagwert . "</s>", $replace);
                case "[ST]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<strike>" . $tagwert . "</strike>", $replace);
                case "[BIG]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<big>" . $tagwert . "</big>", $replace);
                case "[SMALL]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<small>" . $tagwert . "</small>", $replace);
                case "[SUP]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<sup>" . $tagwert . "</sup>", $replace);
                case "[SUB]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<sub>" . $tagwert . "</sub>", $replace);
                case "[CENTER]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<center>" . $tagwert . "</center>", $replace);
                case "[QUOTE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "&quot;" . $tagwert . "&quot;", $replace);
                case "[CITE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<blockquote>" . $tagwert . "</blockquote>", $replace);
                case "[PRE]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<pre>" . $tagwert . "</pre>", $replace);
                case "[BR]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<br />", $replace);
                case "[LIST]":
                    $tagwerte = explode("[*]", $tagwert);
                    $ausgabewert = "<ul>";
                    while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                        $ausgabewert .= "<li>" . $punkt . "</li>";
                    $ausgabewert .= "</ul>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[LIST=":
                    $tagrestbeg = strpos($tagwert, "]");
                    $listart = substr($tagwert, 0, $tagrestbeg);
                    $tagrest = substr($tagwert, $tagrestbeg + 1);
                    $tagwerte = explode("[*]", $tagrest);
                    if ($listart == 1) {
                        $ausgabewert = "<ol>";
                        while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                            $ausgabewert .= "<li>" . $punkt . "</li>";
                        $ausgabewert .= "</ol>";
                    } elseif ($listart == "DEF") {
                        $ausgabewert = "<dl>";
                        while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                            if ($key % 2 != 0) {
                                $ausgabewert .= "<dd>" . $punkt . "</dd>";
                            } else {
                                $ausgabewert .= "<dt>" . $punkt . "</dt>";
                        $ausgabewert .= "</dl>";
                    } else {
                        if (strlen($listart) > 1) {
                            $ausgabewert = "<ul type=\"" . $listart . "\">";
                        } else {
                            $ausgabewert = "<ol type=\"" . $listart . "\">";
                        while (list($key, $punkt) = each($tagwerte)) {
                            $ausgabewert .= "<li>" . $punkt . "</li>";
                        if (strlen($listart) > 1) {
                            $ausgabewert .= "</ul>";
                        } else {
                            $ausgabewert .= "</ol>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[LINK]":
                    $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"" . $tagwert . "\">" . $tagwert . "</a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[LINK=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $pos = strrpos($tagwerte[0], ";");
                    if ($pos >= 1) {
                        $target = substr($tagwerte[0], $pos + 1);
                        $href = substr($tagwerte[0], 0, $pos);
                        $target = " target=\"" . $target . "\"";
                    } else {
                        $target = "";
                        $href = $tagwerte[0];
                    if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                        $beschriftung = $href;
                    } else {
                        $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                    $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"" . $href . "\"" . $target . ">" . $beschriftung . "</a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[ANK]":
                    $ausgabewert = "<a name=\"" . $tagwert . "\"></a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[ANK=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $ausgabewert = "<a name=\"" . $tagwerte[0] . "\">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[EMAIL]":
                    $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"mailto:" . $tagwert . "\">" . $tagwert . "</a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[EMAIL=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                        $beschriftung = $tagwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                    $ausgabewert = "<a href=\"mailto:" . $tagwerte[0] . "\">" . $beschriftung . "</a>";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[IMG]":
                    if (!strstr($tagwert, "/")) {
                        $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $tagwert;
                        if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                            $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                            $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                            $imgurl = $pathvars["images"] . $tagwert;
                    } else {
                        $imgurl = $tagwert;
                        if (!strstr($tagwert, "http")) {
                            if (strstr($tagwert[0], $pathvars["filebase"]["webdir"])) {
                                $imgfile = str_replace($pathvars["filebase"]["webdir"], "", $tagwert);
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["filebase"]["maindir"] . $imgfile;
                            } else {
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . $tagwert;
                            if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                    $ausgabewert = "<img src=\"" . $imgurl . "\" alt=\"" . $tagwert . "\"" . $imgsize . ">";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[IMG=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $imgwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    if ($imgwerte[1] == "r") {
                        $align = " align=\"right\"";
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[1] == "l") {
                        $align = " align=\"left\"";
                    } else {
                        $align = "";
                    if ($imgwerte[2] == "0") {
                        $border = " border=\"0\"";
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[2] > 0) {
                        $border = " border=\"" . $imgwerte[2] . "\"";
                    } else {
                        $border = "";
                    if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                        $beschriftung = $imgwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                    if (!strstr($imgwerte[0], "/")) {
                        $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $imgwerte[0];
                        if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                            $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                            $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                            $imgurl = $pathvars["images"] . $imgwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $imgurl = $imgwerte[0];
                        if (!strstr($imgwerte[0], "http")) {
                            if (strstr($imgwerte[0], $pathvars["filebase"]["webdir"])) {
                                $imgfile = str_replace($pathvars["filebase"]["webdir"], "", $imgwerte[0]);
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["filebase"]["maindir"] . $imgfile;
                            } else {
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . $imgwerte[0];
                            if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                    $ausgabewert = "<img src=\"" . $imgurl . "\" alt=\"" . $beschriftung . "\"" . $align . $border . $imgsize . ">";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[IMGB=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert, 2);
                    $imgwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    if ($imgwerte[1] == "r") {
                        $ausgaben["align"] = " align=\"right\"";
                        if ($imgwerte[5] == "") {
                            $lspace = "10";
                        } else {
                            $lspace = $imgwerte[5];
                        $rspace = "0";
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[1] == "l") {
                        $ausgaben["align"] = " align=\"left\"";
                        $lspace = "0";
                        if ($imgwerte[5] == "") {
                            $rspace = "10";
                        } else {
                            $rspace = $imgwerte[5];
                    } else {
                        $ausgaben["align"] = "";
                    if ($imgwerte[2] == "0") {
                        $ausgaben["border"] = " border=\"0\"";
                    } elseif ($imgwerte[2] > 0) {
                        $ausgaben["border"] = " border=\"" . $imgwerte[2] . "\"";
                    } else {
                        $ausgaben["border"] = "";
                    if ($imgwerte[3] == "") {
                        $tspace = "0";
                    } else {
                        $tspace = $imgwerte[3];
                    if ($imgwerte[4] == "") {
                        $bspace = "0";
                    } else {
                        $bspace = $imgwerte[4];
                    if ($tagwerte[1] == "") {
                        $beschriftung = $imgwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $beschriftung = $tagwerte[1];
                    if (!strstr($imgwerte[0], "/")) {
                        $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/" . $imgwerte[0];
                        if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                            $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                            $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                            $ausgaben["imgurl"] = $pathvars["images"] . $imgwerte[0];
                    } else {
                        $ausgaben["imgurl"] = $imgwerte[0];
                        if (!strstr($imgwerte[0], "http")) {
                            if (strstr($imgwerte[0], $pathvars["filebase"]["webdir"])) {
                                $imgfile = str_replace($pathvars["filebase"]["webdir"], "", $imgwerte[0]);
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["filebase"]["maindir"] . $imgfile;
                            } else {
                                $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . $imgwerte[0];
                            if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                                $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                                $ausgaben["tabwidth"] = $imgsize[0];
                                $ausgaben["imgsize"] = " " . $imgsize[3];
                    #$ausgabewert = "<img src=\"".$imgurl."\" alt=\"".$beschriftung."\"".$align.$border.$imgsize.">";
                    #$ausgaben["align"] = $align;
                    #$ausgaben["imgurl"] = $imgurl;
                    $ausgaben["alt"] = $beschriftung;
                    $ausgaben["beschriftung"] = $beschriftung;
                    $ausgaben["tspace"] = "<img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "pos.png\" width=\"1\" height=\"" . $tspace . "\">";
                    $ausgaben["lspace"] = "<img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "pos.png\" width=\"" . $lspace . "\" height=\"1\">";
                    $ausgaben["rspace"] = "<img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "pos.png\" width=\"" . $rspace . "\" height=\"1\">";
                    $ausgaben["bspace"] = "<img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "pos.png\" width=\"1\" height=\"" . $bspace . "\">";
                    $ausgabewert = str_replace(chr(13) . chr(10), "", parser("imgb", ""));
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
                case "[TAB]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<table cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\">" . $tagwert_nocrlf . "</table>", $replace);
                case "[TAB=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert_nocrlf, 2);
                    $tabwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    if ($tabwerte[0] == "l") {
                        $align = " align=\"left\"";
                    } elseif ($tabwerte[0] == "m") {
                        $align = " align=\"center\"";
                    } elseif ($tabwerte[0] == "r") {
                        $align = " align=\"right\"";
                    } else {
                        $align = "";
                    if ($tabwerte[1] != "") {
                        $width = " width=\"" . $tabwerte[1] . "\"";
                    if ($tabwerte[2] != "") {
                        $border = " border=\"" . $tabwerte[2] . "\"";
                    if ($tabwerte[3] != "") {
                        $cellspacing = " cellspacing=\"" . $tabwerte[3] . "\"";
                    } else {
                        $cellspacing = " cellspacing=\"0\"";
                    if ($tabwerte[4] != "") {
                        $cellpadding = " cellpadding=\"" . $tabwerte[4] . "\"";
                    } else {
                        $cellpadding = " cellpadding=\"1\"";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<table" . $cellspacing . $cellpadding . $width . $align . $border . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</table>", $replace);
                case "[ROW]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<tr>" . $tagwert_nocrlf . "</tr>", $replace);
                case "[COL]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<td valign=\"top\">" . $tagwert_nocrlf . "</td>", $replace);
                case "[COL=":
                    $tagwerte = explode("]", $tagwert_nocrlf, 2);
                    $colwerte = explode(";", $tagwerte[0]);
                    if ($colwerte[0] == "l") {
                        $align = " align=\"left\"";
                    } elseif ($colwerte[0] == "m") {
                        $align = " align=\"center\"";
                    } elseif ($colwerte[0] == "r") {
                        $align = " align=\"right\"";
                    } else {
                        $align = "";
                    if ($colwerte[1] != "") {
                        $width = " width=\"" . $colwerte[1] . "\"";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<td valign=\"top\"" . $align . $width . ">" . $tagwerte[1] . "</td>", $replace);
                case "[H1]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<span class=\"id_top_head\">" . $tagwert . "</span>", $replace);
                case "[H2]":
                    $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/dot1.gif";
                    if (file_exists($imgfile)) {
                        $imgsize = getimagesize($imgfile);
                        $imgsize = " " . $imgsize[3];
                        $imgurl = $pathvars["images"] . "dot1.gif";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<img src=\"" . $imgurl . "\" alt=\"\"" . $imgsize . "> <span class=\"fkrcontentlead\">" . $tagwert . "</span>", $replace);
                case "[HL]":
                    $imgfile = $pathvars["fileroot"] . "images/" . $environment["design"] . "/dot1.gif";
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, "<img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "hl.png\" height=\"1\" width=\"628\" vspace=\"2\" alt=\"\">", $replace);
                case "[M1]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgaben["M1"], $replace);
                case "[M2]":
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag . $tagwert . $endtag, $ausgaben["M2"], $replace);
                    #$ausgabewert = "\"illegal tag: ".strtolower($opentag)."\"";
                    #$replace = str_replace($opentag,$ausgabewert,$replace);
                    $ausgabewert = "##{$i}##";
                    $merk_es_dir["##{$i}##"] = $opentag;
                    $replace = str_replace($opentag, $ausgabewert, $replace);
    // gemerkte illegale tags wieder rein
    if (is_array($merk_es_dir)) {
        foreach ($merk_es_dir as $key => $value) {
            $replace = str_replace($key, $value, $replace);
            if ($debugging["html_enable"]) {
                $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "ersetze marke " . $key . " => " . $value . $debugging["char"];
    return $replace;
$ground = $release[0]->supp_info_ground;
$comment_block = $release[0]->comments;
$details = '';
if (!is_null($eq) || !is_null($rain)) {
    if (!is_null($eq)) {
        $details = $eq . " ";
    if (!is_null($rain)) {
        $details = $details . $rain . " ";
if (!is_null($ground)) {
    $details = $details . $ground;
$details = parser($release[0]->internal_alert_level, $details, $comment_block, 0);
$comments = parser($release[0]->internal_alert_level, $details, $comment_block, 1);
$class_col = $comments != '' ? 'col-md-6' : 'col-md-12';

				<div class="row">
					<div class="<?php 
echo $class_col;
					    <div class="panel panel-default">
					    	<div class="panel-heading">Details </div>
					    	<div class="panel-body"><?php 
echo $details;
// navigation erstellen
$ausgaben["form_aktion"] = $cfg["wening"]["basis"] . "/list.html";
$ausgaben["link_new"] = $cfg["wening"]["basis"] . "/add.html";
// hidden values
#$ausgaben["form_hidden"] .= "";
// was anzeigen
$mapping["main"] = "wening-list";
if (priv_check($cfg["wening"]["basis"], $cfg["wening"]["right"])) {
    $hidedata["modus_edit"] = array();
} else {
    $hidedata["modus_view"] = array();
#$mapping["navi"] = "leer";
// unzugaengliche #(marken) sichtbar machen
if (isset($_GET["edit"])) {
    $ausgaben["inaccessible"] = "inaccessible values:<br />";
    $ausgaben["inaccessible"] .= "# (error1) #(error1)<br />";
    $ausgaben["inaccessible"] .= "# (edittitel) #(edittitel)<br />";
    $ausgaben["inaccessible"] .= "# (deletetitel) #(deletetitel)<br />";
} else {
    $ausgaben["inaccessible"] = "";
if ($_GET["ajax"] == "update") {
    echo parser("wening-list-ajax", "");
// wohin schicken
// +++
// page basics
Exemple #16

// This file is just for checking that functions / ideas work independently
//$result = stripDBFetch(dbFetchAll(5,"AwayTeamName"));
//  print_r($result);
$page = fopen("tabular_data.txt", "r");
$contents = stream_get_contents($page);
$result = parser($contents);
foreach ($result as $img) {
    echo "<img src=\"" . $img . "\" />{$img}<br>";
function parser($data)
    preg_match_all("/image_path=(.*jpg)/i", $data, $data2);
    foreach ($data2[1] as $line) {
        $num = preg_match_all("/\\/\\/([A-Za-z]*)_/", $line, $vals);
    return $data2[1];


        $ausgaben["filemodify"] = "<a href=\"" . $cfg["basis"] . "/describe,edit.html\">Dateien editieren</a>";
        $ausgaben["filedel"] = "<a href=\"" . $cfg["basis"] . "/list,delete.html\">ausgewählte Dateien löschen</a>";
if ($HTTP_SESSION_VARS["return"]) {
    $ausgaben["send_image"] = "<a href=" . $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["return"] . "?referer=" . $HTTP_SESSION_VARS["referer"] . ">Zum Beitrag</a>";
} else {
    $ausgaben["send_image"] = "";
if ($rechte["redaktion"] == -1) {
    #$neu = "<a href=\"".$cfg["basis"]."/".$cfg["ebene"]["zwei"]."/modify,add.html\">Neu</a>";
} else {
    #$neu = "";
$ausgaben["output"] .= parser("-939795212.list-foot", "");
// was anzeigen
#$mapping["main"] = "152366123.list";
$mapping["navi"] = "leer";
#if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "<font color=\"#FF0000\">ATTENTION: template overwrite -> ".$mapping["main"].".tem.html</font>".$debugging["char"];
// wohin schicken ?
$ausgaben["form_aktion"] = $cfg["basis"] . "/list.html";
// upload auswahl
#$ausgaben["upload"] .="<br>";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<form action=\"" . $cfg["basis"] . "/select.html\" method=\"get\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<select class=\"dropdown\" name=\"anzahl\">";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<option value=\"1\">1 Datei</option>";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<option value=\"2\">2 Dateien</option>";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<option value=\"3\">3 Dateien</option>";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<option value=\"4\">4 Dateien</option>";
$ausgaben["upload"] .= "<option value=\"5\">5 Dateien</option>";
Exemple #18
define('HESK_PATH', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/');
// Get required files and functions
require HESK_PATH . '';
require HESK_PATH . 'inc/';
//                           OPTIONAL MODIFICATIONS                           //
// Set category ID where new tickets will be submitted to
$set_category = 1;
// Set ticket priority of new tickets with the following options:
// -1  = use default category priority
//  0  = critical
//  1  = high
//  2  = medium
//  3  = low
$set_priority = -1;
//                         END OPTIONAL MODIFICATIONS                         //
// Is this feature enabled?
if (empty($hesk_settings['email_piping'])) {
// Email piping is enabled, get other required includes
require HESK_PATH . 'inc/';
// Parse the incoming email
$results = parser();
// Convert email into a ticket (or new reply)
hesk_email2ticket($results, 0, $set_category, $set_priority);
return NULL;
function menu_generate($refid = 0, $level = 1, $arrEbene = "", $url = "")
    global $db, $cfg, $debugging, $environment, $pathvars, $rechte, $dataloop, $hidedata, $ausgaben;
    if ($cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["enable"] == "-1") {
        $mandatory = " AND ((" . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".mandatory)='-1')";
        if ($cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["full"] == "-1") {
            $mandatory = "";
        if ($cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["extend"] == "-1") {
            $extenddesc = $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang.extend,";
        if ($arrEbene == "") {
            $ebene = $environment["ebene"] . "/" . $environment["kategorie"];
            $arrEbene = explode("/", $ebene);
            $url = $pathvars["virtual"];
        $sql = "SELECT " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".mid," . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".refid," . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".entry," . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".picture," . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".level," . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang.lang," . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang.label," . $extenddesc . " " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang.exturl" . " FROM " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . " INNER JOIN " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang" . " ON " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".mid = " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang.mid" . " WHERE (" . "(" . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".refid=" . $refid . ")" . " AND (" . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".hide <> '-1' OR " . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . ".hide IS NULL)" . " AND (" . $cfg["menu"]["db"]["entries"] . "_lang.lang='" . $environment["language"] . "')" . $mandatory . ")" . " ORDER BY sort, label;";
        if ($cfg["menu"]["db"]["debug"]) {
            $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "level" . $level . "sql: " . $sql . $debugging["char"];
        $result = $db->query($sql);
        $buffer = "";
        $menu2 = "";
        while ($data = $db->fetch_array($result, 1)) {
            // berechtigung abfragen
            if ($data["level"] != "") {
                if (!priv_check(make_ebene($data["mid"]), $data["level"])) {
            // link und ziel
            $aktiv = "";
            if ($data["exturl"] == "") {
                $link = $url . "/" . $data["entry"] . ".html";
                $target = "";
                // eintrag aktiv?
                if ($data["entry"] == $arrEbene[1]) {
                    $aktiv = "aktiv";
                } else {
                    $aktiv = "";
            } else {
                $link = $data["exturl"];
                $target = $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["target"];
            // label,die boese schneide ab funktion
            $label = $data["label"];
            if (strlen($data["label"]) > $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["length"]) {
                $label = substr($data["label"], 0, $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["length"] - 3) . "...";
            $titel = $data["label"];
            if ($data["extend"] != "") {
                $titel = $data["extend"];
            // was wird wodurch ersetzt
            $marken = array("##target##", "##link##", "##title##", "##label##", "##picture##", "##extend##", "##aktiv##");
            $ersatz = array($target, $link, $titel, $label, $data["picture"], $data["extend"], $aktiv);
            // version mit template
            if ($cfg["menu"]["generate"] == false) {
                if ($level != 1) {
                    $ausgaben["punkte"] .= str_replace($marken, $ersatz, $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["link"]);
                } else {
                    if ($data["entry"] == $arrEbene[1]) {
                        // open folder
                        $ausgaben["ordner"] = str_replace($marken, $ersatz, $cfg["menu"]["level1"]["icona"]);
                    } else {
                        // closed folder
                        $ausgaben["ordner"] = str_replace($marken, $ersatz, $cfg["menu"]["level1"]["iconb"]);
            // css-klasse und naechste ebene
            $class = "Level" . $level;
            $next_level = "";
            if ($data["entry"] == $arrEbene[1]) {
                // css-klasse erzeugen
                $class = "Level" . $level . "Active";
                // ebenen-array veraendern
                $arrEbene = array_values($arrEbene);
                $ausgaben["pagetitle"] = $data["label"];
                if ($cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["extend"] == "-1") {
                    $ausgaben["extenddesc"] = $data["extend"];
                // naechste ebene abarbeiten
                $next_level = menu_generate($data["mid"], $level + 1, $arrEbene, $url . "/" . $data["entry"]);
            $marken[] = "##class##";
            $ersatz[] = $class;
            $marken[] = "##next_level##";
            $ersatz[] = $next_level;
            // version mit template
            if ($cfg["menu"]["generate"] == false) {
                if ($level == 1) {
                    $ausgaben["ueberschrift"] = str_replace($marken, $ersatz, $cfg["menu"]["level1"]["link"]);
                    $menu2 .= parser($cfg["menu"]["name"], "", $parse_find, $parse_put);
                    $ausgaben["punkte"] = "";
            // dataloop und hideloop fuer die entsprechende Ebene wird gebaut
            $dataloop["level" . $level][] = array("link" => $link, "title" => $data["label"], "item" => $label, "class" => $class);
            $hidedata["level" . $level][0] = "enable";
            // welcher link aufbau
            if ($cfg["menu"]["level1"]["link2"] == "") {
                $link_build = "link";
            } else {
                if ($aktiv == "") {
                    $link_build = "link1";
                } else {
                    $link_build = "link2";
            // komplett
            $buffer .= str_replace($marken, $ersatz, $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level][$link_build]);
        if ($cfg["menu"]["generate"] == true) {
            if ($buffer != "") {
                $menu2 = $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["on"] . $buffer . $cfg["menu"]["level" . $level]["off"];
        return $menu2;
Exemple #20
# modified for DStar-DD by Hans-J. Barthen DL5DI (20121020)
for ($i = 1; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $param = "repeaterBand" . $i;
    if (isset($configs[$param])) {
        $t1 = substr($configs[$param], 0, 2);
        if (substr($configs[$param], 1, 1) == "D") {
            require_once "dhcpfunctions.php";
            //read leases file
            if (file_exists($dhcpd_leases_file) && is_readable($dhcpd_leases_file)) {
                $open_file = fopen($dhcpd_leases_file, "r") or die("Unable to open DHCP leases file.");
                if ($open_file) {
                    //Create a 2-dimensional table for the dhcplease file
                    $dhcptable = array(array());
                    //Call the dhcplease file parser
                    $dhcptable = parser($open_file, $ddmode_log);
			<font size=+1><b>DHCP-Leases of DD-Modules</b></font>
			<table BORDER=0 BGCOLOR=white>
			<font size=-1>
			<tr bgcolor=black>
			    <th width=80><a class=tooltip href="#"><font color=white><center><b>Callsign</b></center></font><span><b>Callsign of the DD-mode user</b></span></a></th>
			    <th width=80><a class=tooltip href="#"><font color=white><center><b>IP Address</b></center></font><span><b>Dynamic IP address of the DD-Mode user</b></span></a></th>
			    <th width=130><a class=tooltip href="#"><font color=white><center><b>Start Time (UTC)</b></center></font><span><b>Start time of DHCP lease</b>(UTC)</span></a></th>
			    <th width=130><a class=tooltip href="#"><font color=white><center><b>End Time (UTC)</b></center></font><span><b>End time of DHCP Lease</b>Expire time of DHCP lease (UTC)</span></a></th>
			    <th width=130><a class=tooltip href="#"><font color=white><center><b>MAC</b></center></font><span><b>MAC address of device</b>vendor information</span></a></th>
			    <th width=80><a class=tooltip href="#"><font color=white><center><b>Lease State</b></center></font><span><b>State of DHCP Lease</b></span></a></th>

            #$aktion .= "<a href=\"".$cfg["basis"]."/".$cfg["ebene"]["zwei"]."/".$value[0].$name.",".$data[$cfg["db"]["key"]].".html\"><img src=\"".$imgpath.$name.".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$value[1]."\" title=\"".$value[1]."\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
            $aktion .= "<a href=\"" . $cfg["basis"] . "/" . $data["ibereich"] . $kat . "/" . $value[0] . $name . "," . $data[$cfg["db"]["key"]] . ".html\"><img src=\"" . $imgpath . $name . ".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $value[1] . "\" title=\"" . $value[1] . "\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
            #} elseif ( $rechte["cms_admin"] == -1 && $name == "edit" ) {
            #    $aktion .= "<a href=\"".$environment["basis"]."/".$value[0].$name.",".$field[$db_entries_key].".html\"><img src=\"".$imgpath."/".$name."a.gif\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$value[1]."\" title=\"".$value[1]."\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
        } else {
            $aktion .= "<img src=\"" . $imgpath . "/pos.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\">";
    $ausgaben["output"] .= parser("1943315524.list-row", "");
// foot spulen
#if ( $rechte[$cfg["right"]["red"]] == -1 ) {
#    $neu = "<a href=\"".$cfg["basis"]."/".$cfg["ebene"]["zwei"]."/modify,add.html\">Neu</a>";
#} else {
#    $neu = "";
$ausgaben["output"] .= parser("1943315524.list-foot", "");
// was anzeigen
#$mapping["main"] = crc32($environment["ebene"]).".".$environment["name"];
#$mapping["main"] = crc32($environment["ebene"]).".list";
$mapping["main"] = "1943315524.list";
$mapping["navi"] = "leer";
if ($debugging["html_enable"]) {
    $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "<font color=\"#FF0000\">ATTENTION: template overwrite -> " . $mapping["main"] . ".tem.html</font>" . $debugging["char"];
$ausgaben["kopf1"] = "Info-Markt";
$ausgaben["kopf2"] = ucfirst($cfg["ebene"]["zwei"]);
// wohin schicken ?
# noch nirgens
        if ($gv_url != "") {
            $gv_bez = "<a href=\"" . $gv_url . "\">" . $gv_bez . "</a>";
        // aktionen erstellen
        $aktion = "";
        foreach ($modify as $name => $value) {
            #$aktion .= "<a href=\"".$cfg["basis"]."/".$cfg["ebene"]["zwei"]."/".$value[0].$name.",".$data[$cfg["db"]["key"]].".html\"><img src=\"".$imgpath."/".$name.".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$value[1]."\" title=\"".$value[1]."\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
            if ($rechte[$value[2]] == -1 || $value[2] == "") {
                $aktion .= "<a href=\"" . $cfg["basis"] . "/" . $value[0] . $name . "," . $data[$cfg["db"]["key"]] . ".html\"><img src=\"" . $imgpath . "/" . $name . ".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $value[1] . "\" title=\"" . $value[1] . "\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
                #} elseif ( $rechte["cms_admin"] == -1 && $name == "edit" ) {
                #    $aktion .= "<a href=\"".$environment["basis"]."/".$value[0].$name.",".$field[$db_entries_key].".html\"><img src=\"".$imgpath."/".$name."a.png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$value[1]."\" title=\"".$value[1]."\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
            } else {
                $aktion .= "<img src=\"" . $imgpath . "/pos.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\">";
        $ausgaben["output"] .= parser("-900193709.list-row", "");
// navigation erstellen
if ($rechte[$cfg["right"]["adress"]] == -1) {
    $ausgaben["new"] = "<a href=\"" . $cfg["basis"] . "/modify,add.html\"><img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "/button-gv-neu.png\" width=\"80\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\"></a>";
    #$aktion .= "<a href=\"".$environment["basis"]."/".$value[0].$name.",".$field[$db_entries_key].".html\"><img src=\"".$imgpath."/".$name.".png\" border=\"0\" alt=\"".$value[1]."\" title=\"".$value[1]."\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\"></a>";
} else {
    $ausgaben["new"] = "<img src=\"" . $pathvars["images"] . "/pos.png\" width=\"80\" height=\"18\" border=\"0\">";
    #$aktion .= "<img src=\"".$imgpath."/pos.png\" alt=\"\" width=\"24\" height=\"18\">";
// was anzeigen
$mapping["main"] = crc32($environment["ebene"]) . ".list";
$mapping["navi"] = "leer";
// wohin schicken
#$ausgaben["print_url"] = "";#$environment["ebene"];
    $html = curl_exec($ch);
    echo $html;
    //See if we've found the course, and parse course name
    $course_name = parser("{$department} {$course_number} - ", "<");
    if ($course_name != "") {
        $found = true;
    } else {
        $cur_sem -= 3;
//Course Name output
echo "DEPT - NUM: {$department} {$course_number}<br />\n";
echo "Course Name: {$course_name}\n";
// echo "<br />Description: $description";
echo "<br /><br /> Description: " . parser("<TD CLASS=\"ntdefault\">", "<");
function parser($start, $end)
    global $html;
    $position = strpos($html, $start);
    $position += strlen($start);
    $parsed = false;
    $text = "";
    while (!$parsed) {
        if ($html[$position] != $end) {
            $text .= $html[$position];
        } else {
            $parsed = true;

 * @author Elynton Fellipe Bazzo
 * @author Andrei Siqueira
require_once 'InputStream.php';
// Recebemos os parâmetros do usuário e removemos o nome do programa
$args = $argv;
// Capturamos o tipo de entrada do programador
$type = @$args[1] === '-f' ? InputStream::TYPE_FILE : InputStream::TYPE_TEXT;
switch (@$args[0]) {
    case '-p':
    case '-l':
// Quando vier um comando inválido, mostramos a ajuda
function help()
    echo <<<END
  >>> Analisador de expressões aritméticas
      Escrito por Elynton F. Bazzo e Andrei Siqueira
      para a disciplina de compiladores.

 // hier erfolgt der mail-versand bzw db-eintrag
 if ($ausgaben["form_error"] == "") {
     if ($mail_order == -1) {
         if ($confirm == -1) {
             $cfg["autoform"]["captcha"]["letter_pot"] ? $put = $cfg["autoform"]["captcha"] : ($put["letter_pot"] = "abcde");
             $hazard = crc32(captcha_randomize("43", $put));
             $bestaetigungslink = "http://" . $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . $environment["ebene"] . ".html?eintragen=" . $hazard;
             $message = parser($cfg["autoform"]["location"][$environment["ebene"]]["email"]["confirm_template"], "");
             mail($_POST[$cfg["autoform"]["location"][$environment["ebene"]]["email"]["form_email_feld"]], "Confirm", $message);
         } else {
             foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) {
                 ${$key} = $value;
             $message1 = parser($cfg["autoform"]["location"][$environment["ebene"]]["email"]["template1"], "");
             $message2 = parser($cfg["autoform"]["location"][$environment["ebene"]]["email"]["template2"], "");
             mail_order($_POST, $cfg["autoform"]["location"][$environment["ebene"]]["email"]);
     if ($db_entry == -1) {
         $kick = array("PHPSESSID", "form_referer", "send", "last_viewed", "captcha", "captcha_proof");
         foreach ($_POST as $name => $value) {
             if (!in_array($name, $kick) && !strstr($name, ")")) {
                 // posts absichern
                 if (!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                     $value = addslashes($value);
                 if ($sqla != "") {
                     $sqla .= ", ";
                 if ($sqlb != "") {
     $ausgaben["form_error"] .= "g(error_email)";
 if ($ausgaben["form_error"] != "") {
     $hidedata["error"] = array();
 if ($ausgaben["form_error"] == "") {
     $sqla = "";
     $sqlb = "";
     if (is_array($cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["addon"])) {
         foreach ($cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["addon"] as $value) {
             $sqla .= $value . ",";
             $sqlb .= "'" . $_POST[$value] . "',";
     $message1 = parser($cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["email_anmelde"], "");
     $message2 = parser($cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["email_abmelde"], "");
     //pruefen ob email schon registriert
     if ($_POST["ac"] == "eintragen") {
         $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["entries"] . " WHERE " . $cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["e-mail"] . "='" . $_POST[$cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["e-mail"]] . "' AND confirm ='-1'";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         if ($db->num_rows($result) > 0) {
             header("Location: " . $cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["twice"]);
         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["entries"] . " (" . $sqla . "email,key,time) VALUES ( " . $sqlb . "'" . $_POST["email"] . "','" . $_POST["captcha_proof"] . "','" . mktime() . "')";
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         mail($_POST[$cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["e-mail"]], $cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["email_subject1"], str_replace("###bestaetigungslink###", $cfg["register"]["domain"] . $environment["ebene"] . "/" . $environment["kategorie"] . ".html?eintragen=" . $_POST["captcha_proof"], $message1), "FROM: " . $cfg["register"]["from"] . "\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n");
         header("Location: " . $cfg["register"]["db"][$environment["kategorie"]]["signin"]);
     // pruefen ob man noch eingetragen ist
     if ($_POST["ac"] == "austragen") {
Exemple #27
function test()
    $results = parser();
    // from address and name
    echo "from :\n";
    echo $results["from"][0]["address"] . "\n";
    echo $results["from"][0]["name"] . "\n";
    echo "\nto :\n";
    foreach ($results["to"] as $to) {
        echo $to["address"] . "\n";
        echo $to["name"] . "\n";
    echo "\nreply-to :\n";
    foreach ($results["reply-to"] as $to) {
        echo $to["address"] . "\n";
        echo $to["name"] . "\n";
    echo "\ncc :\n";
    foreach ($results["cc"] as $to) {
        echo $to["address"] . "\n";
        echo $to["name"] . "\n";
    echo "\nbcc :\n";
    foreach ($results["bcc"] as $to) {
        echo $to["address"] . "\n";
        echo $to["name"] . "\n";
    echo "\nsubject :\n";
    echo $results["subject"] . "\n";
    echo "\nmessage :\n";
    echo $results["message"] . "\n";
    echo "\nattachments :\n";
    foreach ($results["attachments"] as $attach) {
        echo $attach["orig_name"] . "\n";
        echo $attach["size"] . "\n";
        echo $attach["stored_name"] . "\n";
        echo $attach["type"] . "\n";
Exemple #28
 // Authenticate
 if (($error = $pop3->Login($hesk_settings['pop3_user'], hesk_htmlspecialchars_decode($hesk_settings['pop3_password']))) == "") {
     echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "<pre>User &quot;" . $hesk_settings['pop3_user'] . "&quot; logged in.</pre>\n" : '';
     // Get number of messages and total size
     if (($error = $pop3->Statistics($messages, $size)) == "") {
         echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "<pre>There are {$messages} messages in the mail box with a total of {$size} bytes.</pre>\n" : '';
         // If we have any messages, process them
         if ($messages > 0) {
             // Connect to the database
             for ($message = 1; $message <= $messages; $message++) {
                 echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "<pre>Parsing message {$message} of {$messages}.</pre>\n" : '';
                 $message_file = 'pop3://' . $connection_name . '/' . $message;
                 // Parse the incoming email
                 $results = parser($message_file);
                 // Convert email into a ticket (or new reply)
                 if ($id = hesk_email2ticket($results, 1, $set_category, $set_priority)) {
                     echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "<pre>Ticket {$id} created/updated.</pre>\n" : '';
                 } else {
                     echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "<pre>Ticket NOT inserted - may be duplicate, blocked or an error.</pre>\n" : '';
                 // Queue message to be deleted on connection close
                 if (!$hesk_settings['pop3_keep']) {
                 echo $hesk_settings['debug_mode'] ? "<br /><br />\n\n" : '';
         // Disconnect from the server - this also deletes queued messages
         if ($error == "" && ($error = $pop3->Close()) == "") {
         unlink($captcha_path_srv . "captcha-" . $_POST["captcha_proof"] . ".png");
 // evtl. zusaetzliche datensatz anlegen
 if ($ausgaben["form_error"] == "") {
     // kunde
     if ($HTTP_POST_VARS[$cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["form_email_feld"]] == "") {
         $email_adresse = $cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["robot"];
     } else {
         $email_adresse = str_replace(",", "", $HTTP_POST_VARS[$cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["form_name_feld"]]) . " <" . $HTTP_POST_VARS[$cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["form_email_feld"]] . ">";
     foreach ($HTTP_POST_VARS as $key => $value) {
         ${$key} = $value;
     $message1 = parser($cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["template1"], "");
     $message2 = parser($cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["template2"], "");
     // happy bouncing
     #if ( $debugging["html_enable"] ) $debugging["ausgabe"] .= "sendmail_from = ".ini_get('sendmail_from').$debugging["char
     // mail an betreiber
     $subject1 = $cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["subj1"];
     if (is_array($cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["repl1"])) {
         foreach ($cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["repl1"] as $value) {
             $subject1 = str_replace("!{" . $value . "}", ${$value}, $subject1);
     if ($_POST["betreff"] != "") {
         $subject1 .= ": " . $_POST["betreff"];
     $header1 = "From: " . $cfg["kontakt"]["email"]["robot"] . "\r\n";
     $header1 .= "Reply-To: " . $email_adresse . "\r\n";
function iteration($depth, $url, $url_str, $keyword, $site, $str_query, $delay, $positionDB, $positionDbOld, $urlDB, $firstSeaching)
    global $depthNF;
    //    if (ceil($depth / 2) < $depthNF) {
    //        $depthNF = ceil($depth / 2);
    //    }
    $positionDB = ceil($positionDB / 10);
    $positionDbOld = ceil($positionDbOld / 10);
    if ($firstSeaching || $depth < $positionDB || $positionDB == 1 || $urlDB == NULL && $positionDbOld == 1 || $urlDB == NULL && $positionDbOld && $depth < $positionDbOld) {
        //если сайт еще не искалася | глубина поиска меньше позиции из базы | результат на первой странице
        // | при прошлом поиске результат был на первой странице | Сайт когда-то был найден и глубина поиска меньше позиции из базы
        //seacherPosition() не учитывает случая отсутствия на первой странице искомого сайта, если positionDB==1
        for ($i = 0; $i < $depth; $i++) {
            $response = parser($url, $url_str, $site, $str_query);
            if ($response[0] == 'statistic') {
                $position = $i * 10 + $response[1];
                $data = array($position, $response[2], $response[3], $keyword);
                return $data;
            } else {
                $j = $i + 2;
                if ($response == 0) {
                    //Если результаты на одной странице и совпадений нет
                    $data = array("Relevant page not found in Google", $site, $keyword);
                    return $data;
                $last_key = array_pop(array_keys($response));
                if ($last_key < $j) {
                    $data = array("Relevant page not found in Google", $site, $keyword);
                    return $data;
                $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $response[$j]);
                if ($i == $depth - 1) {
                    $dep = $depth * 10;
                    $data = array("not found in {$dep}", $site, $keyword);
                    return $data;
                } else {
                    sleep($delay[0] + rand(0, $delay[1]));
    } elseif ($urlDB == null) {
        //при прошлом поиске сайт не был найден
        if ($positionDbOld) {
            //когда-то был наден
            $data = seacherPosition($url, $url_str, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $positionDbOld, $delay, $depth, $last_key);
        } else {
            //ниразу не был найден
            $data = seacherPosition($url, $url_str, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $depth, $delay, $depth, $last_key);
        if (count($data) == 3 && $data[2] == $keyword) {
            return $data;
        } elseif (count($data) == 4 && $data[3] == $keyword) {
            return $data;
        } else {
            //нашли страницу выдачи с необходимой позицией, теперь ищем сайт
            if ($positionDbOld) {
                $positionDB = $positionDbOld;
            } else {
                $positionDB = $depth;
            $response = $data;
            //если в seacherPosition() насткнулись на конечную страницу раньше чем нашли необходимую
            $last_key = array_pop(array_keys($response));
            if ($last_key < $positionDB) {
                $data = seacherPositionDown($url, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $response, $depth, $delay);
                return $data;
            $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $response[$positionDB]);
            $key = array($positionDB, $positionDB);
            $href = array();
            //            $href[0] = $response;
            //            $href[1] = $response;
            $index = 1;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $depthNF * 2; $i++) {
                if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                    $d = 1;
                } else {
                    $d = -1;
                if ($d > 0 && $key[0] > $depth || $d < 0 && $key[1] <= 1) {
                sleep($delay[0] + rand(0, $delay[1]));
                $response = parser($url, $url_str, $site, $str_query);
                if ($response[0] == 'statistic') {
                    if ($index > 0) {
                        $position = ($key[0] - 1) * 10 + $response[1];
                    if ($index < 0) {
                        $position = ($key[1] - 1) * 10 + $response[1];
                    //Ввели $index. response получается с предыдущего $d.
                    $data = array($position, $response[2], $response[3], $keyword);
                    return $data;
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $href[0] = $response;
                    $href[1] = $response;
                    //google выкидывает повторяющиеся результаты (последние страницы)
                    // поэтому возьмем ключи на страницы у него и если last_key < глубины поиска
                    // то задействуем seacherPositionDown()
                    $last_key = array_pop(array_keys($response));
                    if ($last_key < $positionDB) {
                        $data = seacherPositionDown($url, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $response, $depth);
                        return $data;
                if ($index > 0) {
                    $href[0] = $response;
                if ($index < 0) {
                    $href[1] = $response;
                if ($response == 0) {
                    //Если результаты на одной странице и совпадений нет
                    $data = array("Relevant page not found in Google", $site, $keyword);
                    return $data;
                } else {
                    if ($d > 0 && $key[0] < $depth) {
                        $index = $d;
                        if ($href[0][$key[0]]) {
                            $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[0][$key[0]]);
                        } else {
                            //меняем и пропускаем итерацию если подошли к конечной странице выдачи
                            $index = -$d;
                            $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[1][$key[1]]);
                    } elseif ($d > 0 && $key[0] == $depth) {
                        //без этого повторяется ход
                        $index = $d;
                        $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[1][$key[1]]);
                    if ($d < 0 && $key[1] > 1) {
                        $index = $d;
                        $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[1][$key[1]]);
                    if ($key[1] <= 1 && $key[0] >= $depth) {
                        $dep = $depth * 10;
                        $data = array("not found in {$dep}", $site, $keyword);
                        return $data;
            //Если результаты не найдены в $depthNf
            $data = array("not found in {$depthNf}", $site, $keyword);
            return $data;
    } else {
        //При прошлом поиске был найден, кроме  $positionDB == 1
        //-----------------------Поиск страницы по позиции сайта из базы----------------
        $data = seacherPosition($url, $url_str, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $positionDB, $delay, $depth, $last_key);
        if (count($data) == 3 && $data[2] == $keyword) {
            return $data;
        } elseif (count($data) == 4 && $data[3] == $keyword) {
            return $data;
        } else {
            //нашли страницу с необходимой позицией, теперь ищем сайт
            $response = $data;
            //если в seacherPosition() насткнулись на конечную страницу раньше чем нашли необходимую
            $last_key = array_pop(array_keys($response));
            if ($last_key < $positionDB) {
                $data = seacherPositionDown($url, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $response, $depth, $delay);
                return $data;
            $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $response[$positionDB]);
            $key = array($positionDB, $positionDB);
            $href = array();
            //            $href[0] = $response;
            //            $href[1] = $response;
            $index = 1;
            for ($i = 0; $i < $depth * 2; $i++) {
                //                print_r($key);
                if ($i % 2 == 0) {
                    $d = 1;
                } else {
                    $d = -1;
                if ($d > 0 && $key[0] > $depth || $d < 0 && $key[1] <= 1) {
                sleep($delay[0] + rand(0, $delay[1]));
                $response = parser($url, $url_str, $site, $str_query);
                if ($response[0] == 'statistic') {
                    if ($index > 0) {
                        $position = ($key[0] - 1) * 10 + $response[1];
                    if ($index < 0) {
                        $position = ($key[1] - 1) * 10 + $response[1];
                    //Ввели $index. response получается с предыдущего $d.
                    $data = array($position, $response[2], $response[3], $keyword);
                    return $data;
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $href[0] = $response;
                    $href[1] = $response;
                    //google выкидывает повторяющиеся результаты (последние страницы)
                    // поэтому возьмем ключи на страницы у него и если last_key < глубины поиска
                    // то задействуем seacherPositionDown()
                    $last_key = array_pop(array_keys($response));
                    if ($last_key < $positionDB) {
                        $data = seacherPositionDown($url, $str_query, $site, $keyword, $response, $depth, $delay);
                        return $data;
                if ($index > 0) {
                    $href[0] = $response;
                if ($index < 0) {
                    $href[1] = $response;
                if ($response == 0) {
                    //Если результаты на одной странице и совпадений нет
                    $data = array("Relevant page not found in Google", $site, $keyword);
                    return $data;
                } else {
                    if ($d > 0 && $key[0] < $depth) {
                        $index = $d;
                        if ($href[0][$key[0]]) {
                            $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[0][$key[0]]);
                        } else {
                            //меняем и пропускаем итерацию если подошли к конечной странице выдачи
                            $index = -$d;
                            $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[1][$key[1]]);
                    } elseif ($d > 0 && $key[0] == $depth) {
                        //без этого повторяется ход
                        $index = $d;
                        $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[1][$key[1]]);
                    if ($d < 0 && $key[1] > 1) {
                        $index = $d;
                        $url_str = str_replace("&amp;", "&", $href[1][$key[1]]);
                    if ($key[1] <= 1 && $key[0] >= $depth) {
                        $dep = $depth * 10;
                        $data = array("not found in {$dep}", $site, $keyword);
                        return $data;