function process_row($file, $collection, $writer, $count) { $fileArray = explode('/', $file); $id = str_replace('.xml', '', $fileArray[count($fileArray) - 1]); $dom = new DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); if ($dom->load($file) === FALSE) { echo "{$file} failed to load.\n"; } else { $xpath = new DOMXpath($dom); $xpath->registerNamespace("lido", ""); //look for the URI $terms = $xpath->query("descendant::lido:term[@lido:label='typereference']"); $hoardURI = null; $typeURI = null; foreach ($terms as $term) { if (preg_match('/coinhoards\\.org/', $term->nodeValue)) { $hoardURI = $term->nodeValue; echo "Found {$hoardURI}\n"; } else { //ignore IKMK type references $source = $term->getAttribute('lido:source'); if ($source == 'crro' || $source == 'ocre' || $source == 'pella') { $typeURI = $term->nodeValue; } } } //if the type URI can be assertained from the typereference LIDO field if (isset($typeURI)) { echo "Processing #{$count}: {$id}, {$typeURI}\n"; generateNumismaticObject($id, $typeURI, $collection, $xpath, $writer); } else { $typeURI = parseReference($xpath); if (isset($typeURI)) { echo "Processing #{$count}: {$id}, {$typeURI}\n"; generateNumismaticObject($id, $typeURI, $collection, $xpath, $writer); } else { echo "Processing #{$count}: {$id}, unable to match.\n"; } } } }
function parseGT($ast) { assert_ast_type($ast, [NodeType::GT, NodeType::REFERENCE]); $type = ast_node_type($ast); $data = ast_node_data($ast); $source = ast_node_source($ast); switch ($type) { case NodeType::GT: $name = ast_get($data, NodeKey::NAME); $t_args = parseTemplateArgs(ast_get($data, NodeKey::TARGS)); $alias = ast_has($data, NodeKey::ALIAS) ? null : parseIdentifier(ast_get($data, NodeKey::ALIAS)); return new GT_Spec($source, $name, $t_args, $alias); break; case NodeType::REFERENCE: $info = parseReference($ast); grokit_assert($info->isGT(), 'Tried to look up reference as a GT, got a ' . $info->kind() . 'instead ' . $source); return $info; break; } }