?> </a> </div> </div><!-- .slideshow-controls --> </div><!-- .slideshow-set --> <?php get_sidebar('feature'); ?> </div><!-- #feature --> <?php } // End check for sticky posts $options = nuntius_get_theme_options(); $primary_category = $options['primary_category']; $categories = array(); ?> <div id="content"> <div class="hfeed"> <?php if (!empty($primary_category)) { ?> <!-- Begin category section. --> <div id="category-highlight"> <?php /* We need to first get the blog category IDs. Category IDs are stored inside a stdClass object.
function nuntius_print_color_style() { $options = nuntius_get_theme_options(); $accent = $options['accent_color']; $link_color = $options['link_color']; ?> <style type="text/css"> /* <![CDATA[ */ a, .breadcrumbs a, .post-meta a, #sidebar-primary a, #respond input[type="text"], #respond input[type="email"], #respond input[type="url"], .category-section .entry-title a, #more-articles .entry-title a, .archive .entry-title a, .search .entry-title a, .slideshow-controls .slideshow-pager a.activeSlide, #infinite-footer .blog-credits a, #infinite-footer .blog-credits a:hover { color: <?php echo $link_color; ?> ; } #header, #menu-primary { background-color: <?php echo $accent; ?> ; } /* ]]> */ </style> <?php }