function system_flag_set($flag_name, $flag_value)
    $flag_exists = mysqli_isrow($GLOBALS["tables"]["flag"], "`name` = '" . $flag_name . "'");
    if ($flag_exists["data"]) {
        $inserted = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["flag"], "value", $flag_value, "`name` = '" . $flag_name . "'");
    } else {
        $flag["name"] = $flag_name;
        $flag["value"] = $flag_value;
        $inserted = mysqli_setrow($GLOBALS["tables"]["flag"], $flag);
    return $inserted["success"];
//	Block heights are reloaded in case of a resync
$start = spectra_block_height();
$top = getblockcount();
//	If there is not a new block, end the checks
if ($start >= $top) {
    //	Make a note to the maintenance log
    spectra_log_write(0, "No new block, loading complete.");
} else {
    //	Log the new block height
    spectra_log_write(0, "Explorer Block: " . $start . " - Node Block: " . $top);
    //	Get the data for the prior block from the node
    $hash_back = getblockhash((int) $start);
    $data_node = getblock($hash_back);
    //	Update the prior block record
    $result = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["block"], "nextblockhash", $data_node["nextblockhash"], "`hash` = '" . $data_node["hash"] . "'");
    //	Initialize a block counter for logging
    $count_loaded = 0;
    //	Load any new blocks available from the node
    while ($start < $top) {
        //	Increment the explorer height to indicate the next desired block
        spectra_log_write(0, "Loading Block: " . $start);
        //	The next block is loaded
        //	Increment the block count
    //	Log the number of blocks loaded
    spectra_log_write(0, "Loaded " . $count_loaded . " Blocks.");
//	Check to make sure that the rebalance flag is set
if (system_flag_get("balance_rebuild") < 1) {
    system_flag_set("balance_rebuild", 1);
//	Some data for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "Beginning Balance Rebuild");
//	Wipe all input counts from the account ledger
$wiped = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "tx_in", 0, "1=1");
//	Wipe all input values from the account ledger
$wiped = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "received", 0, "1=1");
//	Wipe all output counts from the account ledger
$wiped = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "tx_out", 0, "1=1");
//	Wipe all output values from the account ledger
$wiped = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "spent", 0, "1=1");
//	Wipe all balance values from the account ledger
$wiped = mysqli_setfield($GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"], "balance", 0, "1=1");
//	Some data for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "Existing Balances Were Deleted");
//	For this version we will be iterating the list of addresses in the chain
$response = $GLOBALS["db"]["obj"]->query("SELECT count(*) as `count` FROM `" . $GLOBALS["tables"]["ledger"] . "`");
$record = $response->fetch_assoc();
$count_addr = $record["count"];
//	Some data for the log
spectra_log_write(0, "Updating Account Ledger (" . $count_addr . " Addresses)");
//	Addresses are handled in chunks to avoid memory issues
$count_loop = 0;
$count_req = ceil($count_addr / 1000);
while ($count_loop < $count_req) {
    //	Output for the log and to keep the console active
    spectra_log_write(0, "Group " . ($count_loop + 1) . " Of " . $count_req);
    //	Retrieve the addresses