function cupid_email($profile) { global $ret; global $data; global $site; $profile = (int) $profile; $match_min = (int) getParam("match_percent"); $prof_arr = getProfileInfo($profile, true); if ((int) $prof_arr['ID'] <= 0) { return false; } $add = ''; if ('all' != $prof_arr['LookingFor']) { $add = "AND `Sex` = '{$prof_arr['LookingFor']}' "; } $add .= "AND ( `LookingFor` = '{$prof_arr['Sex']}' OR `LookingFor` = 'all' )"; $memb_res = db_res("SELECT ID, NickName, Email, EmailFlag\n\t\t\t\tFROM Profiles\n\t\t\t\tWHERE EmailNotify = 'NotifyMe' AND Status = 'Active' AND ID <> {$profile} {$add}"); if (mysql_num_rows($memb_res) < 1) { return false; } while ($memb_arr = mysql_fetch_array($memb_res)) { $match = match_profiles($memb_arr['ID'], $profile); if ($match < $match_min) { // If the profile matches less then predefined // percent then go to next iteration (i.e. next profile) continue; } $message = getParam("t_CupidMail"); $subject = getParam('t_CupidMail_subject'); $subject = addslashes($subject); $recipient = $memb_arr['Email']; $headers = "From: {$site['title']} <{$site['email_notify']}>"; $headers2 = "-f{$site['email_notify']}"; $message = str_replace("<SiteName>", $site['title'], $message); $message = str_replace("<Domain>", $site['url'], $message); $message = str_replace("<RealName>", $memb_arr['NickName'], $message); $message = str_replace("<StrID>", $memb_arr['ID'], $message); $message = str_replace("<MatchProfileLink>", getProfileLink($prof_arr['ID']), $message); $message = addslashes($message); if ('Text' == $memb_arr['EmailFlag']) { $message = html2txt($message); } if ('HTML' == $memb_arr['EmailFlag']) { $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n" . "Content-type: text/html; charset=UTF-8\r\n" . $headers; } $sql = "INSERT INTO `NotifyQueue` SET `Email` = {$memb_arr['ID']}, Msg = 0, `From` = 'ProfilesMsgText', Creation = NOW(), MsgText = '{$message}', MsgSubj = '{$subject}'"; $res = db_res($sql); } return true; }
function getProfileMatch($memberID, $profileID) { global $oTemplConfig; $match_n = match_profiles($memberID, $profileID); $ret = ''; $ret .= DesignProgressPos(_t("_XX match", $match_n), $oTemplConfig->iProfileViewProgressBar, 100, $match_n); return $ret; }