$tabExist++; $newTabSet = ''; } //insert initial data in cat, user and settings tables $catSaved = initCats(); if (!$catSaved) { $errMsg[] = "Error: Problem writing to database table 'categories' in calendar {$calID}."; break; } $adPwMd5 = md5($adPwrd); $usrSaved = initUsers($adName, $adMail, $adPwMd5); if (!$usrSaved) { $errMsg[] = "Error: Problem writing to database table 'users' in calendar {$calID}."; break; } $grpSaved = initGroups(); if (!$grpSaved) { $errMsg[] = "Error: Problem writing to database table 'groups' in calendar {$calID}."; break; } $setSaved = true; //init if ($newTabSet) { //insert default settings $dbSet = array(); $dbSet['calendarTitle'] = $calTitle; $dbSet['calendarUrl'] = $calUrlDefault . '?cal=' . $calID; $dbSet['calendarEmail'] = !empty($calEml) ? $calEml : $adMail; checkSettings($dbSet); $setSaved = saveSettings($dbSet, true); if (!$setSaved) {
function upgradeDb() { //upgrade $calID database from 2.7.2+ /* === tables pre-processing === */ //if users.sedit: set privs to 9 for admin accounts (sedit == 1) $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `sedit` FROM `users` LIMIT 1", 0); if ($stH) { //column 'sedit' present (V2.7.2) $stH = null; dbQuery("UPDATE `users` SET `privs` = 9 WHERE `sedit` = 1"); } //if users.privs: table groups not existing - create and populate $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `privs` FROM `users` LIMIT 1", 0); if ($stH !== false) { //column 'privs' present $stH = null; createDbTable("groups"); initGroups(); } //create tables with new schema createDbTable("usersNew"); createDbTable("groupsNew"); createDbTable("categoriesNew"); createDbTable("eventsNew"); createDbTable("settingsNew"); /* === tables version-processing === */ dbTransaction('begin'); do { //test if version < 3.1 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `approve` FROM `categories` LIMIT 1", 0); if (!$stH) { //column 'approve' not present - version 2.7 $lcVUpg = '2.7'; dbQuery("INSERT INTO `eventsNew` (`ID`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `text1`, `catID`, `userID`, `editor`, `checked`, `notify`, `notMail`, `sDate`, `eDate`, `xDates`, `sTime`, `eTime`, `rType`, `rInterval`, `rPeriod`, `rMonth`, `rUntil`, `aDateTime`, `mDateTime`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `event_id`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `description`, `category_id`, `user_id`, `editor`, `checked`, `notify`, `not_mail`, `s_date`, `e_date`, `x_dates`, `s_time`, `e_time`, `r_type`, `r_interval`, `r_period`, `r_month`, `r_until`, `a_date`, `m_date`, `status` FROM `events`"); //copy content events table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `usersNew` (`ID`, `name`, `password`, `tPassword`, `email`, `groupID`, `language`, `login0`, `login1`, `loginCnt`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `user_id`, `user_name`, `password`, `temp_password`, `email`, `privs`, `language`, `login_0`, `login_1`, `login_cnt`, `status` FROM `users`"); //copy content users table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `groupsNew` SELECT * FROM `groups`"); //new table, no change dbQuery("INSERT INTO `categoriesNew` (`ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `category_id`, `name`, `sequence`, `rpeat`, `color`, `background`, `check2`, `label2`, `mark2`, `status` FROM `categories`"); //copy content categories table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `settingsNew` (`name`, `value`, `outline`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `name`, `value`, `description` FROM `settings`"); //copy content settings table break; //done } //test if version = 3.1 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `a_date` FROM `events` LIMIT 1", 0); if ($stH !== false) { //column 'a_date' present - version 3.1 $lcVUpg = '3.1'; dbQuery("INSERT INTO `eventsNew` (`ID`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `text1`, `catID`, `userID`, `editor`, `approved`, `checked`, `notify`, `notMail`, `sDate`, `eDate`, `xDates`, `sTime`, `eTime`, `rType`, `rInterval`, `rPeriod`, `rMonth`, `rUntil`, `aDateTime`, `mDateTime`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `event_id`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `description`, `category_id`, `user_id`, `editor`, `approved`, `checked`, `notify`, `not_mail`, `s_date`, `e_date`, `x_dates`, `s_time`, `e_time`, `r_type`, `r_interval`, `r_period`, `r_month`, `r_until`, `a_date`, `m_date`, `status` FROM `events`"); //copy content events table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `usersNew` (`ID`, `name`, `password`, `tPassword`, `email`, `groupID`, `language`, `login0`, `login1`, `loginCnt`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `user_id`, `user_name`, `password`, `temp_password`, `email`, `privs`, `language`, `login_0`, `login_1`, `login_cnt`, `status` FROM `users`"); //copy content users table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `groupsNew` SELECT * FROM `groups`"); //new table, no change dbQuery("INSERT INTO `categoriesNew` (`ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `approve`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `category_id`, `name`, `sequence`, `rpeat`, `approve`, `color`, `background`, `chbox`, `chlabel`, `chmark`, `status` FROM `categories`"); //copy content categories table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `settingsNew` (`name`, `value`, `outline`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `name`, `value`, `description` FROM `settings`"); //copy content settings table break; //done } //test if version = 3.2 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `ID` FROM `events` LIMIT 1", 0); if (!$stH) { //column 'ID' not present - version 3.2 $lcVUpg = '3.2'; dbQuery("INSERT INTO `eventsNew` (`ID`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `text1`, `text2`, `text3`, `catID`, `userID`, `editor`, `approved`, `checked`, `notify`, `notMail`, `sDate`, `eDate`, `xDates`, `sTime`, `eTime`, `rType`, `rInterval`, `rPeriod`, `rMonth`, `rUntil`, `aDateTime`, `mDateTime`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `event_id`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `description`, `xfield1`, `xfield2`, `category_id`, `user_id`, `editor`, `approved`, `checked`, `notify`, `not_mail`, `s_date`, `e_date`, `x_dates`, `s_time`, `e_time`, `r_type`, `r_interval`, `r_period`, `r_month`, `r_until`, `a_datetime`, `m_datetime`, `status` FROM `events`"); //copy content events table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `usersNew` (`ID`, `name`, `password`, `tPassword`, `email`, `groupID`, `language`, `login0`, `login1`, `loginCnt`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `user_id`, `user_name`, `password`, `temp_password`, `email`, `privs`, `language`, `login_0`, `login_1`, `login_cnt`, `status` FROM `users`"); //copy content users table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `groupsNew` SELECT * FROM `groups`"); //new table, no change dbQuery("INSERT INTO `categoriesNew` (`ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `approve`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `category_id`, `name`, `sequence`, `rpeat`, `approve`, `color`, `background`, `chbox`, `chlabel`, `chmark`, `status` FROM `categories`"); //copy content categories table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `settingsNew` (`name`, `value`, `outline`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `name`, `value`, `description` FROM `settings`"); //copy content settings table break; //done } //test if version = 4.1 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `dayColor` FROM `categories` LIMIT 1", 0); if (!$stH) { //column 'dayColor' not present - version 4.1 $lcVUpg = '4.1'; dbQuery("INSERT INTO `eventsNew` (`ID`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `text1`, `text2`, `text3`, `catID`, `userID`, `editor`, `approved`, `checked`, `notify`, `notMail`, `sDate`, `eDate`, `xDates`, `sTime`, `eTime`, `rType`, `rInterval`, `rPeriod`, `rMonth`, `rUntil`, `aDateTime`, `mDateTime`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `ID`, `private`, `title`, `venue`, `text1`, `text2`, `text3`, `catID`, `userID`, `editor`, `approved`, `checked`, `notify`, `notMail`, `sDate`, `eDate`, `xDates`, `sTime`, `eTime`, `rType`, `rInterval`, `rPeriod`, `rMonth`, `rUntil`, `aDateTime`, `mDateTime`, `status` FROM `events`"); //copy content events table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `usersNew` (`ID`, `name`, `password`, `tPassword`, `email`, `groupID`, `language`, `login0`, `login1`, `loginCnt`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `ID`, `name`, `password`, `tPassword`, `email`, `groupID`, `language`, `login0`, `login1`, `loginCnt`, `status` FROM `users`"); //copy content users table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `groupsNew` (`ID`, `name`, `privs`, `catIDs`, `color`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `ID`, `name`, `privs`, `catIDs`, `color`, `status` FROM `groups`"); //copy content groups table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `categoriesNew` (`ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `approve`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `approve`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status` FROM `categories`"); //copy content categories table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `settingsNew` SELECT * FROM `settings`"); //copy content settings table break; //done } //test if version = 4.2 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `noverlap` FROM `categories` LIMIT 1", 0); if (!$stH) { //column 'overlay' not present - version 4.2 $lcVUpg = '4.2'; dbQuery("INSERT INTO `eventsNew` SELECT * FROM `events`"); //copy content events table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `usersNew` SELECT * FROM `users`"); //copy content users table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `groupsNew` (`ID`, `name`, `privs`, `catIDs`, `color`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `ID`, `name`, `privs`, `catIDs`, `color`, `status` FROM `groups`"); //copy content groups table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `categoriesNew` (`ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `approve`, `dayColor`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status`) \n\t\t\t\tSELECT `ID`, `name`, `sequence`, `repeat`, `approve`, `dayColor`, `color`, `bgColor`, `checkBx`, `checkLb`, `checkMk`, `status` FROM `categories`"); //copy content categories table dbQuery("INSERT INTO `settingsNew` SELECT * FROM `settings`"); //copy content settings table break; //done } //version = current version (no changes) $lcVUpg = '4.3'; dbQuery("INSERT INTO `eventsNew` SELECT * FROM `events`"); dbQuery("INSERT INTO `usersNew` SELECT * FROM `users`"); dbQuery("INSERT INTO `groupsNew` SELECT * FROM `groups`"); dbQuery("INSERT INTO `categoriesNew` SELECT * FROM `categories`"); dbQuery("INSERT INTO `settingsNew` SELECT * FROM `settings`"); } while (0); //end of: process calendar $calID /* === tables post-processing === */ $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `privs` FROM `users` LIMIT 1", 0); if ($stH !== false) { //privs found, table groups is new $stH = null; //convert users.groupID (old privs) to new groupID $groups = array(0 => 1, 9 => 2, 1 => 3, 2 => 4, 3 => 5, 4 => 6); $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `ID`, `groupID` FROM `usersNew`"); //get groupID (old privs) while ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { dbQuery("UPDATE `usersNew` SET `groupID` = {$groups[$row['groupID']]} WHERE `ID` = {$row['ID']}"); } } //groups.ID and users.groupID: renumber ID starting from 1 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT * FROM `groupsNew` WHERE `ID` = 0"); if ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { //column 'ID' = 0 exists - renumber $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `ID` FROM `groupsNew` ORDER BY `ID` DESC"); while ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { dbQuery("UPDATE `groupsNew` SET `ID` = `ID` + 1 WHERE `ID` = {$row['ID']}"); //must be done in reverse order } dbQuery("UPDATE `usersNew` SET `groupID` = `groupID` + 1"); } //correct groupIDs admin (3 -> 2) and read-access (2 -> 3) $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `ID`, `groupID` FROM `usersNew` WHERE `ID` = 2 and `groupID` = 3", 0); //admin in group 3 if ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { dbQuery("UPDATE `groupsNew` SET `ID` = 100 WHERE `ID` = 2"); //park read-only dbQuery("UPDATE `usersNew` SET `groupID` = 100 WHERE `groupID` = 2"); //idem dbQuery("UPDATE `groupsNew` SET `ID` = 2 WHERE `ID` = 3"); //set admin to 2 dbQuery("UPDATE `usersNew` SET `groupID` = 2 WHERE `groupID` = 3"); //idem dbQuery("UPDATE `groupsNew` SET `ID` = 3 WHERE `ID` = 100"); //set parked to 3 dbQuery("UPDATE `usersNew` SET `groupID` = 3 WHERE `groupID` = 100"); //idem } //events.checked: ;dd-mm-yyyya -> ;dd-mm-yyyy and drop ;dd-mm-yyyyb $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `ID`,`checked` FROM `eventsNew` WHERE `checked` LIKE '%a%'"); while ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { $chBoxed = preg_replace(array('~;\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\db~', '~(;\\d\\d\\d\\d-\\d\\d-\\d\\d)a~'), array('', '$1'), $row['checked']); //drop ;dd-mm-yyyyb and trim a in ;dd-mm-yyyya dbQuery("UPDATE `eventsNew` SET `checked`='{$chBoxed}' WHERE `ID` = {$row['ID']}"); } //events.sTime/eTime: truncate time to 00:00 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `sTime` FROM `eventsNew` LIMIT 1"); if ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { //column 'sTime' exists if (strlen($row[0]) > 5) { //truncate times dbQuery("UPDATE `eventsNew` SET `sTime` = substr(`sTime`,1,5),`eTime` = substr(`eTime`,1,5)"); } } //events.aDateTime/mDateTime: truncate time to 00:00 $stH = dbQuery("SELECT `aDateTime` FROM `eventsNew` LIMIT 1"); if ($row = $stH->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) { //column 'aDateTime' exists if (strlen($row[0]) > 16) { //truncate time dbQuery("UPDATE `eventsNew` SET `aDateTime` = substr(`aDateTime`,1,16),`mDateTime` = substr(`mDateTime`,1,16)"); } if (strlen($row[0]) < 16) { //pad to yyyy-mm-dd 00:00 dbQuery("UPDATE `eventsNew` SET `aDateTime` = substr(`aDateTime`,1,10)||' 00:00',`mDateTime` = substr(`mDateTime`,1,10)||' 00:00'"); } } $stH = null; //release statement handle //drop original tables and rename new upgraded tables dbQuery("DROP TABLE `users`"); dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `usersNew` RENAME TO `users`"); dbQuery("DROP TABLE `groups`"); dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `groupsNew` RENAME TO `groups`"); dbQuery("DROP TABLE `categories`"); dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `categoriesNew` RENAME TO `categories`"); dbQuery("DROP TABLE `events`"); dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `eventsNew` RENAME TO `events`"); dbQuery("DROP TABLE `settings`"); dbQuery("ALTER TABLE `settingsNew` RENAME TO `settings`"); dbTransaction('commit'); return $lcVUpg; }