function mia_results($results){ global $date_fields,$dont_pull; $getfields = sql_query("SELECT ref,title FROM resource_type_field"); $fieldnames = array(); for($g=0; $g<count($getfields); $g++){ $fieldnames[$getfields[$g]['ref']]=$getfields[$g]['title']; } for($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $ref = $results[$i]['ref']; if(isset($results[$i]['ref'])){ $query=sql_query("SELECT * FROM resource_data WHERE resource = $ref AND value != '' AND value!='NULL' AND value != ','"); for($q=0; $q<count($query); $q++){ if($query[$q]['value'] != "," && $query[$q]['value'] !="" && array_key_exists($query[$q]['resource_type_field'],$fieldnames)){ if(substr($query[$q]['value'],0,1)==","){ $results[$i][$fieldnames[$query[$q]['resource_type_field']]]=substr($query[$q]['value'],1); }else{ $results[$i][$fieldnames[$query[$q]['resource_type_field']]]=$query[$q]['value']; } } } $access = get_resource_access($results[$i]); $filepath = get_resource_path($results[$i]['ref'], TRUE, '', FALSE, $results[$i]['file_extension'], -1, 1, FALSE, '', -1); $original_link = get_resource_path($results[$i]['ref'], FALSE, '', FALSE, $results[$i]['file_extension'], -1, 1, FALSE, '', -1); if(file_exists($filepath)) { $results[$i]['original_link'] = $original_link; } else { $results[$i]['original_link'] = 'No original link available.'; } // Get the size of the original file: /* $original_size = get_original_imagesize($results[$i]['ref'], $filepath, $results[$i]['file_extension']); $original_size = formatfilesize($original_size[0]); $original_size = str_replace(' ', ' ', $original_size); $results[$i]['original_size'] = $original_size;*/ foreach($results[$i] as $k => $v){ if($v == "" || $v ==","){ unset($results[$i][$k]); } if($k == "created_by"){ $user = get_user($v); $results[$i][$k]=$user["fullname"]; } if(in_array($k,$date_fields)){ $unix = strtotime($v); $datetime = date('y-m-d',$unix); $results[$i][$k] = $datetime; } if($k == "resource_type" && is_numeric($v)){ $results[$i][$k]=get_resource_type_name($v); } //need to convert type to string here if(in_array($k,$dont_pull)){ unset($results[$i][$k]); } } } // var_dump($results);exit(); return $results; } }
echo $collection; ?> "> <?php if ($feedback_resource_select) { ?> <h2><?php echo $lang["selectedresources"]; ?> :</h2><?php # Show thumbnails and allow the user to select resources. $result = do_search("!collection" . $collection); for ($n = 0; $n < count($result); $n++) { $ref = $result[$n]["ref"]; $access = get_resource_access($ref); $use_watermark = check_use_watermark($ref); $title = $ref . " : " . htmlspecialchars(tidy_trim(i18n_get_translated($result[$n]["field" . $view_title_field]), 60)); if (isset($collection_feedback_display_field)) { $displaytitle = htmlspecialchars(get_data_by_field($ref, $collection_feedback_display_field)); } else { $displaytitle = $title; } ?> <!--Resource Panel--> <div class="ResourcePanelShell" id="ResourceShell<?php echo $ref; ?> "> <div class="ResourcePanel">
<div class="ResourcePanelShellSmall" <?php if ($display_user_rating_stars && $k == "") { ?> <?php } ?> id="ResourceShell<?php echo $ref; ?> "> <div class="ResourcePanelSmall"> <?php if (!hook("renderimagesmallthumb")) { ?> <?php $access = get_resource_access($result[$n]); $use_watermark = check_use_watermark(); # Work out the preview image path $col_url = get_resource_path($ref, false, "col", false, $result[$n]["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark, $result[$n]["file_modified"]); if (isset($result[$n]["col_url"])) { $col_url = $result[$n]["col_url"]; } # If col_url set in data, use instead, e.g. by manipulation of data via process_search_results hook ?> <table border="0" class="ResourceAlignSmall"> <?php hook("resourcetop"); ?> <tr><td> <a href="<?php echo $url;
function collection_min_access($collection) { # Returns the minimum access (the least permissive) that the current user has to the resources in $collection. $minaccess = 0; if (is_array($collection)) { $result = $collection; } else { $result = do_search("!collection" . $collection, "", "relevance", 0, -1, "desc", false, "", false, ""); } for ($n = 0; $n < count($result); $n++) { $ref = $result[$n]["ref"]; # Load access level $access = get_resource_access($result[$n]); if ($access > $minaccess) { $minaccess = $access; } } return $minaccess; }
function resource_download_allowed($resource,$size,$resource_type) { # For the given resource and size, can the curent user download it? # resource type and access may already be available in the case of search, so pass them along to get_resource_access to avoid extra queries # $resource can be a resource-specific search result array. $access=get_resource_access($resource); if (checkperm('X' . $resource_type . "_" . $size) || checkperm('T' . $resource_type . "_" . $size)) { # Block access to this resource type / size? # Only if no specific user access override (i.e. they have successfully requested this size). global $userref; $usercustomaccess = get_custom_access_user($resource,$userref); if ($usercustomaccess === false || !($usercustomaccess==='0')) {return false;} } # Full access if ($access==0) { return true; } # Special case for purchased downloads. global $userref; if (isset($userref)) { $complete=sql_value("select cr.purchase_complete value from collection_resource cr join collection c on cr.collection=c.ref where c.user='******' and cr.resource='$resource' and cr.purchase_size='" . escape_check($size) . "'",0); if ($complete==1) {return true;} } # Restricted if ($access==1) { if ($size=="") { # Original file - access depends on the 'restricted_full_download' config setting. global $restricted_full_download; return $restricted_full_download; } else { # Return the restricted access setting for this resource type. return (sql_value("select allow_restricted value from preview_size where id='" . escape_check($size) . "'",0)==1); } } # Confidential if ($access==2) { return false; } }
<div class="clearerleft"> </div> </div> <?php } if ($edit_upload_options_at_top) { include '../include/edit_upload_options.php'; } $use = $ref; # Resource aliasing. # 'Copy from' or 'Metadata template' been supplied? Load data from this resource instead. $originalref = $use; if (getval("copyfrom", "") != "") { # Copy from function $copyfrom = getvalescaped("copyfrom", ""); $copyfrom_access = get_resource_access($copyfrom); # Check access level if ($copyfrom_access != 2) { $use = $copyfrom; $original_fields = get_resource_field_data($ref, $multiple, true, -1, "", $tabs_on_edit); } } if (getval("metadatatemplate", "") != "") { $use = getvalescaped("metadatatemplate", ""); $original_fields = get_resource_field_data($ref, $multiple, true, -1, "", $tabs_on_edit); } # Load resource data $fields = get_resource_field_data($use, $multiple, !hook("customgetresourceperms"), $originalref, "", $tabs_on_edit); # if this is a metadata template, set the metadata template title field at the top if (isset($metadata_template_resource_type) && isset($metadata_template_title_field) && $resource["resource_type"] == $metadata_template_resource_type) { # recreate fields array, first with metadata template field
function can_share_resource($ref, $access = "") { global $allow_share, $restricted_share, $customgroupaccess, $customuseraccess, $allow_custom_access_share; if ($access == "" || !isset($customgroupaccess)) { $access = get_resource_access($ref); } if (!$allow_share || $access == 2 || $access == 1 && !$restricted_share) { return false; } // return false asap if ($restricted_share) { return true; } // If sharing of restricted resources is permitted we should allow sharing whether access is open or restricted // User is not permitted to share if open access has been specifically granted for an otherwise restrcited resource to the user/group. if (!$allow_custom_access_share && ($customgroupaccess || $customuseraccess)) { return false; } // Must have open access and sharing is permitted return true; }
<?php if (isset($home_slideshow_width)) { echo "style=\""; $slide_width = $home_slideshow_width + 2; echo "width:" . (string) $slide_width . "px; "; echo "\" "; } ?> > <a id="slideshowlink" target="main" <?php $linkurl = "#"; if (file_exists("../" . $homeanim_folder . "/1.txt")) { $linkres = file_get_contents("../" . $homeanim_folder . "/1.txt"); $linkaccess = get_resource_access($linkres); if ($linkaccess !== "" && ($linkaccess == 0 || $linkaccess == 1)) { $linkurl = $baseurl . "/pages/view.php?ref=" . $linkres; } echo "href=\"" . $linkurl . "\" "; } ?> \> <div class="HomePicturePanelIN" id='photoholder' style=" <?php if (isset($home_slideshow_height)) { echo "height:" . (string) $home_slideshow_height . "px; "; } ?>
#Begin loop through resources, collecting Keywords too. $i=0; $j=0; for ($n=0;$n<count($result);$n++){ $ref=$result[$n]["ref"]; $preview_extension=$result[$n]["preview_extension"]; $resourcetitle=""; $i++; $currentx=$pdf->GetX(); $currenty=$pdf->GetY(); if ($ref!==false){ # Find image # Load access level $access=get_resource_access($result[$n]); // feed get_resource_access the resource array rather than the ref, since access is included. $use_watermark=check_use_watermark(); $imgpath = get_resource_path($ref,true,$imgsize,false,$preview_extension,-1,1,$use_watermark); if (!file_exists($imgpath) && $preview_extension=="jpg" && $imgsize=='hpr'){$imgpath = get_resource_path($ref,true,'',false,$preview_extension,-1,1,$use_watermark);} if (!file_exists($imgpath) && $imgsize!='pre'){$imgpath = get_resource_path($ref,true,'pre',false,$preview_extension,-1,1,$use_watermark);} if (!file_exists($imgpath)){ $imgpath="../../gfx/".get_nopreview_icon($result[$n]['resource_type'],$result[$n]['file_extension'],false,true); $preview_extension=explode(".",$imgpath); if(count($preview_extension)>1){ $preview_extension=trim(strtolower($preview_extension[count($preview_extension)-1])); } } if (file_exists($imgpath)){ # cells are used for measurement purposes only # Two ways to size image, either by height or by width. $thumbsize=getimagesize($imgpath);
function HookMagictouchViewReplacerenderinnerresourcepreview() { global $baseurl, $plugins, $lang, $search, $offset, $archive, $order_by, $sort, $plugins, $download_multisize, $k, $access, $ref, $resource, $watermark; global $magictouch_account_id; if ($magictouch_account_id == "") { return false; } // This hooks runs outside of the renderinnerresourcepreview hook, // and if MTFAIL is defined, annotate will know not to include a Zoom link. // annotate plugin compatibility global $plugins; if (in_array("annotate", $plugins)) { global $annotate_ext_exclude; global $annotate_rt_exclude; if (in_array($resource['file_extension'], $annotate_ext_exclude)) { return false; } if (in_array($resource['resource_type'], $annotate_rt_exclude)) { return false; } if (getval("annotate", "") != "") { return false; } } // exclusions global $magictouch_rt_exclude; global $magictouch_ext_exclude; if (in_array($resource['resource_type'], $magictouch_rt_exclude)) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; } if (in_array($resource['file_extension'], $magictouch_ext_exclude)) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; } $download_multisize = true; if ($resource["has_image"] != 1) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; } // watermark check $access = get_resource_access($ref); $use_watermark = check_use_watermark($ref); // paths $imageurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, "pre", false, $resource["preview_extension"], -1, 1, $use_watermark); global $magictouch_view_page_sizes; foreach ($magictouch_view_page_sizes as $mtpreviewsize) { $largeurl = get_resource_path($ref, false, $mtpreviewsize, false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); $largeurl_path = get_resource_path($ref, true, $mtpreviewsize, false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); if (file_exists($largeurl_path)) { break; } } if (!file_exists($largeurl_path)) { define("MTFAIL", true); return false; # Requires an original large JPEG file. } ?> <div style="float:left;"> <div class="Picture"> <a href="<?php echo $largeurl; ?> " class="MagicTouch"><img src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?> " GALLERYIMG="no" id="previewimage" /></a> </div><br /> <?php // annotate plugin compatibility if (in_array("annotate", $plugins) && $k == "") { ?> <a style="display:inline;clear:left;float:left;" href="<?php echo $baseurl; ?> /pages/view.php?ref=<?php echo $ref; ?> &search=<?php echo urlencode($search); ?> &offset=<?php echo $offset; ?> &order_by=<?php echo $order_by; ?> &sort=<?php echo $sort; ?> &archive=<?php echo $archive; ?> &k=<?php echo $k; ?> &annotate=true" onClick="return CentralSpaceLoad(this);">> <?php echo $lang['annotations']; ?> </a><br /><br /><?php } ?> <script type="text/javascript">if(typeof MagicTouch=="object") {MagicTouch.refresh();} else {console.log("MagicTouch not loaded");}</script> </div> <?php return true; }
$use_watermark = check_use_watermark(); $filepath = get_resource_path($results[$n]['ref'], true, getval('previewsize', ''), false, 'jpg', -1, 1, $use_watermark, '', -1); $previewpath = get_resource_path($results[$n]['ref'], false, getval("previewsize", ""), false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark, "", -1); if (file_exists($filepath)) { $results[$n]['preview'] = $previewpath; } else { $previewpath = explode('filestore/', $previewpath); $previewpath = $previewpath[0] . "gfx/"; $file = $previewpath . get_nopreview_icon($results[$n]["resource_type"], $results[$n]["file_extension"], false, true); $results[$n]['preview'] = $file; } } } if ($original) { for ($i = 0; $i < count($results); $i++) { $access = get_resource_access($results[$i]); $filepath = get_resource_path($results[$i]['ref'], TRUE, '', FALSE, $results[$i]['file_extension'], -1, 1, FALSE, '', -1); $original_link = get_resource_path($results[$i]['ref'], FALSE, '', FALSE, $results[$i]['file_extension'], -1, 1, FALSE, '', -1); if (file_exists($filepath)) { $results[$i]['original_link'] = $original_link; } else { $results[$i]['original_link'] = 'No original link available.'; } // Get the size of the original file: $original_size = get_original_imagesize($results[$i]['ref'], $filepath, $results[$i]['file_extension']); $original_size = formatfilesize($original_size[0]); $original_size = str_replace(' ', ' ', $original_size); $results[$i]['original_size'] = $original_size; } } // flv file and thumb if available
$pdf->SetAuthor($userfullname); if ($is_collection) { $pdf->SetTitle(i18n_get_collection_name($collectiondata) . ' ' . $date); } else { $pdf->SetTitle(i18n_get_translated($resourcedata['field' . $view_title_field]) . ' ' . $date); } $pdf->SetSubject($lang['annotations']); $pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $pdf->setMargins(0.5, 0.5, 0.5); // add a page for ($n = 0; $n < count($resources); $n++) { $pdf->AddPage(); $resourcedata = $resources[$n]; $ref = $resources[$n]['ref']; $access = get_resource_access($resources[$n]['ref']); // feed get_resource_access the resource array rather than the ref, since access is included. $use_watermark = check_use_watermark(); $imgpath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "hpr", false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); if (!file_exists($imgpath)) { $imgpath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "lpr", false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); } if (!file_exists($imgpath)) { $imgpath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "scr", false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); } if (!file_exists($imgpath)) { $imgpath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "", false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); } if (!file_exists($imgpath)) { $imgpath = get_resource_path($ref, true, "pre", false, "jpg", -1, 1, $use_watermark); }
$restypes = ""; } $default_sort = "DESC"; if (substr($order_by, 0, 5) == "field") { $default_sort = "ASC"; } $sort = getval("sort", $default_sort); $archive = getvalescaped("archive", 0, true); $errors = array(); # The results of the save operation (e.g. required field messages) $editaccess = get_edit_access($ref); if (!$propose_changes_always_allow) { # Check user has permission. $proposeallowed = sql_value("select r.ref value from resource r left join collection_resource cr on r.ref='{$ref}' and cr.resource=r.ref left join user_collection uc on uc.user='******' and uc.collection=cr.collection left join collection c on c.ref=uc.collection where c.propose_changes=1", ""); if ($proposeallowed == "" && $propose_changes_allow_open) { $proposeallowed = get_resource_access($ref) == 0 ? $ref : ""; } } if (!$propose_changes_always_allow && $proposeallowed == "" && !$editaccess) { # The user is not allowed to edit this resource or the resource doesn't exist. $error = $lang['error-permissiondenied']; error_alert($error); exit; } if ($editaccess) { $userproposals = sql_query("select pc.user, u.username from propose_changes_data pc left join user u on u.ref=pc.user where resource='{$ref}' group by pc.user order by u.username asc"); $view_user = getvalescaped("proposeuser", count($userproposals) == 0 ? $userref : $userproposals[0]["user"]); $proposed_changes = get_proposed_changes($ref, $view_user); } else { $proposed_changes = get_proposed_changes($ref, $userref); }