Exemple #1
function produce()
    $producer = get_producer();
    while (true) {
        $producer->produce(new Message\DefaultMessage('EchoTime', array('time' => time())));
        usleep(rand(100, 1000));
Exemple #2
    public function GetNode($id)
        if ($result = $this->db->GetRow('SELECT n.*, rs.name AS linkradiosectorname,
		    inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub,
		    lc.name AS city_name,
				(CASE WHEN ls.name2 IS NOT NULL THEN ' . $this->db->Concat('ls.name2', "' '", 'ls.name') . ' ELSE ls.name END) AS street_name,
				lt.name AS street_type,
			lb.name AS borough_name, lb.type AS borough_type,
			ld.name AS district_name, lst.name AS state_name
			FROM vnodes n
			LEFT JOIN netradiosectors rs ON rs.id = n.linkradiosector
			LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON (lc.id = n.location_city)
			LEFT JOIN location_streets ls ON (ls.id = n.location_street)
			LEFT JOIN location_street_types lt ON (lt.id = ls.typeid)
			LEFT JOIN location_boroughs lb ON (lb.id = lc.boroughid)
			LEFT JOIN location_districts ld ON (ld.id = lb.districtid)
			LEFT JOIN location_states lst ON (lst.id = ld.stateid)
			WHERE n.id = ?', array($id))) {
            $customer_manager = new LMSCustomerManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $user_manager = new LMSUserManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
            $result['radiosectors'] = $this->db->GetAll('SELECT * FROM netradiosectors WHERE netdev = ?', array($result['netdev']));
            $result['owner'] = $customer_manager->GetCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            $result['createdby'] = $user_manager->GetUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $user_manager->GetUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            $result['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($result['lastonline']);
            $result['mac'] = preg_split('/,/', $result['mac']);
            foreach ($result['mac'] as $mac) {
                $result['macs'][] = array('mac' => $mac, 'producer' => get_producer($mac));
            if ($netname = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
				WHERE id = ?', array($result['netid']))) {
                $result['netname'] = $netname;
            if ($result['ip_pub'] != '') {
                $network_manager = new LMSNetworkManager($this->db, $this->auth, $this->cache, $this->syslog);
                $result['netpubid'] = $network_manager->GetNetIDByIP($result['ip_pub']);
                $result['netpubname'] = $this->db->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
					WHERE id = ?', array($result['netpubid']));
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
Exemple #3
    function GetNode($id)
        if ($result = $this->DB->GetRow('SELECT n.*,
		    inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub,
		    lc.name AS city_name ' . ',(SELECT 1 FROM monitnodes WHERE monitnodes.id = n.id AND monitnodes.active = 1) AS monitoring ' . ',(SELECT 1 FROM monitnodes WHERE monitnodes.id = n.id AND monitnodes.active = 1 AND monitnodes.signaltest=1) AS monitoringsignal ' . ',(SELECT name FROM invprojects WHERE invprojects.id = n.invprojectid) AS projectname ' . ', (CASE WHEN ls.name2 IS NOT NULL THEN ' . $this->DB->Concat('ls.name2', "' '", 'ls.name') . ' ELSE ls.name END) AS street_name, lt.name AS street_type
			FROM vnodes n
			LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON (lc.id = n.location_city)
			LEFT JOIN location_streets ls ON (ls.id = n.location_street)
			LEFT JOIN location_street_types lt ON (lt.id = ls.typeid)
			WHERE n.id = ?', array($id))) {
            $result['typeofdevicename'] = $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT type FROM dictionary_devices_client WHERE id = ? ' . $this->DB->Limit('1') . ' ;', array($result['typeofdevice']));
            $result['owner'] = $this->GetCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            $result['createdby'] = $this->GetUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $this->GetUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            if ($result['access_from']) {
                $result['access_from'] = date('Y/m/d', $result['access_from']);
            } else {
                $result['access_from'] = '';
            if ($result['access_to']) {
                $result['access_to'] = date('Y/m/d', $result['access_to']);
            } else {
                $result['acces_to'] = '';
            $result['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($result['lastonline']);
            if ($result['netid']) {
                $tmp = $this->DB->GetRow('SELECT n.name AS networkname, h.name AS hostname 
					FROM networks n 
					LEFT JOIN hosts h ON (h.id = n.hostid) 
					WHERE n.id = ? LIMIT 1;', array($result['netid']));
                $result['networkname'] = $tmp['networkname'];
                $result['hostname'] = $tmp['hostname'];
            if ($result['netid_pub']) {
                $tmp = $this->DB->GetRow('SELECT n.name AS networkname, h.name AS hostname 
					FROM networks n 
					LEFT JOIN hosts h ON (h.id = n.hostid) 
					WHERE n.id = ? LIMIT 1;', array($result['netid_pub']));
                $result['networkname_pub'] = $tmp['networkname'];
                $result['hostname_pub'] = $tmp['hostname'];
            if ($result['nasid'] && get_form('nodes.nas')) {
                $result['nasname'] = $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT name FROM nas WHERE id = ? LIMIT 1;', array($result['nasid']));
            $result['mac'] = preg_split('/,/', $result['mac']);
            foreach ($result['mac'] as $mac) {
                $result['macs'][] = array('mac' => $mac, 'producer' => get_producer($mac));
            $result = $this->exechook('lms_getnode_after', $result);
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
Exemple #4
    public function GetNode($id)
        if ($result = $this->DB->GetRow('SELECT n.*,
		    inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr) AS ip, inet_ntoa(n.ipaddr_pub) AS ip_pub,
		    lc.name AS city_name,
				(CASE WHEN ls.name2 IS NOT NULL THEN ' . $this->DB->Concat('ls.name2', "' '", 'ls.name') . ' ELSE ls.name END) AS street_name, lt.name AS street_type
			FROM vnodes n
			LEFT JOIN location_cities lc ON (lc.id = n.location_city)
			LEFT JOIN location_streets ls ON (ls.id = n.location_street)
			LEFT JOIN location_street_types lt ON (lt.id = ls.typeid)
			WHERE n.id = ?', array($id))) {
            $result['owner'] = $this->GetCustomerName($result['ownerid']);
            $result['createdby'] = $this->GetUserName($result['creatorid']);
            $result['modifiedby'] = $this->GetUserName($result['modid']);
            $result['creationdateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['creationdate']);
            $result['moddateh'] = date('Y/m/d, H:i', $result['moddate']);
            $result['lastonlinedate'] = lastonline_date($result['lastonline']);
            $result['mac'] = preg_split('/,/', $result['mac']);
            foreach ($result['mac'] as $mac) {
                $result['macs'][] = array('mac' => $mac, 'producer' => get_producer($mac));
            if ($netname = $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
				WHERE id = ?', array($result['netid']))) {
                $result['netname'] = $netname;
            if ($result['ip_pub'] != '') {
                $result['netpubid'] = $this->GetNetIDByIP($result['ip_pub']);
                $result['netpubname'] = $this->DB->GetOne('SELECT name FROM networks
					WHERE id = ?', array($result['netpubid']));
            return $result;
        } else {
            return FALSE;
function update_basket_item(array $data)
    //    debug_print ('INFO: Update Basket', $data);
    global $connection;
    //    $member_id_you = $_SESSION['member_id'];
    $producer_id_you = $_SESSION['producer_id_you'];
    // Allow admins to override certain checks if the requested action is not for themselves
    $admin_override_not_set = false;
    if ($member_id_you == $data['member_id'] || !CurrentMember::auth_type('cashier')) {
        $admin_override_not_set = true;
    // Set flags for needed validations and operations
    switch ($data['action']) {
        case 'set_quantity':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_for_customer_privilege = true;
            $test_for_membership_privilege = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $test_product_availability = true;
            $test_for_producer_privilege = true;
            $initiate_basket_item = true;
            $initiate_change_quantity = true;
            $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true;
        case 'set_message_to_producer':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true;
        case 'set_outs':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_for_producer_privilege = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_producer_update_window = true;
            $initiate_change_outs = true;
        case 'set_weight':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_for_producer_privilege = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_producer_update_window = true;
            $initiate_change_weight = true;
        case 'checkout':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_for_membership_privilege = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true;
            $initiate_synch_ledger = true;
        case 'set_all_producer':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_for_producer_privilege = true;
            $test_producer_update_window = true;
            $initiate_change_outs = true;
            $initiate_change_weight = true;
        case 'set_everything':
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $initiate_change_quantity = true;
            $initiate_change_outs = true;
            $initiate_clear_weight = true;
            $initiate_clear_item = true;
            $initiate_set_message_to_producer = true;
        case 'clear_item':
            // Used when un_checking_out
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $data['quantity'] = '0';
            $data['out_of_stock'] = '0';
            $data['weight'] = '0';
            $initiate_change_quantity = true;
            $initiate_change_outs = true;
            $initiate_clear_weight = true;
            $initiate_clear_item = true;
        case 'synch_ledger':
            // Used when checking_out
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_for_membership_privilege = true;
            $test_customer_ordering_window = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $initiate_synch_ledger = true;
        case 'producer_synch_ledger':
            // Used when checking_out
            $test_for_valid_product = true;
            $test_basket_item_exists = true;
            $test_for_producer_privilege = true;
            $test_producer_update_window = true;
            $initiate_synch_ledger = true;
            return 'Unexpected request ' . $action;
    // Check if the product exists, regardless of $admin_override_not_set
    if ($test_for_valid_product) {
        $product_info = get_product($data['product_id'], $data['product_version'], $data['pvid']);
        if (!is_array($product_info)) {
            return 'Product not found in database';
    // Get  information about the basket for this member
    // This needs to be done before the availability check
    $basket_info = get_basket($data['member_id'], $data['delivery_id']);
    // See if we already have this basket_item
    if (is_array($basket_info)) {
        $basket_item_info = get_basket_item($basket_info['basket_id'], $data['product_id']);
    } else {
        return 'Basket does not exist';
    // Check for basket item
    if ($test_basket_item_exists && !is_array($basket_item_info)) {
        return 'Basket item does not exist';
    // Check if the basket is locked
    if ($basket_info['locked'] == 1) {
        return 'Basket is locked';
    // Check if this producer is permitted and enabled to sell
    if ($test_for_producer_privilege && $admin_override_not_set) {
        $producer_info = get_producer($product_info['producer_id']);
        if ($producer_info['unlisted_producer'] > 0 || $producer_info['pending'] == 1) {
            return 'Producer is restricted from selling';
    // Check if the customer is allowed to purchase this product
    if ($test_for_customer_privilege && $admin_override_not_set) {
        $member_info = get_member($data['member_id']);
        $member_auth_type_array = explode(',', $member_info['auth_type']);
        // $product_info['listing_auth_type'] contains the *necessary* auth_type to buy this product
        // and $member_auth_type_array contains all the members' allowable auth_types
        // listing_auth_types archived and unlisted are not allowed for members, so can never be ordered
        if (!is_array($member_auth_type_array) || !in_array($product_info['listing_auth_type'], $member_auth_type_array)) {
            return 'Incorrect privilege to purchase requested product';
    // Check that the member is not pending or discontinued
    if ($test_for_membership_privilege && $admin_override_not_set) {
        if ($member_info['pending'] == 1 || $member_info['membership_discontinued'] == 1) {
            return 'Incorrect privilege to order';
    // Check if shopping is closed for this order
    if ($test_customer_ordering_window && $admin_override_not_set) {
        if (ActiveCycle::ordering_window() == 'closed') {
            return 'Customer ordering period is not in effect';
    // Check if the product can be delivered to this site_id
    if ($test_product_availability && $admin_override_not_set) {
        if ($producer_info['available_site_ids'] != '' && !in_array($basket_info['site_id'], explode(',', $producer_info['available_site_ids']))) {
            return 'Producer does not sell at this location';
    // Check if producer activity is taking place within the producer update window
    if ($test_producer_update_window && $producer_id_you && $admin_override_not_set) {
        if (ActiveCycle::producer_update_window() == 'closed') {
            return 'Producer update window is closed';
    // Create an empty basket item if one does not already exist
    if ($initiate_basket_item && !is_array($basket_item_info)) {
        $query = '
              /* bpid, */
            ' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['basket_id']) . ' AS basket_id,
            "0" AS quantity,
            "0" AS total_weight,
            "0" AS out_of_stock,
            NOW() AS date_added
          FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_PRODUCTS . '
          LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_SUBCATEGORY . ' USING(subcategory_id)
          LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_CATEGORY . ' USING(category_id)
          LEFT JOIN ' . TABLE_PRODUCER . ' USING(producer_id)
            product_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($product_info['product_id']) . '"
            AND product_version = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($product_info['product_version']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 748032 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        // Now get the basket information we just posted
        $basket_item_info = get_basket_item($basket_info['basket_id'], $data['product_id']);
    // Update the quantity for this basket_item and adjust inventory accordingly
    if ($initiate_change_quantity) {
        $old_requested_quantity = $basket_item_info['quantity'];
        $old_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'];
        // The following code is built around adding/subtracting [quantity], so we will first adjust
        // the input to fit that method. If $data['quantity'] is like "+1" or "-2" then increment/decrement
        if (preg_match('/^([\\+\\-])(\\d+)$/', $data['quantity'], $matches)) {
            if ($matches[1] == '+') {
                $data['quantity'] = $matches[2];
            } elseif ($matches[1] == '-') {
                $data['quantity'] = 0 - $matches[2];
            } else {
                return 'Unexpected result 789830';
        } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d+)$/', $data['quantity'], $matches)) {
            $data['quantity'] = $matches[1] - $old_requested_quantity;
            // Amount to increase the basket by
        } else {
            return 'Unexpected result 785932';
        // If this is an inventory-controlled item
        if ($product_info['inventory_id']) {
            $old_actual_quantity = $old_requested_quantity - $old_out_of_stock;
            // Note that available_inventory is the number of inventory_pull units available for this
            // particular product and might actually leave a few inventory items remaining.
            $available_inventory = floor($product_info['inventory_quantity'] / $product_info['inventory_pull']);
            $inventory_reduction = 0;
            // Just for sanity, make sure the old out_of_stock is not more than the old_requested_quantity
            if ($old_out_of_stock > $old_requested_quantity) {
                $old_out_of_stock = $old_requested_quantity;
            // Add the request, no matter what (unless the quantity goes negative)
            $new_requested_quantity = $old_requested_quantity + $data['quantity'];
            // If we brought the requested quantity in the basket down to zero
            if ($new_requested_quantity <= 0) {
                // then set the new_requested_quantity to [all of it]
                $data['quantity'] = 0 - $old_requested_quantity;
                $new_requested_quantity = 0;
                // and set out_of_stock to zero (empty the basket completely)
                $new_out_of_stock = 0;
            } else {
                // We will begin by considering all of the new quantity as "out"
                $new_out_of_stock = $old_out_of_stock + $data['quantity'];
            // At this point, the new_requested_quantity is correct, but we might
            // have set the new_out_of_stock incorrectly, so we will adjust that
            // according to the inventory available
            // Check if there is enough inventory to cover our entire out_of_stock request
            if ($available_inventory > $new_out_of_stock) {
                $inventory_reduction = $new_out_of_stock;
                $new_out_of_stock = 0;
            } else {
                $inventory_reduction = $available_inventory;
                // all of it
                $new_out_of_stock = $new_out_of_stock - $inventory_reduction;
        } else {
            // If this somehow changed, then clear the out_of_stock setting
            $new_out_of_stock = 0;
            $inventory_reduction = 0;
            // Add the new requested quantity
            $new_requested_quantity = $old_requested_quantity + $data['quantity'];
            // And make sure it isn't less than zero
            if ($new_requested_quantity < 0) {
                $new_requested_quantity = 0;
        // Set these variables for use later
        $basket_item_info['quantity'] = $new_requested_quantity;
        $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'] = $new_out_of_stock;
        // Update the basket quantity and out_of_stock
        $query = '
            quantity = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_requested_quantity) . '",
            out_of_stock = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_out_of_stock) . '"
          WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 842075 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        // And update the inventory amount
        if ($inventory_reduction != 0) {
            // This does work with negative numbers for $new_requested_quantity
            $query = '
              UPDATE ' . TABLE_INVENTORY . '
              SET quantity = quantity + "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_requested_quantity * $product_info['inventory_pull']) . '"
              WHERE inventory_id = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($product_info['inventory_id']) . '"';
            $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 902784 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    } else {
        $new_requested_quantity = $basket_item_info['quantity'];
    // Change the "out" setting on this item
    if ($initiate_change_outs) {
        // If $data['out_of_stock'] is like "+1" or "-2" then increment/decrement
        if (preg_match('/^([\\+\\-])(\\d+)$/', $data['out_of_stock'], $matches)) {
            // Increase out_of_stock :: decreases actual order quantity
            if ($matches[1] == '+') {
                $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'] + $matches[2];
            } elseif ($matches[1] == '-') {
                $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'] - $matches[2];
            } else {
                return 'Unexpected result 578932';
        } elseif (preg_match('/^(\\d+)$/', $data['out_of_stock'], $matches)) {
            $new_out_of_stock = $matches[1];
        } else {
            return 'Unexpected result 874042';
        // Make sure we have not outed more than the total quantity in the basket
        if ($new_out_of_stock > $basket_item_info['quantity']) {
            $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['quantity'];
        // Make sure we have not outed a negative number
        if ($new_out_of_stock < 0) {
            $new_out_of_stock = 0;
        // Update the basket_item with the new quantities
        $query = '
          SET out_of_stock = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($new_out_of_stock) . '"
          WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 784303 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Set a basket_item message for this item
    if ($initiate_set_message_to_producer && $basket_item_info['bpid'] && is_array($data['messages'])) {
        foreach ($data['messages'] as $message_type => $message) {
            // If there is a message, then add the message or replace an existing one
            if (strlen($message) > 0) {
                // Use [0]:orphaned message in case the description is not found
                $query_post_message = '
                  REPLACE INTO ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . '
                    message = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message) . '",
                    message_type_id = 
                        SELECT message_type_id
                        FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES . '
                        WHERE key1_target = "basket_items.bpid"
                        AND description = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message_type) . '"
                        LIMIT 1
                    referenced_key1 = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
            } else {
                $query_post_message = '
                  DELETE FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGES . '
                    message_type_id = 
                        SELECT message_type_id
                        FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_MESSAGE_TYPES . '
                        WHERE key1_target = "basket_items.bpid"
                        AND description = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($message_type) . '"
                        LIMIT 1
                    AND referenced_key1 = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
            $result_post_message = mysql_query($query_post_message, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 789021 ", array($query_post_message, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Clear any weight that might have been set for this item
    if ($initiate_clear_weight && $basket_item_info['random_weight']) {
        $total_weight = $data['weight'];
        $query = '
          SET total_weight = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($total_weight) . '"
          WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 890254 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    // Update the weight for this item
    if ($initiate_change_weight && $basket_item_info['random_weight']) {
        $total_weight = $data['weight'];
        if ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock) {
            $average_weight = $data['weight'] / ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock);
            //             // Check for weight in specified range (admins may override this check)
            //             if (($average_weight < $basket_item_info['minimum_weight'] ||
            //               $average_weight > $basket_item_info['maximum_weight']) &&
            //               $admin_override_not_set)
            //               {
            //                 return ('Random-weight item outside declared weight range');
            //               }
        } else {
            $average_weight = 0;
            $total_weight = 0;
        $query = '
          SET total_weight = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($total_weight) . '"
          WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 520561 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
    if ($initiate_synch_ledger == true) {
        // If the requested action is just to synch the ledger, then we need to preset these values:
        $new_out_of_stock = $basket_item_info['out_of_stock'];
        $new_requested_quantity = $basket_item_info['quantity'];
        $product_tax_basis = 0;
        $fee_tax_basis = 0;
        // And make sure the basket is also checked out
        $test_info = update_basket(array('action' => 'set_checkout', 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id']));
        // Sync the checked_out field
        $basket_info['checked_out'] = $test_info['checked_out'];
        $query = '
          SET checked_out = "1"
          WHERE bpid = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_item_info['bpid']) . '"';
        $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 893020 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
        // Sync the checked_out field
        $basket_item_info['checked_out'] = "1";
    // If the quantity has become zero (i.e. out_of_stock == requested_quantity) then we don't want to
    // charge people for random weight items -- even if a weight is entered -- so clobber the weight
    if ($new_out_of_stock == $new_requested_quantity) {
        // i.e. There are no items in stock... then multiply certain costs by zero
        $basket_item_info['total_weight'] = 0;
    // At this point, all basket_item information has been set, so we need to consider
    // changes in the ledger. This is done for any/all changes, so not conditional
    // except for baskets that are not checked-out.
    if ($basket_info['checked_out'] != 0) {
        // If this product is configured with an extra_charge, then post it
        if ($product_info['extra_charge'] != 0) {
            $extra_charge = ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock) * $product_info['extra_charge'];
            // Assumption is that extra_charges are passed through to the producer
            // Should they/could they be held by the co-op???
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'producer', 'target_key' => $product_info['producer_id'], 'amount' => $extra_charge, 'text_key' => 'extra charge', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
        // If this product is configured with a regular cost, then post it
        if ($product_info['unit_price'] != 0) {
            if ($product_info['random_weight'] == 1) {
                $total_price = $product_info['unit_price'] * $basket_item_info['total_weight'];
                $text_key = 'weight cost';
            } elseif ($product_info['random_weight'] == 0) {
                $total_price = $product_info['unit_price'] * ($new_requested_quantity - $new_out_of_stock);
                $text_key = 'quantity cost';
            } else {
                return 'Unexpected result 579210';
            // Start accumulating basis for taxation
            $product_tax_basis += $total_price;
            // Write the transaction to the ledger
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'producer', 'target_key' => $product_info['producer_id'], 'amount' => $total_price, 'text_key' => $text_key, 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
        // If there is a product fee, post it
        if ($basket_item_info['product_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE != 'nobody') {
            $product_adjust_amount = $basket_item_info['product_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100;
            if (PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE == 'customer') {
                $source_type = 'member';
                $source_key = $data['member_id'];
                // Accumulate basis for taxation
                $fee_tax_basis += $product_adjust_amount;
            } elseif (PAYS_PRODUCT_FEE == 'producer') {
                $source_type = 'producer';
                $source_key = $product_info['producer_id'];
            } else {
                return 'No designated payee for product fee';
            // Post product fee to the ledger for each product
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'product_fee', 'amount' => $product_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'product fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
        // If there is a subcategory fee, post it
        if ($basket_item_info['subcategory_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE != 'nobody') {
            $subcategory_adjust_amount = $basket_item_info['subcategory_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100;
            if (PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE == 'customer') {
                $source_type = 'member';
                $source_key = $data['member_id'];
                // Accumulate basis for taxation
                $fee_tax_basis += $subcategory_adjust_amount;
            } elseif (PAYS_SUBCATEGORY_FEE == 'producer') {
                $source_type = 'producer';
                $source_key = $product_info['producer_id'];
            } else {
                return 'No designated payee for subcategory fee';
            // Post subcategory fee to the ledger for each product
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'subcategory_fee', 'amount' => $subcategory_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'subcategory fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
        // If there is a producer fee, post it
        if ($basket_item_info['producer_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_PRODUCER_FEE != 'nobody') {
            $producer_adjust_amount = $basket_item_info['producer_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100;
            if (PAYS_PRODUCER_FEE == 'customer') {
                $source_type = 'member';
                $source_key = $data['member_id'];
                // Accumulate basis for taxation
                $fee_tax_basis += $producer_adjust_amount;
            } elseif (PAYS_PRODUCER_FEE == 'producer') {
                $source_type = 'producer';
                $source_key = $product_info['producer_id'];
            } else {
                return 'No designated payee for producer fee';
            // Post producer fee to the ledger for each product
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'producer_fee', 'amount' => $producer_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'producer fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
        // If there is a customer fee, post it
        if ($basket_info['customer_fee_percent'] != 0 && PAYS_CUSTOMER_FEE != 'nobody') {
            $customer_adjust_amount = $basket_info['customer_fee_percent'] * $total_price / 100;
            if (PAYS_CUSTOMER_FEE == 'customer') {
                $source_type = 'member';
                $source_key = $data['member_id'];
                // Accumulate basis for taxation
                $fee_tax_basis += $customer_adjust_amount;
            } elseif (PAYS_CUSTOMER_FEE == 'producer') {
                $source_type = 'producer';
                $source_key = $product_info['producer_id'];
            } else {
                return 'No designated payee for customer fee';
            // Post customer fee to the ledger for each product
            $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => $source_type, 'source_key' => $source_key, 'target_type' => 'internal', 'target_key' => 'customer_fee', 'amount' => $customer_adjust_amount, 'text_key' => 'customer fee', 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
        // If this is a taxable item, then collect all the requisite taxes
        if ($basket_item_info['taxable'] == 1 || COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'always') {
            // Get the tax information...
            $query = '
              FROM ' . NEW_TABLE_TAX_RATES . '
                postal_code = "' . mysql_real_escape_string($basket_info['delivery_postal_code']) . '"
                AND order_id_start <= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['delivery_id']) . '"
                AND (
                  order_id_stop >= "' . mysql_real_escape_string($data['delivery_id']) . '"
                  OR order_id_stop = "0"
            $result = mysql_query($query, $connection) or die(debug_print("ERROR: 890236 ", array($query, mysql_error()), basename(__FILE__) . ' LINE ' . __LINE__));
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $text_key = $row['region_type'] . ' tax';
                // e.g. 'county tax'
                // Just tax the item and not the fees
                if (COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'never') {
                    $tax_amount = $row['tax_percent'] * $product_tax_basis / 100;
                } elseif (COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'on taxable items' || COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'always' && $basket_item_info['taxable'] == 1) {
                    $tax_amount = $row['tax_percent'] * ($product_tax_basis + $fee_tax_basis) / 100;
                } elseif (COOP_FEE_IS_TAXED == 'always' && $basket_item_info['taxable'] == 0) {
                    $tax_amount = $row['tax_percent'] * $fee_tax_basis / 100;
                $ledger_status = basket_item_to_ledger(array('transaction_group_id' => $data['transaction_group_id'], 'source_type' => 'member', 'source_key' => $data['member_id'], 'target_type' => 'tax', 'target_key' => $row['tax_id'], 'amount' => $tax_amount, 'text_key' => $text_key, 'posted_by' => $_SESSION['member_id'], 'basket_id' => $basket_info['basket_id'], 'bpid' => $basket_item_info['bpid'], 'site_id' => $basket_info['site_id'], 'delivery_id' => $basket_info['delivery_id'], 'pvid' => $product_info['pvid'], 'match_keys' => array('text_key', 'bpid')));
    return $basket_item_info;