Exemple #1
 *  A GLA that estimates the cardinality of a dataset using the HyperLogLog
 *  algorithm, with a configurable number of bins.
function HyperLogLog(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'HyperLogLog produces only 1 value, ' . \count($output) . ' outputs given.');
    $outputName = array_keys($output)[0];
    $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0);
    if (is_null($outputType)) {
        $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT');
    $output[$outputName] = $outputType;
    grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'BloomFilter output must be numeric!');
    $exp = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['bins.exponent'], 4);
    grokit_assert(is_integer($exp), 'HyperLogLog bins.exponent must be an integer');
    // Set limit of 2^24 bins, because states past 16MB start to get silly
    grokit_assert($exp >= 4 && $exp < 24, 'HyperLogLog bins.exponent must be in range [4, 24]');
    $useBuiltinCtz = get_default($t_args, 'use.builtin.ctz', true);
    $ctzFunc = $useBuiltinCtz ? '__builtin_ctzl' : 'ctz';
    $bins = pow(2, $exp);
    // Determine the value of alpha based on $exp
    switch ($exp) {
        case 4:
            $alpha = 0.673;
        case 5:
            $alpha = 0.697;
        case 6:
            $alpha = 0.709;
            $alpha = 0.7213000000000001 / (1 + 1.079 / $bins);
    $className = generate_name('HyperLogLog');

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    // Number of bins for registers
    static constexpr const size_t NUM_BINS = <?php 
    echo $bins;
    // Number of bits used to index into registers, log2(NUM_BINS)
    static constexpr const size_t INDEX_BITS = <?php 
    echo $exp;
    // Mask used to obtain register index from hash value
    static constexpr const size_t INDEX_MASK = NUM_BINS - 1;

    // Alpha coefficient used to correct cardinality estimate. Based on NUM_BINS.
    static constexpr const long double ALPHA = <?php 
    echo $alpha;

    // Value of cardinality estimate after which we must apply the
    // large range correction
    static constexpr const long double LARGE_BREAKPOINT = (1.0 / 30.0) * <?php 
    echo pow(2, 32);

    // Constants for population count
    static constexpr const uint64_t m1  = 0x5555555555555555;
    static constexpr const uint64_t m2  = 0x3333333333333333;
    static constexpr const uint64_t m4  = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f;
    static constexpr const uint64_t h01 = 0x0101010101010101;

    // The registers
    std::array<unsigned char, NUM_BINS> registers;

    // A count used to remember how many tuples were processed, mostly for debugging.
    size_t count;


    echo $className;
(void) : registers() {
        for( auto & elem : registers ) {
            elem = 0;

    echo $className;
() { }

    int popcount(uint64_t x) {
        // Put count of each 2 bits into those 2 bits
        x -= (x >> 1) & m1;
        // Put count of each 4 bits into those 4 bits
        x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2);
        // Put count of each 8 bits into those 8 bits
        x  = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4;
        // Returns left 8 bits of x + (x << 8) + (x << 16) + ...
        return (x * h01) >> 56;

    int ctz(int64_t x) {
        return popcount((x & -x) - 1);

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
 ) {

        uint64_t hashVal = H_b;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
        echo $name;
), hashVal);
    // for each input

        const size_t registerIndex = hashVal & INDEX_MASK;
        uint64_t value = hashVal >> INDEX_BITS;
        unsigned char nZeros = <?php 
    echo $ctzFunc;

        unsigned char & registerValue = registers[registerIndex];
        registerValue = registerValue > nZeros ? registerValue : nZeros;

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) {
        for( size_t i = 0; NUM_BINS > i; i++ ) {
            unsigned char & rVal = registers[i];
            unsigned char & oVal = other.registers[i];
            rVal = rVal > oVal ? rVal : oVal;

    void GetResult( <?php 
    echo $outputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $outputName;
 ) {
        // Compute harmonic sum of registers and correct by alpha
        long double cardEst = 0;
        size_t nZeroRegisters = 0;
        for( auto elem : registers ) {
            long double power = - static_cast<long double>(elem);
            cardEst += std::pow(2.0, power);

            if( elem == 0 )
        const long double nBins = static_cast<long double>(NUM_BINS);
        const long double zeroBins = static_cast<long double>(nZeroRegisters);

        cardEst = 1 / cardEst;
        cardEst *= ALPHA * nBins * nBins;

        long double cardinality = cardEst;

        if( (cardEst < 2.5 * NUM_BINS) ) { //>
            // Possible small range correction
            if( nZeroRegisters > 0 ) {
                // Small range correction
                cardinality = nBins * std::log(nBins / zeroBins);
        // TODO: Figure out if the large range correction is needed for 64-bit
        // hashes.

    echo $outputName;
 = cardinality;
    $system_headers = ['cmath', 'array', 'cinttypes'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers[] = 'iostream';
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers];
Exemple #2
 *  A GLA that estimates the cardinality of a dataset using a bloom filter of
 *  a configurable size.
 *  Note: This filter has very high performance, so long as all of the states
 *  fit into cache, preferably L1 or L2, but L3 is also fine. Once the states
 *  are large enough that all of them cannot fit inside L3 cache at the same
 *  time, performance takes a nose dive (4x loss minimum).
function BloomFilter(array $t_args, array $input, array $output)
    grokit_assert(\count($output) == 1, 'BloomFilter produces only 1 value, ' . \count($output) . ' outputs given.');
    $outputName = array_keys($output)[0];
    $outputType = array_get_index($output, 0);
    if (is_null($outputType)) {
        $outputType = lookupType('BASE::BIGINT');
    $output[$outputName] = $outputType;
    grokit_assert($outputType->is('numeric'), 'BloomFilter output must be numeric!');
    $exp = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['exponent'], 16);
    grokit_assert(is_integer($exp), 'BloomFilter exponent must be an integer.');
    grokit_assert($exp > 0 && $exp < 64, 'BloomFilter exponent must be in range (0,64), ' . $exp . ' given.');
    $nullCheck = get_default($t_args, 'null.check', false);
    $nullable = [];
    if (is_bool($nullCheck)) {
        foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
            $nullable[$name] = $nullCheck;
    } else {
        if (is_array($nullCheck)) {
            foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
                $nullable[$name] = false;
            foreach ($nullCheck as $index => $n) {
                grokit_assert(is_string($n), 'BloomFilster null.check has invalid value at position ' . $index);
                grokit_assert(array_key_exists($n, $nullable), 'BloomFilster null.check has unknown input ' . $n . ' at position ' . $index);
                $nullable[$n] = true;
        } else {
            grokit_error('BloomFilster null.check must be boolean or list of inputs to check for nulls');
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $bits = pow(2, $exp);
    $bytes = ceil($bits / 8.0);
    // Calculate the number of bits set for every possible value of a byte
    $nBits = [];
    for ($i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) {
        $n = $i;
        $b = 0;
        while ($n > 0) {
            $n &= $n - 1;
        $nBits[$i] = $b;
    $className = generate_name('BloomFilter');
class <?php 
    echo $className;
    static constexpr size_t BITS = <?php 
    echo $bits;
    static constexpr size_t BYTES = <?php 
    echo $bytes;
    static constexpr size_t MASK = BITS - 1;
    static constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 256> BITS_SET = { <?php 
    echo implode(', ', $nBits);
    static constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 8> BIT_MASKS = {
        0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80

    size_t count;

    std::array<unsigned char, BYTES> set;
    //unsigned char set[BYTES];
    //std::bitset<BITS> set;

    echo $className;
() : count(0), set() {
        for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //>
            set[i] = 0;

    echo $className;
() { }

    void AddItem( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($input);
 ) {
    foreach ($nullable as $name => $check) {
        if ($check) {
        if( IsNull( <?php 
            echo $name;
 ) ) return;
        // if checking for nulls
    // foreach input
        size_t hashVal = H_b;
    foreach ($input as $name => $type) {
        hashVal = CongruentHash(Hash(<?php 
        echo $name;
), hashVal);
    // foreach input
        hashVal = hashVal & MASK;
        const size_t bucket = hashVal >> 3;
        const size_t bucket_index = hashVal & 0x07;
        const unsigned char mask = BIT_MASKS[bucket_index];
        set[bucket] |= mask;

    void AddState( <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) {
        count += o.count;
        for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //>
            set[i] |= o.set[i];

    void GetResult( <?php 
    echo $outputType;
 & <?php 
    echo $outputName;
 ) {
        size_t nBitsSet = 0;
        constexpr long double bits = static_cast<long double>(BITS);
        for( size_t i = 0; i < BYTES; i++ ) { //>
            nBitsSet += BITS_SET[set[i]];
        long double bitsSet = static_cast<long double>(nBitsSet);

        if( nBitsSet == BITS ) {
            // All Bits set, just give the cardinality as an estimate.
    echo $outputName;
 = count;
        } else {
            long double cardinality = - bits * std::log(1 - (bitsSet / bits));
    echo $outputName;
 = cardinality;

    if ($debug > 0) {
        std::cout << "BloomFilter:"
            << " bitsSet(" << bitsSet << ")"
            << " bits(" << bits << ")"
            << " cardinality(" << cardinality << ")"
            << " output(" << <?php 
        echo $outputName;
 << ")"
            << std::endl;; //>
    // if debugging enabled

// Storage for static members
constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 256> <?php 
    echo $className;
constexpr std::array<unsigned char, 8> <?php 
    echo $className;
    $system_headers = ['cmath', 'array'];
    if ($debug > 0) {
        $system_headers[] = 'iostream';
    return ['kind' => 'GLA', 'name' => $className, 'input' => $input, 'output' => $output, 'result_type' => 'single', 'user_headers' => ['HashFunctions.h'], 'system_headers' => $system_headers];
Exemple #3
function CATEGORY(array $t_args)
    if (array_key_exists('dict', $t_args)) {
        $values = $t_args['dict'];
        $maxID = 0;
        foreach ($values as $id => $val) {
            $maxID = \max($id, $maxID);
    } else {
        $old_vals = get_first_key($t_args, ['values', 0]);
        $startAt = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['start.at'], 0);
        $values = [];
        $maxID = $startAt;
        foreach ($old_vals as $ind => $val) {
            $values[$maxID++] = $val;
    $cardinality = \count($values);
    // Add 1 to the cardinality for the invalid id
    $storageTypeBits = ceil(log($maxID + 1, 2));
    if ($storageTypeBits > 64) {
        // This should never happen. PHP would explode processing 2^64 values.
        grokit_error("Unable to store {$cardinality} values within 64 bits.");
    } else {
        if ($storageTypeBits > 32) {
            $storageType = 'uint64_t';
            $storageBytes = 8;
        } else {
            if ($storageTypeBits > 16) {
                $storageType = 'uint32_t';
                $storageBytes = 4;
            } else {
                if ($storageTypeBits > 8) {
                    $storageType = 'uint16_t';
                    $storageBytes = 2;
                } else {
                    $storageType = 'uint8_t';
                    $storageBytes = 1;
    $className = generate_name('CATEGORY');
    $stringType = lookupType('base::STRING');
    $methods = [];
    $constructors = [];
    $functions = [];

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $storageType;
    typedef std::unordered_map<StorageType, std::string> IDToNameMap;
    typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, StorageType> NameToIDMap;

    static const StorageType InvalidID __attribute__((weak));

    static const IDToNameMap idToName __attribute__((weak));
    static const NameToIDMap nameToID __attribute__((weak));

    // The ID of this categorical variable
    StorageType myID;


    /* ----- Constructors / Destructor ----- */
    echo $className;
( void );

    $constructors[] = [['base::STRING_LITERAL'], true];
    echo $className;
( const char * );
    $constructors[] = [['base::STRING'], true];
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $stringType;
 & );
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $storageType;
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & );
    $constructors[] = [['BASE::NULL'], true];
    echo $className;
( const GrokitNull & );

    echo $className;
 & operator =( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) = default;

    echo $className;
(void) {}

    /* ----- Methods ----- */
    void FromString( const char * );

    $methods[] = ['ToString', [], 'base::STRING_LITERAL', true];
    const char * ToString( void ) const;

    StorageType GetID( void ) const;
    void SetID( StorageType id );

    // Determines whether or not the category is valid.
    $methods[] = ['Invalid', [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool Invalid(void) const;
    $methods[] = ['Valid', [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool Valid(void) const;

    /* ----- Operators ----- */
    bool operator ==( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator !=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator <( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator <=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator >( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator >=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;

    // Implicit conversion to storage type
    operator <?php 
    echo $storageType;
() const;

    // To/From Json
    void toJson( Json::Value & dest ) const;
    void fromJson( const Json::Value & src );

/* ----- Constructors ----- */

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( void ) :
{ }

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const char * str ) {

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $stringType;
 & str ) {

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $storageType;
 val ) :
{ }

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) : myID(other.myID)
{ }

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const GrokitNull & nullval ) : myID(InvalidID)
{ }

/* ----- Methods ----- */

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: FromString( const char * str ) {
    auto it = nameToID.find(str);
    if( it != nameToID.end() ) {
        myID = it->second;
    else {
        myID = InvalidID;

const char * <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: ToString( void ) const {
    auto it = idToName.find(myID);
    if( it != idToName.end() ) {
        return it->second.c_str();
    else {
        return "NULL";

auto <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: GetID( void ) const -> StorageType {
    return myID;

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: SetID( StorageType id ) {
    myID = id;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: Valid(void) const {
    return idToName.count(myID) > 0;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: Invalid(void) const {
    return ! Valid();

/* ----- Operators ----- */
bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator ==( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) const {
    return myID == other.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator !=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) const {
    return myID != other.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator <( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) const {
    return myID < other.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator >( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) const {
    return myID > other.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator <=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) const {
    return myID <= other.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator >=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & other ) const {
    return myID >= other.myID;

// To/From Json
void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: toJson( Json::Value & dest ) const {
    dest = (Json::Int64) myID;

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: fromJson( const Json::Value & src ) {
    myID = (StorageType) src.asInt64();

    echo $className;
 :: operator <?php 
    echo $storageType;
 () const {
    return myID;

    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'base::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash(const @type & thing) {
    return thing.GetID();

void FromString( @type & c, const char * str ) {

int ToString( const @type & c, char * buffer ) {
    const char * str = c.ToString();
    strcpy( buffer, str);
    int len = strlen(buffer);
    return len + 1;

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {

void FromJson( const Json::Value & src, @type & dest ) {

    $functions[] = ['IsNull', ['@type'], 'BASE::BOOL', true, true];
bool IsNull( const @type c ) {
    return c.Invalid();
    $globalContents = ob_get_clean();

// Initialize static values
const <?php 
    echo $className;
::IDToNameMap <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: idToName = { <?php 
    echo array_template('{{key},"{val}"}', ',', $values);
const <?php 
    echo $className;
::NameToIDMap <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: nameToID = { <?php 
    echo array_template('{"{val}",{key}}', ',', $values);
const <?php 
    echo $className;
::StorageType <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: InvalidID = std::numeric_limits<<?php 
    echo $className;

    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'properties' => ['categorical'], 'extras' => ['cardinality' => $cardinality, 'size.bytes' => $storageBytes], 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'system_headers' => ['cinttypes', 'unordered_map', 'string', 'cstring', 'limits'], 'global_content' => $globalContents, 'complex' => false, 'methods' => $methods, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'functions' => $functions, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('factor', DescribeJsonStatic(['levels' => $values]))];
Exemple #4
function BernoulliSample($t_args, $inputs)
    $p = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['p', 0], 0.5);
    grokit_assert(is_float($p) || is_integer($p), "BernoulliSample: p must be a number in the range [0, 1]");
    grokit_assert($p >= 0 && $p <= 1, "BernoulliSample: p must be in the range [0, 1]");
    $rng = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['rng'], 'mt19937_64');
    $sys_headers = ['random'];
    // assuming std
    $libs = [];
    // assuming std
    $ns = 'std';
    // assuming standard library
    $cState = lookupResource('base::BernoulliSampleState', ['sys_headers' => $sys_headers, 'libs' => $libs, 'namespace' => $ns]);
    $name = generate_name('BernoulliSample');

class <?php 
    echo $name;
	using state_type = <?php 
    echo $cState;
	using rng_type = <?php 
    echo $ns;
    echo $rng;
	using dist_type = <?php 
    echo $ns;


	rng_type rng;
	dist_type bernoulli;

	const constexpr static double P = <?php 
    echo $p;

    echo $name;
(state_type & _state):
	{ }

	bool Filter( <?php 
    echo const_typed_ref_args($inputs);
 ) {
		return bernoulli(rng);

    return ['kind' => 'GF', 'name' => $name, 'input' => $inputs, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'libraries' => $libs, 'generated_state' => $cState];
Exemple #5
function FACTOR(array $t_args)
    $rawDict = get_first_key($t_args, ['dictionary', 'dict', 0]);
    // Double the quotes so that we escape them in SQLite, and add backslashes
    // to them so that we escape them in C++.
    $dict = addcslashes(\grokit\doubleChars($rawDict, '"'), '"\\');
    $cardinality = \grokit\dictionarySize($rawDict);
    $storageBytes = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['bytes', 1], 2);
    $cardBytes = $cardinality > 0 ? intval(ceil(log($cardinality, 256))) : 1;
    $storageBytes = $cardBytes > $storageBytes ? $cardBytes : $storageBytes;
    switch ($storageBytes) {
        case 1:
            $storageType = 'uint8_t';
        case 2:
            $storageType = 'uint16_t';
        case 4:
            $storageType = 'uint32_t';
        case 8:
            $storageType = 'uint64_t';
            grokit_error('Unsupported # of bytes (' . $storageBytes . ') given for FACTOR, only 1, 2, 4, and 8 supported.');
    $className = generate_name('FACTOR_' . ensure_identifier($dict));
    $stringType = lookupType('base::STRING');
    $globalContent = '';
    $methods = [];
    $constructors = [];
    $functions = [];

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    typedef <?php 
    echo $storageType;

    static const        char *          DictionaryName      __attribute__((weak));
    static const        StorageType     InvalidID           __attribute__((weak));
    static const        StorageType     MaxID               __attribute__((weak));
    static const        Dictionary &    globalDictionary    __attribute__((weak));

    /* ----- Members ----- */

    // The ID of this Factor;
    StorageType myID;

    /* ----- Constructors / Destructors ----- */

    // Default constructor
    echo $className;
( void );

    // Constructor from null (same as default)
    echo $className;
( const GrokitNull & );

    // Constructor from C strings / string literals
    $constructors[] = [['base::STRING_LITERAL'], true];
    echo $className;
( const char * );

    // Constructor from Grokit STRING type.
    $constructors[] = [['base::STRING'], true];
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $stringType;
 & );

    // Constructor from storage type
    echo $className;
( const StorageType );

    // Copy constructor and copy assignment
    // These can both be default
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) = default;
    echo $className;
 & operator =( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) = default;

    // Destructor
    echo $className;
() { }

    /* ----- Methods ----- */

    // Standard FromString method
    void FromString( const char * );

    // FromString method used when building the dictionaries.
    void FromString( const char *, Dictionary & );

    // Looks up the factor in the global dictionary and returns the string
    $methods[] = ['ToString', [], 'base::STRING_LITERAL', true];
    const char * ToString( void ) const;

    // Returns the ID of the Factor.
    StorageType GetID( void ) const;

    // Returns whether or not the Factor is valid.
    $methods[] = ['Valid', [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool Valid( void ) const;
    $methods[] = ['Invalid', [], 'base::bool', true];
    bool Invalid( void ) const;

    // Translate the content
    void Translate( const Dictionary::TranslationTable& );

    void toJson( Json::Value & dest ) const;
    void fromJson( const Json::Value & src );

    /* ----- Operators ----- */

    // The dictionary keeps track of what the sorted order of the strings is.
    // These methods are based on the lexicographical ordering of the strings
    // the factors represent
    bool operator ==( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator !=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator <( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator <=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator >( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;
    bool operator >=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & ) const;

    // Implicit conversion to storage type
    operator StorageType () const;

// Static member initialization
const <?php 
    echo $className;
::StorageType <?php 
    echo $className;
::InvalidID = std::numeric_limits<StorageType>::max();
const <?php 
    echo $className;
::StorageType <?php 
    echo $className;
::MaxID = <?php 
    echo $className;
::InvalidID - 1;
const char * <?php 
    echo $className;
::DictionaryName = "<?php 
    echo $dict;
const Dictionary & <?php 
    echo $className;
::globalDictionary = Dictionary::GetDictionary(<?php 
    echo $className;

/* ----- Constructors ----- */

// Default constructor
    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( void ):

    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const GrokitNull & nullval ):
{ }

// Constructor from C strings / string literals
    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const char * str ) {

// Constructor from Grokit STRING type
    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $stringType;
 & str ) {

// Constructor from storage type
    echo $className;
 :: <?php 
    echo $className;
( const <?php 
    echo $storageType;
 id ):
{ }

/* ----- Methods ----- */

auto <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: GetID(void) const -> StorageType {
    return myID;

// Standard FromString method
void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: FromString( const char * str ) {
    // Global dictionary will return InvalidID if not found
    myID = globalDictionary.Lookup(str, InvalidID );

// FromString method used when building the dictionaries
void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: FromString( const char * str, Dictionary & localDict ) {
    // First check if we are in the local dictionary
    myID = localDict.Lookup(str, InvalidID );
    if( myID != InvalidID )

    // Next check if we are in the global dictionary
    myID = globalDictionary.Lookup(str, InvalidID );
    if( myID != InvalidID )

    // Add a new entry to the local dictionary.
    // The dictionary should throw an error if the new ID is greater than
    // MaxID.
    myID = localDict.Insert( str, MaxID );

// Looks up the factor in the global dictionary and returns the string
const char * <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: ToString( void ) const {
    return globalDictionary.Dereference(myID);

// Determine whether or not the factor is valid
bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: Valid( void ) const {
    return myID != InvalidID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: Invalid(void) const {
    return myID == InvalidID;

// Translate the content
void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: Translate( const Dictionary::TranslationTable & tbl ) {
    auto it = tbl.find(myID);
    if( it != tbl.end() ) {
        myID = it->second;

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: toJson( Json::Value & dest ) const {
    dest = (Json::Int64) myID;

void <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: fromJson( const Json::Value & src ) {
    myID = (StorageType) src.asInt64();

/* ----- Operators ----- */

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator ==( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return myID == o.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator !=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return myID != o.myID;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator <( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return Valid() && o.Valid() && globalDictionary.Compare(myID, o.myID) < 0;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator <=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return Valid() && o.Valid() && globalDictionary.Compare(myID, o.myID) <= 0;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator >( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return Valid() && o.Valid() && globalDictionary.Compare(myID, o.myID) > 0;

bool <?php 
    echo $className;
 :: operator >=( const <?php 
    echo $className;
 & o ) const {
    return Valid() && o.Valid() && globalDictionary.Compare(myID, o.myID) >= 0;

// Implicit conversion to storage type
    echo $className;
 :: operator StorageType() const {
    return myID;

    // Global functions

void FromString( @type & f, const char * str ) {

void FromString( @type & f, const char * str, Dictionary & localDict ) {
    f.FromString(str, localDict);

int ToString( const @type & f, char * buffer ) {
    const char * str = f.ToString();
    strcpy(buffer, str);
    return strlen(buffer) + 1;

    $functions[] = ['Hash', ['@type'], 'base::BIGINT', true, true];
uint64_t Hash( const @type & x ) {
    return x.GetID();

void ToJson( const @type & src, Json::Value & dest ) {

void FromJson( const Json::Value & src, @type & dest ) {

    $functions[] = ['IsNull', ['@type'], 'BASE::BOOL', true, true];
bool IsNull( const @type f ) {
    return f.Invalid();

    $globalContent .= ob_get_clean();

    // Function to get the dictionary at runtime.
    $describeInfoJson = function ($var, $myType) {
        echo $var;
["levels"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
    for( auto it = <?php 
        echo $myType;
::globalDictionary.cbegin(); it != <?php 
        echo $myType;
::globalDictionary.cend(); it++ ) {
        echo $var;
["levels"][it->first] = it->second;
    return ['kind' => 'TYPE', 'name' => $className, 'dictionary' => $dict, 'system_headers' => ['limits', 'cstring', 'cinttypes'], 'user_headers' => ['Dictionary.h', 'DictionaryManager.h', 'ColumnIteratorDict.h'], 'properties' => ['categorical'], 'extras' => ['cardinality' => $cardinality, 'size.bytes' => $storageBytes], 'binary_operators' => ['==', '!=', '<', '>', '<=', '>='], 'global_content' => $globalContent, 'complex' => 'ColumnIteratorDict< @type >', 'methods' => $methods, 'constructors' => $constructors, 'functions' => $functions, 'describe_json' => DescribeJson('factor', $describeInfoJson)];
Exemple #6
 public function __construct($hash, $name, $value, array $args, array $origArgs)
     parent::__construct(InfoKind::T_TYPE, $hash, $name, $value, $args, $origArgs[0]);
     $iterator = 'ColumnIterator<' . $value . '>';
     if (array_key_exists('complex', $args)) {
         $iter = $args['complex'];
         if ($iter !== false) {
             $iterator = str_replace('@type', $this->value(), $iter);
     $this->iterator = $iterator;
     if (array_key_exists('destroy', $args)) {
         $destroy = $args['destroy'];
         if (is_bool($destroy)) {
             $this->destroy = $destroy;
         } else {
             grokit_error("Expected boolean value for 'destroy' attribute of datatype " . $this->value());
     if (array_key_exists('dictionary', $args)) {
         $this->dictionary = $args['dictionary'];
     if (array_key_exists('fixed_size', $args)) {
         $this->fixedSize = $args['fixed_size'];
     // Deal with operators defined by the type.
     if (array_key_exists('unary_operators', $args)) {
         foreach ($args['unary_operators'] as $op) {
             LibraryManager::AlphaOperator($op, 1, $this);
     if (array_key_exists('binary_operators', $args)) {
         foreach ($args['binary_operators'] as $op) {
             LibraryManager::AlphaOperator($op, 2, $this);
     if (array_key_exists('constructors', $args)) {
         foreach ($args['constructors'] as $cstr) {
             $cArgs = get_first_key($cstr, ['args', 0]);
             $cDet = get_first_key_default($cstr, ['deterministic', 1], true);
             $myType = $this->value();
             $myName = end(explode('::', $myType));
             $cName = get_first_key_default($cstr, ['c_name', 2], $myName);
             $callback = function ($args, $t_args = []) use($cArgs, $cDet, $myType, $cName) {
                 $myArgs = array_map('lookupType', $cArgs);
                 $myRet = lookupType($myType);
                 $retVal = ['kind' => 'FUNCTION', 'input' => $myArgs, 'result' => $myRet, 'deterministic' => $cDet];
                 if ($cName !== null) {
                     $retVal['name'] = $cName;
                 return $retVal;
             declareFunctionGlobal('', $myType, $cArgs, $callback);
     if (array_key_exists('functions', $args)) {
         foreach ($args['functions'] as $fnct) {
             $fName = get_first_key($fnct, ['name', 0]);
             $fArgs = get_first_key($fnct, ['args', 1]);
             $fRet = get_first_key($fnct, ['result', 2]);
             $fDet = get_first_key_default($fnct, ['deterministic', 3], false);
             $fGlobal = get_first_key_default($fnct, ['global', 4], false);
             $cName = get_first_key_default($fnct, ['c_name', 5], null);
             foreach ($fArgs as &$arg) {
                 $arg = str_replace('@type', $this->value(), $arg);
             $fRet = str_replace('@type', $this->value(), $fRet);
             $callback = function ($args, $t_args = []) use($fArgs, $fRet, $fDet, $cName, $fGlobal) {
                 $myArgs = array_map('lookupType', $fArgs);
                 $myRet = lookupType($fRet);
                 $retVal = ['kind' => 'FUNCTION', 'input' => $myArgs, 'result' => $myRet, 'deterministic' => $fDet, 'global' => $fGlobal];
                 if ($cName !== null) {
                     $retVal['name'] = $cName;
                 return $retVal;
             $fNS = $fGlobal ? 'BASE' : LibraryManager::ExtractNamespace($this->value());
             $fName = LibraryManager::JoinNamespace($fNS, $fName);
             declareFunctionGlobal('', $fName, $fArgs, $callback);
     if (array_key_exists('methods', $args)) {
         foreach ($args['methods'] as $method) {
             $mName = get_first_key($method, ['name', 0]);
             $mArgs = get_first_key($method, ['args', 1]);
             $mRet = get_first_key($method, ['result', 2]);
             $mDet = get_first_key_default($method, ['deterministic', 3], false);
             if ($mRet == '@type') {
                 $mRet = $this->value();
             foreach ($mArgs as &$mArg) {
                 if ($mArg == '@type') {
                     $mArg = $this->value();
             //fwrite(STDERR, 'Defining method ' . $this->value() . '->' . $mName .
             //'(' . implode(', ', $mArgs ) . ') : ' . $mRet . PHP_EOL );
             $info = new MethodInfo($mName, $mArgs, $mRet, $mDet);
             if (!array_key_exists($mName, $this->methods)) {
                 $this->methods[$mName] = [$info];
             } else {
                 foreach ($this->methods[$mName] as $cm) {
                     if ($info == $cm) {
                         grokit_error('Attempting to multiply define method ' . $this->value() . '->' . $mName . '(' . implode(', ', $mArgs) . ')');
                 $this->methods[$mName][] = $info;
     if (array_key_exists('describe_json', $args)) {
         $this->describers['json'] = $args['describe_json'];
Exemple #7
function CSVReader(array $t_args, array $output)
    $my_output = [];
    // Handle case where outputs are given as template arguments
    // and not implied.
    if (\count($output) == 0) {
        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('output', $t_args), 'Did not receive any description of my output!');
        $output_list = $t_args['output'];
        grokit_assert(is_array($output_list), 'Expected list of types for template argument "output"');
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($outputs_list as $name => $out_type) {
            grokit_assert(is_datatype($out_type) || is_identifier($out_type), 'Expected only types in the "output" list');
            if (is_identifier($out_type)) {
                $out_type = lookupType($out_type->value());
            $name = 'val_' . $i;
            $my_output[$name] = $out_type;
            $i += 1;
    } else {
        foreach ($output as $key => $out) {
            $name = $key;
            $my_output[$name] = $out;
    $debug = get_default($t_args, 'debug', 0);
    $simple = get_default($t_args, 'simple', false);
    $trimCR = get_default($t_args, 'trim.cr', false);
    // Handle separator
    $separator = ',';
    if (array_key_exists('sep', $t_args) || array_key_exists('separator', $t_args)) {
        $sep = get_first_key($t_args, ['sep', 'separator']);
        grokit_assert(is_string($sep), "Got " . gettype($sep) . " instead of string for separator.");
        if (strtolower($sep) === 'tab') {
            $sep = '\\t';
        grokit_assert($sep != "\n", 'CSV column delimiter cannot be new line');
        // Scream if separator is longer than one character
        grokit_assert(\strlen($sep) == 1 || $sep == '\\t', 'Expected string of length 1 for separator, got string <' . $sep . '> instead');
        $separator = $sep;
    // Handle quote character
    $quotechar = '"';
    if (array_key_exists('quote', $t_args) && !is_null($t_args['quote'])) {
        grokit_assert(!$simple, 'Quote option not available for simple CSVReader');
        $quote = $t_args['quote'];
        grokit_assert(is_string($quote), "Got " . gettype($quote) . " instead of string for quote.");
        // Scream if separator is longer than one character
        grokit_assert(\strlen($quote) == 1, 'Expected string of length 1 for quote character, got string <' . $quote . '> instead');
        $quotechar = $quote;
    $quotechar = addcslashes($quotechar, '\\\'');
    // Handle escape character
    $escapeChar = '\\';
    if (array_key_exists('escape', $t_args) && !is_null($t_args['escape'])) {
        grokit_assert(!$simple, 'Escape option not available for simple CSVReader');
        $escape = $t_args['escape'];
        grokit_assert(is_string($escape), 'Got ' . gettype($escape) . ' instead of string for escape character.');
        grokit_assert(\strlen($escape) == 1, 'Expected string of length 1 for escape character, got string <' . $escape . '> instead');
        $escapeChar = $escape;
    $escapeChar = addcslashes($escapeChar, '\\\'');
    // Handle header lines
    $headerLines = 0;
    if (array_key_exists('skip', $t_args)) {
        $headerLines = $t_args['skip'];
        grokit_assert(is_int($headerLines), 'Got ' . gettype($headerLines) . ' instead of int for number of lines to skip.');
        grokit_assert($headerLines >= 0, 'Cannot skip a negative number of lines.');
    // Maximum number of lines to read
    $maxLines = get_default($t_args, 'n', -1);
    grokit_assert(is_int($maxLines), 'Got ' . gettype($maxLines) . ' instead of int for template argument "n"');
    $nullArg = get_first_key_default($t_args, ['nullable'], false);
    $nullable = [];
    $nullStr = [];
    foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
        $nullable[$name] = false;
    if ($nullArg === true) {
        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            $nullable[$name] = true;
            $nullStr[$name] = 'NULL';
    } else {
        if (is_array($nullArg)) {
            foreach ($nullArg as $n => $v) {
                // If nullable value is an associative mapping, the value is either true/false
                // or the value of the null string
                if (is_string($n)) {
                    grokit_assert(is_string($v) || is_bool($v), 'CSVReader: nullable associative mapping must have string or boolean values');
                    grokit_assert(array_key_exists($n, $nullable), 'CSVReader: cannot make unknown attribute ' . $n . ' nullable');
                    if (is_bool($v)) {
                        $nullable[$n] = $v;
                        $nullStr[$n] = 'NULL';
                    } else {
                        $nullable[$n] = true;
                        $nullStr[$n] = $v;
                } else {
                    if (is_array($v)) {
                        grokit_assert(array_key_exists('attr', $v), 'CSVReader: Name of nullable attribute not specified');
                        $attrName = $v['attr']->name();
                        $nullable[$attrName] = true;
                        $nullStr[$attrName] = array_key_exists('null', $v) ? $v['null'] : 'NULL';
                    } else {
                        // Otherwise, it's just nullable
                        $attrName = $v->name();
                        grokit_assert(array_key_exists($attrName, $nullable), 'CSVReader: cannot make unknown attribute ' . $v . ' nullable');
                        $nullable[$attrName] = true;
                        $nullStr[$attrName] = 'NULL';
        } else {
            if ($nullArg === false) {
                // Nothing
            } else {
                if (is_string($nullArg)) {
                    foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
                        $nullable[$name] = true;
                        $nullStr[$name] = $nullArg;
                } else {
                    grokit_error('Template argument "nullable" must be boolean or array, ' . typeof($nullArg) . ' given');
    // Come up with a name for ourselves
    $className = generate_name('CSVReader');
    if ($debug >= 2) {
        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            fwrite(STDERR, "CSVReader: {$name} is nullable: " . ($nullable[$name] ? 'true' : 'false') . PHP_EOL);

class <?php 
    echo $className;
    std::istream& my_stream;
    std::string fileName;

    // Template parameters
    static constexpr size_t MAX_LINES = <?php 
    echo $maxLines;
    static constexpr size_t HEADER_LINES = <?php 
    echo $headerLines;
    static constexpr char DELIMITER = '<?php 
    echo $separator;
    if (!$simple) {
    static constexpr char QUOTE_CHAR = '<?php 
        echo $quotechar;
    static constexpr char ESCAPE_CHAR = '<?php 
        echo $escapeChar;

    typedef boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator;
    typedef boost::tokenizer< separator > Tokenizer;
    separator my_separator;
    Tokenizer my_tokenizer;

    // Prevent having to allocate this every time.
    std::string line;
    std::vector<std::string> tokens;

    size_t count;



    echo $className;
 ( GIStreamProxy& _stream ) :
        , fileName(_stream.get_file_name())
    if (!$simple) {
        , my_separator(ESCAPE_CHAR, DELIMITER, QUOTE_CHAR)
        , my_tokenizer(std::string(""))
        , count(0)
    if ($headerLines > 0) {
        for( size_t i = 0; i < HEADER_LINES; ++i ) {
            FATALIF( !getline( my_stream, line ), "CSV Reader reached end of file before finishing header.\n" );
    // If headerLines > 0

// >

    bool ProduceTuple( <?php 
    echo typed_ref_args($my_output);
 ) {
        if (count < MAX_LINES) { //>
        } else {
            return false;

        if( getline( my_stream, line ) ) {
    if ($trimCR) {
            if( line.back() == '\r' ) {
    // if trimCR
    if (!$simple) {
        if ($debug >= 1) {
            try {
        // if debug >= 1
            my_tokenizer.assign( line, my_separator );
        if ($debug >= 1) {
            } catch(...) {
                FATAL("CSVReader for file %s failed on line: %s", fileName.c_str(), line.c_str());
        // if debug >= 1
            Tokenizer::iterator it = my_tokenizer.begin();

        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            if ($nullable[$name]) {
                // nullable
                \grokit\fromStringNullable($name, $type, 'it->c_str()', true, $nullStr[$name]);

            } else {
                // not nullable
                echo \grokit\fromStringDict($name, $type, 'it->c_str()');
            // end nullable check
        // foreach output
    } else {
            for( char & c : line ) {
                if( c == DELIMITER )
                    c = '\0';

            const char * ptr = line.c_str();
        $first = true;
        foreach ($my_output as $name => $type) {
            if ($first) {
                $first = false;
            } else {
            while( *(ptr++) != '\0' )
                ; // Advance past next delimiter
            // not first output
            if ($nullable[$name]) {
                echo \grokit\fromStringNullable($name, $type, 'ptr', true, $nullStr[$name]);
            } else {
                // not nullable
                echo \grokit\fromStringDict($name, $type, 'ptr');
            // if nullable
        // foreach output
    // if simple reader

            return true;
        else {
            return false;


    $sys_headers = ['vector', 'string', 'iostream', 'cstdint'];
    if (!$simple) {
        $sys_headers[] = 'boost/tokenizer.hpp';
    return ['name' => $className, 'kind' => 'GI', 'output' => $my_output, 'system_headers' => $sys_headers, 'user_headers' => ['GIStreamInfo.h', 'Dictionary.h', 'DictionaryManager.h']];