function parseAndDisplay($terme) { $terme = strtolower($terme); $url = '' . $terme . '&output=onlyxml'; $html = file_get_html($url); echo '<h1>' . $terme . '</h1><hr>'; // définitions echo getDefinitions($html); displayRelations(getRelations('r_raff_sem', $html), 'Raffinements sémantiques'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_meaning', $html), 'Gloses'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_inhib', $html), 'Inhibition'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_associated', $html), 'Associations d\'idées'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_aki', $html), 'Totaki'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_wiki', $html), 'Wikipedia'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_coocurrence', $html), 'Coocurrences'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_domain', $html), 'Thèmes / Domaines'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_domain_subst', $html), 'Substituts pour ' . $terme . ' comme domaine'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_syn', $html), 'Synonymes'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_anto', $html), 'Contraires'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_isa', $html), 'Génériques'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_hypo', $html), 'Spécifiques'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_instance', $html), 'Instances de ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_has_part', $html), 'Parties de ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_holo', $html), $terme . ' fait partie de'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_item>set', $html), 'Ensembles ayant ' . $terme . ' pour élément'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_quantificateur', $html), 'Quantificateurs pour ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_magn', $html), 'Plus intense que ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_antimagn', $html), 'Moins intense que ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_is_bigger_than', $html), 'Moins gros que ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_family', $html), 'Termes étymologiquement apparentés'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_locution', $html), 'Locutions / termes composés'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_carac', $html), 'Caractéristiques de ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_carac-1', $html), 'Ayant ' . $terme . ' pour caractéristique'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_color', $html), 'Couleurs pour ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_against', $html), 'A quoi ' . $terme . ' peut-il s\'opposer/combattre?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_against-1', $html), 'Qu\'est ce qui s\'oppose à ' . $terme . '?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_lieu', $html), 'Lieux où peut se trouver ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_lieu-1', $html), 'Que peut-on trouver dans le lieu ' . $terme . '?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_agent-1', $html), 'Que peut faire ' . $terme . '?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_patient-1', $html), 'Que peut-on faire à/de ' . $terme . '?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_instr-1', $html), 'Que peut-on faire avec ' . $terme . '?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_conseq', $html), 'Conséquences associées à ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_make', $html), 'Que peut produire/faire ' . $terme . '?'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_sentiment', $html), 'Sentiments/émotions associés à ' . $terme); displayRelations(getRelations('r_chunk_sujet', $html), $terme . ' comme sujet'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_chunk_objet', $html), $terme . ' comme objet'); displayRelations(getRelations('r_chunk_head', $html), $terme . ' comme tête syntaxtique'); }
$cli = eZCLI::instance(); $db = MMDB::instance(); $filePath = isset( $options['filepath'] ) && $options['filepath'] != '' ? $options['filepath'] : 'var/merck/pfs.json'; $updateFile = false; if ( $options['init'] ) writeFile( $filePath, getRelations( $db ) ); else { if ( ( $json = file_get_contents( $filePath ) ) === FALSE ) $script->shutdown( 1, "An unexpected error occurred while trying to read diff file ($filePath)" ); $alreadyIndexedPFs = array(); $previousPFs = json_decode( $json, true ); foreach ( getRelations( $db ) as $c => $pf ) { $updateFile = false; $diff = array_merge( array_diff_assoc( $pf, $previousPFs[$c] ), array_diff_assoc( $previousPFs[$c], $pf ) ); if ( count( $diff ) > 0 ) { $updateFile = true; foreach ( $diff as $_pf ) { if ( !in_array( $_pf, array_keys( $alreadyIndexedPFs ) ) ) { $result = PublisherFolderTool::indexContent( $_pf, 10 ); $alreadyIndexedPFs[$_pf] = $result; } else {
function generate_eac($resource, $end, $lang, $options) { global $identityArray; global $processed; $processed[] = $resource; $id = substr(strstr($resource, 'resource/'), strpos(strstr($resource, 'resource/'), '/') + 1); //load dbpedia RDF $dbRDF = new DOMDocument(); $dbRDF->load('' . $id . '.rdf'); $dxpath = new DOMXpath($dbRDF); $dxpath->registerNamespace('rdf', ""); $dxpath->registerNamespace('dbpedia-owl', ""); $dxpath->registerNamespace('rdfs', ""); $dxpath->registerNamespace('ns7', ""); $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><eac-cpf xmlns="urn:isbn:1-931666-33-4" xmlns:xlink="">'; /************ CONTROL ************/ $xml .= '<control>'; $xml .= '<recordId>' . strtolower($id) . '</recordId>'; //get viaf RDF, if it exists $viafId = ''; $viafIds = $dxpath->query('//dbpprop:viaf'); foreach ($viafIds as $node) { $viafId = $node->nodeValue; } if (strlen($viafId) > 0) { $viafRDF = new DOMDocument(); $viafRDF->load('' . $viafId . '/rdf.xml'); $vxpath = new DOMXPath($viafRDF); $vxpath->registerNamespace('rdf', ""); $vxpath->registerNamespace('owl', ""); $vxpath->registerNamespace('schema', ""); } $xml .= '<maintenanceAgency><agencyName>Agency Name</agencyName></maintenanceAgency>'; $xml .= '<maintenanceHistory><maintenanceEvent><eventType>created</eventType><eventDateTime standardDateTime="' . date(DATE_W3C) . '"/><agentType>machine</agentType><agent>xEAC dbpedia PHP</agent></maintenanceEvent></maintenanceHistory>'; $xml .= '<conventionDeclaration><abbreviation>WIKIPEDIA</abbreviation><citation>Wikipedia/DBpedia</citation></conventionDeclaration>'; $xml .= '<sources><source xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="' . $resource . '"/>'; if (strlen($viafId) > 0) { $xml .= '<source xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="' . $viafId . '/"/>'; } $xml .= '</sources>'; $xml .= '</control><cpfDescription>'; /************ IDENTITY ************/ $xml .= '<identity>'; //gather entityType $types = $dxpath->query('//rdf:type[rdf:resource=""]'); if (count($types) > 0) { $xml .= '<entityType>person</entityType>'; } else { $xml .= '<entityType>family</entityType>'; } //other entityIDs $xml .= '<entityId>' . $resource . '</entityId>'; //get other records from VIAF if (strlen($viafId) > 0) { foreach ($vxpath->query("//rdf:Description[rdf:type/@rdf:resource='']/schema:sameAs") as $ele) { if (!strstr($ele->getAttribute('rdf:resource'), 'dbpedia')) { $xml .= '<entityId>' . $ele->getAttribute('rdf:resource') . '</entityId>'; } } } foreach ($dxpath->query('//rdfs:label') as $ele) { $xml .= '<nameEntry xml:lang="' . $ele->getAttribute('xml:lang') . '"><part>' . $ele->nodeValue . '</part>'; //set English as preferred label, otherwise alternative if ($ele->getAttribute('xml:lang') == $lang) { $xml .= '<preferredForm>WIKIPEDIA</preferredForm>'; } else { $xml .= '<alternativeForm>WIKIPEDIA</alternativeForm>'; } $xml .= '</nameEntry>'; } $xml .= '</identity>'; /************ DESCRIPTION ************/ $xml .= '<description>'; //get dbpedia abstract -> eac:biogHist $abstracts = $dxpath->query("//dbpedia-owl:abstract"); $abstract = getLabel($abstracts, $lang); $xml .= '<biogHist><abstract xml:lang="' . $abstract['lang'] . '" localType="wikipedia">' . $abstract['label'] . '</abstract></biogHist>'; //existDates, get from VIAF by default, if available if (strlen($viafId) > 0) { $xml .= getExistDates($vxpath->query('//schema:birthDate')->item(0)->nodeValue, $vxpath->query('//schema:deathDate')->item(0)->nodeValue); } else { //else get from dbpedia (inconsistent) $startDates = $dxpath->query('//*[local-name()="birthDate"][@rdf:datatype=""]'); $endDates = $dxpath->query('//*[local-name()="deathDate"][@rdf:datatype=""]'); if (count($startDates) > 0 && count($endDates) > 0) { if (strlen($startDates->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0 && strlen($endDates->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0) { $gStart = $startDates->item(0)->nodeValue; $gEnd = $endDates->item(0)->nodeValue; $xml .= '<existDates><dateRange>'; $xml .= '<fromDate standardDate="' . $gStart . '">' . getDateTextual($gStart) . '</fromDate>'; $xml .= '<toDate standardDate="' . $gEnd . '">' . getDateTextual($gEnd) . '</toDate>'; $xml .= '</dateRange></existDates>'; } } } //get birth and death places if ($options['birth/death places'] == true) { $bdPlaces = $dxpath->query('descendant::dbpedia-owl:birthPlace|descendant::dbpedia-owl:deathPlace'); foreach ($bdPlaces as $place) { $localname = $place->localName; $url = $place->getAttribute('rdf:resource'); //get label $tempId = substr(strstr($url, 'resource/'), strpos(strstr($url, 'resource/'), '/') + 1); if (!array_key_exists($url, $identityArray)) { $labels = loadTempRDF($tempId); $label = getLabel($labels, $lang); $name = $label['label']; } else { $name = $identityArray[$url]; } $xml .= '<place><placeEntry localVocabulary="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</placeEntry>'; //set placeRole if ($localname == 'birthPlace') { $xml .= '<placeRole>Place of Birth</placeRole>'; } else { $xml .= '<placeRole>Place of Death</placeRole>'; } //add date for birth or death, if available if (strlen($viafId) > 0) { $query = $localname == 'birthPlace' ? '//schema:birthDate' : '//schema:deathDate'; $gDate = normalizeDate($vxpath->query($query)->item(0)->nodeValue); $xml .= '<date standardDate="' . $gDate . '">' . getDateTextual($gDate) . '</date>'; } else { if (count($startDates) > 0 && count($endDates) > 0) { if (strlen($startDates->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0 && strlen($endDates->item(0)->nodeValue) > 0) { $gDate = $localname == 'birthPlace' ? $startDates->item(0)->nodeValue : $endDates->item(0)->nodeValue; $xml .= '<date standardDate="' . $gDate . '">' . getDateTextual($gDate) . '</date>'; } } } $xml .= '</place>'; } } //get occupations if ($options['occupations'] == true) { $occupations = $dxpath->query('descendant::rdf:Description[@rdf:about="' . $resource . '"]/dbpedia-owl:occupation'); foreach ($occupations as $occupation) { $url = $occupation->getAttribute('rdf:resource'); $tempId = substr(strstr($url, 'resource/'), strpos(strstr($url, 'resource/'), '/') + 1); if (!array_key_exists($url, $identityArray)) { $labels = loadTempRDF($tempId); $label = getLabel($labels, $lang); $name = $label['label']; } else { $name = $identityArray[$url]; } $xml .= '<occupation>'; $xml .= '<term vocabularySource="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</term>'; $xml .= '</occupation>'; } } //get subjects if ($options['subjects'] == true) { $subjects = $dxpath->query('descendant::rdf:Description[@rdf:about="' . $resource . '"]/dcterms:subject'); foreach ($subjects as $subject) { $url = $subject->getAttribute('rdf:resource'); $tempId = substr(strstr($url, 'resource/'), strpos(strstr($url, 'resource/'), '/') + 1); if (!array_key_exists($url, $identityArray)) { $labels = loadTempRDF($tempId); $label = getLabel($labels, $lang); $name = $label['label']; } else { $name = $identityArray[$url]; } $xml .= '<localDescription localType="subject">'; $xml .= '<term vocabularySource="' . $url . '">' . $name . '</term>'; $xml .= '</localDescription>'; } } $xml .= '</description>'; /************ RELATIONS ************/ $xml .= getRelations($dxpath, $resource, $end, $lang, $options); //close EAC-CPF $xml .= '</cpfDescription></eac-cpf>'; return $xml; }
/** * Retrieves all links for a certain RecType * * @param mixed $system System reference * @param mixed $rectype Rectype reference */ function getLinks($system, $rectypes) { $links = array(); // Go through all rectypes for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($rectypes); $i++) { // Find relations $relations = getRelations($system, $rectypes[$i]); // Find all targets for each relation foreach ($relations as $relation) { //get counts by target $targets = getTargets($system, $rectypes[$i], $relation); // Construct a link for each target foreach ($targets as $target) { $link = new stdClass(); /* example relation:Object count:0 id:16 ids:"10" name:"Person(s) concerned" type:"resource" source:1 target:9 targetcount:0 */ // Records $link->source = $i; $link->target = getIndex($rectypes, $target); $link->relation = $relation; // Counts $link->targetcount = $target->count; $link->relation->count = $target->count; //print_r($link); array_push($links, $link); } } } return $links; }