public function testext_invoice_empty_entry()
     $keys = array('type', 'desc', 'start', 'end', 'hour', 'fDuration', 'duration', 'timestamp', 'amount', 'description', 'rate', 'comment', 'username', 'useralias', 'location', 'trackingNr', 'projectID', 'projectName', 'projectComment', 'date');
     $actual = ext_invoice_empty_entry();
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         $this->assertArrayHasKey($key, $actual);
     $this->assertEquals(count($keys), count(array_keys($actual)));
Exemple #2
 * Get a combined array with time recordings and expenses to export.
 * @param int $start Time from which to take entries into account.
 * @param int $end Time until which to take entries into account.
 * @param array $projects Array of project IDs to filter by.
 * @param int $filter_cleared (-1: show all, 0:only cleared 1: only not cleared) entries
 * @param bool $short_form should the short form be created
 * @return array with time recordings and expenses chronologically sorted
function invoice_get_data($start, $end, $projects, $filter_cleared, $short_form)
    global $database;
    $limitCommentSize = true;
    $results = array();
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // timesheet entries
    $timeSheetEntries = $database->get_timeSheet($start, $end, null, null, $projects, null, false, false, $filter_cleared);
    foreach ($timeSheetEntries as $entry) {
        // active recordings will be omitted
        if ($entry['end'] == 0) {
        $arr = ext_invoice_empty_entry();
        $arr['type'] = 'timeSheet';
        $arr['desc'] = $entry['activityName'];
        $arr['start'] = $entry['start'];
        $arr['end'] = $entry['end'];
        $arr['hour'] = $entry['duration'] / 3600;
        $arr['fDuration'] = $entry['formattedDuration'];
        // @deprecated use duration instead
        $arr['duration'] = $entry['duration'];
        $arr['timestamp'] = $entry['start'];
        $arr['amount'] = $entry['wage'];
        $arr['description'] = $entry['description'];
        $arr['rate'] = $entry['rate'];
        $arr['comment'] = $entry['comment'];
        $arr['username'] = $entry['userName'];
        $arr['useralias'] = $entry['userAlias'];
        $arr['location'] = $entry['location'];
        $arr['trackingNr'] = $entry['trackingNumber'];
        $arr['projectID'] = $entry['projectID'];
        $arr['projectName'] = $entry['projectName'];
        $arr['projectComment'] = $entry['projectComment'];
        invoice_add_to_array($results, $arr, $short_form);
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // if expenses extension is used, load expenses as well
    if (file_exists('../ki_expenses/private_db_layer_mysql.php')) {
        include_once '../ki_expenses/private_db_layer_mysql.php';
        $expenses = get_expenses($start, $end, null, null, $projects, false, false, -1, $filter_cleared);
        foreach ($expenses as $entry) {
            $arr = ext_invoice_empty_entry();
            $arr['type'] = 'expense';
            $arr['desc'] = $entry['designation'];
            $arr['start'] = $entry['timestamp'];
            $arr['end'] = $entry['timestamp'];
            $arr['hour'] = null;
            $arr['fDuration'] = $entry['multiplier'];
            // @deprecated use duration instead
            $arr['duration'] = $entry['multiplier'];
            $arr['timestamp'] = $entry['timestamp'];
            $arr['amount'] = sprintf("%01.2f", $entry['value'] * $entry['multiplier']);
            $arr['description'] = $entry['designation'];
            $arr['rate'] = $entry['value'];
            $arr['comment'] = $entry['comment'];
            $arr['username'] = $entry['userName'];
            $arr['useralias'] = $entry['userAlias'];
            $arr['location'] = null;
            $arr['trackingNr'] = null;
            $arr['projectID'] = $entry['projectID'];
            $arr['projectName'] = $entry['projectName'];
            $arr['projectComment'] = $entry['projectComment'];
            // @deprecated expenses only: will be removed in the future, can be fetched otherwise
            $arr['activityName'] = $entry['designation'];
            // @deprecated expenses only: will be removed in the future, can be fetched otherwise
            $arr['multiplier'] = $entry['multiplier'];
            // @deprecated expenses only: will be removed in the future, can be fetched otherwise
            $arr['value'] = $entry['value'];
            invoice_add_to_array($results, $arr, $short_form);
    $allEntries = array();
    foreach ($results as $entry) {
        if ($limitCommentSize) {
            $entry['comment'] = Kimai_Format::addEllipsis($entry['comment'], 150);
        // FIXME use date_format_3 instead
        $entry['date'] = date("m/d/Y", $entry['timestamp']);
        $allEntries[] = $entry;
    return $allEntries;