/* <![CDATA[ */ // DO NOT REMOVE! // b21add52a799de0d40073fd36f7d1f89 if( typeof window['hs'] !== 'undefined' ) { hs.graphicsDir = '<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /js/plugins/highslide/graphics/'; } window.blur_effect = <?php echo intval(of_get_option('misc-rollover_blur', 1)); ?> ; window.isRetinaInOptions = <?php echo dt_is_retina_on(); ?> ; <?php /* Tourn off responsivness if option "misc-off_responsivness" is set * Another part of this action located in header.php (change viewport) and functions.php (dt_tourn_off_responsivness function) * dt_is_responsive() located on /modules/helpers/template-helpers.php */ ?> window.notResponsive = <?php echo absint(!dt_is_responsive()); ?> ; <?php if (dt_storage('is_homepage') && dt_storage('have_obo_slider')) {
<?php /* Tourn off responsivness if option "misc-off_responsivness" is set * Another part of this action located in functions.php (dt_tourn_off_responsivness function) and footer.php (set javascript global) * dt_is_responsive() located on /modules/helpers/template-helpers.php */ if (dt_is_responsive()) { ?> <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1"> <?php } ?> <?php if (dt_is_retina_on()) { ?> <script>(function(w){var dpr=((w.devicePixelRatio===undefined)?1:w.devicePixelRatio);if(!!w.navigator.standalone){var r=new XMLHttpRequest();r.open('GET','<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?> /set-cookie.php?devicePixelRatio='+dpr,false);r.send()}else{document.cookie='devicePixelRatio='+dpr+'; path=/'}})(window)</script> <?php } ?> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Advent+Pro:600' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Cabin:700' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <title><?php /*
function dt_get_retina_sensible_image($logo, $r_logo, $default, $custom = '') { if (empty($default)) { return ''; } if (!(empty($logo) || empty($r_logo)) && dt_is_retina_on()) { $output = dt_get_thumb_img(array('img_meta' => $logo, 'thumb_opts' => array('w' => $logo[1], 'h' => $logo[2], 'zc' => 0, 'force_zc' => 1, 'r_src' => $r_logo[0])), '<img %SRC% %SIZE% ' . $custom . ' />', false); } else { $img_meta = $logo ? $logo : $default; if (!isset($img_meta['size']) && isset($img_meta[1], $img_meta[2])) { $img_meta['size'] = image_hwstring($img_meta[1], $img_meta[2]); } $output = sprintf('<img src="%s" %s %s />', $img_meta[0], $img_meta['size'], $custom); } return $output; }