static function archiverPropale(&$ATMdb, &$object)
        global $langs;
        $newVersionPropale = new TPropaleHist();
        $newVersionPropale->serialized_parent_propale = serialize($object);
        $newVersionPropale->date_version = dol_now();
        $newVersionPropale->fk_propale = $object->id;
        $newVersionPropale->total = $object->total_ht;
				<script language="javascript">
        echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
        echo $_REQUEST['id'];
        echo $langs->transnoentities('HistoryVersionSuccessfullArchived');
        /*if($_REQUEST['actionATM'] == 'createVersion') {
        			setEventMessage('Version sauvegardée avec succès.', 'mesgs');
 * Return server timezone int.
 * @param	string	$refgmtdate		Reference period for timezone (timezone differs on winter and summer. May be 'now', 'winter' or 'summer')
 * @return 	int						An offset in hour (+1 for Europe/Paris on winter and +2 for Europe/Paris on summer)
function getServerTimeZoneInt($refgmtdate = 'now')
    global $conf;
    if (method_exists('DateTimeZone', 'getOffset')) {
        // Method 1 (include daylight)
        $gmtnow = dol_now('gmt');
        $yearref = dol_print_date($gmtnow, '%Y');
        $monthref = dol_print_date($gmtnow, '%m');
        $dayref = dol_print_date($gmtnow, '%d');
        if ($refgmtdate == 'now') {
            $newrefgmtdate = $yearref . '-' . $monthref . '-' . $dayref;
        } elseif ($refgmtdate == 'summer') {
            $newrefgmtdate = $yearref . '-08-01';
        } else {
            $newrefgmtdate = $yearref . '-01-01';
        $newrefgmtdate .= 'T00:00:00+00:00';
        $localtz = new DateTimeZone(getServerTimeZoneString());
        $localdt = new DateTime($newrefgmtdate, $localtz);
        $tmp = -1 * $localtz->getOffset($localdt);
        //print $refgmtdate.'='.$tmp;
    } else {
        $tmp = 0;
        dol_print_error('', 'PHP version must be 5.3+');
    $tz = round(($tmp < 0 ? 1 : -1) * abs($tmp / 3600));
    return $tz;
  * Create bank information record
  * @return	int		<0 if KO, >= 0 if OK
 function create()
     $now = dol_now();
     // Correct default_rib to be sure to have always one default
     $sql = "SELECT rowid FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_rib where fk_soc = " . $this->socid . " AND default_rib = 1";
     $result = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($result) {
         $numrows = $this->db->num_rows($result);
         if ($this->default_rib && $numrows > 0) {
             $this->default_rib = 0;
         if (empty($this->default_rib) && $numrows == 0) {
             $this->default_rib = 1;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_rib (fk_soc, datec)";
     $sql .= " VALUES (" . $this->socid . ", '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "')";
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         if ($this->db->affected_rows($resql)) {
             $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_rib");
             return 1;
     } else {
         print $this->db->error();
         return 0;
  * Insert accountancy system name into database
  * @param User $user making insert
  * @return int if KO, Id of line if OK
 function create($user)
     $now = dol_now();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_system";
     $sql .= " (date_creation, fk_user_author, numero, label)";
     $sql .= " VALUES (" . $this->db->idate($now) . "," . $user->id . ",'" . $this->numero . "','" . $this->label . "')";
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         $id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_system");
         if ($id > 0) {
             $this->rowid = $id;
             $result = $this->rowid;
         } else {
             $result = -2;
             $this->error = "AccountancySystem::Create Erreur {$result}";
             dol_syslog($this->error, LOG_ERR);
     } else {
         $result = -1;
         $this->error = "AccountancySystem::Create Erreur {$result}";
         dol_syslog($this->error, LOG_ERR);
     return $result;
  *	Create promotion
  *	@param	User	$user		Object user
  *	@param	int		$pid		Pid
  *	@param	int		$percent	Percent
  *	@return	int					<0 if KO, >0 if OK
 function create($user, $pid, $percent)
     global $conf;
     $sql = "SELECT products_price ";
     $sql .= " FROM " . $conf->global->OSC_DB_NAME . "." . $conf->global->OSC_DB_TABLE_PREFIX . "products as p";
     $sql .= " WHERE p.products_id = " . $pid;
     $result = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($result) {
         $result = $this->db->fetch_array($result);
         $this->price_init = $result["products_price"];
     $newprice = $percent * $this->price_init;
     $date_exp = "2003-05-01";
     // TODO ????
     $now = dol_now();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $conf->global->OSC_DB_NAME . "." . $conf->global->OSC_DB_TABLE_PREFIX . "specials ";
     $sql .= " (products_id, specials_new_products_price, specials_date_added, specials_last_modified, expires_date, date_status_change, status) ";
     $sql .= " VALUES ({$pid}, {$newprice}, '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "', NULL, '" . $this->db->idate($now + 3600 * 24 * 365) . "', NULL, 1)";
     if ($this->db->query($sql)) {
         $id = $this->db->last_insert_id(OSC_DB_NAME . ".specials");
         return $id;
     } else {
         print $this->db->error() . ' in ' . $sql;
Exemple #6
  * Load data into info_box_contents array to show array later.
  * @param int $max of records to load
  * @return void
 public function loadBox($max = 5)
     global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
     $this->max = $max;
     $lead = new Lead($db);
     $lead->fetch_all('DESC', 't.date_closure', $max, 0, array('t.date_closure<' => dol_now()));
     $text = $langs->trans("LeadLate", $max);
     $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $text, 'limit' => dol_strlen($text));
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($lead->lines as $line) {
         // FIXME: line is an array, not an object
         // Ref
         $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => $this->boximg, 'url' => dol_buildpath('/lead/lead/card.php', 1) . '?id=' . $line->id);
         $this->info_box_contents[$i][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $line->ref, 'url' => dol_buildpath('/lead/lead/card.php', 1) . '?id=' . $line->id);
         $this->info_box_contents[$i][2] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => 'company', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $line->fk_soc);
         $this->info_box_contents[$i][3] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => dol_trunc($line->thirdparty->name, 40), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $line->fk_soc);
         // Amount Guess
         $this->info_box_contents[$i][4] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => price($line->amount_prosp, 'HTML') . $langs->getCurrencySymbol($conf->currency));
         // Amount real
         $this->info_box_contents[$i][5] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $line->getRealAmount() . $langs->getCurrencySymbol($conf->currency));
  *  Load data for box to show them later
  *  @param	int		$max        Maximum number of records to load
  *  @return	void
 function loadBox($max = 5)
     global $user, $langs, $db, $conf;
     $this->max = $max;
     include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/contrat/class/contrat.class.php';
     $contractstatic = new Contrat($db);
     $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $langs->trans("BoxTitleLastContracts", $max));
     if ($user->rights->contrat->lire) {
         $sql = "SELECT s.nom, s.rowid as socid,";
         $sql .= " c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat, c.datec, c.fin_validite, c.date_cloture";
         $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s, " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "contrat as c";
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
         $sql .= " WHERE c.fk_soc = s.rowid";
         $sql .= " AND c.entity = " . $conf->entity;
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
         $sql .= " ORDER BY c.date_contrat DESC, c.ref DESC ";
         $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
         $resql = $db->query($sql);
         if ($resql) {
             $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
             $now = dol_now();
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < $num) {
                 $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
                 $datec = $db->jdate($objp->datec);
                 $dateterm = $db->jdate($objp->fin_validite);
                 $dateclose = $db->jdate($objp->date_cloture);
                 $late = '';
                 $contractstatic->statut = $objp->fk_statut;
                 $contractstatic->id = $objp->rowid;
                 $result = $contractstatic->fetch_lines();
                 // fin_validite is no more on contract but on services
                 // if ($objp->fk_statut == 1 && $dateterm < ($now - $conf->contrat->cloture->warning_delay)) { $late = img_warning($langs->trans("Late")); }
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => $this->boximg, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/contrat/fiche.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $objp->ref ? $objp->ref : $objp->rowid, 'text2' => $late, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/contrat/fiche.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][2] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => 'company', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][3] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => dol_trunc($objp->nom, 40), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][4] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => dol_print_date($datec, 'day'));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][5] = array('td' => 'align="right" class="nowrap"', 'text' => $contractstatic->getLibStatut(6), 'asis' => 1);
             if ($num == 0) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => $langs->trans("NoRecordedContracts"));
         } else {
             $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $db->error() . ' sql=' . $sql);
     } else {
         $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("ReadPermissionNotAllowed"));
  *  Load data into info_box_contents array to show array later.
  *  @param	int		$max        Maximum number of records to load
  *  @return	void
 function loadBox($max = 5)
     global $user, $langs, $db, $conf;
     $this->max = $max;
     include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/comm/propal/class/propal.class.php';
     $propalstatic = new Propal($db);
     $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $langs->trans("BoxTitleLastPropals", $max));
     if ($user->rights->propale->lire) {
         $sql = "SELECT s.nom, s.rowid as socid,";
         $sql .= " p.rowid, p.ref, p.fk_statut, p.datep as dp, p.datec, p.fin_validite, p.date_cloture";
         $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s";
         $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "propal as p";
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
         $sql .= " WHERE p.fk_soc = s.rowid";
         $sql .= " AND p.entity = " . $conf->entity;
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
         $sql .= " ORDER BY p.datep DESC, p.ref DESC ";
         $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
         $result = $db->query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             $num = $db->num_rows($result);
             $now = dol_now();
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < $num) {
                 $objp = $db->fetch_object($result);
                 $datec = $db->jdate($objp->datec);
                 $dateterm = $db->jdate($objp->fin_validite);
                 $dateclose = $db->jdate($objp->date_cloture);
                 $late = '';
                 if ($objp->fk_statut == 1 && $dateterm < $now - $conf->propal->cloture->warning_delay) {
                     $late = img_warning($langs->trans("Late"));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => $this->boximg, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/propal.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $objp->ref, 'text2' => $late, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/propal.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][2] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => 'company', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][3] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => dol_trunc($objp->nom, 40), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][4] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => dol_print_date($datec, 'day'));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][5] = array('td' => 'align="right" width="18"', 'text' => $propalstatic->LibStatut($objp->fk_statut, 3));
             if ($num == 0) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => $langs->trans("NoRecordedProposals"));
         } else {
             $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $db->error() . ' sql=' . $sql);
     } else {
         $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("ReadPermissionNotAllowed"));
  *  Load data for box to show them later
  *  @param	int		$max        Maximum number of records to load
  *  @return	void
 function loadBox($max = 10)
     global $user, $langs, $db, $conf;
     $this->max = $max;
     include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/fichinter/class/fichinter.class.php';
     $ficheinterstatic = new Fichinter($db);
     $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $langs->trans("BoxTitleLastFicheInter", $max));
     if ($user->rights->ficheinter->lire) {
         $sql = "SELECT f.rowid, f.ref, f.fk_soc, f.fk_statut,";
         $sql .= " f.datec,";
         $sql .= " f.date_valid as datev,";
         $sql .= " f.tms as datem,";
         $sql .= " s.nom, s.rowid as socid, s.client";
         $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s";
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir) {
             $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
         $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "fichinter as f";
         $sql .= " WHERE f.fk_soc = s.rowid ";
         $sql .= " AND f.entity = " . $conf->entity;
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $user->societe_id;
         $sql .= " ORDER BY f.tms DESC";
         $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . '::loadBox sql=' . $sql, LOG_DEBUG);
         $resql = $db->query($sql);
         if ($resql) {
             $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
             $now = dol_now();
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < $num) {
                 $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
                 $datec = $db->jdate($objp->datec);
                 $ficheinterstatic->statut = $objp->fk_statut;
                 $ficheinterstatic->id = $objp->rowid;
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => $this->boximg, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/fichinter/fiche.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $objp->ref ? $objp->ref : $objp->rowid, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/fichinter/fiche.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][2] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => 'company', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][3] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => dol_trunc($objp->nom, 40), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/fiche.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][4] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => dol_print_date($datec, 'day'));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][5] = array('td' => 'align="right" class="nowrap"', 'text' => $ficheinterstatic->getLibStatut(6), 'asis' => 1);
             if ($num == 0) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => $langs->trans("NoRecordedInterventions"));
         } else {
             $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $db->error() . ' sql=' . $sql);
     } else {
         $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("ReadPermissionNotAllowed"));
  *  Load data for box to show them later
  *  @param	int		$max        Maximum number of records to load
  *  @return	void
 function loadBox($max = 5)
     global $user, $langs, $db, $conf;
     $this->max = $max;
     $now = dol_now();
     $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $langs->trans("BoxLastExpiredServices", $max));
     if ($user->rights->contrat->lire) {
         // Select contracts with at least one expired service
         $sql = "SELECT ";
         $sql .= " c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut as fk_statut, c.date_contrat,";
         $sql .= " s.nom as name, s.rowid as socid,";
         $sql .= " MIN(cd.date_fin_validite) as date_line, COUNT(cd.rowid) as nb_services";
         $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "contrat as c, " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe s, " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "contratdet as cd";
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
         $sql .= " WHERE cd.statut = 4 AND cd.date_fin_validite <= '" . $db->idate($now) . "'";
         $sql .= " AND c.fk_soc=s.rowid AND cd.fk_contrat=c.rowid AND c.statut > 0";
         if ($user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= ' AND c.fk_soc = ' . $user->societe_id;
         if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$user->societe_id) {
             $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" GROUP BY c.rowid, c.ref, c.statut, c.date_contrat, s.nom, s.rowid";
         $sql .= " ORDER BY date_line ASC";
         $sql .= $db->plimit($max, 0);
         $resql = $db->query($sql);
         if ($resql) {
             $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < $num) {
                 $late = '';
                 $objp = $db->fetch_object($resql);
                 $dateline = $db->jdate($objp->date_line);
                 if ($dateline + $conf->contrat->services->expires->warning_delay < $now) {
                     $late = img_warning($langs->trans("Late"));
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => $this->boximg, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/contrat/card.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][1] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $objp->ref ? $objp->ref : $objp->rowid, 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/contrat/card.php?id=" . $objp->rowid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][2] = array('td' => 'align="left" width="16"', 'logo' => 'company', 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/card.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][3] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => dol_trunc($objp->name, 40), 'url' => DOL_URL_ROOT . "/comm/card.php?socid=" . $objp->socid);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][4] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => dol_print_date($dateline, 'day'), 'text2' => $late);
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][5] = array('td' => 'align="right"', 'text' => $objp->nb_services);
             if ($num == 0) {
                 $this->info_box_contents[$i][0] = array('td' => 'align="center"', 'text' => $langs->trans("NoExpiredServices"));
         } else {
             $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $db->error() . ' sql=' . $sql);
     } else {
         $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("ReadPermissionNotAllowed"));
  *	Create object in database
  *	@param		User	$user   User making creation
  *	@return 	int				<0 if KO, >0 if OK
 function create($user)
     global $conf, $langs;
     $error = 0;
     $ret = 0;
     $now = dol_now();
     // Clean parameters
     $this->address = $this->address > 0 ? $this->address : $this->address;
     $this->zip = $this->zip > 0 ? $this->zip : $this->zip;
     $this->town = $this->town > 0 ? $this->town : $this->town;
     $this->country_id = $this->country_id > 0 ? $this->country_id : $this->country_id;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "establishment (";
     $sql .= "name";
     $sql .= ", address";
     $sql .= ", zip";
     $sql .= ", town";
     $sql .= ", status";
     $sql .= ", fk_country";
     $sql .= ", entity";
     $sql .= ", datec";
     $sql .= ", fk_user_author";
     $sql .= ") VALUES (";
     $sql .= " '" . $this->db->escape($this->name) . "'";
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->escape($this->address) . "'";
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->escape($this->zip) . "'";
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->escape($this->town) . "'";
     $sql .= ", " . $this->country_id;
     $sql .= ", " . $this->status;
     $sql .= ", " . $conf->entity;
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "'";
     $sql .= ", " . $user->id;
     $sql .= ")";
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create", LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if (!$resql) {
         $this->errors[] = "Error " . $this->db->lasterror();
     if (!$error) {
         $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "establishment");
     // Commit or rollback
     if ($error) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $errmsg) {
             dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create " . $errmsg, LOG_ERR);
             $this->error .= $this->error ? ', ' . $errmsg : $errmsg;
         return -1 * $error;
     } else {
         return $this->id;
  * Create object in database
  * TODO Add ref number
  * @param	User	$user	User that creates
  * @return 	int				<0 if KO, >0 if OK
 function create($user)
     global $conf;
     // Check parameters
     if (empty($this->type) || $this->type < 0) {
         $this->error = 'ErrorBadParameter';
         return -1;
     if (empty($this->fk_user) || $this->fk_user < 0) {
         $this->error = 'ErrorBadParameter';
         return -1;
     $now = dol_now();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "deplacement (";
     $sql .= "datec";
     //$sql.= ", dated";
     $sql .= ", entity";
     $sql .= ", fk_user_author";
     $sql .= ", fk_user";
     $sql .= ", type";
     $sql .= ", note";
     $sql .= ", note_public";
     $sql .= ", fk_projet";
     $sql .= ", fk_soc";
     $sql .= ") VALUES (";
     $sql .= " '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "'";
     $sql .= ", " . $conf->entity;
     $sql .= ", " . $user->id;
     $sql .= ", " . $this->fk_user;
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->type . "'";
     $sql .= ", " . ($this->note_private ? "'" . $this->db->escape($this->note_private) . "'" : "null");
     $sql .= ", " . ($this->note_public ? "'" . $this->db->escape($this->note_public) . "'" : "null");
     $sql .= ", " . ($this->fk_project > 0 ? $this->fk_project : 0);
     $sql .= ", " . ($this->fk_soc > 0 ? $this->fk_soc : "null");
     $sql .= ")";
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create sql=" . $sql, LOG_DEBUG);
     $result = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($result) {
         $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "deplacement");
         $result = $this->update($user);
         if ($result > 0) {
             return $this->id;
         } else {
             $this->error = $this->db->error();
             return $result;
     } else {
         $this->error = $this->db->error() . " sql=" . $sql;
         return -1;
Exemple #13
 * Return server timezone int.
 * @param	string	$refgmtdate		Reference period for timezone (timezone differs on winter and summer. May be 'now', 'winter' or 'summer')
 * @return 	int						An offset in hour (+1 for Europe/Paris on winter and +2 for Europe/Paris on summer)
function getServerTimeZoneInt($refgmtdate = 'now')
    global $conf;
    if (method_exists('DateTimeZone', 'getOffset')) {
        // Method 1 (include daylight)
        $gmtnow = dol_now('gmt');
        $yearref = dol_print_date($gmtnow, '%Y');
        $monthref = dol_print_date($gmtnow, '%m');
        $dayref = dol_print_date($gmtnow, '%d');
        if ($refgmtdate == 'now') {
            $newrefgmtdate = $yearref . '-' . $monthref . '-' . $dayref;
        } elseif ($refgmtdate == 'summer') {
            $newrefgmtdate = $yearref . '-08-01';
        } else {
            $newrefgmtdate = $yearref . '-01-01';
        $localtz = new DateTimeZone(getServerTimeZoneString());
        $localdt = new DateTime($newrefgmtdate, $localtz);
        $tmp = -1 * $localtz->getOffset($localdt);
        //print $refgmtdate.'='.$tmp;
    } else {
        dol_print_error('', 'PHP version must be 5.3+');
        // Method 2 (does not include daylight, not supported by adodb)
        if ($refgmtdate == 'now')
            if (ini_get("date.timezone")=='UTC') return 0;
            // We don't know server timezone string, so we don't know location, so we can't guess daylight. We assume we use same than client but this may be a bug.
            $gmtnow=dol_now('gmt'); $yearref=dol_print_date($gmtnow,'%Y'); $monthref=dol_print_date($gmtnow,'%m'); $dayref=dol_print_date($gmtnow,'%d');
            if (dol_stringtotime($_SESSION['dol_dst_first']) <= $gmtnow && $gmtnow < dol_stringtotime($_SESSION['dol_dst_second'])) $daylight=1;
            else $daylight=0;
            return 'unknown';    // For true result
        elseif ($refgmtdate == 'summer')
            if (ini_get("date.timezone")=='UTC') return 0;
            // We don't know server timezone string, so we don't know location, so we can't guess daylight. We assume we use same than client but this may be a bug.
            $gmtnow=dol_now('gmt'); $yearref=dol_print_date($gmtnow,'%Y'); $monthref='08'; $dayref='01';
            if (dol_stringtotime($_SESSION['dol_dst_first']) <= dol_stringtotime($yearref.'-'.$monthref.'-'.$dayref) && dol_stringtotime($yearref.'-'.$monthref.'-'.$dayref) < dol_stringtotime($_SESSION['dol_dst_second'])) $daylight=1;
            else $daylight=0;
            return 'unknown';    // For true result
        else $tmp=dol_mktime(0,0,0,1,1,1970);
    $tz = round(($tmp < 0 ? 1 : -1) * abs($tmp / 3600));
    return $tz;
  * Create bank information record
  * @param   Object   $user		User
  * @return	int					<0 if KO, >= 0 if OK
 function create($user = '')
     $now = dol_now();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "user_rib (fk_user, datec)";
     $sql .= " VALUES (" . $this->userid . ", '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "')";
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         if ($this->db->affected_rows($resql)) {
             $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "user_rib");
             return 1;
     } else {
         print $this->db->error();
         return 0;
     * Create bank information record
     * @return	int		<0 if KO, >= 0 if OK
    function create()

        $sql = "INSERT INTO ".MAIN_DB_PREFIX."societe_rib (fk_soc, datec) values ($this->socid, '".$this->db->idate($now)."')";
        if ($resql)
            if ($this->db->affected_rows($resql))
                return 1;
            print $this->db->error();
            return 0;
  *	Create object in database
  *	@param		User	$user   User making creation
  *	@return 	int				<0 if KO, >0 if OK
 function create($user)
     global $conf;
     $error = 0;
     $now = dol_now();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_fiscalyear (";
     $sql .= "label";
     $sql .= ", date_start";
     $sql .= ", date_end";
     $sql .= ", statut";
     $sql .= ", entity";
     $sql .= ", datec";
     $sql .= ", fk_user_author";
     $sql .= ") VALUES (";
     $sql .= " '" . $this->label . "'";
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->idate($this->date_start) . "'";
     $sql .= ", " . ($this->date_end ? "'" . $this->db->idate($this->date_end) . "'" : "null");
     $sql .= ", " . $this->statut;
     $sql .= ", " . $conf->entity;
     $sql .= ", '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "'";
     $sql .= ", " . $user->id;
     $sql .= ")";
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create", LOG_DEBUG);
     $result = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($result) {
         $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accounting_fiscalyear");
         $result = $this->update($user);
         if ($result > 0) {
             return $this->id;
         } else {
             $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
             return $result;
     } else {
         $this->error = $this->db->lasterror() . " sql=" . $sql;
         return -1;
  *  Create address into database
  *  @param	int		$socid      Company socid
  *  @param  User	$user       Object user making creation
  *  @return int         		0 if OK, < 0 if KO
 function create($socid, $user = '')
     global $langs, $conf;
     // Nettoyage parametres
     $this->name = trim($this->name);
     $this->label = trim($this->label);
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create label=" . $this->label);
     $result = $this->verify();
     if ($result >= 0) {
         $now = dol_now();
         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_address (label, fk_soc, name, datec, fk_user_creat) ";
         $sql .= " VALUES ('" . $this->db->escape($this->label) . "', '" . $socid . "', '" . $this->db->escape($this->name) . "', '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "', '" . $user->id . "')";
         $result = $this->db->query($sql);
         if ($result) {
             $this->id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_address");
             $ret = $this->update($this->id, $socid, $user);
             if ($ret >= 0) {
                 dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create success id=" . $this->id);
                 return 0;
             } else {
                 dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create echec update");
                 return -3;
         } else {
             if ($this->db->errno() == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
                 $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorCompanyNameAlreadyExists", $this->nom);
             } else {
                 dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create echec insert sql={$sql}");
             return -2;
     } else {
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create echec verify sql={$sql}");
         return -1;
  *	Fonction qui permet de creer la cotisation
  *	@param	int		$userid		userid de celui qui insere
  *	@return	int					<0 if KO, Id subscription created if OK
 function create($userid)
     global $langs;
     $now = dol_now();
     // Check parameters
     if ($this->datef <= $this->dateh) {
         $this->error = $langs->trans("ErrorBadValueForDate");
         return -1;
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "cotisation (fk_adherent, datec, dateadh, datef, cotisation, note)";
     $sql .= " VALUES (" . $this->fk_adherent . ", '" . $this->db->idate($now) . "',";
     $sql .= " '" . $this->db->idate($this->dateh) . "',";
     $sql .= " '" . $this->db->idate($this->datef) . "',";
     $sql .= " " . $this->amount . ",'" . $this->db->escape($this->note) . "')";
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::create", LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         return $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "cotisation");
     } else {
         $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
         return -1;
  *    Insert account into database
  *    @param  	User	$user 	User making add
  *    @return	int				<0 if KO, Id line added if OK
 function create($user)
     $now = dol_now();
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accountingaccount";
     $sql .= " (date_creation, fk_user_author, numero,intitule)";
     $sql .= " VALUES (" . $this->db->idate($now) . "," . $user->id . ",'" . $this->numero . "','" . $this->intitule . "')";
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         $id = $this->db->last_insert_id(MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "accountingaccount");
         if ($id > 0) {
             $this->id = $id;
             $result = $this->id;
         } else {
             $result = -2;
             $this->error = "AccountancyAccount::Create Erreur {$result}";
             dol_syslog($this->error, LOG_ERR);
     } else {
         $result = -1;
         $this->error = "AccountancyAccount::Create Erreur {$result}";
         dol_syslog($this->error, LOG_ERR);
     return $result;
  * Update object into database
  * @param User $user that modifies
  * @param int $notrigger triggers after, 1=disable triggers
  * @param int $forceupdateaffiliate update price on each soc child
  * @return int <0 if KO, >0 if OK
 function update($user = 0, $notrigger = 0, $forceupdateaffiliate = 0)
     global $conf, $langs;
     $error = 0;
     // Clean parameters
     if (isset($this->entity)) {
         $this->entity = trim($this->entity);
     if (isset($this->fk_product)) {
         $this->fk_product = trim($this->fk_product);
     if (isset($this->fk_soc)) {
         $this->fk_soc = trim($this->fk_soc);
     if (isset($this->price)) {
         $this->price = trim($this->price);
     if (isset($this->price_ttc)) {
         $this->price_ttc = trim($this->price_ttc);
     if (isset($this->price_min)) {
         $this->price_min = trim($this->price_min);
     if (isset($this->price_min_ttc)) {
         $this->price_min_ttc = trim($this->price_min_ttc);
     if (isset($this->price_base_type)) {
         $this->price_base_type = trim($this->price_base_type);
     if (isset($this->tva_tx)) {
         $this->tva_tx = trim($this->tva_tx);
     if (isset($this->recuperableonly)) {
         $this->recuperableonly = trim($this->recuperableonly);
     if (isset($this->localtax1_tx)) {
         $this->localtax1_tx = trim($this->localtax1_tx);
     if (isset($this->localtax2_tx)) {
         $this->localtax2_tx = trim($this->localtax2_tx);
     if (isset($this->fk_user)) {
         $this->fk_user = trim($this->fk_user);
     if (isset($this->import_key)) {
         $this->import_key = trim($this->import_key);
     // Check parameters
     // Put here code to add a control on parameters values
     if ($this->price != '' || $this->price == 0) {
         if ($this->price_base_type == 'TTC') {
             $this->price_ttc = price2num($this->price, 'MU');
             $this->price = price2num($this->price) / (1 + $this->tva_tx / 100);
             $this->price = price2num($this->price, 'MU');
             if ($this->price_min != '' || $this->price_min == 0) {
                 $this->price_min_ttc = price2num($this->price_min, 'MU');
                 $this->price_min = price2num($this->price_min) / (1 + $this->tva_tx / 100);
                 $this->price_min = price2num($this->price_min, 'MU');
             } else {
                 $this->price_min = 0;
                 $this->price_min_ttc = 0;
         } else {
             $this->price = price2num($this->price, 'MU');
             $this->price_ttc = $this->recuperableonly != 1 ? price2num($this->price) * (1 + $this->tva_tx / 100) : $this->price;
             $this->price_ttc = price2num($this->price_ttc, 'MU');
             if ($this->price_min != '' || $this->price_min == 0) {
                 $this->price_min = price2num($this->price_min, 'MU');
                 $this->price_min_ttc = price2num($this->price_min) * (1 + $this->tva_tx / 100);
                 $this->price_min_ttc = price2num($this->price_min_ttc, 'MU');
                 // print 'X'.$newminprice.'-'.$price_min;
             } else {
                 $this->price_min = 0;
                 $this->price_min_ttc = 0;
     // Do a copy of current record into log table
     // Insert request
     $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "product_customer_price_log(";
     $sql .= "entity,";
     $sql .= "datec,";
     $sql .= "fk_product,";
     $sql .= "fk_soc,";
     $sql .= "price,";
     $sql .= "price_ttc,";
     $sql .= "price_min,";
     $sql .= "price_min_ttc,";
     $sql .= "price_base_type,";
     $sql .= "tva_tx,";
     $sql .= "recuperableonly,";
     $sql .= "localtax1_tx,";
     $sql .= "localtax2_tx,";
     $sql .= "fk_user,";
     $sql .= "import_key";
     $sql .= ") \t\t";
     $sql .= "SELECT";
     $sql .= " t.entity,";
     $sql .= " t.datec,";
     $sql .= " t.fk_product,";
     $sql .= " t.fk_soc,";
     $sql .= " t.price,";
     $sql .= " t.price_ttc,";
     $sql .= " t.price_min,";
     $sql .= " t.price_min_ttc,";
     $sql .= " t.price_base_type,";
     $sql .= " t.tva_tx,";
     $sql .= " t.recuperableonly,";
     $sql .= " t.localtax1_tx,";
     $sql .= " t.localtax2_tx,";
     $sql .= " t.fk_user,";
     $sql .= " t.import_key";
     $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "product_customer_price as t";
     $sql .= " WHERE t.rowid = " . $this->id;
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::update", LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if (!$resql) {
         $this->errors[] = "Error " . $this->db->lasterror();
     // Update request
     $sql = "UPDATE " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "product_customer_price SET";
     $sql .= " entity=" . $conf->entity . ",";
     $sql .= " datec='" . $this->db->idate(dol_now()) . "',";
     $sql .= " tms=" . (dol_strlen($this->tms) != 0 ? "'" . $this->db->idate($this->tms) . "'" : 'null') . ",";
     $sql .= " fk_product=" . (isset($this->fk_product) ? $this->fk_product : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " fk_soc=" . (isset($this->fk_soc) ? $this->fk_soc : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " price=" . (isset($this->price) ? $this->price : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " price_ttc=" . (isset($this->price_ttc) ? $this->price_ttc : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " price_min=" . (isset($this->price_min) ? $this->price_min : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " price_min_ttc=" . (isset($this->price_min_ttc) ? $this->price_min_ttc : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " price_base_type=" . (isset($this->price_base_type) ? "'" . $this->db->escape($this->price_base_type) . "'" : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " tva_tx=" . (isset($this->tva_tx) ? $this->tva_tx : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " recuperableonly=" . (isset($this->recuperableonly) ? $this->recuperableonly : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " localtax1_tx=" . (isset($this->localtax1_tx) ? $this->localtax1_tx : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " localtax2_tx=" . (isset($this->localtax2_tx) ? $this->localtax2_tx : "null") . ",";
     $sql .= " fk_user="******",";
     $sql .= " import_key=" . (isset($this->import_key) ? "'" . $this->db->escape($this->import_key) . "'" : "null") . "";
     $sql .= " WHERE rowid=" . $this->id;
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::update", LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
     if (!$resql) {
         $this->errors[] = "Error " . $this->db->lasterror();
     if (!$error) {
         if (!$notrigger) {
             // Uncomment this and change MYOBJECT to your own tag if you
             // want this action calls a trigger.
             // // Call triggers
             // include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/interfaces.class.php';
             // $interface=new Interfaces($this->db);
             // $result=$interface->run_triggers('MYOBJECT_MODIFY',$this,$user,$langs,$conf);
             // if ($result < 0) { $error++; $this->errors=$interface->errors; }
             // // End call triggers
     if (!$error) {
         $result = $this->setPriceOnAffiliateThirdparty($user, $forceupdateaffiliate);
         if ($result < 0) {
     // Commit or rollback
     if ($error) {
         foreach ($this->errors as $errmsg) {
             dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::update " . $errmsg, LOG_ERR);
             $this->error .= $this->error ? ', ' . $errmsg : $errmsg;
         return -1 * $error;
     } else {
         return 1;
Exemple #21
    $year_start = $year_current;
} else {
    $year_current = $year;
    $year_start = $year;
$date_start = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST["date_startmonth"], $_REQUEST["date_startday"], $_REQUEST["date_startyear"]);
$date_end = dol_mktime(23, 59, 59, $_REQUEST["date_endmonth"], $_REQUEST["date_endday"], $_REQUEST["date_endyear"]);
// Quarter
if (empty($date_start) || empty($date_end)) {
    $q = GETPOST("q");
    if (empty($q)) {
        if (isset($_REQUEST["month"])) {
            $date_start = dol_get_first_day($year_start, $_REQUEST["month"], false);
            $date_end = dol_get_last_day($year_start, $_REQUEST["month"], false);
        } else {
            $month_current = strftime("%m", dol_now());
            if ($month_current >= 10) {
                $q = 4;
            } elseif ($month_current >= 7) {
                $q = 3;
            } elseif ($month_current >= 4) {
                $q = 2;
            } else {
                $q = 1;
    if ($q == 1) {
        $date_start = dol_get_first_day($year_start, 1, false);
        $date_end = dol_get_last_day($year_start, 3, false);
  *  Return next value
  * 	@param	Societe		$objsoc     Object third party
  *	@param  int			$type       Client ou fournisseur (1:client, 2:fournisseur)
  *  @return string      			Value if OK, '' if module not configured, <0 if KO
 function getNextValue($objsoc = 0, $type = -1)
     global $db, $conf, $mc;
     $return = '000001';
     $field = '';
     $where = '';
     if ($type == 0) {
         $field = 'code_client';
         //$where = ' AND client in (1,2)';
     } else {
         if ($type == 1) {
             $field = 'code_fournisseur';
             //$where = ' AND fournisseur = 1';
         } else {
             return -1;
     if ($type == 0) {
         $prefix = $this->prefixcustomer;
     if ($type == 1) {
         $prefix = $this->prefixsupplier;
     // D'abord on recupere la valeur max (reponse immediate car champ indexe)
     $posindice = 8;
     $sql = "SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(" . $field . " FROM " . $posindice . ") AS SIGNED)) as max";
     // This is standard SQL
     $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe";
     $sql .= " WHERE " . $field . " LIKE '" . $prefix . "____-%'";
     $sql .= " AND entity IN (" . getEntity('societe', 1) . ")";
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::getNextValue", LOG_DEBUG);
     $resql = $db->query($sql);
     if ($resql) {
         $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
         if ($obj) {
             $max = intval($obj->max);
         } else {
             $max = 0;
     } else {
         return -1;
     $date = dol_now();
     $yymm = strftime("%y%m", $date);
     if ($max >= pow(10, 4) - 1) {
         $num = $max + 1;
     } else {
         $num = sprintf("%04s", $max + 1);
     dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::getNextValue return " . $prefix . $yymm . "-" . $num);
     return $prefix . $yymm . "-" . $num;
  * 	Return next free value
  *  @param	Societe		$objsoc     Object thirdparty
  *  @param  Object		$object		Object we need next value for
  *  @return string      			Value if KO, <0 if KO
 function getNextValue($objsoc, $object)
     global $db, $conf;
     // D'abord on recupere la valeur max
     $posindice = 8;
     $sql = "SELECT MAX(CAST(SUBSTRING(ref FROM " . $posindice . ") AS SIGNED)) as max";
     // This is standard SQL
     $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "livraison";
     $sql .= " WHERE ref LIKE '" . $this->prefix . "____-%'";
     $sql .= " AND entity = " . $conf->entity;
     $resql = $db->query($sql);
     dol_syslog("mod_livraison_jade::getNextValue", LOG_DEBUG);
     if ($resql) {
         $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
         if ($obj) {
             $max = intval($obj->max);
         } else {
             $max = 0;
     } else {
         return -1;
     $date = $object->date_delivery;
     if (empty($date)) {
         $date = dol_now();
     $yymm = strftime("%y%m", $date);
     if ($max >= pow(10, 4) - 1) {
         $num = $max + 1;
     } else {
         $num = sprintf("%04s", $max + 1);
     dol_syslog("mod_livraison_jade::getNextValue return " . $this->prefix . $yymm . "-" . $num);
     return $this->prefix . $yymm . "-" . $num;
Exemple #24
            print '<td>' . dol_print_date($db->jdate($obj->datec), 'day') . '</td>';
            print '<td align="right">' . $supplier_proposalstatic->LibStatut($obj->fk_statut, 5) . '</td>';
            print '</tr>';
    print "</table><br>";
} else {
 * Opened askprice
if (!empty($conf->supplier_proposal->enabled) && $user->rights->supplier_proposal->lire) {
    $now = dol_now();
    $sql = "SELECT s.nom as socname, s.rowid as socid, s.canvas, s.client, p.rowid as supplier_proposalid, as total_ttc, p.total_ht, p.ref, p.fk_statut, p.datec as dp";
    $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe as s";
    $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "supplier_proposal as p";
    if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$socid) {
        $sql .= ", " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "societe_commerciaux as sc";
    $sql .= " WHERE p.fk_soc = s.rowid";
    $sql .= " AND p.entity = " . $conf->entity;
    $sql .= " AND p.fk_statut = 1";
    if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir && !$socid) {
        $sql .= " AND s.rowid = sc.fk_soc AND sc.fk_user = "******" AND s.rowid = " . $socid;
  * Adds cronjobs
  * @return  int             Error count (0 if OK)
 function insert_cronjobs()
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/infobox.class.php';
     global $conf;
     $err = 0;
     if (is_array($this->cronjobs)) {
         foreach ($this->cronjobs as $key => $value) {
             $label = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['label']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['label'] : '';
             $jobtype = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['jobtype']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['jobtype'] : '';
             $class = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['class']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['class'] : '';
             $method = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['method']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['method'] : '';
             $command = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['command']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['command'] : '';
             $parameters = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['parameters']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['parameters'] : '';
             $comment = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['comment']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['comment'] : '';
             $frequency = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['frequency']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['frequency'] : '';
             $unitfrequency = isset($this->cronjobs[$key]['unitfrequency']) ? $this->cronjobs[$key]['unitfrequency'] : '';
             // Search if boxes def already present
             $sql = "SELECT count(*) as nb FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "cronjob";
             $sql .= " WHERE module_name = '" . $this->db->escape($this->rights_class) . "'";
             if ($class) {
                 $sql .= " AND classesname = '" . $this->db->escape($class) . "'";
             if ($method) {
                 $sql .= " AND methodename = '" . $this->db->escape($method) . "'";
             if ($command) {
                 $sql .= " AND command = '" . $this->db->escape($command) . "'";
             $sql .= " AND entity = " . $conf->entity;
             $now = dol_now();
             dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::insert_cronjobs", LOG_DEBUG);
             $result = $this->db->query($sql);
             if ($result) {
                 $obj = $this->db->fetch_object($result);
                 if ($obj->nb == 0) {
                     if (!$err) {
                         $sql = "INSERT INTO " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "cronjob (module_name, datec, label, jobtype, classesname, methodename, command, params, note, frequency, unitfrequency, entity)";
                         $sql .= " VALUES (";
                         $sql .= "'" . $this->db->escape($this->rights_class) . "', ";
                         $sql .= "'" . $this->db->idate($now) . "', ";
                         $sql .= "'" . $this->db->escape($label) . "', ";
                         $sql .= "'" . $this->db->escape($jobtype) . "', ";
                         $sql .= ($class ? "'" . $this->db->escape($class) . "'" : "null") . ",";
                         $sql .= ($method ? "'" . $this->db->escape($method) . "'" : "null") . ",";
                         $sql .= ($command ? "'" . $this->db->escape($command) . "'" : "null") . ",";
                         $sql .= ($parameters ? "'" . $this->db->escape($parameters) . "'" : "null") . ",";
                         $sql .= ($comment ? "'" . $this->db->escape($comment) . "'" : "null") . ",";
                         $sql .= "'" . $this->db->escape($frequency) . "', ";
                         $sql .= "'" . $this->db->escape($unitfrequency) . "', ";
                         $sql .= $conf->entity;
                         $sql .= ")";
                         print $sql;
                         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::insert_cronjobs", LOG_DEBUG);
                         $resql = $this->db->query($sql);
                         if (!$resql) {
                     if (!$err) {
                     } else {
                         $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
                 // else box already registered into database
             } else {
                 $this->error = $this->db->lasterror();
     return $err;
 * getListOfProductsOrServices
 * @param	array		$authentication		Array of authentication information
 * @param	array		$filterproduct		Filter fields
 * @return	array							Array result
function getListOfProductsOrServices($authentication, $filterproduct)
    global $db, $conf, $langs;
    $now = dol_now();
    dol_syslog("Function: getListOfProductsOrServices login="******"SELECT rowid, ref, ref_ext";
        $sql .= " FROM " . MAIN_DB_PREFIX . "product";
        $sql .= " WHERE entity=" . $conf->entity;
        foreach ($filterproduct as $key => $val) {
            if ($key == 'type' && $val >= 0) {
                $sql .= " AND fk_product_type = " . $db->escape($val);
            if ($key == 'tosell') {
                $sql .= " AND to_sell = " . $db->escape($val);
            if ($key == 'tobuy') {
                $sql .= " AND to_buy = " . $db->escape($val);
        $resql = $db->query($sql);
        if ($resql) {
            $num = $db->num_rows($resql);
            $i = 0;
            while ($i < $num) {
                $obj = $db->fetch_object($resql);
                $arrayproducts[] = array('id' => $obj->rowid, 'ref' => $obj->ref, 'ref_ext' => $obj->ref_ext);
        } else {
            $errorcode = $db->lasterrno();
            $errorlabel = $db->lasterror();
    if ($error) {
        $objectresp = array('result' => array('result_code' => $errorcode, 'result_label' => $errorlabel), 'products' => $arrayproducts);
    } else {
        $objectresp = array('result' => array('result_code' => 'OK', 'result_label' => ''), 'products' => $arrayproducts);
    return $objectresp;
  * Return next value
  * @param	Product		$objproduct     Object product
  * @param	string		$type       	type of barcode (EAN, ISBN, ...)
  * @return 	string      				Value if OK, '' if module not configured, <0 if KO
 function getNextValue($objproduct, $type = '')
     global $db, $conf;
     require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/functions2.lib.php';
     // TODO
     // Get Mask value
     $mask = '';
     if (!empty($conf->global->BARCODE_STANDARD_PRODUCT_MASK)) {
         $mask = $conf->global->BARCODE_STANDARD_PRODUCT_MASK;
     if (empty($mask)) {
         $this->error = 'NotConfigured';
         return '';
     $field = 'barcode';
     $where = '';
     $now = dol_now();
     $numFinal = get_next_value($db, $mask, 'product', $field, $where, '', $now);
     return $numFinal;
Exemple #28
	 *    	Return label of this contract line status
	 *		@param      mode        	0=libelle long, 1=libelle court, 2=Picto + Libelle court, 3=Picto, 4=Picto + Libelle long, 5=Libelle court + Picto
	 *    	@return     string      	Libelle
	function getLibStatut($mode)
		return $this->LibStatut($this->statut,$mode,(isset($this->date_fin_validite)?($this->date_fin_validite < dol_now('tzref')?1:0):-1));
Exemple #29
 /**	Load an object from its id and create a new one in database
  *	@param	int		$fromid     			Id of object to clone
  *  @param	int		$project_id				Id of project to attach clone task
  *  @param	int		$parent_task_id			Id of task to attach clone task
  *  @param	bool	$clone_change_dt		recalculate date of task regarding new project start date
  *	@param	bool	$clone_affectation		clone affectation of project
  *	@param	bool	$clone_time				clone time of project
  *	@param	bool	$clone_file				clone file of project
  *  @param	bool	$clone_note				clone note of project
  *	@param	bool	$clone_prog				clone progress of project
  * 	@return	int								New id of clone
 function createFromClone($fromid, $project_id, $parent_task_id, $clone_change_dt = false, $clone_affectation = false, $clone_time = false, $clone_file = false, $clone_note = false, $clone_prog = false)
     global $user, $langs, $conf;
     $error = 0;
     //Use 00:00 of today if time is use on task.
     $now = dol_mktime(0, 0, 0, dol_print_date(dol_now(), '%m'), dol_print_date(dol_now(), '%d'), dol_print_date(dol_now(), '%Y'));
     $datec = $now;
     $clone_task = new Task($this->db);
     $origin_task = new Task($this->db);
     $clone_task->context['createfromclone'] = 'createfromclone';
     // Load source object
     $defaultref = '';
     $obj = empty($conf->global->PROJECT_TASK_ADDON) ? 'mod_task_simple' : $conf->global->PROJECT_TASK_ADDON;
     if (!empty($conf->global->PROJECT_TASK_ADDON) && is_readable(DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/modules/project/task/" . $conf->global->PROJECT_TASK_ADDON . ".php")) {
         require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . "/core/modules/project/task/" . $conf->global->PROJECT_TASK_ADDON . '.php';
         $modTask = new $obj();
         $defaultref = $modTask->getNextValue(0, $clone_task);
     $ori_project_id = $clone_task->fk_project;
     $clone_task->id = 0;
     $clone_task->ref = $defaultref;
     $clone_task->fk_project = $project_id;
     $clone_task->fk_task_parent = $parent_task_id;
     $clone_task->date_c = $datec;
     $clone_task->planned_workload = $origin_task->planned_workload;
     $clone_task->rang = $origin_task->rang;
     //Manage Task Date
     if ($clone_change_dt) {
         $projectstatic = new Project($this->db);
         //Origin project strat date
         $orign_project_dt_start = $projectstatic->date_start;
         //Calcultate new task start date with difference between origin proj start date and origin task start date
         if (!empty($clone_task->date_start)) {
             $clone_task->date_start = $now + $clone_task->date_start - $orign_project_dt_start;
         //Calcultate new task end date with difference between origin proj end date and origin task end date
         if (!empty($clone_task->date_end)) {
             $clone_task->date_end = $now + $clone_task->date_end - $orign_project_dt_start;
     if (!$clone_prog) {
         $clone_task->progress = 0;
     // Create clone
     $result = $clone_task->create($user);
     // Other options
     if ($result < 0) {
         $this->error = $clone_task->error;
     // End
     if (!$error) {
         $clone_task_id = $clone_task->id;
         $clone_task_ref = $clone_task->ref;
         //Note Update
         if (!$clone_note) {
             $clone_task->note_private = '';
             $clone_task->note_public = '';
         } else {
             $res = $clone_task->update_note(dol_html_entity_decode($clone_task->note_public, ENT_QUOTES), '_public');
             if ($res < 0) {
                 $this->error .= $clone_task->error;
             } else {
             $res = $clone_task->update_note(dol_html_entity_decode($clone_task->note_private, ENT_QUOTES), '_private');
             if ($res < 0) {
                 $this->error .= $clone_task->error;
             } else {
         //Duplicate file
         if ($clone_file) {
             require_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/lib/files.lib.php';
             //retreive project origin ref to know folder to copy
             $projectstatic = new Project($this->db);
             $ori_project_ref = $projectstatic->ref;
             if ($ori_project_id != $project_id) {
                 $clone_project_ref = $projectstatic->ref;
             } else {
                 $clone_project_ref = $ori_project_ref;
             $clone_task_dir = $conf->projet->dir_output . "/" . dol_sanitizeFileName($clone_project_ref) . "/" . dol_sanitizeFileName($clone_task_ref);
             $ori_task_dir = $conf->projet->dir_output . "/" . dol_sanitizeFileName($ori_project_ref) . "/" . dol_sanitizeFileName($fromid);
             $filearray = dol_dir_list($ori_task_dir, "files", 0, '', '(\\.meta|_preview\\.png)$', '', SORT_ASC, 1);
             foreach ($filearray as $key => $file) {
                 if (!file_exists($clone_task_dir)) {
                     if (dol_mkdir($clone_task_dir) < 0) {
                         $this->error .= $langs->trans('ErrorInternalErrorDetected') . ':dol_mkdir';
                 $rescopy = dol_copy($ori_task_dir . '/' . $file['name'], $clone_task_dir . '/' . $file['name'], 0, 1);
                 if (is_numeric($rescopy) && $rescopy < 0) {
                     $this->error .= $langs->trans("ErrorFailToCopyFile", $ori_task_dir . '/' . $file['name'], $clone_task_dir . '/' . $file['name']);
         // clone affectation
         if ($clone_affectation) {
             $origin_task = new Task($this->db);
             foreach (array('internal', 'external') as $source) {
                 $tab = $origin_task->liste_contact(-1, $source);
                 $num = count($tab);
                 $i = 0;
                 while ($i < $num) {
                     $clone_task->add_contact($tab[$i]['id'], $tab[$i]['code'], $tab[$i]['source']);
                     if ($clone_task->error == 'DB_ERROR_RECORD_ALREADY_EXISTS') {
                         $this->error .= $langs->trans("ErrorThisContactIsAlreadyDefinedAsThisType");
                     } else {
                         if ($clone_task->error != '') {
                             $this->error .= $clone_task->error;
         if ($clone_time) {
             //TODO clone time of affectation
     if (!$error) {
         return $clone_task_id;
     } else {
         dol_syslog(get_class($this) . "::createFromClone nbError: " . $error . " error : " . $this->error, LOG_ERR);
         return -1;
     *  Load data into info_box_contents array to show array later.
     *  @param	int		$max        Maximum number of records to load
     *  @return	void
    function loadBox($max = 5)
        global $conf, $user, $langs, $db;
        $this->max = $max;
        $refreshaction = 'refresh_' . $this->boxcode;
        include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/fourn/class/fournisseur.facture.class.php';
        $text = $langs->trans("BoxSuppliersInvoicesPerMonth", $max);
        $this->info_box_head = array('text' => $text, 'limit' => dol_strlen($text), 'graph' => 1, 'sublink' => '', 'subtext' => $langs->trans("Filter"), 'subpicto' => 'filter.png', 'subclass' => 'linkobject', 'target' => 'none');
        $dir = '';
        // We don't need a path because image file will not be saved into disk
        $prefix = '';
        $socid = 0;
        if ($user->societe_id) {
            $socid = $user->societe_id;
        if (!$user->rights->societe->client->voir || $socid) {
            $prefix .= 'private-' . $user->id . '-';
        // If user has no permission to see all, output dir is specific to user
        if ($user->rights->fournisseur->facture->lire) {
            $param_year = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_year';
            $param_shownb = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_shownb';
            $param_showtot = 'DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . '_showtot';
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/core/class/dolgraph.class.php';
            include_once DOL_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/compta/facture/class/facturestats.class.php';
            $autosetarray = preg_split("/[,;:]+/", GETPOST('DOL_AUTOSET_COOKIE'));
            if (in_array('DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode, $autosetarray)) {
                $endyear = GETPOST($param_year, 'int');
                $shownb = GETPOST($param_shownb, 'alpha');
                $showtot = GETPOST($param_showtot, 'alpha');
            } else {
                $tmparray = json_decode($_COOKIE['DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode], true);
                $endyear = $tmparray['year'];
                $shownb = $tmparray['shownb'];
                $showtot = $tmparray['showtot'];
            if (empty($shownb) && empty($showtot)) {
                $showtot = 1;
            $nowarray = dol_getdate(dol_now(), true);
            if (empty($endyear)) {
                $endyear = $nowarray['year'];
            $startyear = $endyear - 1;
            $mode = 'supplier';
            $WIDTH = $shownb && $showtot || !empty($conf->dol_optimize_smallscreen) ? '256' : '320';
            $HEIGHT = '192';
            $stats = new FactureStats($this->db, $socid, $mode, 0);
            // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...)
            if ($shownb) {
                $data1 = $stats->getNbByMonthWithPrevYear($endyear, $startyear, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24);
                $filenamenb = $dir . "/" . $prefix . "invoicessuppliernbinyear-" . $year . ".png";
                if ($mode == 'customer') {
                    $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=billstats&amp;file=invoicesnbinyear-' . $year . '.png';
                if ($mode == 'supplier') {
                    $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=billstatssupplier&amp;file=invoicessuppliernbinyear-' . $year . '.png';
                $px1 = new DolGraph();
                $mesg = $px1->isGraphKo();
                if (!$mesg) {
                    $i = $startyear;
                    $legend = array();
                    while ($i <= $endyear) {
                        $legend[] = $i;
                    $px1->mode = 'depth';
                    $px1->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb);
            // Build graphic number of object. $data = array(array('Lib',val1,val2,val3),...)
            if ($showtot) {
                $data2 = $stats->getAmountByMonthWithPrevYear($endyear, $startyear, GETPOST('action') == $refreshaction ? -1 : 3600 * 24);
                $filenamenb = $dir . "/" . $prefix . "invoicessupplieramountinyear-" . $year . ".png";
                if ($mode == 'customer') {
                    $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=billstats&amp;file=invoicesamountinyear-' . $year . '.png';
                if ($mode == 'supplier') {
                    $fileurlnb = DOL_URL_ROOT . '/viewimage.php?modulepart=billstatssupplier&amp;file=invoicessupplieramountinyear-' . $year . '.png';
                $px2 = new DolGraph();
                $mesg = $px2->isGraphKo();
                if (!$mesg) {
                    $i = $startyear;
                    $legend = array();
                    while ($i <= $endyear) {
                        $legend[] = $i;
                    $px2->mode = 'depth';
                    $px2->draw($filenamenb, $fileurlnb);
            if (empty($conf->use_javascript_ajax)) {
                $mesg = $langs->trans("WarningFeatureDisabledWithDisplayOptimizedForBlindNoJs");
            if (!$mesg) {
                $stringtoshow = '';
                $stringtoshow .= '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
					jQuery(document).ready(function() {
						jQuery("#idsubimg' . $this->boxcode . '").click(function() {
							jQuery("#idfilter' . $this->boxcode . '").toggle();
                $stringtoshow .= '<div class="center hideobject" id="idfilter' . $this->boxcode . '">';
                // hideobject is to start hidden
                $stringtoshow .= '<form class="flat formboxfilter" method="POST" action="' . $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] . '">';
                $stringtoshow .= '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="' . $refreshaction . '">';
                $stringtoshow .= '<input type="hidden" name="DOL_AUTOSET_COOKIE" value="DOLUSERCOOKIE_box_' . $this->boxcode . ':year,shownb,showtot">';
                $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_shownb . '"' . ($shownb ? ' checked' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("NumberOfBillsByMonth");
                $stringtoshow .= ' &nbsp; ';
                $stringtoshow .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . $param_showtot . '"' . ($showtot ? ' checked' : '') . '> ' . $langs->trans("AmountOfBillsByMonthHT");
                $stringtoshow .= '<br>';
                $stringtoshow .= $langs->trans("Year") . ' <input class="flat" size="4" type="text" name="' . $param_year . '" value="' . $endyear . '">';
                $stringtoshow .= '<input type="image" alt="' . $langs->trans("Refresh") . '" src="' . img_picto($langs->trans("Refresh"), 'refresh.png', '', '', 1) . '">';
                $stringtoshow .= '</form>';
                $stringtoshow .= '</div>';
                if ($shownb && $showtot) {
                    $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichecenter">';
                    $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichehalfleft">';
                if ($shownb) {
                    $stringtoshow .= $px1->show();
                if ($shownb && $showtot) {
                    $stringtoshow .= '</div>';
                    $stringtoshow .= '<div class="fichehalfright">';
                if ($showtot) {
                    $stringtoshow .= $px2->show();
                if ($shownb && $showtot) {
                    $stringtoshow .= '</div>';
                    $stringtoshow .= '</div>';
                $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="center" class="nohover"', 'textnoformat' => $stringtoshow);
            } else {
                $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left" class="nohover"', 'maxlength' => 500, 'text' => $mesg);
        } else {
            $this->info_box_contents[0][0] = array('td' => 'align="left"', 'text' => $langs->trans("ReadPermissionNotAllowed"));