function display_week()
    global $vars;
    $heading_html = tag('tr');
    $heading_html->add(tag('th', __p('Week', 'W')));
    for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
        $d = ($i + day_of_week_start()) % 7;
        $heading_html->add(tag('th', day_name($d)));
    if (!isset($vars['week']) || !isset($vars['year'])) {
        soft_error(__('Invalid date.'));
    $week_of_year = intval($vars['week']);
    $year = intval($vars['year']);
    $day_of_year = 1 + ($week_of_year - 1) * 7 - day_of_week(1, 1, $year);
    $from_stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $day_of_year, $year);
    $start_month = date("n", $from_stamp);
    $start_year = date("Y", $from_stamp);
    $last_day = $day_of_year + 6;
    $to_stamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, 1, $last_day, $year);
    $end_month = date("n", $to_stamp);
    $end_year = date("Y", $to_stamp);
    $heading = month_name($start_month) . " {$start_year}";
    if ($end_month != $start_month) {
        $heading .= " - " . month_name($end_month) . " {$end_year}";
    return tag('', tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-view"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-head"'), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-title"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-author"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-category"'), ''), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-time"'), '')), tag("div", attributes('id="phpc-summary-body"'), '')), tag('table', attributes('class="phpc-main phpc-calendar"'), tag('caption', $heading), tag('colgroup', tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-week"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"')), tag('col', attributes('class="phpc-day"'))), tag('thead', $heading_html), create_week($week_of_year, $from_stamp, $to_stamp, $year)));
function create_month($month, $year)
    global $phpcdb, $phpc_cal, $phpcid;
    $weeks = weeks_in_month($month, $year);
    $first_day = 1 - day_of_week($month, 1, $year);
    $from_stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $first_day, $year);
    $last_day = $weeks * 7 - day_of_week($month, 1, $year);
    $to_stamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, $month, $last_day, $year);
    $days_events = get_events($from_stamp, $to_stamp);
    $week_list = array();
    for ($week_of_month = 1; $week_of_month <= $weeks; $week_of_month++) {
        // We could be showing a week from the previous or next year
        $days = ($week_of_month - 1) * 7;
        $start_stamp = strtotime("+{$days} day", $from_stamp);
        $week_list[] = create_week($start_stamp, $year, $days_events);
    return $week_list;
function display_week()
    global $vars, $phpc_home_url, $phpcid, $phpc_year, $phpc_month, $phpc_day;
    if (!isset($vars['week'])) {
        $week_of_year = week_of_year($phpc_month, $phpc_day, $phpc_year);
    } else {
        if (!is_numeric($vars['week'])) {
            soft_error(__('Invalid date.'));
        $week_of_year = $vars['week'];
    $day_of_year = 1 + ($week_of_year - 1) * 7 - day_of_week(1, 1, $phpc_year);
    $from_stamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, $day_of_year, $phpc_year);
    $start_day = date("j", $from_stamp);
    $start_month = date("n", $from_stamp);
    $start_year = date("Y", $from_stamp);
    $last_day = $day_of_year + 6;
    $to_stamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, 1, $last_day, $phpc_year);
    $end_day = date("j", $to_stamp);
    $end_month = date("n", $to_stamp);
    $end_year = date("Y", $to_stamp);
    $title = month_name($start_month) . " {$start_year}";
    if ($end_month != $start_month) {
        $title .= " - " . month_name($end_month) . " {$end_year}";
    $prev_week = $week_of_year - 1;
    $prev_year = $phpc_year;
    if ($prev_week < 1) {
        $prev_week = week_of_year($start_month, $start_day - 7, $start_year);
    $next_week = $week_of_year + 1;
    $next_year = $phpc_year;
    if ($next_week > weeks_in_year($phpc_year)) {
        $next_week = week_of_year($end_month, $end_day + 1, $end_year);
    $heading = tag('', tag('a', attrs('class="phpc-icon-link"', "href=\"{$phpc_home_url}?action=display_week&amp;phpcid={$phpcid}&amp;week={$prev_week}&amp;year={$prev_year}\""), tag('span', attrs('class="fa fa-chevron-left"'), '')), $title, tag('a', attrs('class="phpc-icon-link"', "href=\"{$phpc_home_url}?action=display_week&amp;phpcid={$phpcid}&amp;week={$next_week}&amp;year={$next_year}\""), tag('span', attrs('class="fa fa-chevron-right"'), '')));
    return create_display_table($heading, create_week($from_stamp, $phpc_year, get_events($from_stamp, $to_stamp)));
 function format_todos()
     $todos = array();
     foreach ($this->todos as $i => $t) {
         $todo_time = substr($t['deadline'], 11);
         $todo_dow = day_of_week($t['deadline']);
         $i = 0;
         while (isset($this->timetable[$i]) && $this->timetable[$i]['time'] <= $todo_time) {
         $time = $this->timetable[$i - 1]['time'];
         if (!isset($todos[$time][$todo_dow])) {
             $todos[$time][$todo_dow] = array();
         $todos[$time][$todo_dow][] = $t;
     return $todos;
Exemple #5
function week_of_year($month, $day, $year)
    $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
    // week_start = 1 uses ISO 8601 and contains the Jan 4th,
    //   Most other places the first week contains Jan 1st
    //   There are a few outliers that start weeks on Monday and use
    //   Jan 1st for the first week. We'll ignore them for now.
    if (day_of_week_start() == 1) {
        $year_contains = 4;
        // if the week is in December and contains Jan 4th, it's a week
        // from next year
        if ($month == 12 && $day - 24 >= $year_contains) {
            $month = 1;
            $day -= 31;
    } else {
        $year_contains = 1;
    // $day is the first day of the week relative to the current month,
    // so it can be negative. If it's in the previous year, we want to use
    // that negative value, unless the week is also in the previous year,
    // then we want to switch to using that year.
    if ($day < 1 && $month == 1 && $day > $year_contains - 7) {
        $day_of_year = $day - 1;
    } else {
        $day_of_year = date('z', $timestamp);
        $year = date('Y', $timestamp);
    /* Days in the week before Jan 1. */
    $days_before_year = day_of_week(1, $year_contains, $year);
    // Days left in the week
    $days_left = 8 - day_of_week_ts($timestamp) - $year_contains;
    /* find the number of weeks by adding the days in the week before
     * the start of the year, days up to $day, and the days left in
     * this week, then divide by 7 */
    return ($days_before_year + $day_of_year + $days_left) / 7;
 function load_nameids()
     $day = day_of_week($this->date);
     global $db;
     $select_old = " as person_id, person.nk as nameid, as lesson_name, as lesson_id FROM\r\n                   person, pg,gruppe, stunde,timetable WHERE\r\n                    person.nk is not null AND\r\n           AND\r\n           AND\r\n           AND\r\n                    stunde.zeit=timetable.time AND\r\n                    stunde.tag='" . $day . "'";
     $select = " as person_id, person.nid as nameid, as lesson_name, as lesson_id FROM\r\n                   person, pg,gruppe, lesson,timetable WHERE\r\n                    person.nid is not null AND\r\n           AND\r\n           AND\r\n           AND\r\n                    lesson.time=timetable.time AND\r\n          '" . $day . "'";
     $nameids = $lessons = array();
     foreach ($db->data as $i => $entry) {
         $nid = $entry['nameid'];
         $lesson = $entry['lesson_name'];
         $nameids[$nid] = $entry['person_id'];
         $lessons[$nid][$lesson] = $entry;
     $this->nameids = $nameids;
     $this->lessons = $lessons;
Exemple #7
 private function calc_salary_per_hour()
     $number_days = days_in_month($this->month, $this->year);
     $query = $this->Shiftwork_model->getDetailByUserId($this->user_id);
     $query = $query->result_array();
     $total_hour = 0;
     for ($i = 1; $i <= $number_days; $i++) {
         $day = day_of_week($this->year . "-" . $this->month . "-" . $i);
         foreach ($query as $row) {
             if (intval($row['swdday']) == $day && intval($row['swdiswork']) == 1) {
                 $total_hour = $total_hour + intval($row['swdtotaltime']);
     if ($total_hour == 0) {
         $total_hour = 168;
     $this->my_salary_per_hour = round($this->my_salary / $total_hour);
function create_week($week_of_month, $month, $year, $days_events)
    $start_day = 1 + ($week_of_month - 1) * 7 - day_of_week($month, 1, $year);
    $week_of_year = week_of_year($month, $start_day, $year);
    $args = array('week' => $week_of_year, 'year' => $year);
    $click = create_plain_link($week_of_year, 'display_week', false, false, false, false, $args);
    $week_html = tag('tr', tag('th', attrs('class="ui-state-default"', "onclick=\"window.location.href='{$click}'\""), create_action_link($week_of_year, 'display_week', $args)));
    for ($day_of_week = 0; $day_of_week < 7; $day_of_week++) {
        $day = $start_day + $day_of_week;
        $week_html->add(create_day($month, $day, $year, $days_events));
    return $week_html;
Exemple #9
function reader_phone_shortcode($atts)
    $a = shortcode_atts(array('reader' => ''), $atts);
    $reader = $a['reader'];
    $reader_keys = get_reader_keys();
    $output = '';
    if (in_array($reader, $reader_keys)) {
        $phone_numbers = get_phone_numbers();
        $today = strtolower(day_of_week());
        $now = strtotime(now());
        $in = strtotime(reader_in($reader, $today));
        $out = strtotime(reader_out($reader, $today));
        $available = '<h2 style="text-align: center; color: #17de9b; font-weight: bold;">' . $phone_numbers[$reader] . '</h2>';
        $not_available = '<div class="margin-top-0 ' . $reader . '-not-available ' . '"><a class=" ' . '" href="#">Not Available</a></div>';
        $busy = '<div class="' . $reader . '-busy>' . '<a class="white  ' . '" href="#">Busy with Client</a></div>';
        if ($in <= $now && $now <= $out) {
            if (is_reader_busy($reader) == '0') {
                // Reader Available
                $output = $available;
            } else {
                // Reader Busy
                $output = $busy;
        } else {
            // Reader Not Available
            $output = $not_available;
    return $output;
Exemple #10
function firstday_prevweek($day, $month, $year)
    $w = day_of_week($day, $month, $year);
    $add = $w == 0 ? 13 : 6 + $w;
    $d = date('d/m/Y', strtotime("-{$add} day", mktime(7, 30, 0, $month, $day, $year)));
    list($a, $b, $c) = explode("/", $d);
    return array(day => $a, month => $b, year => $c);