function field_data()
     $retval = array();
     $tablePrimaryKeys = array();
     while ($field = cubrid_fetch_field($this->result_id)) {
         $F = new stdClass();
         $F->name = $field->name;
         $F->type = $field->type;
         $F->default = $field->def;
         $F->max_length = $field->max_length;
         $res = cubrid_query($this->conn_id, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db_index WHERE class_name = '" . $field->table . "' AND is_primary_key = 'YES' AND index_name = 'pk_" . $field->table . "_" . $field->name . "'");
         if ($res) {
             $row = cubrid_fetch_array($res, CUBRID_NUM);
             $F->primary_key = $row[0] > 0 ? 1 : null;
         } else {
             $F->primary_key = null;
         if (is_resource($res)) {
             $this->result_id = FALSE;
         $retval[] = $F;
     return $retval;
Exemple #2
function sql_query($query, $link = null)
    global $NumQueries;
    if (isset($link)) {
        $result = cubrid_query($query, $link);
    if (!isset($link)) {
        $result = cubrid_query($query);
    if ($result === false) {
        output_error("SQL Error: " . sql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;
    if ($result !== false) {
        return $result;
  * Execute the query
  * @access	private called by the base class
  * @param	string	an SQL query
  * @return	resource
 function _execute($sql)
     $sql = $this->_prep_query($sql);
     return @cubrid_query($sql, $this->conn_id);
  * Execute the query
  * @param	string	$sql	an SQL query
  * @return	resource
 protected function _execute($sql)
     return @cubrid_query($sql, $this->conn_id);
Exemple #5
  * Field data
  * Generates an array of objects containing field meta-data
  * @access public
  * @return array
 function field_data()
     $retval = array();
     $tablePrimaryKeys = array();
     while ($field = cubrid_fetch_field($this->result_id)) {
         $F = new stdClass();
         $F->name = $field->name;
         $F->type = $field->type;
         $F->default = $field->def;
         $F->max_length = $field->max_length;
         // At this moment primary_key property is not returned when
         // cubrid_fetch_field is called. The following code will
         // provide a patch for it. primary_key property will be added
         // in the next release.
         // TODO: later version of CUBRID will provide primary_key
         // property.
         // When PK is defined in CUBRID, an index is automatically
         // created in the db_index system table in the form of
         // pk_tblname_fieldname. So the following will count how many
         // columns are there which satisfy this format.
         // The query will search for exact single columns, thus
         // compound PK is not supported.
         $res = cubrid_query($this->conn_id, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db_index WHERE class_name = '" . $field->table . "' AND is_primary_key = 'YES' AND index_name = 'pk_" . $field->table . "_" . $field->name . "'");
         if ($res) {
             $row = cubrid_fetch_array($res, CUBRID_NUM);
             $F->primary_key = $row[0] > 0 ? 1 : null;
         } else {
             $F->primary_key = null;
         if (is_resource($res)) {
             $this->result_id = FALSE;
         $retval[] = $F;
     return $retval;
Exemple #6
 public function query($query, $security = array())
     $this->query = cubrid_query($query, $this->connect);
     return $this->query;
Exemple #7

$sql = "insert into foo1 values(1,1)";
for ($i = 0; $i < 1; $i++) {
    $con = @cubrid_connect("test-db-server", 33113, "testdb", "dba", "");
    if ($con) {
        $req = cubrid_query($sql, $con);
        if ($req) {
            echo "cubrid_query error";
        while ($row = cubrid_fetch($req)) {
            echo "to: \$ row [0], b: \$ row [1] \\ n";
        if ($req) {
    } else {
        echo "failed cubrid_connect . \\ n ";
  * Main function for querying to database
  * @param $query The SQL querey statement
  * @return string|objet Return the resource id of query
 public function query($sql)
     if (is_null($this->link)) {
     $query = cubrid_query($sql, $this->link);
     $this->lastQuery = $sql;
     if ($this->lastError = cubrid_error($this->link)) {
         if ($this->throwError) {
             throw new \Exception($this->lastError);
         } else {
             return false;
     return $query;
Exemple #9
 function query($query)
     // This keeps the connection alive for very long running scripts
     if ($this->num_queries >= 500) {
         $this->connect($this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, $this->dbname, $this->dbhost, $this->dbport);
     // Initialise return
     $return_val = 0;
     // Flush cached values..
     // For reg expressions
     $query = trim($query);
     // Log how the function was called
     $this->func_call = "\$db->query(\"{$query}\")";
     // Keep track of the last query for debug..
     $this->last_query = $query;
     // Count how many queries there have been
     // Start timer
     // Use core file cache function
     if ($cache = $this->get_cache($query)) {
         // Keep tack of how long all queries have taken
         // Trace all queries
         if ($this->use_trace_log) {
             $this->trace_log[] = $this->debug(false);
         return $cache;
     // If there is no existing database connection then try to connect
     if (!isset($this->dbh) || !$this->dbh) {
         $this->connect($this->dbuser, $this->dbpassword, $this->dbname, $this->dbhost, $this->dbport);
     // Perform the query via std cubrid_query function..
     $this->result = @cubrid_query($query, $this->dbh);
     // If there is an error then take note of it..
     if ($str = @cubrid_error($this->dbh)) {
         $this->show_errors ? trigger_error($str, E_USER_WARNING) : null;
         return false;
     // Query was an insert, delete, update, replace
     if (preg_match("/^(insert|delete|update|replace|truncate|drop|create|alter)\\s+/i", $query)) {
         $is_insert = true;
         $this->rows_affected = @cubrid_affected_rows($this->dbh);
         // Take note of the insert_id
         if (preg_match("/^(insert|replace)\\s+/i", $query)) {
             $this->insert_id = @cubrid_insert_id($this->dbh);
         // Return number fo rows affected
         $return_val = $this->rows_affected;
     } else {
         $is_insert = false;
         // Take note of column info
         $i = 0;
         while ($i < @cubrid_num_fields($this->result)) {
             $this->col_info[$i] = @cubrid_fetch_field($this->result);
         // Store Query Results
         $num_rows = 0;
         while ($row = @cubrid_fetch_object($this->result)) {
             // Store relults as an objects within main array
             $this->last_result[$num_rows] = $row;
         // Log number of rows the query returned
         $this->num_rows = $num_rows;
         // Return number of rows selected
         $return_val = $this->num_rows;
     // disk caching of queries
     $this->store_cache($query, $is_insert);
     // If debug ALL queries
     $this->trace || $this->debug_all ? $this->debug() : null;
     // Keep tack of how long all queries have taken
     // Trace all queries
     if ($this->use_trace_log) {
         $this->trace_log[] = $this->debug(false);
     return $return_val;

mysql_query($res, <<<SQL
select {$a} from table 
pg_query($res, "select {$a} from table ");
sqlsrv_query($res, "select " . $a . " from table ");
\cubrid_query($res, 'select ' . $a . ' from table ');
// OK, as no concatenation
mysqli_query($res, <<<SQL
select * from table 
// Nowdoc
\ingres_query($res, <<<'SQL'
select * from table $table;