 * Get person data
 * @since 0.9
 * @param int $post_id Post ID to get data for; null for current post
 * @return array Person data
function ctfw_person_data($post_id = null)
    // Get meta values
    $data = ctfw_get_meta_data(array('position', 'phone', 'email', 'urls'), $post_id);
    // Return filtered
    return apply_filters('ctfw_person_data', $data);
 * Get sermon data
 * @since 0.9
 * @param int $post_id Post ID to get data for; null for current post
 * @return array Sermon data
function ctfw_sermon_data($post_id = null)
    // Get URL to upload directory
    $upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    $upload_dir_url = $upload_dir['baseurl'];
    // Get meta values
    $data = ctfw_get_meta_data(array('video', 'audio', 'pdf', 'has_full_text'), $post_id);
    // Get media player code
    // Embed code generated from uploaded file, URL for file on other site, page on oEmbed-supported site, or manual embed code (HTML or shortcode)
    $data['video_player'] = ctfw_embed_code($data['video']);
    $data['audio_player'] = ctfw_embed_code($data['audio']);
    // Get file data for media
    // Path and size will be populated for local files only
    $media_types = array('audio', 'video', 'pdf');
    foreach ($media_types as $media_type) {
        $data[$media_type . '_extension'] = '';
        $data[$media_type . '_path'] = '';
        $data[$media_type . '_size_bytes'] = '';
        $data[$media_type . '_size'] = '';
        // Get extension
        // This can be determined for local and external files
        // Empty for YouTube, SoundCloud, etc.
        $filetype = wp_check_filetype($data[$media_type]);
        $data[$media_type . '_extension'] = $filetype['ext'];
        // File is local, so can get path and size
        if ($data[$media_type] && ctfw_is_local_url($data[$media_type])) {
            // Local path
            $data[$media_type . '_path'] = $upload_dir['basedir'] . str_replace($upload_dir_url, '', $data[$media_type]);
            // Exists?
            if (!file_exists($data[$media_type . '_path'])) {
                $data[$media_type . '_path'] = '';
                // clear it
            } else {
                // File type
                $filetype = wp_check_filetype($data[$media_type]);
                $data[$media_type . '_extension'] = $filetype['ext'];
                // File size
                $data[$media_type . '_size_bytes'] = filesize($data[$media_type . '_path']);
                $data[$media_type . '_size'] = size_format($data[$media_type . '_size_bytes']);
                // 30 MB, 2 GB, 220 kB, etc.
    // Get download URL's
    // URL is returned if is local or external and has an extension.
    // Those without an extension (YouTube, SoundCloud, etc. page URL) return empty (nothing to download).
    // If locally hosted, URL is changed to force "Save As" via headers.
    // Use <a href="" download="download"> to attempt Save As via limited browser support for externally hosted files.
    $data['video_download_url'] = ctfw_download_url($data['video']);
    $data['audio_download_url'] = ctfw_download_url($data['audio']);
    $data['pdf_download_url'] = ctfw_download_url($data['pdf']);
    // Has at least one downloadable file URL?
    $data['has_download'] = false;
    if ($data['video_download_url'] || $data['audio_download_url'] || $data['pdf_download_url']) {
        // path empty if doesn't exist
        $data['has_download'] = true;
    // Return filtered
    return apply_filters('ctfw_sermon_data', $data);
 * Get location data
 * @since 0.9
 * @param int $post_id Post ID to get data for; null for current post
 * @return array Location data
function ctfw_location_data($post_id = null)
    // Get meta values
    $data = ctfw_get_meta_data(array('address', 'show_directions_link', 'phone', 'email', 'times', 'map_lat', 'map_lng', 'map_type', 'map_zoom'), $post_id);
    // Add directions URL (empty if show_directions_link not set)
    $data['directions_url'] = $data['show_directions_link'] ? ctfw_directions_url($data['address']) : '';
    // Map has coordinates?
    $data['map_has_coordinates'] = $data['map_lat'] && $data['map_lng'] ? true : false;
    // Return filtered
    return apply_filters('ctfw_location_data', $data, $post_id);
 * Get event data
 * @since 0.9
 * @param array|int $args post_id or array of arguments; If no post ID, current post used
 * @return array Event data
function ctfw_event_data($args = array())
    // Post ID given instead of args array?
    if (is_numeric($args)) {
        $args = array('post_id' => $args);
    // Default arguments
    $args = wp_parse_args($args, array('post_id' => null, 'time_and_desc_format' => __('%1$s <span>(%2$s)</span>', 'church-theme-framework')));
    // Extract arguments to variables
    // Get meta values
    $meta = ctfw_get_meta_data(array('start_date', 'end_date', 'time', 'start_time', 'end_time', 'hide_time_range', 'recurrence', 'recurrence_end_date', 'recurrence_weekly_interval', 'recurrence_monthly_interval', 'recurrence_monthly_type', 'recurrence_monthly_week', 'venue', 'address', 'show_directions_link', 'map_lat', 'map_lng', 'map_type', 'map_zoom'), $post_id);
    // Empty Custom Recurring Events add-on values if plugin not active
    // This keeps theme from displaying recurrence data that may be stored but is not effective
    if (!defined('CTC_CRE_VERSION')) {
        $meta['recurrence_weekly_interval'] = 1;
        $meta['recurrence_monthly_interval'] = 1;
        $meta['recurrence_monthly_type'] = 'day';
        $meta['recurrence_monthly_week'] = '';
    // Timestamps
    $start_date_timestamp = strtotime($meta['start_date']);
    $end_date_timestamp = strtotime($meta['end_date']);
    // Add friendly date
    $date_format = get_option('date_format');
    if ($meta['end_date'] != $meta['start_date']) {
        // date range
        // Date formats
        // Make compact range of "June 1 - 5, 2015 if using "F j, Y" format (month and year removed from start date as not to be redundant)
        // If year is same but month different, becomes "June 30 - July 1, 2015"
        $start_date_format = $date_format;
        $end_date_format = $date_format;
        if ('F j, Y' == $date_format && date_i18n('Y', $start_date_timestamp) == date_i18n('Y', $end_date_timestamp)) {
            // Year on both dates must be same
            // Remove year from start date
            $start_date_format = 'F j';
            // Months and year is same
            // Remove month from end date
            if (date_i18n('F', $start_date_timestamp) == date_i18n('F', $end_date_timestamp)) {
                $end_date_format = 'j, Y';
        // Format dates
        $start_date_formatted = date_i18n($start_date_format, $start_date_timestamp);
        $end_date_formatted = date_i18n($end_date_format, $end_date_timestamp);
        // Build range
        /* translators: date range */
        $meta['date'] = sprintf(_x('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', 'dates', 'church-theme-framework'), $start_date_formatted, $end_date_formatted);
    } else {
        // start date only
        $meta['date'] = date_i18n($date_format, $start_date_timestamp);
    // Format Start and End Time
    $time_format = get_option('time_format');
    $meta['start_time_formatted'] = $meta['start_time'] ? date_i18n($time_format, strtotime($meta['start_time'])) : '';
    $meta['end_time_formatted'] = $meta['end_time'] ? date_i18n($time_format, strtotime($meta['end_time'])) : '';
    // Time Range
    // Show Start/End Time range (or only Start Time)
    $meta['time_range'] = '';
    if ($meta['start_time_formatted']) {
        // Start Time Only
        $meta['time_range'] = $meta['start_time_formatted'];
        // Start and End Time (Range)
        if ($meta['end_time_formatted']) {
            // Time Range
            /* translators: time range */
            $meta['time_range'] = sprintf(_x('%1$s &ndash; %2$s', 'times', 'church-theme-framework'), $meta['start_time_formatted'], $meta['end_time_formatted']);
    // Time and/or Description
    // Show Start/End Time (if given) and maybe Time Description (if given) in parenthesis
    // If no Start/End Time (or it is set to hide), show Time Description by itself
    // This is useful for event post header
    $meta['time_range_and_description'] = '';
    $meta['time_range_or_description'] = '';
    if ($meta['time_range'] && !$meta['hide_time_range']) {
        // Show Time Range and maybe Description after it
        // Definitely show time range
        $meta['time_range_and_description'] = $meta['time_range'];
        $meta['time_range_or_description'] = $meta['time_range'];
        // Maybe show description after time range
        if ($meta['time']) {
            // Time and Description
            $meta['time_range_and_description'] = sprintf($time_and_desc_format, $meta['time_range'], $meta['time']);
    } else {
        // Show description only
        $meta['time_range_and_description'] = $meta['time'];
        $meta['time_range_or_description'] = $meta['time'];
    // Add directions URL (empty if show_directions_link not set)
    $meta['directions_url'] = $meta['show_directions_link'] ? ctfw_directions_url($meta['address']) : '';
    // Recurrence note
    $recurrence_note = ctfw_event_recurrence_note(false, $meta);
    $meta['recurrence_note'] = isset($recurrence_note['full']) ? $recurrence_note['full'] : '';
    // sentence such as "Every 3 months on the second Wednesday until January 24, 2018"
    $meta['recurrence_note_short'] = isset($recurrence_note['short']) ? $recurrence_note['short'] : '';
    // short version such as "Every 3 Months" (can show this with full on tooltip)
    // Map has coordinates?
    $meta['map_has_coordinates'] = $meta['map_lat'] && $meta['map_lng'] ? true : false;
    // Return filtered
    return apply_filters('ctfw_event_data', $meta, $post_id);