public function update() { global $DB; $ok = $DB->execute(' UPDATE nv_websites SET name = ?, protocol = ?, subdomain = ?, domain = ?, folder = ?, redirect_to = ?, wrong_path_action = ?, wrong_path_redirect = ?, empty_path_action = ?, languages = ?, languages_published = ?, aliases = ?, word_separator = ?, date_format = ?, tinymce_css = ?, resize_uploaded_images = ?, comments_enabled_for = ?, comments_default_moderator = ?, share_files_media_browser = ?, additional_scripts = ?, permission = ?, mail_mailer = ?, mail_server = ?, mail_port = ?, mail_security = ?, mail_user = ?, mail_address = ?, mail_password = ?, contact_emails = ?, homepage = ?, default_timezone = ?, metatag_description = ?, metatag_keywords = ?, metatags = ?, favicon = ?, theme = ?, theme_options = ? WHERE id = ' . $this->id, array(value_or_default($this->name, ""), value_or_default($this->protocol, "http://"), value_or_default($this->subdomain, ""), value_or_default($this->domain, ""), value_or_default($this->folder, ""), value_or_default($this->redirect_to, ""), value_or_default($this->wrong_path_action, "blank"), value_or_default($this->wrong_path_redirect, ""), value_or_default($this->empty_path_action, "homepage_redirect"), is_array($this->languages) ? serialize($this->languages) : $this->languages, is_array($this->languages_published) ? serialize($this->languages_published) : $this->languages_published, json_encode($this->aliases), value_or_default($this->word_separator, "-"), $this->date_format, value_or_default($this->tinymce_css, ""), $this->resize_uploaded_images, $this->comments_enabled_for, $this->comments_default_moderator, $this->share_files_media_browser, $this->additional_scripts, $this->permission, value_or_default($this->mail_mailer, ""), value_or_default($this->mail_server, ""), value_or_default($this->mail_port, 25), value_or_default($this->mail_security, 0), value_or_default($this->mail_user, ""), value_or_default($this->mail_address, ""), value_or_default($this->mail_password, ""), serialize($this->contact_emails), $this->homepage, $this->default_timezone, json_encode($this->metatag_description), json_encode($this->metatag_keywords), json_encode($this->metatags), value_or_default($this->favicon, 0), value_or_default($this->theme, ""), json_encode($this->theme_options))); if (!$ok) { throw new Exception($DB->get_last_error()); } if (!file_exists(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id)) { @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id, 0755, true); @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id . '/files', 0755, true); @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id . '/templates', 0755, true); @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id . '/thumbnails', 0755, true); @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id . '/webgets', 0755, true); @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id . '/backups', 0755, true); @mkdir(NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/' . $this->id . '/cache', 0755, true); } // if allowed, send statistics to if (NAVIGATECMS_STATS) { global $user; @core_curl_post('', array('ip' => $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'], 'website_id' => $this->id, 'name' => $this->name, 'url' => $this->absolute_path(), 'folder' => $this->folder, 'word_separator' => $this->word_separator, 'homepage' => $this->homepage, 'theme' => $this->theme, 'emails' => serialize($this->contact_emails), 'languages' => serialize($this->languages_published), 'permission' => $this->permission, 'author_name' => $user->username, 'author_email' => $user->email, 'author_language' => $user->language), NULL, 10, 'post'); } return true; }
function nvweb_template_oembed_cache($provider, $oembed_url, $minutes = 43200) { $file = NAVIGATE_PRIVATE . '/oembed/' . $provider . '.' . md5($oembed_url) . '.json'; if (file_exists($file) && filemtime($file) > time() - $minutes * 60) { // a previous request has already been posted in the last xx minutes $response = file_get_contents($file); } else { // request has not been cached or it has expired $response = core_curl_post($oembed_url, NULL, NULL, 60, "get"); if ($response == 'Not found') { $response = ''; } if (!empty($response)) { file_put_contents($file, $response); } } if (!empty($response)) { $response = json_decode($response); } return $response; }
public static function latest_available() { $list = extension::list_installed(); $post = array(); if (!is_array($list)) { return false; } foreach ($list as $extension) { $post[$extension['code']] = $extension['version']; } $latest_update = core_curl_post('', array('extensions' => json_encode($post))); if (empty($latest_update)) { return false; } $latest_update = json_decode($latest_update, true); return $latest_update; }
public static function latest_available() { $list = theme::list_available(); $post = array(); if (!is_array($list)) { return false; } foreach ($list as $theme) { $post[$theme['code']] = $theme['version']; } $latest_update = core_curl_post('', array('themes' => json_encode($post))); if (empty($latest_update)) { return false; } $latest_update = json_decode($latest_update, true); return $latest_update; }