<h1><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FinkProjectNews-unstable" title="Fink Package Updates (Unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="" style="border:0"></a> Recent Package Updates</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">more...</a> <h1>Status</h1> <? include "fink_version.inc"; ?> <p> Fink <? print $fink_version ?> was released on <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?>. This release includes source and binary packages as well as binary installers for both PowerPC and Intel, all intended for users of OS X version 10.5. Fink 0.8.1 (for OS X 10.4), 0.7.2 (for OS X 10.3), 0.6.4 (for OS X 10.2), and 0.4.1 (for OS X 10.1) also remain available. </p> <p> <strong>10.5 Support:</strong> Users are encouraged to update to OS 10.5.2 or later, via Software Update, in order to get bugfixes and enhancements for X11. Further updates continue to be made available on the <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update Page.</a> </p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.6.</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong> 10.7 is supported, albeit with many missing packages. We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.7.</p>
</td><td> </td><td width="50%"> <h1><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FinkProjectNews-unstable" title="Fink Package Updates (Unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="" style="border:0"></a> 最近更新されたパッケージ</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">これ以前の情報...</a> <h1>ステータス</h1> <? include dirname(__FILE__) . "/fink_version.inc"; ?> <p> Fink <? print $fink_version ?> は <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?> にリリースされました。 これは Mac OS X10.5 用のソースとバイナリパッケージと、バイナリインストーラを含んでいます。 Fink 0.8.1 (for OS X 10.4), Fink 0.7.2 (for OS X 10.3), Fink 0.6.4 (for OS X 10.2) と 0.4.1 (for OS X 10.1) はこれまで通りです。 </p> <p><strong>10.5 Support:</strong> ソフトウェアアップデートで OS 10.5.2 以降に更新してください。 これは X11 のバグ修正と機能追加を含みます。 さらに、 <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update Page</a> に追加のアップデートがあります。</p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> 現在のところ、10.6 での Xquartz には対応していません。</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong> 未対応パッケージも多いですが、サポートされています。 現在のところ、10.7 での Xquartz には対応していません。</p>
</td><td> </td><td width="50%"> <h1><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FinkProjectNews-unstable" title="Fink Package Updates (Unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="" style="border:0"></a> Recent Package Updates</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">more...</a> <h1>Статус</h1> <? include dirname(__FILE__) . "/fink_version.inc"; ?> <p> Версия Fink <? print $fink_version ?> вышла <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?> г. Данная версия включает пакеты на основе исходного кода и бинарные пакеты, а также бинарный инсталлятор, все из которых предназначены для пользователей OS X версии 10.5. Версии Fink 0.8.1 (для OS X 10.4), Fink 0.7.2 (для OS X 10.3), Fink 0.6.4 (для OS X 10.2) и 0.4.1 (для OS X 10.1) также все еще могут быть предоставлены. </p> <p><strong>10.5 Support:</strong> Users are encouraged to update to OS 10.5.2 or later, via Software Update, in order to get bugfixes and enhancements for X11. Further updates continue to be made available on the <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update Page</a>.</p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.6.</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong> 10.7 is supported, albeit with many missing packages. We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.7.</p>
title="Actualizacions de paquetes en Fink (unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="" style="border:0"></a> Actualizaciones recientes de paquetes</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">más...</a> <h1>Estado de Fink</h1> <? include dirname(__FILE__) . "/fink_version.inc"; ?> <p> Fink <? print $fink_version ?> ha sido liberado el <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?>. Dicha liberación incluye paquetes en códigos fuente y binarios así como instaladores binarios. Fink 0.8.1 (para OS X 10.4), Fink 0.7.2 (para OS X 10.3), Fink 0.6.4 (para OS X 10.2) y 0.4.1 (para OS X 10.1) siguen siendo disponibles. </p> <p><strong>10.5 Support:</strong> Users are encouraged to update to OS 10.5.2 or later, via Software Update, in order to get bugfixes and enhancements for X11. Further updates continue to be made available on the <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update Page</a>.</p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.6.</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong> 10.7 is supported, albeit with many missing packages. We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.7.</p> <h1>Recursos</h1>
</td><td> </td><td width="50%"> <h1><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FinkProjectNews-unstable" title="Fink Package Updates (Unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="" style="border:0"></a> Recent Package Updates</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">more...</a> <h1>当前状况</h1> <? include dirname(__FILE__) . "/fink_version.inc"; ?> <p> Fink <? print $fink_version ?> 已经于 <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?> 发布。 它包括源代码和二进制文件两种发行方式,同时也包括二进制形式可执行的安装程序,它们都是针对 OS X 10.5 设计。 Fink 0.8.1 (针对 OS X 10.4), Fink 0.7.2 (针对 OS X 10.3), Fink 0.6.4 (针对 OS X 10.2) 和 0.4.1 (针对 OS X 10.1) 仍然可以获得。 </p> <p><strong>10.5 Support:</strong> Users are encouraged to update to OS 10.5.2 or later, via Software Update, in order to get bugfixes and enhancements for X11. Further updates continue to be made available on the <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update Page</a>.</p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.6.</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong> 10.7 is supported, albeit with many missing packages. We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.7.</p> <h1>资源</h1>
?> <div align="right"><a href="news/index.php?phpLang=fr">Nouvelles archivées...</a></div> </td><td> </td><td width="50%"> <h1><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FinkProjectNews-unstable" title="Fink Package Updates (Unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png" alt="" style="border:0"></a> Recent Package Updates</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">more...</a> <h1>Statut</h1> <? include dirname(__FILE__) . "/fink_version.inc"; ?> <p>La version <? print $fink_version ?> de Fink est disponible depuis le <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?>. Cette version comprend le source et les paquets binaires, ainsi que des installeur binaires pour PowerPC et Intel, l'ensemble est conçu pour tourner sur Mac OS X 10.5. Les versions 0.8.1 (pour Mac OS X 10.4), 0.7.2 (pour Mac OS X 10.3), 0.6.4 (pour Mac OS X 10.2) et 0.4.1 (pour Mac OS X 10.1) restent disponibles pour les utilisateurs de ces systèmes.</p> <p><strong>10.5 Support:</strong> Users are encouraged to update to OS 10.5.2 or later, via Software Update, in order to get bugfixes and enhancements for X11. Further updates continue to be made available on the <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update Page</a>.</p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.6.</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong> 10.7 is supported, albeit with many missing packages. We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.7.</p> <h1>Ressources</h1> <p>Si vous avez besoin d'aide, allez sur la <a href="help/index.php">page d'aide</a>. Cette page vous présente aussi divers moyens d'apporter votre soutien au projet et d'envoyer un retour d'informations.</p> <p> L'accès aux fichiers sources correspondant aux paquets binaires distribués par le projet Fink est expliqué sur <a href="download/sources_for_binaries.php">cette page</a>.</p>
<h1><a href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/FinkProjectNews-unstable" title="Fink Paket Aktualisierungen (Unstable)" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="img/feed-icon16x16.png"alt="" style="border:0"></a> Aktuelle Paket-Updates</h1> <? include "package-updates.inc" ?> <a href="package-updates.php">mehr...</a> <h1>Status</h1> <? include dirname(__FILE__) . "/fink_version.inc"; ?> <p> Fink Version <? print $fink_version ?> wurde am <? print convert_date_to_locale($release_date) ?> veröffentlicht. Diese Veröffentlichung enthält Source- und Binary-Pakete, sowie einen binären Installer; alle für OS X 10.5 Nutzer. Fink Version 0.8.1 (für OS X 10.4), Fink Version 0.7.2 (für OS X 10.3), Fink Version 0.6.4 (für OS X 10.2) und Version 0.4.1 (für OS X 10.1) bleiben weiterhin verfügbar. </p> <p> <!-- interim --> <strong>10.5 Support:</strong> Benutzern wird empfohlen auf OS 10.5.2 oder später, via Software Update, zu aktualisieren, um Fehlerbereinigungen und Verbesserungen für X11 zu erhalten. Weitere Updates werden auf der <a href="http://trac.macosforge.org/projects/xquartz/wiki/Releases">XQuartz Update</a> Seite bereitgestellt. </p> <p><strong>10.6 Support:</strong> We are not currently supporting Xquartz on 10.6.</p> <p><strong>10.7 Support:</strong>