//permessi per poterci sovrascrivere/scaricare $updateDone = true; $resultMsg .= '<span class="ok">OK: ho caricato il file "' . strtoupper($fileNameUpload) . '" in "' . strtoupper(dirname(str_ireplace($ftp_path, '', $pathToUpload))) . '".</span><br />'; if ($isMedia) { $resultMsg .= '<form action="javascript:void(0);">'; $theCode = 'img://' . $fileNameUpload; $resultMsg .= '<fieldset><label>URI: </label><input name="new_name" onclick="javascript:this.form.new_name.focus();this.form.new_name.select();" class="linkRule" type="text" value="' . $theCode . '" size="' . strlen($theCode) . '"/><label>' . SYS_DBL_SPACE . ' <span class="help">fai un click sul testo per selezionare tutto l\'identificativo, poi premi command+c o ctrl+c per copiare...</span></label></fieldset></form><br />'; } if ($doPreview) { createPreview($pathToUpload, TRUE); } if ($updateDone) { $who = ''; $content = array(); $isLocked = checkIfLocked($pathToUpload, &$who, &$content); if ($isLocked) { if (is_file($content[0])) { unlink($content[0]); } } } } else { $resultMsg .= '<span class="error">ERRORE: non riesco a modificare il file "' . strtoupper($fileNameUpload) . '"... aggiornamento non riuscito.</span><br />'; } } else { $resultMsg .= '<span class="error">ERRORE: il file "' . strtoupper($fileNameUpload) . '" non corrisponde a "' . strtoupper($fileToUpload) . '"... aggiornamento non riuscito.</span><br />'; } } else { $resultMsg .= '<span class="error">ERRORE: directory "' . strtoupper($dirToUpload) . '" non trovata... aggiornamento non riuscito.</span><br />'; }
if (zp_loggedin(MANAGE_ALL_NEWS_RIGHTS)) { $additem = gettext('newCategory'); } else { $additem = ''; } $deleteitem = gettext('Category'); $themepage = 'news'; $locked = false; } if (is_AdminEditPage('page')) { $subtab = 'edit'; $admintype = 'page'; $additem = gettext('New Page'); $deleteitem = gettext('Page'); $themepage = 'pages'; $locked = !checkIfLocked($result); } if (!$result->isMyItem($result->manage_some_rights)) { $locked = true; } if ($result->transient) { if (is_AdminEditPage('newsarticle')) { ?> <h1><?php echo gettext('New Article'); ?> </h1> <?php } if (is_AdminEditPage('newscategory')) { ?>
" title="<?php echo gettext('View article'); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/view.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext('View article'); ?> " /> </a> </td> <?php if (checkIfLocked($article)) { if (extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) { ?> <td class="page-list_icon"> <a href="<?php echo $option . $divider; ?> hitcounter=1&titlelink=<?php echo html_encode($article->getTitlelink()); ?> &XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('hitcounter'); ?> " title="<?php echo gettext('Reset hitcounter'); ?>
function getItemRecord($thePath, &$itemRecord, $theLabel = '') { $itemRecord = array(); $itemRecord['item_id'] = ''; $itemRecord['item_short'] = ''; $itemRecord['item_work'] = ''; $item_id = basename($thePath); $item_id = normalize($item_id); $itemRecord['item_id'] = $item_id; $item_short = $item_id; $itemRecord['item_short'] = $item_short; $item_work = $theLabel; $itemRecord['item_work'] = cleanWebString($item_work, 18); if (checkIfLocked(dirname($thePath), &$who, &$content)) { $itemRecord['item_id'] = ''; $itemRecord['item_work'] = 'in use by ' . $who; } }
} else { $resultMsg = '<span class="error">Nome di file non valido (' . $filePath . ')...' . '</span>'; header('Location: indexManager.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&msg=' . urlencode($resultMsg)); // required exit; } break; case $isModel: $filePath = getModel($filePath); break; case $isGenerate: $collection_id = basename(dirname($filePath)); $fName = basename($filePath); $filePath = $ftp_path . $collection_id . SYS_PATH_SEP . $fName; $content = array(); $isLocked = checkIfLocked($filePath, &$who, &$content); if ($isLocked) { $resultMsg = '<span class="error">File già bloccato (' . $filePath . ')...' . '</span>'; header('Location: indexManager.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . '&msg=' . urlencode($resultMsg)); // required exit; } else { // $link_id = preg_replace('/'.DCTL_LINKERSEG.'\.(.*)\.xml/', '$1', $fName); // $linkerPath = $ftp_path.'/'.$collection_id.'/'.DCTL_FILE_LINKER; // $templatePath = DCTL_SETTINGS_TEMPLATES_COLLECTION.'/'.DCTL_FILE_LINKERSEG; // // OTTENGO IL PATH XML // forceUTF8($linkerPath); // $xml = simplexml_load_file($linkerPath, 'SimpleXMLElement', DCTL_XML_LOADER); // // $namespaces = $xml->getDocNamespaces(); // foreach ($namespaces as $nsk=>$ns) { // if ($nsk == '') $nsk = 'tei';
/** * Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list * * @param object $page The array containing the single page * @param bool $flag set to true to flag the element as having a problem with nesting level */ function printPagesListTable($page, $flag) { if ($flag) { $img = '../../images/drag_handle_flag.png'; } else { $img = '../../images/drag_handle.png'; } ?> <div class='page-list_row'> <div class="page-list_title"> <?php echo "<a href='admin-edit.php?page&titlelink=" . urlencode($page->getTitlelink()) . "'> "; checkForEmptyTitle($page->getTitle(), "page"); echo "</a>" . checkHitcounterDisplay($page->getHitcounter()); ?> </div> <div class="page-list_extra"> <span> <?php echo html_encode($page->getAuthor()); ?> </span> </div> <div class="page-list_extra"> <?php printPublished($page); ?> </div> <div class="page-list_extra"> <?php printExpired($page); ?> </div> <div class="page-list_iconwrapper"> <div class="page-list_icon"> <?php if ($page->getPassword()) { echo '<img src="../../images/lock.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="' . gettext('Password protected') . '" title="' . gettext('Password protected') . '" />'; } ?> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <?php echo linkPickerIcon($page); ?> </div> <?php if (checkIfLocked($page)) { ?> <div class="page-list_icon"> <?php printPublishIconLink($page, NULL); ?> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <?php if ($page->getCommentsAllowed()) { ?> <a href="?commentson=0&titlelink=<?php echo html_encode($page->getTitlelink()); ?> &XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('update'); ?> " title="<?php echo gettext('Disable comments'); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/comments-on.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("Comments on"); ?> " style="border: 0px;"/> </a> <?php } else { ?> <a href="?commentson=1&titlelink=<?php echo html_encode($page->getTitlelink()); ?> &XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('update'); ?> " title="<?php echo gettext('Enable comments'); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/comments-off.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("Comments off"); ?> " style="border: 0px;"/> </a> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="page-list_icon"> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" title="<?php gettext('locked'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" title="<?php gettext('locked'); ?> " /> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="page-list_icon"> <a href="../../../index.php?p=pages&title=<?php echo js_encode($page->getTitlelink()); ?> " title="<?php echo gettext("View page"); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/view.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("view"); ?> " /> </a> </div> <?php if (checkIfLocked($page)) { if (extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) { ?> <div class="page-list_icon"> <a href="?hitcounter=1&titlelink=<?php echo html_encode($page->getTitlelink()); ?> &add&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('hitcounter'); ?> " title="<?php echo gettext("Reset hitcounter"); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/reset.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("Reset hitcounter"); ?> " /></a> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="page-list_icon"> <a href="javascript:confirmDelete('admin-pages.php?delete=<?php echo $page->getTitlelink(); ?> &add&XSRFToken=<?php echo getXSRFToken('delete'); ?> ',deletePage)" title="<?php echo gettext("Delete page"); ?> "> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/fail.png" alt="" title="<?php echo gettext("delete"); ?> " /></a> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php echo $page->getTitlelink(); ?> " onclick="triggerAllBox(this.form, 'ids[]', this.form.allbox);" /> </div> <?php } else { ?> <div class="page-list_icon"> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" title="<?php gettext('locked'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" title="<?php gettext('locked'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <img src="<?php echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER; ?> /images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" title="<?php gettext('locked'); ?> " /> </div> <div class="page-list_icon"> <input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="disable" value="1" disabled="disabled" /> </div> <?php } ?> </div><!-- icon wrapper end --> </div> <?php }