$posts .= phtml('post', ['post' => unserialize(trim($post))], false); } print phtml('index', ['posts' => $posts]); }); # show a post map('GET', '/posts/<id>', function ($args, $db) { foreach (file($db) as $post) { $post = unserialize($post); if ($post['id'] != $args['id']) { continue; } print phtml('post', ['post' => $post]); } }); # new post form map('GET', '/submit', function () { print phtml('submit', blanks('title', 'body')); }); # create a new post map('POST', '/create', function ($db) { $post = $_POST['post']; $post['id'] = time(); file_put_contents($db, serialize($post) . "\n", FILE_APPEND); return redirect('/index'); }); # load contents of config.ini config(parse_ini_file(__DIR__ . '/config.ini')); # prep the db !file_exists($db = __DIR__ . '/posts.txt') && touch($db); # pass along our data store dispatch($db);
} /** * add baseline HCV RNA */ if (isset($hcvrna_data[$subject_id])) { foreach ($hcvrna_data[$subject_id] AS $hcvrna_event) { if ($hcvrna_event['hcv_lbblfl'] == 'Y') { d($hcvrna_event); $data_row['Baseline ' . get_element_label('hcv_lbstresn')] = $hcvrna_event['hcv_lbstresn'] != '' ? quote_wrap($hcvrna_event['hcv_lbstresn']) : blanks(); } elseif ($hcvrna_event['hcv_im_lbblfl'] == 'Y') { d($hcvrna_event); $data_row['Baseline ' . get_element_label('hcv_lbstresn')] = $hcvrna_event['hcv_im_lbstresn'] != '' ? quote_wrap($hcvrna_event['hcv_im_lbstresn']) : blanks(); } } } else { $data_row['Baseline ' . get_element_label('hcv_lbstresn')] = blanks(); } /** * create csv row from $data_row and add to $table_csv */ $table_csv .= implode(',', $data_row) . "\n"; } $headers = implode(',', $header_array) . "\n"; d($headers); d($table_csv); if (!$debug) { create_download($lang, $app_title, $userid, $headers, $user_rights, $table_csv, '', $parent_chkd_flds, $project_id, $export_filename, $debug); } else { $timer['main_end'] = microtime(true); $init_time = benchmark_timing($timer); echo $init_time;
if (isset($egfr_data[$subject_id])) { foreach ($egfr_data[$subject_id] AS $egfr_event) { if ($egfr_event['egfr_lbblfl'] == 'Y') { if ($subjects != '') { d($egfr_event); } $data_row['Baseline ' . get_element_label('egfr_lborres')] = $egfr_event['egfr_lborres'] != '' ? quote_wrap($egfr_event['egfr_lborres']) : blanks(); } elseif ($egfr_event['egfr_im_lbblfl'] == 'Y') { if ($subjects != '') { d($egfr_event); } $data_row['Baseline ' . get_element_label('egfr_lborres')] = $egfr_event['egfr_im_lborres'] != '' ? quote_wrap($egfr_event['egfr_im_lborres']) : blanks(); } } } else { $data_row['Baseline ' . get_element_label('egfr_lborres')] = blanks(); } /** * create csv row from $data_row and add to $table_csv */ $table_csv .= implode(',', $data_row) . "\n"; } $headers = implode(',', $header_array) . "\n"; d($headers); d($table_csv); if (!$debug) { create_download($lang, $app_title, $userid, $headers, $user_rights, $table_csv, '', $parent_chkd_flds, $project_id, $export_filename, $debug); } else { $timer['main_end'] = microtime(true); $init_time = benchmark_timing($timer); echo $init_time;
try { config(require __DIR__ . '/fixtures/settings-invalid.php'); } catch (Exception $e) { assert($e instanceof InvalidArgumentException); } # ent() and url() assert(ent('john & marsha') === 'john & marsha'); assert(url('=') === '%3D'); # bare phtml() assert('<h1>dispatch</h1>' === trim(phtml(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/template', ['name' => 'dispatch'], null))); # load views config config(parse_ini_file(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/templates.ini')); # test page rendering using layout and dispatch.views assert('<h1>dispatch</h1>' === trim(phtml('template', ['name' => 'dispatch']))); # form blanks assert(['name' => '', 'email' => ''] === blanks('name', 'email')); # ip() - least priority first $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] = ''; assert(ip() === $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] = ''; assert(ip() === $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']); $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] = ''; assert(ip() === $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']); # stash tests stash('name', 'dispatch'); assert(stash('name') === 'dispatch'); stash('name', null); assert(stash('name') === null); stash('name', 'dispatch'); stash(); assert(stash('name') === null);