Exemple #1
function bg_hlnames_options_page()
    $debug_file = plugins_url('parsing.log', dirname(__FILE__));
    $active_tab = 'settings';
    if (isset($_GET['tab'])) {
        $active_tab = $_GET['tab'];
<div class="wrap">
    _e('Plugin\'s &#171;Highlight Names&#187; settings', 'bg-highlight-names');
<div id="bg_hlnames_resalt"></div>
    printf(__('Version', 'bg-highlight-names') . ' <b>' . bg_hlnames_version() . '</b>');

<h2 class="nav-tab-wrapper">
	<a href="?page=bg-highlight-names%2Fbg-hlnames.php&tab=settings" class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'settings' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
    _e('Settings', 'bg-highlight-names');
	<a href="?page=bg-highlight-names%2Fbg-hlnames.php&tab=data" class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'data' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
    _e('Data', 'bg-highlight-names');
	<a href="?page=bg-highlight-names%2Fbg-hlnames.php&tab=batch_mode" class="nav-tab <?php 
    echo $active_tab == 'batch_mode' ? 'nav-tab-active' : '';
    _e('Batch mode', 'bg-highlight-names');

<form id="bg_hlnames_options" method="post" action="options.php">

<!-- Общие Настройки -->
    if ($active_tab == 'settings') {

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Plugin mode', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="radio" name="bg_hlnames_mode" value="online" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_mode') == "online") {
            echo "checked";
 /> <b><?php 
        _e('online', 'bg-highlight-names');
</b> <i><?php 
        _e('(In this mode the plugin highlights the names only when text displays on the screen.)', 'bg-highlight-names');
<input type="radio" name="bg_hlnames_mode" value="offline" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_mode') == "offline") {
            echo "checked";
 /> <b><?php 
        _e('offline', 'bg-highlight-names');
</b> <i><?php 
        _e('(This mode makes permanent changes in the text in editor mode.)', 'bg-highlight-names');
<input type="radio" name="bg_hlnames_mode" value="mixed" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_mode') == "mixed") {
            echo "checked";
 /> <b><?php 
        _e('mixed', 'bg-highlight-names');
</b> <i><?php 
        _e('(Mixing online & offline mode. Highlight the names when text displays on the screen, only if the text doesn\'t include links for names.)', 'bg-highlight-names');
<input type="radio" name="bg_hlnames_mode" value="clear" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_mode') == "clear") {
            echo "checked";
 /> <b><?php 
        _e('clear', 'bg-highlight-names');
</b> <i><?php 
        _e('(Removes links to the names from the text in editor and batch modes.)', 'bg-highlight-names');
<input type="radio" name="bg_hlnames_mode" value="" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_mode') == "") {
            echo "checked";
 /> <b><?php 
        _e('off', 'bg-highlight-names');
</b> <i><?php 
        _e('(The plugin does not work (batch mode only).)', 'bg-highlight-names');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Limit the amount of links per person', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="number" name="bg_hlnames_maxlinks" min="0" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_maxlinks');
" /><br>
        _e('(0 - no limits).', 'bg-highlight-names');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('The minimum number of chars between two links to one person', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="number" name="bg_hlnames_distance" min="0" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_distance');
" /></td>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Where open links?', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="text" name="bg_hlnames_target" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_target');
" /><br> 
<b>_blank</b> - <?php 
        _e('in blank window', 'bg-highlight-names');
, <b>_self</b> - <?php 
        _e('in self window', 'bg-highlight-names');
        _e('or any other window name', 'bg-highlight-names');
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Additional class for links', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="text" name="bg_hlnames_classname" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_classname');
" /></td>
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('The maximum execution time', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="number" name="bg_hlnames_maxtime" min="0" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_maxtime');
" /> <?php 
        _e('sec.', 'bg-highlight-names');
        _e('(0 - no limits).', 'bg-highlight-names');
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Show debug info at the end of the post', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="checkbox" name="bg_hlnames_debug" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_debug')) {
            echo "checked";
 value="on" /></td>


<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="bg_hlnames_mode, bg_hlnames_maxlinks, bg_hlnames_distance, bg_hlnames_target, bg_hlnames_classname, bg_hlnames_maxtime, bg_hlnames_debug" />

<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" />

<!-- Файл данных -->
    } elseif ($active_tab == 'data') {

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Current XML-file', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><p id="bg_hlnames_datafile"><?php 
        if (get_option("bg_hlnames_datafile")) {
            echo get_option("bg_hlnames_datafile");
        } else {
            _e('default', 'bg-highlight-names');
<p id="bg_hlnames_current_file"><b><i><?php 
        if (get_option("bg_hlnames_datafile")) {
            $url = get_option("bg_hlnames_datafile");
        } else {
            $url = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/data.xml';
        // Файл по умолчанию
        $xml = file_get_contents($url);
        $p = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string($xml)), 1);
        if (isset($p['about'])) {
            echo $p['about'];
        } else {
            echo __('XML-file without comment.', 'bg-highlight-names');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Upload XML-file', 'bg-highlight-names');
        $url = "http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/bg-highlight-names/xml/";
        $xml = @file_get_contents($url . "filelist.xml");
        if ($xml) {
            $files = json_decode(json_encode((array) simplexml_load_string($xml)), 1);
            $file = $files['file'];
            $cnt = count($file);
            echo "<select id='bg_hlnames_get_datafile' name='bg_hlnames_get_datafile'>";
            echo "<option value='' disabled selected>--- " . __('Select file', 'bg-highlight-names') . " ---</option>";
            for ($i = 0; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
                if ($file[$i]['name']) {
                    echo "<option value='" . $file[$i]['name'] . "' title='" . $file[$i]['about'] . "'>" . $file[$i]['name'] . "</option>";
            echo "</select>";
 <input type="button" id='bg_hlnames_upload_button' class="button" onclick="bg_hlnames_upload_datafile();" value="<?php 
        _e('Upload', 'bg-highlight-names');
" />
<script>function bg_hlnames_upload_datafile() {
	datafile = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_get_datafile').value;
	if (datafile) {
		datafile = "http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/bg-highlight-names/xml/" + datafile;
		if (confirm("<?php 
        _e('Really upload the file?', 'bg-highlight-names');
"+"\n"+datafile)) {
			jQuery.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'bg_hlnames', datafile: datafile }, function (t) {
				el = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt');
				if (t[0] == '*') {
					el.innerHTML  = '<?php 
        _e('XML-file uploaded.', 'bg-highlight-names');
					el.className  = "updated";
					document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_datafile').innerHTML = "<font color='darkblue'>"+datafile+"</font>";
					document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_current_file').innerHTML = "<b><i><font color='darkblue'>"+t.substr(1)+"</font></i></b>";
				else if (t[0] == '~') {
					el.innerHTML  = t.substr(1);
					el.className  = "update-nag";
				else {
					if (!t) t="<?php 
        _e('No response.', 'bg-highlight-names');
					el.innerHTML  = t;
					el.className  = "error";
			} );

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Custom XML-file with names list', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="search" id="bg_hlnames_datebase" name="bg_hlnames_datebase" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_datebase');
" onblur='bg_hlnames_datebase_check();' /><br>
        _e('(Specify a local URL of XML-file that contain the names to highlight them in text. <br> Leave blank to use the XML-file by default.)', 'bg-highlight-names');
<script>function bg_hlnames_datebase_check() {
	datafile = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_datebase').value;
	jQuery.post( ajaxurl, { action: 'bg_hlnames', database: datafile }, function (t) {
		el = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt');
		if (t[0] == '*') {
			el.innerHTML  = '<?php 
        _e("XML-file changed. Don\\'t forget save settings.", 'bg-highlight-names');
			el.className  = "update-nag";
			document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_datafile').innerHTML = "<font color='darkblue'>"+datafile+"</font>";
			document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_current_file').innerHTML = "<b><i><font color='darkblue'>"+t.substr(1)+"</font></i></b>";
		else {
			if (!t) {
				el.innerHTML  = '<?php 
        _e("XML-file set to default. Don\\'t forget save settings.", 'bg-highlight-names');
				el.className  = "update-nag";
				document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_datafile').innerHTML = "<font color='darkblue'><?php 
        _e('default', 'bg-highlight-names');
				document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_current_file').innerHTML = "<b><i><font color='darkblue'></font></i></b>";
			} else {	
				el.innerHTML  = t;
				el.className  = "error";
	} );


<input type="hidden" name="action" value="update" />
<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value=" bg_hlnames_datebase" />

<p class="submit">
<input type="submit" class="button-primary" value="<?php 
        _e('Save Changes');
" />

<p class="help">
        _e('XML-files and Excel templates on', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <a href="http://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/bg-highlight-names/xml/"><?php 
        _e(' WordPress.org', 'bg-highlight-names');
        _e('Download XML schema:', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <a href="<?php 
        echo plugins_url('schema.xml', dirname(__FILE__));
        _e('How to create the XML with names list read', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <a href="<?php 
        echo plugins_url('readme.txt', dirname(__FILE__));
        _e('How to create and edit of XML-file in Excel is written in', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <a href="https://bogaiskov.ru/xml-excel/"><?php 
        _e(' this article', 'bg-highlight-names');

<!-- Пакетная обработка -->
    } elseif ($active_tab == 'batch_mode') {

<table class="form-table">

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Batch mode<br>(depend on plugin mode)', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><p id="bg_hlnames_batch_mode_title"></p>
        _e('Parse posts: start #', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <input type="number" id="bg_hlnames_start_no" name="bg_hlnames_start_no" min="1" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_start_no');
" /> 
        " " . _e('finish #', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <input type="number" id="bg_hlnames_finish_no" name="bg_hlnames_finish_no" min="1" value="<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_finish_no');
" /> (max.: <?php 
        echo bg_hlnames_count_posts();

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><?php 
        _e('Do not clean before parsing', 'bg-highlight-names');
<td><input type="checkbox" id="bg_hlnames_not_clean" name="bg_hlnames_not_clean" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_not_clean')) {
            echo "checked";
 value="on" /><br>
        _e('Note: New links will be added to the existing ones.', 'bg-highlight-names');

<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row"><input type="button" id='bg_hlnames_backend_button' class="button" <?php 
        if (get_option('bg_hlnames_in_progress')) {
            echo "disabled";
 onclick="bg_hlnames_parse_posts('go');" value="<?php 
        _e('Parse posts', 'bg-highlight-names');
" /></th>
<span id="bg_hlnames_warning" style="color: red;" ><i><?php 
        _e('(It makes permanent changes in the text of all pages and posts.) <br><b>We strongly recommend to keep your SQL-database dump.</b>', 'bg-highlight-names');
<span id="bg_hlnames_wait" style="color: darkblue; display: none;" ><b><?php 
        _e('Don\'t close or update this tab. Parsing in progress!<br>Wait, please.', 'bg-highlight-names');
        _e('Don\'t forget save options before start of batch mode!', 'bg-highlight-names');
        _e('For detail of results see: ', 'bg-highlight-names');
 <a href='<?php 
        echo $debug_file;
' target='_blank'>parsing.log</a></td>


if (bg_hlnames_in_progress (<?php 
        echo "'" . get_option('bg_hlnames_in_progress') . "'";
) == 'on') {
	document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt').innerHTML  = "<?php 
        _e("You had reloaded this tab. Sorry, but you can not watch the process here. Check the log file to see the result of parsing. When the process is completed, just reload the tab again.<br>To interrupt the process, deactivate and then activate the plugin on the plugins page.", 'bg-highlight-names');
	document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt').className  = "update-nag";

jQuery( "document" ).ready( bg_hlnames_batch_mode_title);
//jQuery( "input[name='bg_hlnames_mode']" ).on( "click", bg_hlnames_batch_mode_title);
jQuery( "#bg_hlnames_not_clean" ).on( "click", bg_hlnames_batch_mode_title);

function bg_hlnames_batch_mode_title() {
//	var mode = jQuery( "input[name='bg_hlnames_mode']:checked" ).val();
	var mode = '<?php 
        echo get_option('bg_hlnames_mode');
//	alert(mode);
	if (mode == 'clear') {
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_not_clean').checked = false;
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_not_clean').disabled = true;
	} else {
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_not_clean').disabled = false;
	var no_clean = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_not_clean').checked;
	switch (mode) {
		case 'mixed':
			if (no_clean) title = "<b><?php 
        _e('Adds links in pages and posts where the links don\'t yet added only', 'bg-highlight-names');
			else title = "<b><?php 
        _e('Removes and then adds links in all pages and posts', 'bg-highlight-names');
		case 'clear':
			title = "<b><?php 
        _e('Removes links from all pages and posts', 'bg-highlight-names');
			if (no_clean) title = "<b><?php 
        _e('Adds links in all pages and posts', 'bg-highlight-names');
			else title = "<b><?php 
        _e('Removes and then adds links in all pages and posts', 'bg-highlight-names');
	document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_batch_mode_title').innerHTML  = title;

function bg_hlnames_parse_posts_repiad () {
	bg_hlnames_parse_posts ('repiad');		// Повторим еще раз
function bg_hlnames_in_progress (status) {
	if (status == 'on') {
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_backend_button').disabled = true;
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_warning').style.display = "none";
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_wait').style.display = "";
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt').innerHTML  = "";
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt').className  = "";
	} else {
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_backend_button').disabled = false;
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_warning').style.display = "";
		document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_wait').style.display = "none";
	return status;

function bg_hlnames_parse_posts (process) {
	if (process == 'repiad' || confirm("<?php 
        _e('Really begin highlight names in all posts and pages in batch mode?', 'bg-highlight-names');
")) {
		if (process != 'repiad') bg_hlnames_in_progress ('on');
		var start_no = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_start_no').value;
		var finish_no = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_finish_no').value;
		var  not_clean = (document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_not_clean').checked)? 'on' : '';

			type: 'GET',
			cache: false,
			async: true,		// Асинхронный запрос
			dataType: 'text',
			url: ajaxurl,		// Запрос на обработку постов
			data: {
				action: 'bg_hlnames',
				parseallposts: process,
				start_no: start_no,
				finish_no: finish_no,
				not_clean: not_clean
			success: function (t, textStatus) {
				el = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt');
				if (t[0] == '*') {
					el.innerHTML  = t.substr(1);
					el.className  = "updated";
					bg_hlnames_in_progress ('');
				else if (t[0] == '~') {
					el.innerHTML  = t.substr(1);
					el.className  = "update-nag";
					bg_hlnames_in_progress ('');
				else {
					if (!t) t="<?php 
        _e('No response.', 'bg-highlight-names');
					bg_hlnames_show_errorcode (el, textStatus, t);
			error: function (e, textStatus) {
				el = document.getElementById('bg_hlnames_resalt');
				t = " <b>" + e.status + "</b> " + e.responseText;
				bg_hlnames_show_errorcode (el, textStatus, t);
function bg_hlnames_show_errorcode (el, textStatus, t) {
	date = new Date();
	if (textStatus == 'error' || textStatus == 'parsererror' ||  textStatus == 'timeout') {	// error, parsererror, timeout
		el.innerHTML  = date.toLocaleString("ru")+" <p><b>"+textStatus+". <?php 
        _e('Fatal error:', 'bg-highlight-names');
 </b>"+t+" <?php 
        _e('Try again...', 'bg-highlight-names');
		el.className  = "error";
		bg_hlnames_parse_posts ('repiad');		// Повторим еще раз
	} else if (textStatus == 'abort') {														// abort
		el.innerHTML  = date.toLocaleString("ru")+" <p><b>"+textStatus+". <?php 
        _e('Process aborted.', 'bg-highlight-names');
		el.className  = "error";
		bg_hlnames_in_progress ('');
	} else {																				// notmodified, success
		el.innerHTML  = date.toLocaleString("ru")+" <p><b>"+textStatus+". <?php 
        _e('Warning:', 'bg-highlight-names');
			el.className  = "update-nag";
			bg_hlnames_in_progress ('');


function bg_hlnames_add_options()
    add_option('bg_hlnames_in_progress', "");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_start_old', 0);
    add_option('bg_hlnames_start_no', 1);
    add_option('bg_hlnames_finish_no', bg_hlnames_count_posts());
    add_option('bg_hlnames_mode', "online");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_not_clean', "");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_maxlinks', 0);
    add_option('bg_hlnames_distance', 0);
    add_option('bg_hlnames_target', "_blank");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_datebase', "");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_classname', "");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_maxtime', 60);
    add_option('bg_hlnames_debug', "");
    add_option('bg_hlnames_datafile', "");