echo url_for(aUrl::addParams($filtersWithoutDate, array('year' => $calendar['year'], 'month' => date('m', strtotime($calendar['month'])))));
echo $calendar['month'];
				<a href="<?php 
echo url_for(aUrl::addParams($filtersWithoutDate, array('year' => $calendar['year'], 'month' => '')));
echo $calendar['year'];
echo a_button(a_('Next'), url_for(aUrl::addParams($filtersWithoutDate, $calendar['params']['next'])), array('a-arrow-btn', 'icon', 'a-arrow-right', 'next-month', 'alt'));
	<tr class="days">
		<th class="day sunday">Su</th>
		<th class="day monday">M</th>
		<th class="day tuesday">T</th>
		<th class="day wedsnesday">W</th>
		<th class="day thursday">Th</th>
		<th class="day friday">F</th>
		<th class="day saturday">S</th>																								

$catClass = "";
foreach ($a_event->getCategories() as $category) {
    $catClass .= " category-" . aTools::slugify($category);

<div class="a-blog-item event <?php 
echo $a_event->getTemplate();
echo $catClass != '' ? $catClass : '';
if ($a_event->userHasPrivilege('edit')) {
	  <ul class="a-ui a-controls a-blog-post-controls">
    echo a_button(a_('Edit'), url_for('a_event_admin_edit', $a_event), array('a-btn', 'icon', 'a-edit', 'lite', 'alt', 'no-label'));
include_partial('aEvent/' . $a_event->getTemplate(), array('a_event' => $a_event, 'edit' => false));
Exemple #3
        echo a_button(a_('Cancel'), url_for('aMedia/resume'), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big'));
        echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save Media'), array('big'), substr($submitSelector, 1));
    } else {
        echo a_anchor_submit_button(a_('Save'), array(), substr($submitSelector, 1));
        echo a_button(a_('Cancel'), url_for('aMedia/resume'), array('icon', 'a-cancel'));
    if ($item) {
        echo link_to("<span class='icon'></span>" . __("Delete", null, 'apostrophe'), "aMedia/delete?" . http_build_query(array("slug" => $item->slug)), array("confirm" => __("Are you sure you want to delete this item?", null, 'apostrophe'), "class" => "a-btn icon a-delete no-label", 'title' => __('Delete', null, 'apostrophe')), array("target" => "_top"));
            $nextLabel = $params['next']['year'] . '-' . $params['next']['month'];
        } else {
            $prevLabel = $params['prev']['year'];
            $nextLabel = $params['next']['year'];
	<ul class="a-ui a-controls a-blog-browser-controls">
    echo a_button($prevLabel, url_for($url . '?' . http_build_query($params['prev'])), array('icon', 'a-arrow-left', 'alt', 'no-bg'));
    echo a_button($nextLabel, url_for($url . '?' . http_build_query($params['next'])), array('icon', 'a-arrow-right', 'alt', 'no-bg', 'icon-right'));


foreach ($reports as $key => $report) {
    <li class="a-options-item"><?php 
    echo a_button(__($report['label'], array(), 'apostrophe'), url_for($report['action'] . '?id=' . $poll->getId()), array('class' => 'alt no-bg a-poll-export-' . $key));

a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '#a-poll-export-answers-' . $poll->getId(), 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => false));

Exemple #6
} else {
    // You can easily turn off the 'Log In' link via app.yml
    if (sfConfig::get('app_a_login_link', true)) {
    <li class="a-login-login last">
        echo a_button(a_('Login'), url_for('@sf_guard_signin'), array('a-login-button'), 'a-login-button');
			<div id="a-login-form-container" class="a-ui a-options a-login-form-container dropshadow">
        include_component('a', 'signinForm');
        a_js_call('apostrophe.menuToggle(?)', array('button' => '#a-login-button', 'classname' => 'a-options-open', 'overlay' => true, 'focus' => '#signin_username'));
Exemple #7
		          <li class="a-service a-<?php 
        echo $account->service;
        echo $account->service;
		          <li class="a-account"><?php 
        echo a_entities($account->username);
        if (isset($form)) {
		            <li class="a-actions"><?php 
            echo a_button(a_('Remove'), url_for('aMedia/linkRemoveAccount?id=' . $account->id), array('icon', 'a-close-small', 'no-label', 'no-bg'), null, null, 'Remove');
				<li class="a-help">
    echo a_('All new items in these accounts are automatically added to the media repository on a scheduled basis.');
Exemple #8
function a_anchor_submit_button($label, $classes = array(), $name = null, $id = null)
    $classes[] = 'a-btn';
    $classes[] = 'a-act-as-submit';
    return a_button($label, '#', $classes, $id, $name);
Exemple #9
    $domId = "a-media-selection-list-item-{$id}";
	<li id="<?php 
    echo $domId;
" class="a-media-selection-list-item">
		<ul class="a-ui a-controls a-over a-media-selection-controls">
    echo a_js_button(a_('Drag'), array('icon', 'a-drag', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));
    echo a_button(a_('Edit'), aUrl::addParams(url_for("aMedia/edit"), array("slug" => $item->getSlug())), array('icon', 'a-edit', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));
    echo a_js_button(a_('Crop'), array('icon', 'a-crop', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));
    echo a_js_button(a_('Delete'), array('icon', 'a-delete', 'lite', 'no-label', 'alt'));

	  <div class="a-thumbnail-container" style="background-image: url('<?php 
Exemple #10
    	<h4 class="a-tag-sidebar-title all-tags"><?php 
    echo __('All Tags', null, 'apostrophe');
	    <ul class="a-ui a-tag-sidebar-list all-tags">
    $n = 1;
    foreach ($allTags as $tag => $count) {
	  			<li <?php 
        echo $n == count($allTags) ? 'class="last"' : '';
        echo a_button('<span class="a-tag-count icon">' . $count . '</span>' . $tag, url_for(aUrl::addParams($current, array("tag" => $tag))), array('a-link', 'a-tag', 'icon', 'no-icon', 'icon-right'));


echo a_button(a_('Add to Outlook, iCal, etc.'), url_for('a_event_post_ical', $aEvent), array('icon', 'no-bg', 'a-events', 'alt'));
    $filtered = aUrl::addParams($filterUrl, array('feed' => 'rss', 'year' => '', 'month' => '', 'day' => ''));
    if ($full === $filtered) {
        echo a_button(a_('RSS Feed'), url_for($full), array('icon', 'a-rss-feed', 'no-bg', 'alt'));
    } else {
        echo a_button(a_('Full Feed'), url_for($full), array('icon', 'a-rss-feed', 'no-bg', 'alt'));
        echo a_button(a_('Filtered Feed'), url_for($filtered), array('icon', 'a-rss-feed', 'no-bg', 'alt'));

a_js_call('aBlog.sidebarEnhancements(?)', array());
a_js_call('apostrophe.selfLabel(?)', array('selector' => '#a-search-blog-field', 'title' => $searchLabel, 'focus' => false));
Exemple #13
    $catClass .= " category-" . aTools::slugify($category);
<div class="a-blog-item post <?php 
echo $a_blog_post->getTemplate();
echo $catClass != '' ? $catClass : '';

if ($a_blog_post->userHasPrivilege('edit')) {
	  <ul class="a-ui a-controls a-blog-post-controls">
    echo a_button(a_('Edit'), url_for('a_blog_admin_edit', $a_blog_post), array('icon', 'a-edit', 'lite', 'alt', 'no-label'));
include_partial('aBlog/' . $a_blog_post->getTemplate(), array('a_blog_post' => $a_blog_post, 'edit' => false));


Exemple #14
// I adjusted the wording here to avoid saying "click on" as sometimes there is an explicit select button etc.
echo __('Use the browsing and searching features to locate the %type% you want, then click to select it.', array('%type%' => __($type, null, 'apostrophe')), 'apostrophe');
if ($limitSizes) {
    // separately I18N the plural
    echo __('Only appropriately sized %typeplural% are shown.', array('%typeplural%' => __($type . 's', null, 'apostrophe')), 'apostrophe');
  <ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_button(a_('Cancel'), url_for("aMedia/selectCancel"), array('icon', 'a-cancel', 'big', 'a-select-cancel'));

// Google says they accept HTML in descriptions but they seem not to use it for anything.
// You never see descriptions anyway except when editing them. So send the plaintext.
// The byte limit was chosen to avoid creating a URL that the browser won't accept,
// even when Google double-encodes it in some situations
$aEvent = $sf_data->getRaw('aEvent');
echo a_button(a_('Add to Google Calendar'), url_for('' . http_build_query(array('action' => 'TEMPLATE', 'text' => $aEvent->getTitle(), 'dates' => $aEvent->getUTCDateRange(), 'location' => preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $aEvent['location']), 'sprop' => 'website:' . $sf_request->getHost(), 'details' => aHtml::toPlaintext($aEvent->getTextForArea('blog-body', 500, array('characters' => true, 'append_ellipsis' => a_('...'))))))), array('icon', 'no-bg', 'alt', 'a-events'));
Exemple #16
echo url_for('aFeedback/feedback');
" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="a-feedback-form" class="a-ui a-feedback-form clearfix">
echo $form;

	<div class="a-form-row submit">
		<ul class="a-ui a-controls">
echo a_submit_button('Submit Feedback');
echo a_button('<span class="icon"></span>' . a_('Cancel'), $form['section']->getValue() ? $form['section']->getValue() : '#cancel', array('icon a-cancel'), 'a-feedback-form-cancel-button');


if ($sf_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
    <ul class="a-ui a-admin-td-actions">
echo $helper->linkToEdit($a_poll_poll, array('params' => array(), 'class_suffix' => 'edit', 'label' => 'Edit'));
echo $helper->linkToDelete($a_poll_poll, array('params' => array(), 'confirm' => 'Are you sure?', 'class_suffix' => 'delete', 'label' => 'Delete'));
echo $helper->linkToListAnswers($a_poll_poll, array('params' => array()));

if (aPollToolkit::hasReports($a_poll_poll->getType())) {
        <li class="a-options-container a-admin-action-export-answers">
    echo a_button('<span class="icon"></span>' . __('Reports', array(), 'apostrophe'), '#', array('class' => 'icon no-label a-options-button a-poll-export-answers'), 'a-poll-export-answers-' . $a_poll_poll->getId());
            <ul class="a-ui a-options a-poll-admin-export-answers-ajax dropshadow clearfix">
    include_component('aPollPollAdmin', 'exportAnswers', array('poll' => $a_poll_poll));
    // it is less useful if all of your locations are 'room 150', etc. with no further
    // information. Naturally full addresses work best
    <li class="post-location a-ui">
    echo aString::firstLine($aEvent['location']);
    if (sfConfig::get('app_events_google_maps', true)) {
        echo a_button(a_('Google Maps'), url_for('' . http_build_query(array('q' => preg_replace('/\\s+/', ' ', $aEvent['location'])))), array('no-bg', 'alt', 'icon', 'a-google-maps'));

/* Events generally don't display the author, but you can if necessary.  ?>
 	<li class="post-author">
		<span class="a-blog-item-meta-label"><?php echo __('Posted By:', array(), 'apostrophe') ?></span>
		<?php echo ($aEvent->getAuthor()->getName()) ? $aEvent->getAuthor()->getName() : $aEvent->getAuthor()  ?>
 public function linkToPreviewPoll($object, $params)
     return '<li class="a-admin-action-preview-poll">' . a_button(a_('<span class="icon"></span>' . 'Preview poll'), '#a-poll-preview-area', array('a-save a-btn icon a-poll-preview alt'), 'preview-poll-button', '_preview_poll') . '</li>';