Exemple #1

$log = "User " . $oUser->getFullName() . " (" . $oUser->getLogin() . ", " . $oUser->getID() . ") logging off... ";
if (!$oUserManager->checkUser($fusebox['defaultUser'])) {
    $tmpoUser = new User(0, $fusebox['defaultUser']);
    if ($oUserManager->addUser($tmpoUser)) {
        if (!($tmpoUser = $oUserManager->getUser($fusebox['defaultUser']))) {
            _throw("FStillNoDefaultUser", "No default user found... again! DB corrupted ?");
    } else {
        _throw("FCannotAddDefaultUser", "Cannot add default user");
if ($userlogged = $oUserManager->logoutUser()) {
    $oUser = $userlogged;
    // setting unique name for visitor to track activity
    $oUser->setMiddleName(chr(rand(65, 90)));
    $oUser->setLastName(rand(0, 9999999));
    $oUser->setCurrentVisitMoment(date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
    $log .= "success!";
} else {
    _error("ENoDefaultUser", "No default user found");
    $log .= "failed.";
_xfa($myself . $fusebox['defaultFuseaction']);
_log("After logoff user became " . $oUser->getFullName() . " (" . $oUser->getLogin() . ", " . $oUser->getID() . ")");
Exemple #2

if (!empty($attributes['id'])) {
    if (is_numeric($attributes['id'])) {
        if ($oSecurityManager->checkGroupByID($attributes['id'])) {
            if ($oSecurityManager->removeGroupsByID($attributes['id'])) {
                _message("MGroupRemoved", "Group removed");
        } else {
            _warning("WNoSuchGroup", "No such group found");
    } elseif (is_array($attributes['id'])) {
        if ($oSecurityManager->removeGroupsByID($attributes['id'])) {
            _message("MGroupsRemoved", "Groups removed");
    } else {
        _error("EInvalidGroupID", "Invalid group ID");
} else {
    _error("ENoGroupGiven", "No security group is given to delete");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showGroups");

if (empty($attributes['id']) && empty($attributes['key'])) {
    _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page or action is given");
} else {
    $tmpFuseaction = false;
    if (isset($attributes['id']) && intval($attributes['id']) > 0) {
        $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseactionByID(intval($attributes['id']));
    } elseif (isset($attributes['key'])) {
        $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseaction($attributes['key']);
    } else {
        _error("ENoValidFuseactionGiven", "No valid page or action is given");
    if (!$tmpFuseaction) {
        _error("ENoFuseactionFound", "No such page or action found in DB");
    } else {
        if ($oFuseManager->setFuseaction($tmpFuseaction->getName(), $tmpFuseaction)) {
            _message("MFuseactionStored", "Page/action responsibilities stored successfully");
        } else {
            _warning("WFuseactionNotStored", "Page/action responsibilities not saved");
if (!_gotxfa()) {
    _xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseaction&id={$attributes['id']}");

if (!empty($attributes['fCode']) && isset($attributes['fName'])) {
    if (!$oPropertyManager->setProperty($attributes['fCode'], array('code' => $attributes['fCode'], 'name' => $attributes['fName']))) {
        _warning("WPropertyNotSaved", "Something happened when storing property, probably property with such code already exists");
    } else {
        _message("MPropertySaved", "Property was sucessfully saved");
} else {
    _error("EWrongFormSubmitted", "Wrong form submitted, or else...");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showProperties");
            } else {
                _warning("WCaptchaStringUnknown", "Secret user string is unknown");
            if (!_gotWarnings() && !_gotErrors()) {
                if ($newuserid = $oUserManager->addUser($tmpUser)) {
                    $tmparrRegistrantGroups = explode(",", $fusebox['defaultRegistrantGroups']);
                    $tmparrRegistrantGroups2 = array();
                    if (count($tmparrRegistrantGroups) > 0) {
                        foreach ($tmparrRegistrantGroups as $g) {
                            $tmparrRegistrantGroups2[] = $oSecurityManager->getGroup($g);
                    if ($oSecurityManager->pushUserGroups($newuserid, $tmparrRegistrantGroups2)) {
                        _message("MUserAdded", "User successfully added");
                    } else {
                        _warning("WGroupNotSetForNewUser", "Cannot set default security group for new user " . $tmpUser->getLogin());
                } else {
                    _warning("WUserNotAdded", "User wasn't added");
} else {
    _error("EInvalidForm", "Invalid form submitted");
if (!_gotWarnings() && !_gotErrors()) {
    if (!isset($attributes['email']) || strlen($attributes['email']) == 0) {
        _warning("WEmptyEmail", $oContentManager->getTitle("WEmptyEmail", "Please enter your email"));
    } else {
        if (preg_match("/^[_a-z0-9-]+(\\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*@[a-z0-9-]+(\\.[a-z0-9-]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,3})\$/", $attributes['email']) == 0) {
            _warning("WInvalidEmail", $oContentManager->getTitle("WInvalidEmail", "Please enter valid email"));
        } else {
            if ($_SESSION['SecretUserString'] != $attributes['captcha']) {
                _warning("WInvalidCaptcha", $oContentManager->getTitle("WInvalidCaptcha", "Security string is not correct"));
            } else {
                $replaceFrom = array("{TEXT}");
                $replaceTo = array($attributes['text']);
                $subject = str_replace($replaceFrom, $replaceTo, $ogMailTemplatesManager->getTitle("ContactUs", "Message from site visitor"));
                $body = str_replace($replaceFrom, $replaceTo, $ogMailTemplatesManager->getContent("ContactUs", "{TEXT}"));
                $oPHPMailer = new PHPMailer();
                $oPHPMailer->From = stripslashes($attributes['email']);
                $oPHPMailer->FromName = stripslashes($attributes['name']);
                $oPHPMailer->CharSet = $oLanguage->getEncoding();
                $oPHPMailer->AddAddress($oSettingsManager->getValue("ContactUsEmail", 'postmaster@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], "STRING", "Contact Us email address"));
                $oPHPMailer->Subject = stripslashes($subject);
                $oPHPMailer->Body = stripslashes($body);
                _message("MContactUsMessageSent", "Message sent");
if (!_gotWarnings() && !_gotErrors()) {

if (isset($attributes['fCode']) && isset($attributes['fXCode']) && isset($attributes['fName']) && isset($attributes['fPos'])) {
    if (strlen($attributes['fCode']) > 0) {
        if (isset($attributes['entryid'])) {
            if (!$oPropertyManager->setDictionaryEntryByID($attributes['entryid'], array('code' => $attributes['fCode'], 'xcode' => $attributes['fXCode'], 'name' => $attributes['fName'], 'pos' => $attributes['fPos']))) {
                _warning("WPropertyDictionaryEntryNotStored", "Something happened while saving property dictionary entry to DB, probably another entry exists with same code or no entry with such ID (already) exists");
            } else {
                _message("MPropertyDictionaryEntryStored", "Property dictionary entry successfully stored");
        } elseif (isset($attributes['propertycode'])) {
            if (!$oPropertyManager->addDictionaryEntry($attributes['propertycode'], array('code' => $attributes['fCode'], 'xcode' => $attributes['fXCode'], 'name' => $attributes['fName'], 'pos' => $attributes['fPos']))) {
                _warning("WPropertyDictionaryEntryNotAdded", "Something happened while adding property dictionary entry to DB, probably entry with such code already exists");
            } else {
                _message("MPropertyDictionaryEntryAdded", "Property dictionary entry successfully added");
        } else {
            _error("ENoPropertyOrEntryFound", "No property or dictionary entry given");
    } else {
        _warning("WPropertyDictionaryEntryCodeCannotBeEmpty", "Property dictionary entry code cannot be empty");
} else {
    _error("EWrongEntryFormSubmitted", "Invalid property dictionary form submitted");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showPropertyDictionary&code=" . $attributes['propertycode']);
    $attributes['last_modified'] = date('Y-m-d');
if (strlen($attributes['change_freq']) == 0) {
    _warning("MessageEmptyChangeFreq", $oContentManager->getCleanTitle("MessageEmptyChangeFreq"));
if (strlen($attributes['priority']) == 0) {
    $attributes['priority'] = 0.5;
} else {
    $attributes['priority'] = floatval($attributes['priority']);
if (!_gotWarnings() && !_gotErrors()) {
    $newItem = array();
    $newItem['url'] = $attributes['url'];
    $newItem['last_modified'] = $attributes['last_modified'];
    $newItem['change_freq'] = $attributes['change_freq'];
    $newItem['priority'] = $attributes['priority'];
    if ($attributes['id'] > 0) {
        if ($oSitemap->updateItemByID($attributes['id'], $newItem)) {
            _message("MSitemapItemUpdated", "Sitemap Item updated successfully");
        } else {
            _warning("WCannotUpdateSitemapItem", $oSitemap->getLastError());
    } else {
        if ($oSitemap->addItem($newItem)) {
            _message("MSitemapItemAdded", "Sitemap Item added successfully");
        } else {
            _warning("WCannotAddSitemapItem", $oSitemap->getLastError());
    _xfa($myself . "admin.showSitemap");
if (empty($attributes['id'])) {
    _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page or action is given");
} else {
    $tmpFuseaction = false;
    if (isset($attributes['id']) && intval($attributes['id']) > 0) {
        $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseactionByID(intval($attributes['id']));
    } else {
        _error("ENoValidFuseactionGiven", "No valid page or action is given");
    if (!$tmpFuseaction) {
        _error("ENoFuseactionFound", "No such page or action found in DB");
    } else {
        $arrLanguages = $oLanguageManager->getLanguages();
        $arrTokens = $oGraphicsManager->pullTokens($tmpFuseaction->getID());
        foreach ($arrTokens as $tmpToken) {
            foreach ($arrLanguages as $tmpLanguage) {
                $tmpFileName = $oGraphicsManager->pullTitle($tmpFuseaction->getID(), $tmpLanguage->getID(), $tmpToken['token']);
                $tmpFilePath = $fusebox['pathGraphics'] . $tmpFileName;
                if ($tmpFileName != '' && !strpos($tmpFileName, '/') && file_exists($tmpFilePath) && !is_dir($tmpFilePath)) {
        if (!$oGraphicsManager->deleteFuseactionTokens($tmpFuseaction->getID())) {
            _warning("WFuseactionGraphicsNotCleared", "Cannot clear page graphics. DB error.");
        } else {
            _message("MFuseactionGraphicsCleared", "Page graphics was removed successfully");
            _xfa($myself . "admin.showGraphicsPages");

$itemID = isset($attributes['id']) ? intval($attributes['id']) : 0;
if ($itemID > 0) {
    //check that document exists
    $itemToDelete = $oSitemap->getItemByID($itemID);
    if (empty($itemToDelete)) {
        _warning("WSitemapItemNotFound", "Sitemap Item not found, probably already deleted");
    } else {
        if ($oSitemap->deleteItemByID($itemID)) {
            _message("MSitemapItemDeleted", "Sitemap Item deleted successfully");
        } else {
            _warning("WCannotDeleteSitemapItem", "Cannot delete Sitemap Item, DB error");
} else {
    _warning("WEmptySitemapItemID", "No Sitemap Item ID(s) specified");

foreach ($attributes as $key => $val) {
    $tmpoUser = false;
    $arrGroups = array();
    if (strpos($key, "u_") !== false) {
        if (is_array($val)) {
            foreach ($val as $gid) {
                $arrGroups[] = $oSecurityManager->getGroupByID($gid);
            list($u, $id) = explode("_", $key);
            if ($tmpoUser = $oUserManager->getUserByID($id)) {
                $oSecurityManager->pushUserGroups($tmpoUser->getID(), $arrGroups);
_message("MUserGroupsStored", "User groups stored");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showUsers");

$result = true;
foreach ($attributes as $k => $a) {
    if (strpos($k, "sq_") !== false) {
        $arrID = explode("_", $k);
        if (!$oSecurityManager->pushGroupAccessByID($arrID[1], $a)) {
            $result = false;
if (!$result) {
    _warning("WExceptionSavingSecurity", "Something happened while permissions update performed");
} else {
    _message("MSecurityUpdated", "Permissions updated");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseactions");
Exemple #13

if (!empty($attributes['key'])) {
    if ($oSettingsManager->removeSetting($attributes['key'])) {
        _message("MSettingDeleted", "Setting deleted succsessfully");
        _xfa($myself . "admin.showSettings");
    } else {
        _warning("WSettingNotDeleted", "Something happened when deleting a setting, probably setting with such key already deleted");
} else {
    _error("ENoSettingGiven", "No setting key is given");

 * (c) Rodion Bykov roddyb@yandex.ru 2005
 * Created on Nov 14, 2005 
 * Last modified on Oct 27, 2006
 *  Please ask for written permission before redistribute or use this plugin in your project
 *  I give no warranty or support of any kind for this class, neither guarantee its suitability to any purpose
if ($attributes['fuseaction'] == $fusebox['xfaLogin'] || $attributes['fuseaction'] == $fusebox['xfaLogout'] || $attributes['fuseaction'] == $fusebox['xfaAccessDenied'] || $attributes['fuseaction'] == $fusebox['xfaLoginForm']) {
    $access = true;
} else {
    $access = $oSecurityManager->getUserAccess($attributes['fuseaction']);
if (!$access) {
    // saving location to go after successful login
    _xfa($here, $fusebox['xfaLogin']);
    // saving XFAs to session to pick up next time
    $_SESSION['globalXFA'] = $XFA;
    // moving to exit
    Location($fusebox['urlBase'] . $myself . $fusebox['xfaAccessDenied'], 0);
    // 0 means no PHPSESSID
Exemple #15
        _warning("WEmptyGroupCode", "Group code cannot be empty and may contain only letters and numbers, no spaces");
if (isset($attributes['fName'])) {
if (isset($attributes['fDescription'])) {
if (isset($attributes['fHomePage'])) {
    if (strlen($attributes['fHomePage']) && !$oFuseManager->getFuseaction($attributes['fHomePage'])) {
        _warning("WInvalidHomePage", "Specified home page is not found");
if (!_gotWarnings() && !_gotErrors()) {
    if (!empty($attributes['id'])) {
        if (!$oSecurityManager->setGroupByID($attributes['id'], $tmpoGroup)) {
            _error("ECannotSaveGroup", "Cannot save group \"" . $tmpoGroup->getName() . "\"");
        } else {
            _message("MGroupSaved", "Group saved successfully");
    } else {
        if (!$oSecurityManager->addGroup($tmpoGroup)) {
            _error("ECannotAddGroup", "Cannot add group \"" . $tmpoGroup->getName() . "\"");
        } else {
            _message("MGroupAdded", "Group added successfully");

if (empty($attributes['id'])) {
    _error("ENoLanguageGiven", "No language given");
} else {
    if ($oLanguageManager->removeLanguagesByID($attributes['id'])) {
        _message("MLanguagesRemoved", "Languages removed successfully");
    } else {
        _warning("WLanguageNotRemoved", "Lanugage was not removed");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showLanguages");

if (empty($attributes['id'])) {
    _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page or action is given");
} else {
    $tmpFuseaction = false;
    if (isset($attributes['id']) && intval($attributes['id']) > 0) {
        $tmpFuseaction = $oFuseManager->getFuseactionByID(intval($attributes['id']));
    } else {
        _error("ENoValidFuseactionGiven", "No valid page or action is given");
    if (!$tmpFuseaction) {
        _error("ENoFuseactionFound", "No such page or action found in DB");
    } else {
        if (!$oContentManager->deleteFuseactionTokens($tmpFuseaction->getID())) {
            _warning("WFuseactionNotCleared", "Cannot clear page content. DB error.");
        } else {
            _message("MFuseactionCleared", "Page content was removed successfully");
            _xfa($myself . "admin.showContentPages");
if (!_gotxfa()) {
Exemple #18
     if ($oUserManager->checkUser($attributes['fLogin'])) {
         if ($userlogged = $oUserManager->loginUser($attributes['fLogin'], $attributes['fPwd'])) {
             $arrUserGroups = $oSecurityManager->pullUserGroups($userlogged->getID());
             $userXFA = $fusebox['defaultFuseaction'];
             if ($arrUserGroups) {
                 if (!_gotxfa()) {
                     //find valid user's home page
                     foreach ($arrUserGroups as $tmpGroup) {
                         if ($tmpGroup->getHomePage() && $oFuseManager->getFuseaction($tmpGroup->getHomePage())) {
                             $userXFA = $tmpGroup->getHomePage();
             _xfa($myself . $userXFA);
             $oUser = $userlogged;
             $log .= "'... success!";
         } else {
             _warning("WIncorrectPassword", "Password provided for login {$attributes['fLogin']} is incorrect");
             $log .= "'... failed.";
     } else {
         _warning("WNoSuchUser", "There is no user {$attributes['fLogin']} registered with system");
 } else {
     _warning("WEmptyLoginCredentials", "Cannot log in with empty login or password");
 if (!_gotErrors() && !_gotWarnings()) {
     _log("After successful login user became " . $oUser->getFullName() . " (" . $oUser->getLogin() . ", " . $oUser->getID() . ")");
			if(!$ogMailTemplatesManager->deleteToken(0, $attributes['token'])){
				_error("ENoTokenFound", "Record not found, perhaps already deleted");
			_error("ENoMailTemplateTokenGiven", "No mail template token is given");

		if(!_gotErrors() && !_gotWarnings()){
			_message("MMailTemplateDeleted", "Mail template deleted successfully");

			_xfa($myself . "admin.showMailTemplates");


if (empty($attributes['token']) && !empty($attributes['article'])) {
    $attributes['token'] = $attributes['article'];
} else {
    if (empty($attributes['article']) && !empty($attributes['token'])) {
        $attributes['article'] = $attributes['token'];
if (!empty($attributes['token']) && !empty($attributes['fName']) && !empty($attributes['fComment'])) {
    if (strlen($_SESSION['SecretUserString']) > 0) {
        if (!empty($attributes['fHString'])) {
            if ($_SESSION['SecretUserString'] != $attributes['fHString']) {
                _warning("WCaptchaStringNotMatch", "Secret user string not match");
            } else {
                if ($ogArticleManager->storeComment($attributes['token'], $attributes['fName'], $attributes['fComment'])) {
                    _message("MCommentAdded", "Your comment is added");
                    _xfa($myself . "home.showArticleComments&article=" . $attributes['token']);
                } else {
                    _warning("WErrorSavingComment", "Error happened while saving comment, please try again");
        } else {
            _warning("WCaptchaStringEmpty", "Secret user string is empty");
    } else {
        _warning("WCaptchaStringUnknown", "Secret user string is unknown");
} else {
    _warning("WEnterComment", "Please enter your name and your comment");

if (!empty($attributes['node'])) {
    if ($arrNode = $ogArticleTree->getNodeInfo($attributes['node'])) {
        $sql = "DELETE FROM " . $fusebox['tableArticles'] . " WHERE id_token = " . $arrNode['data_id'];
        if ($oDB->query($sql) && $ogArticleTree->removeNodes($attributes['node'])) {
            _message("MArticleRemoved", "Article removed");
    } else {
        _error("EArticleNodeNotExists", "Article node not exists");
} else {
    _error("ENoArticleNodeGiven", "No article node given");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showArticlesTree");

$tmpUser = false;
if (!empty($attributes['fLogin'])) {
    if ($tmpUser = $oUserManager->getUser($attributes['fLogin'])) {
        _log("Changing password for user " . $tmpUser->getLogin());
        $strNewUserPassword = $oUserManager->resetPassword($tmpUser->getLogin());
    } else {
        _warning("WNoSuchUser", "No user with such login exists");
} else {
    _error("EWrongFormSubmitted", "Wrong form submitted");
_xfa($myself . "home.showPasswordRecoverConfirmation");

if (isset($attributes['fuseactionid']) && is_numeric($attributes['fuseactionid'])) {
    if (!empty($attributes['token'])) {
        $arrLanguages = $oLanguageManager->getLanguages();
        foreach ($arrLanguages as $l) {
            $tmpFormFieldName = 'content_' . $l->getID();
            if (isset($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName])) {
                $strContent = html_entity_decode($attributes[$tmpFormFieldName], ENT_COMPAT, $l->getEncoding());
                if ($strContent !== false) {
                    if (!$oSEOContentManager->pushContent($attributes['fuseactionid'], $l->getID(), $attributes['token'], $strContent)) {
                        _warning("WSEOContentNotStored", "Something happened while storing SEO content");
                } else {
                    _warning("WSEOContentCannotBeConverted", "SEO content cannot be converted to " . $l->getEncoding());
    } else {
        _error("ENoSEOTokenGiven", "No SEO token is given");
} else {
    _error("ENoFuseactionGiven", "No page is given");
_xfa($myself . "admin.showFuseactionSEOTokens&id=" . $attributes['fuseactionid']);
Exemple #24

if (!empty($attributes['id'])) {
    if (is_numeric($attributes['id'])) {
        _log("Removing user with ID " . $attributes['id']);
        if ($oSecurityManager->killUsersGroups($attributes['id']) && $oUserManager->removeUsersByID($attributes['id'])) {
            _message("MUserRemoved", "User removed successfully");
        } else {
            _warning("WNoSuchUser", "No user with such ID found");
    } elseif (is_array($attributes['id'])) {
        _log("Removing users with IDs " . join(", ", $attributes['id']));
        if ($oSecurityManager->killUsersGroups($attributes['id']) && $oUserManager->removeUsersByID($attributes['id'])) {
            _message("MUsersRemoved", "Users removed successfully");
    } else {
        _error("EInvalidUserID", "Invalid user ID");
} else {
    _error("ENoUserGiven", "No user given");