Exemple #1
function get_friendmoney($money)
    $sql = "select b.name as gfname,a.name,a.uid from get_friend as a left join user as b on a.uid=b.id where a.status=0 and a.name='" . $_SESSION['usnamese'] . "' limit 1";
    $result = mysql_query($sql);
    $gcount = mysql_num_rows($result);
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    if ($row['uid'] != 0 && $gcount > 0) {
        $friendmoney = $money * GETFRIENDMONEY;
        $bfmoney = GETFRIENDMONEY * 100;
        if ($friendmoney > 0) {
            Zbkupdate('get_friend', array('status' => 1, 'f_meney' => $friendmoney), "name='" . $row['name'] . "'");
            $mingxi = "您推荐的会员" . $row['name'] . "升级为VIP,共支付" . $money . "元,给你返" . $bfmoney . "%会员费!";
            Kmoney($row['gfname'], $friendmoney, $mingxi, 'recharge', 0, 1, 0);
Exemple #2
        $huidawenti = $_POST['huidawenti'];
        $dingdanhao = $_POST['dingdanhao'];
        $star_a = $_POST['star_a'];
        $star_b = $_POST['star_b'];
        $star_c = $_POST['star_c'];
        $star_d = $_POST['star_d'];
        $rep_1 = $_POST['rep_1'];
        $rep_2 = $_POST['rep_2'];
        $rep_3 = $_POST['rep_3'];
        if (GetCount('free_report', "aid={$xxid}") > 0) {
            if (Zbkupdate('user_shiyong', array('status' => $status, 'huidawenti' => $huidawenti, 'dingdanhao' => $dingdanhao, 'step' . $steptime . '_time' => time(), 'lasttime' => time()), "id={$xxid}") || Zbkupdate('free_report', array('star_a' => $star_a, 'star_b' => $star_b, 'star_c' => $star_c, 'star_d' => $star_d, 'rep_1' => $rep_1, 'rep_2' => $rep_2, 'rep_3' => $rep_3), "aid={$xxid}")) {
                $updateMessage = '更新成功';
            } else {
                $updateMessage = '更新失败';
        } else {
            if (Zbkupdate('user_shiyong', array('status' => $status, 'huidawenti' => $huidawenti, 'dingdanhao' => $dingdanhao, 'step' . $steptime . '_time' => time(), 'lasttime' => time()), "id={$xxid}")) {
                $updateMessage = '更新成功';
            } else {
                $updateMessage = '更新失败';
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $GETid = $_GET['id'];
    $getname = $_GET['name'];
$sql = "SELECT c.name AS username, a.name as shname,e.title, a.id, a.sort, a.shiyongid, a.name, a.userid, a.tuijian, a.status, a.xianshi, a.huidawenti, a.step1_time, a.step2_time, a.step3_time, a.step4_time, a.step5_time, a.step6_time, a.lasttime, a.dingdanhao, b.id AS bgid, b.aid, b.uid, b.acid, b.star_a, b.star_b, b.star_c, b.star_d, b.rep_1, b.rep_2, b.rep_3\nFROM user_shiyong AS a\nLEFT JOIN free_report AS b ON a.id = b.aid left join shiyong as e on a.shiyongid=e.id \nLEFT JOIN user AS c ON c.id = a.userid\nWHERE a.id ={$GETid}";
$row = GetRow($sql, 1);
                $CYren = GetCount('user_shiyong', "shiyongid={$aid} and status=6 and name='" . $usname . "'");
                $cymoney = ($usrow['coupon_price'] + $usrow['hongbao'] + $usrow['pt_meney']) * $usrow['num'] - $CYren * ($usrow['coupon_price'] + $usrow['hongbao'] + $usrow['pt_meney']);
                if ($usrow['pt_meney'] > 0) {
                    $mingxiC = "您发布编号ID为:" . $usrow['id'] . "的产品结算完成,共给" . $CYren . "位用户及平台支付" . $CYren * ($usrow['coupon_price'] + $usrow['hongbao'] + $usrow['pt_meney']) . "元,余下的" . $cymoney . "元全部解冻";
                } else {
                    $mingxiC = "您发布编号ID为:" . $usrow['id'] . "的产品结算完成,共给" . $CYren . "位用户支付" . $CYren * ($usrow['coupon_price'] + $usrow['hongbao'] + $usrow['pt_meney']) . "元,余下的" . $cymoney . "元全部解冻";
                if ($usrow['shiyongtype'] == 2) {
                    $cymoney = ($usrow['hongbao_1'] + $usrow['coupon_price_1'] + $usrow['pt_meney']) * $usrow['num'] - $CYren * ($usrow['hongbao_1'] + $usrow['coupon_price_1'] + $usrow['pt_meney'] - $usrow['hs_price']);
                    if ($usrow['pt_meney'] > 0) {
                        $mingxiC = "您发布编号ID为:" . $usrow['id'] . "的产品结算完成,共给" . $CYren . "位用户及平台支付" . $CYren * ($usrow['hongbao_1'] + $usrow['coupon_price_1'] + $usrow['pt_meney'] - $usrow['hs_price']) . "元,余下的" . $cymoney . "元全部解冻";
                    } else {
                        $mingxiC = "您发布编号ID为:" . $usrow['id'] . "的产品结算完成,共给" . $CYren . "位用户支付" . $CYren * ($usrow['hongbao_1'] + $usrow['coupon_price_1'] + $usrow['pt_meney'] - $usrow['hs_price']) . "元,余下的" . $cymoney . "元全部解冻";
                $countjs = Kmoney($usname, $cymoney, $mingxiC, 'balance', 1, 1, 0);
                if (Zbkupdate('shiyong', array('xianshi' => 5, 'lasttime' => $CCtimes), "create_user_id={$usidse} and id={$aid}")) {
                    $arry['id'] = 219;
                    $arry['msg'] = "结算成功";
                } else {
                    $arry['id'] = 0;
                    $arry['msg'] = "失败";
        echo json_encode($arry);
Exemple #4
$ali_price = trim($_POST[PayJe]);
$ali_title = trim($_POST[PayMore]);
$pno = trim($_POST[PayNo]);
$sign = trim($_POST[Key]);
if ($sign == $key) {
    $out_trade_no = $ali_title;
    $trade_no = $pno;
    if (Zbkupdate('alipay_log', array('trade_no' => $trade_no, 'status' => 1, 'lasttime' => time()), "out_trade_no='{$out_trade_no}' and status=0")) {
        $alireturn = Getlmname('name,money,body,shouxufei', 'alipay_log', "out_trade_no='{$out_trade_no}'");
        $ali_rename = $alireturn['name'];
        $ali_remoney = $alireturn['money'];
        $ali_rebody = $alireturn['body'];
        $ali_reshouxufei = $alireturn['shouxufei'];
        $cmoney = $ali_remoney - $ali_reshouxufei;
        Kmoney($ali_rename, $cmoney, $ali_rebody, 'recharge', 0, 1, $ali_reshouxufei);
} else {
 if ($vType == 2) {
     $adweek = 10;
 } else {
     $adweek = $week;
 if (Zbkinsert('ad_paimai', array('name' => $txtTitle, 'title' => $txtTitle, 'ad_date' => $CCtime, 'link' => $linkUrl, 'pic_url' => $picUrl, 'jifen' => $txtPrice, 'status' => 1, 'userid' => $usidse, 'week' => $adweek, 'ad_start_time' => $ad_start_time, 'ad_end_time' => $ad_end_time, 'create_time' => time()))) {
     $upresult = GetUpdate('user', "jifen=v1task_view.php?id={$txtPrice}", $usidse, '1=1');
     if ($vType == 2) {
         $ad_parow = GetTJRowUSar('id', 'userid', 'jifen', 'ad_paimai', "status=1 and week=10 and ad_start_time={$ad_start_time} and  ad_end_time={$ad_end_time} order by id desc limit 1,50");
     } else {
         $ad_parow = GetTJRowUSar('id', 'userid', 'jifen', 'ad_paimai', "status=1 and week={$adweek} and ad_date={$CCtime} order by id desc  limit 1,50");
     if (!empty($ad_parow)) {
         foreach ($ad_parow['userid'] as $ppkey => $ppusid) {
             GetUpdate('user', "jifen=jifen+" . $ad_parow['jifen'][$ppkey], $ppusid, '1=1');
             Zbkupdate('ad_paimai', array('status' => -1), "status=1 and week={$adweek} and id=" . $ad_parow['id'][$ppkey]);
 if ($upresult) {
     $json['id'] = 1;
     $json['msg'] = "提交成功";
     echo json_encode($json);
 } else {
     $json['id'] = 0;
     $json['msg'] = "操作失败";
Exemple #6
             // 失败
             $arry['msg'] = "修改失败,请确定您提交的内容与原来的不同";
             echo json_encode($arry);
     } else {
         $row_sy = Getlmname('shiyongid,userid', 'user_shiyong', "id={$aid}");
         $uid = $row_sy["userid"];
         $acid = $row_sy["shiyongid"];
         $array = array('uid' => $uid, 'aid' => $aid, 'acid' => $acid, 'star_a' => $star_a, 'star_b' => $star_b, 'star_c' => $star_c, 'star_d' => $star_d, 'rep_1' => $rep_1, 'rep_2' => $rep_2, 'rep_3' => $rep_3);
         $result = Zbkinsert("free_report", $array);
         $array_sy['step5_time'] = $CCtimes;
         $array_sy['status'] = 5;
         $result_sy = Zbkupdate("user_shiyong", $array_sy, "id={$aid}");
         if ($result && $result_sy) {
             $arry["id"] = 215;
             $arry["msg"] = "提交报告成功,请耐心等待审核";
             echo json_encode($arry);
         } else {
             $arry["id"] = 0;
             $arry["msg"] = "提交稿件失败";
             echo json_encode($arry);
 } else {
Exemple #7
function Jsmoney($name, $money, $mingxi, $dataName, $id = 0, $status = 1, $shouxufei = 0, $dingdanhao = '', $txjs = 1)
    if (!function_exists('GetZbk')) {
    $time = time();
    $Getuname = Getuname($name, 1);
    if ($Getuname['money_dongjie'] + $money < 0) {
        $count = 0;
        return $count;
    } else {
        if ($status == 1) {
            $upsql = "update user set money_dongjie=money_dongjie+{$money},money=money+{$money} where name='{$name}'";
            if (mysql_affected_rows()) {
                $count = 1;
        } else {
            $upsql = "update user set money_dongjie=money_dongjie+{$money} where name='{$name}'";
            if (mysql_affected_rows()) {
                $count = 1;
            $sbmoney = -$money;
            $jdmingxi = "提现失败,申请提现时所冻结的金额" . $sbmoney . "元解冻";
        $sql = "select money from user where name='{$name}'";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
        $newmoney = $row['money'];
        if ($txjs == 1) {
            if ($status == 2) {
                Zbkinsert('money_log', array('name' => $name, 'money' => $sbmoney, 'create_time' => $time, 'money_mingxi' => $jdmingxi, 'XiaoJi' => $newmoney, 'type' => $dataName, 'lasttime' => $time, 'status' => 1, 'shouxufei' => 0));
            if (Zbkupdate('money_log', array('status' => $status, 'XiaoJi' => $newmoney, 'dingdanhao' => $dingdanhao, 'lasttime' => $time), "id={$id}")) {
                $count2 = 2;
        } else {
            if (Zbkinsert('money_log', array('name' => $name, 'money' => $money, 'create_time' => $time, 'money_mingxi' => $mingxi, 'XiaoJi' => $newmoney, 'type' => $dataName, 'lasttime' => $time, 'status' => $status, 'shouxufei' => $shouxufei))) {
                $count2 = 2;
        $count = $count + $count2;
        return $count;
     $end_time = $CCtimes + 7 * 24 * 36000;
     if ($aid == 0) {
         $count = Zbkinsert('wenzhang', array('title' => $title, 'keyword' => $keyword, 'description' => $description, 'author' => $author, 'source' => $source, 'suluetu2' => $tyxx['table'], 'gift_id' => $tyxx['urlid'], 'content' => $content, 'status' => 0, 'tougao_id' => $goodstype, 'create_user_id' => $_SESSION['usidse'], 'create_time' => time()));
         if ($count) {
             $arry['id'] = 215;
             $arry['msg'] = "发布文章成功";
         } else {
             $arry['id'] = 0;
             $arry['msg'] = "发布文章失败";
     } else {
         $count = Zbkupdate('wenzhang', array('title' => $title, 'keyword' => $keyword, 'description' => $description, 'author' => $author, 'source' => $source, 'tougao_id' => $goodstype, 'suluetu2' => $tyxx['table'], 'gift_id' => $tyxx['urlid'], 'content' => $content), "id={$aid} and status=0 and create_user_id=" . $_SESSION['usidse']);
         if ($count) {
             $arry['id'] = 215;
             $arry['msg'] = "编辑文章成功";
         } else {
             $arry['id'] = 0;
             $arry['msg'] = "编辑文章失败";
 echo json_encode($arry);
 //********************************************* 表单·【编辑促销活动】,返回html
Exemple #9
        $kahao = $_POST['kahao'];
        $mima = $_POST['mima'];
        $money = intval($_POST['money']);
        $admin_user = $_POST['admin_user'];
        $create_time = $_POST['create_time'];
        if ($mima != "" && $money != "" && $kahao != "" && is_numeric($money)) {
            if ($_POST['dopost'] == 'create') {
                if (Zbkinsert('dianka', array('kahao' => $kahao, 'mima' => $mima, 'money' => $money, 'create_time' => time(), 'status' => 0, 'admin_user' => $_SESSION['shadmin']))) {
                    $updateMessage = '添加成功';
                } else {
                    $updateMessage = '添加失败';
            if ($_POST['dopost'] == 'update') {
                if (Zbkupdate('dianka', array('kahao' => $kahao, 'mima' => $mima, 'money' => $money, 'admin_user' => $admin_user, 'status' => $status), "id={$xxid}")) {
                    $updateMessage = '修改成功';
                } else {
                    $updateMessage = '修改失败';
        } else {
            $updateMessage = '面值只能是数值,并且卡号和密码不能为空';
Exemple #10
function autoad($endtime, $getweek)
    if (time() > $endtime) {
        $sql = "select b.name as adpsname,c.name as ppusname,c.jifen as usjifen,a.* from ad_paimai as a left join ad_type as b on a.week=b.week left join user as c on a.userid=c.id where a.status=1 and a.week={$getweek}";
        $result = mysql_query($sql);
        $ppcount = mysql_num_rows($result);
        if ($ppcount > 0) {
            while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
                $adid['id'][] = $row['id'];
                $adid['title'][] = $row['title'];
                $adid['link'][] = $row['link'];
                $adid['pic_url'][] = $row['pic_url'];
                $adid['week'][] = $row['week'];
                $adid['ad_start_time'][] = $row['ad_start_time'];
                $adid['ad_end_time'][] = $row['ad_end_time'];
                $adid['userid'][] = $row['userid'];
                $adid['adpsname'][] = $row['adpsname'];
                $adid['jifen'][] = $row['jifen'];
                $adid['ppusname'][] = $row['ppusname'];
                $adid['usjifen'][] = $row['usjifen'];
            foreach ($adid['id'] as $key => $idvalue) {
                if (Zbkupdate('ad_paimai', array('status' => 2), "status=1 and id={$idvalue} and week={$getweek}")) {
                    $sql = "select week from ad where week=" . $adid['week'][$key];
                    $result = mysql_query($sql);
                    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
                    Zbkinsert('jifen_log', array('name' => $adid['ppusname'][$key], 'jifen' => -$adid['jifen'][$key], 'XiaoJi' => $adid['usjifen'][$key], 'create_time' => time(), 'jf_mingxi' => '竞拍广告位中标扣除积分'));
                    if ($row['week']) {
                        Zbkupdate('ad', array('status' => 2, 'name' => $adid['adpsname'][$key], 'pp_id' => $adid['id'][$key], 'userid' => $adid['userid'][$key], 'title' => $adid['title'][$key], 'link' => $adid['link'][$key], 'pic_url' => $adid['pic_url'][$key], 'week' => $adid['week'][$key], 'ad_start_time' => $adid['ad_start_time'][$key], 'ad_end_time' => $adid['ad_end_time'][$key]), 'week=' . $adid['week'][$key]);
                        htmlAD('userpp', $getweek, 1);
                    } else {
                        Zbkinsert('ad', array('status' => 2, 'name' => $adid['adpsname'][$key], 'pp_id' => $adid['id'][$key], 'userid' => $adid['userid'][$key], 'title' => $adid['title'][$key], 'link' => $adid['link'][$key], 'pic_url' => $adid['pic_url'][$key], 'week' => $adid['week'][$key], 'ad_start_time' => $adid['ad_start_time'][$key], 'ad_end_time' => $adid['ad_end_time'][$key]));
                        htmlAD('userpp', 'getweek', 1);
Exemple #11
if (isset($_GET['del'])) {
    if ($_GET['del'] == 1) {
        $delid = $_GET['delid'];
        Zbkdel('skadmin_type', "id={$delid}") ? $inresult = "删除成功" : ($inresult = "删除失败");
$dopost = $_POST['dopost'];
if ($dopost == "submit") {
    $type_value = intval(trim($_POST['type_value']));
    $typename = trim($_POST['name']);
    $content = $_POST['content'];
    if (!empty($typename) && $type_value != "") {
        if (isset($_POST['editid'])) {
            $editid = $_POST['editid'];
            $count = Zbkupdate('skadmin_type', array('name' => $typename, 'content' => $content, 'type_value' => $type_value), "id={$editid}");
        } else {
            $count = Zbkinsert('skadmin_type', array('name' => $typename, 'content' => $content, 'type_value' => $type_value));
        if ($count) {
            $inresult = "操作成功";
        } else {
            $inresult = "操作失败";
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
Exemple #12
include './../../include/session.php';
include './../../include/conn.php';
include './../../include/myfunction.php';
$currentPage = 'Choujiang_buy_list';
$manageGroup = 'Choujiang';
include "topmenu.php";
if (isset($_GET['id'])) {
    $GETid = $_GET['id'];
    $getname = $_GET['name'];
$sql = "SELECT b.id as giftid,b.title,c.name AS username,a.cj_type,a.cj_jiangpin,a.cj_jiangxiang,a.cj_id,a.cj_gid,a.Express,a.cj_type,a.kuaidihao, a.name, a.cj_uid, a.status, a.xianshi, a.step1_time, a.step2_time, a.step3_time, a.step4_time,a.name as shname, a.step5_time, a.step6_time, a.lasttime, a.dingdanhao \nFROM choujiang AS a left join gift as b on a.cj_gid=b.id \nLEFT JOIN user AS c ON c.id = a.cj_uid\nWHERE a.cj_id ={$GETid}";
$row = GetRow($sql, 1);
$dopost = isset($_POST['dopost']) ? $_POST['dopost'] : "";
if (isset($_POST['dopost'])) {
    if ($_POST['dopost'] == 'update') {
        $xxid = $_POST['xxid'];
        $status = $_POST['status'];
        $Express = $_POST['Express'];
        $kuaidihao = trim($_POST['kuaidihao']);
        $dingdanhao = trim($_POST['dingdanhao']);
        $cj_type = trim($_POST['cj_type']);
        $cj_jiangpin = trim($_POST['cj_jiangpin']);
        $cj_jiangxiang = trim($_POST['cj_jiangxiang']);
        if (Zbkupdate('choujiang', array('cj_type' => $cj_type, 'cj_jiangpin' => $cj_jiangpin, 'cj_jiangxiang' => $cj_jiangxiang, 'status' => $status, 'Express' => $Express, 'dingdanhao' => $dingdanhao, 'kuaidihao' => $kuaidihao), "cj_id={$xxid}")) {
            $updateMessage = '更新成功';
        } else {
            $updateMessage = '更新失败';
Exemple #13
    $password = trim($_POST['password']);
    $xpassword = trim($_POST['xpassword']);
    if ((!empty($password) || !empty($xpassword)) && ($password != $xpassword || strlen($password) < 5)) {
        if ($password != $xpassword || strlen($password) < 5) {
            if (strlen($password) < 5) {
                $updateMessage = '密码不能小于六位';
            } else {
                $updateMessage = '你所输入的新密码与确认的新密码输入不一致';
    } else {
        if (!empty($password)) {
            $password = md5($password);
            $count = Zbkupdate('skadmin', array('password' => $password, 'update_time' => $CCtimes, 'invite' => $invite, 'type' => $type, 'xingming' => $xingming, 'status' => $status), "ID={$adminid}");
        } else {
            $count = Zbkupdate('skadmin', array('update_time' => $CCtimes, 'invite' => $invite, 'type' => $type, 'xingming' => $xingming, 'status' => $status), "ID={$adminid}");
        if ($count) {
            if (!empty($password)) {
                $updateMessage = "密码及信息修改成功,请记着管理员的新密码{$newpassword}";
            } else {
                $updateMessage = "修改管理员信息成功";
        } else {
            $updateMessage = "管理员信息修改失败";
if ($dopost == 'update' && !Admintype(4)) {
    $updateMessage = "您没权限操作";
Exemple #14
         $arry['msg'] = "非法操作";
         echo json_encode($arry);
     if ($row_sy['status'] == 4 && $CCtimes > $row_sy['step4_time'] + 864000) {
         $step5_time = $row_sy['step4_time'] + 864000;
         $arry['msg'] = $step5_time;
         Zbkupdate('user_duihuan', array('status' => 5, 'step5_time' => $step5_time), "cj_id={$aid} and cj_uid='" . $usidse . "'");
         $arry['id'] = 211;
         $arry['msg'] = "由于您好在10天内没确认收货,系通已自动确认";
         echo json_encode($arry);
     if (Zbkupdate('user_duihuan', array('status' => 5, 'step5_time' => $CCtimes), "cj_id={$aid} and cj_uid='" . $usidse . "'")) {
         $arry['id'] = 211;
         $arry['msg'] = "确认收货成功";
     } else {
         $arry['id'] = 0;
         $arry['msg'] = "提交失败";
     echo json_encode($arry);
     //********************************************* 订单号表单的html
 //********************************************* 订单号表单的html
 case "form_codezj":
     $yhxxsql = "select c.name as cjusname, c.address,c.phone,c.xingming,b.title,b.detail_url,a.* from user_duihuan as a left join duihuan as b on a.cj_gid=b.id left join user as c on a.cj_uid=c.id where a.cj_uid={$usidse} and a.cj_id={$aid}";
     $row_sy = GetRow($yhxxsql, 1);
         $arry['msg'] = "非法操作";
         echo json_encode($arry);
     if ($row_sy['status'] == 4 && $CCtimes > $row_sy['step4_time'] + 864000) {
         $step5_time = $row_sy['step4_time'] + 864000;
         $arry['msg'] = $step5_time;
         Zbkupdate('choujiang', array('status' => 5, 'step5_time' => $step5_time), "cj_id={$aid} and cj_uid='" . $usidse . "'");
         $arry['id'] = 211;
         $arry['msg'] = "由于您好在10天内没确认收货,系通已自动确认";
         echo json_encode($arry);
     if (Zbkupdate('choujiang', array('status' => 5, 'step5_time' => $CCtimes), "cj_id={$aid} and cj_uid='" . $usidse . "'")) {
         $arry['id'] = 211;
         $arry['msg'] = "确认收货成功";
     } else {
         $arry['id'] = 0;
         $arry['msg'] = "提交失败";
     echo json_encode($arry);
     //********************************************* 订单号表单的html
 //********************************************* 订单号表单的html
 case "form_codezj":
     $yhxxsql = "select c.name as cjusname, c.address,c.phone,c.xingming,b.title,b.detail_url,a.* from choujiang as a left join gift as b on a.cj_gid=b.id left join user as c on a.cj_uid=c.id where a.cj_type=1 and a.cj_uid={$usidse} and a.cj_id={$aid}";
     $row_sy = GetRow($yhxxsql, 1);
Exemple #16
     $arry['id'] = 0;
     $arry['msg'] = "只有商家用户才能进行此操作";
     echo json_encode($arry);
 if ($nick == "" || $detail_url == "" || $pic_url == "" || $shop_title == "") {
     $arry['id'] = 0;
     $arry['msg'] = "请把各项信息填写完整后再提交";
     echo json_encode($arry);
 } else {
     $sql = "select create_user_id from shop where create_user_id=" . $_SESSION['usidse'];
     $result = mysql_query($sql);
     $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
     if ($row['create_user_id']) {
         $count = Zbkupdate('shop', array('create_user_id' => $_SESSION['usidse'], 'nick' => $nick, 'shop_title' => $shop_title, 'detail_url' => $detail_url, 'pic_url' => $pic_url, 'description' => $description, 'category_id' => $category_id, 'create_time' => time()), "create_user_id=" . $_SESSION['usidse']);
         if ($count) {
             $arry['id'] = 201;
             $arry['msg'] = "编辑成功";
         } else {
             $arry['id'] = 0;
             $arry['msg'] = "编辑失败";
     } else {
         $count = Zbkinsert('shop', array('create_user_id' => $_SESSION['usidse'], 'nick' => $nick, 'shop_title' => $shop_title, 'detail_url' => $detail_url, 'pic_url' => $pic_url, 'description' => $description, 'category_id' => $category_id, 'create_time' => time()));
         if ($count) {
             $arry['id'] = 201;
             $arry['msg'] = "店铺提交成功";
         } else {
             $arry['id'] = 0;
             $arry['msg'] = "店铺提交失败";