            // enqueue styles
            if ($styles && is_array($styles)) {
                foreach ($styles as $style) {
     * Helper: convert value to boolean
    private function get_boolean_value($option)
        return $option == true ? 1 : 0;
 * Initialise Responsive Lightbox.
function Responsive_Lightbox()
    static $instance;
    // first call to instance() initializes the plugin
    if ($instance === null || !$instance instanceof Responsive_Lightbox) {
        $instance = Responsive_Lightbox::instance();
    return $instance;
$responsive_lightbox = Responsive_Lightbox();
  * Validate settings function
  * @param array $input
  * @return array
 public function validate_settings($input)
     // check cap
     if (!current_user_can('manage_options')) {
         return $input;
     // check page
     if (!($option_page = esc_attr($_POST['option_page']))) {
         return $input;
     foreach ($this->settings as $id => $setting) {
         $key = array_search($option_page, $setting);
         if ($key) {
             // set key
             $setting_id = $id;
     // check setting id
     if (!$setting_id) {
         return $input;
     // save settings
     if (isset($_POST['save' . '_' . $this->settings[$setting_id]['prefix'] . '_' . $setting_id])) {
         if ($this->settings[$setting_id]['fields']) {
             foreach ($this->settings[$setting_id]['fields'] as $field_id => $field) {
                 if ($field['type'] === 'multiple') {
                     if ($field['fields']) {
                         foreach ($field['fields'] as $subfield_id => $subfield) {
                             // if subfield has parent
                             if (!empty($this->settings[$setting_id]['fields'][$field_id]['fields'][$subfield_id]['parent'])) {
                                 $field_parent = $this->settings[$setting_id]['fields'][$field_id]['fields'][$subfield_id]['parent'];
                                 $input[$field_parent][$subfield_id] = isset($input[$field_parent][$subfield_id]) ? $this->sanitize_field($input[$field_parent][$subfield_id], $subfield['type']) : ($subfield['type'] === 'boolean' ? false : Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults[$setting_id][$field_parent][$subfield_id]);
                             } else {
                                 $input[$subfield_id] = isset($input[$subfield_id]) ? $this->sanitize_field($input[$subfield_id], $subfield['type']) : ($subfield['type'] === 'boolean' ? false : Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults[$setting_id][$field_id][$subfield_id]);
                 } else {
                     // if field has parent
                     if (!empty($this->settings[$setting_id]['fields'][$field_id]['parent'])) {
                         $field_parent = $this->settings[$setting_id]['fields'][$field_id]['parent'];
                         $input[$field_parent][$field_id] = isset($input[$field_parent][$field_id]) ? $this->sanitize_field($input[$field_parent][$field_id], $field['type']) : ($field['type'] === 'boolean' ? false : Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults[$setting_id][$field_parent][$field_id]);
                     } else {
                         $input[$field_id] = isset($input[$field_id]) ? $this->sanitize_field($input[$field_id], $field['type']) : ($field['type'] === 'boolean' ? false : Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults[$setting_id][$field_id]);
         if ($setting_id === 'settings') {
             // merge scripts settings
             $input = array_merge(Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings'], $input);
         if ($setting_id === 'configuration') {
             // merge scripts settings
             $input = array_merge(Responsive_Lightbox()->options['configuration'], $input);
     } elseif (isset($_POST['reset' . '_' . $this->settings[$setting_id]['prefix'] . '_' . $setting_id])) {
         if ($setting_id === 'configuration') {
             // merge scripts settings
             $input[Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['script']] = Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults['configuration'][Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['script']];
             $input = array_merge(Responsive_Lightbox()->options['configuration'], $input);
         } elseif ($setting_id === 'settings') {
             $input = Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults[$setting_id];
             $input['update_version'] = Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['update_version'];
             $input['update_notice'] = Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['update_notice'];
         } else {
             $input = Responsive_Lightbox()->defaults[$setting_id];
         add_settings_error('reset' . '_' . $this->settings[$setting_id]['prefix'] . '_' . $setting_id, 'settings_restored', __('Settings restored to defaults.', 'responsive-lightbox'), 'updated');
     return $input;
  * Add lightbox to Jetpack tiled gallery
  * @param mixed $content
  * @param array $attr
  * @return mixed
 public function add_custom_gallery_lightbox_selector($content, $attr)
     if (Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['force_custom_gallery'] === true) {
         preg_match_all('/<a(.*?)href=(?:\'|")([^<]*?).(bmp|gif|jpeg|jpg|png)(?:\'|")(.*?)>/i', $content, $links);
         if (isset($links[0])) {
             foreach ($links[0] as $id => $link) {
                 // gallery image title
                 $title = '';
                 if (($title_arg = Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['gallery_image_title']) !== 'default') {
                     $image_id = (int) $this->get_attachment_id_by_url($links[2][$id] . '.' . $links[3][$id]);
                     if ($image_id) {
                         $title_arg = apply_filters('rl_lightbox_attachment_image_title_arg', $title_arg, $image_id, $links[2][$id] . '.' . $links[3][$id]);
                         $title = wp_strip_all_tags(trim($this->get_attachment_title($image_id, $title_arg)));
                 if (preg_match('/<a.*?(?:data-rel)=(?:\'|")(.*?)(?:\'|").*?>/', $link, $result) === 1) {
                     $content = str_replace($link, preg_replace('/(?:data-rel)=(?:\'|")(.*?)(?:\'|")/', 'data-rel="' . Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['selector'] . '-gallery-' . $this->gallery_no . '"' . (!empty($title) ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '') . (Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['script'] === 'imagelightbox' ? ' data-imagelightbox="' . $id . '"' : ''), $link), $content);
                 } else {
                     $content = str_replace($link, '<a' . $links[1][$id] . 'href="' . $links[2][$id] . '.' . $links[3][$id] . '"' . $links[4][$id] . ' data-rel="' . Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['selector'] . '-gallery-' . $this->gallery_no . '"' . (Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['script'] === 'imagelightbox' ? ' data-imagelightbox="' . $id . '"' : '') . (!empty($title) ? ' title="' . $title . '"' : '') . '>', $content);
     return $content;
Exemple #4
  * Apply lightbox to WooCommerce procust gallery.
  * @param mixed $html
  * @return mixed
 public function woocommerce_single_product_image_thumbnail_html($html)
     if (Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['woocommerce_gallery_lightbox'] === true) {
         $html = str_replace('data-rel="prettyPhoto[product-gallery]"', 'data-rel="' . Responsive_Lightbox()->options['settings']['selector'] . '-gallery-' . $this->gallery_no . '"', $html);
     return $html;