  * Defines a table in the connection with the given table definition. If the table does not
  * exist, it will be created. If the table structure is different then the definition, it
  * will be altered
  * @param Table $table table definition
  * @return null
 public function defineTable(Table $table)
     if ($this->tableExists($table->getName())) {
     } else {
Example #2
  * Defines the foreign keys for the provided table
  * @param Table $table table definition
  * @return null
 public function defineForeignKeys(Table $table)
     $tableName = $table->getName();
     $databaseTable = $this->getTable($tableName);
     $foreignKeys = $table->getForeignKeys();
     $foreignKeysToDrop = array();
     foreach ($foreignKeys as $fieldName => $foreignKey) {
         if (!$databaseTable->hasForeignKey($fieldName)) {
         $databaseForeignKey = $databaseTable->getForeignKey($fieldName);
         if ($foreignKey->equals($databaseForeignKey)) {
         } else {
             $foreignKeysToDrop[] = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($databaseForeignKey->getName());
     $tableName = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($tableName);
     foreach ($foreignKeysToDrop as $foreignKey) {
         $this->connection->execute('ALTER TABLE ' . $tableName . ' DROP FOREIGN KEY ' . $foreignKey);
     foreach ($foreignKeys as $foreignKey) {
         $name = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($foreignKey->getName());
         $fieldName = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($foreignKey->getFieldName());
         $referenceTableName = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($foreignKey->getReferenceTableName());
         $referenceFieldName = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($foreignKey->getReferenceFieldName());
         $this->connection->execute('ALTER TABLE ' . $tableName . ' ADD CONSTRAINT ' . $name . ' FOREIGN KEY (' . $fieldName . ') REFERENCES ' . $referenceTableName . ' (' . $referenceFieldName . ') ON DELETE SET NULL ON UPDATE NO ACTION');
  * Creates a new table
  * @param zibo\library\database\definition\Table $table Table definition for the new table
  * @return null
 protected function createTable(Table $table)
     $tableName = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($table->getName());
     $fields = $table->getFields();
     $primaryKeys = array();
     $indexes = array();
     $uniques = array();
     $sql = '';
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $fieldName = $this->connection->quoteIdentifier($field->getName());
         $sql .= $sql == '' ? '' : ', ';
         $sql .= $fieldName;
         $sql .= ' ' . $this->getFieldType($field);
         if ($field->isPrimaryKey()) {
             $primaryKeys[] = $fieldName;
         } else {
             $sql .= ' DEFAULT ' . $this->getDefaultValue($field);
             if ($field->isUnique()) {
                 $uniques[] = $fieldName;
             } elseif ($field->isIndexed()) {
                 $indexes[] = $field->getName();
     if ($primaryKeys) {
         $sql .= ', PRIMARY KEY (' . implode(', ', $primaryKeys) . ')';
     if ($uniques) {
         $sql .= ', UNIQUE (' . implode(', ', $uniques) . ')';
     $sql = 'CREATE TABLE ' . $tableName . ' (' . $sql . ')';
     foreach ($indexes as $fieldName) {
         $this->addIndexFromFieldName($table->getName(), $fieldName);
     $indexes = $table->getIndexes();
     foreach ($indexes as $index) {
         $this->addIndex($table->getName(), $index);