Example #1
 function tom_shortcode($atts = NULL)
     $param = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '', 'default' => ''), $atts);
     $id = $param['id'];
     $data = get_option('tom_data');
     $data = is_string($data) && is_object(json_decode($data)) ? json_decode($data, true) : $data;
     $options = TOMOptionFacade::tom_options_fields();
     $type = @$options[$id]['type'];
     $val = @$data[$id];
     $default = @$param['default'];
     $type = !empty($type) ? $type : '';
     $val = !empty($val) ? $val : '';
     $default = !empty($default) ? $default : @$options[$id]['default'];
     /* Switch option type for special handling */
     switch ($type) {
         case 'multicheck':
             $value = serialize($val);
         case 'upload':
             // $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $val, 'full' );
             $image = wp_get_attachment_url($val);
             $value = $image != false ? $image : '';
         case 'typography':
             $value = serialize($val);
             $value = $val;
     // print_r($value); exit();
     /* If value empty try to get default value from shortcode */
     $tom_data = !empty($value) ? $value : $default;
     /* If SSL Enabled use https replace */
     $tom_data = is_ssl() ? tom_https_link($tom_data) : $tom_data;
     return $tom_data;
Example #2
    function tom_generate_create_options_fields()
        $option_name = 'tom_options';
        $options = $this->options;
        $config = TOMOptionFacade::tom_configs();
        $counter = 0;
        $initNestable = '';
        if (!empty($options)) {
            foreach ($options as $obj_key => $key) {
                $name = !empty($key['name']) ? $key['name'] : '';
                $req = !empty($key['required']) ? $key['required'] : '';
                $desc = !empty($key['desc']) ? $key['desc'] : '';
                $type = !empty($key['type']) ? $key['type'] : '';
                $configs = TOMOptionFacade::tom_configs();
                $types = $configs['type-options'];
                switch ($type) {
                    case 'select':
                        $show = true;
                    case 'select-image':
                        $show = true;
                    case 'radio':
                        $show = true;
                    case 'typography':
                        $show = true;
                        $show = false;
                $fieldoptions = !empty($key['options']) ? $key['options'] : array();
                $val = !empty($key['default']) ? $key['default'] : '';
                // $display = (!empty($val) && $show == true) ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
                $display = $show == true ? '' : 'style="display:none;"';
                $output = '';
                if ($key['type'] != "heading") {
                    /* Keep all ids lowercase with no spaces */
                    $obj_key = sanitize_title_with_dashes($obj_key);
                    $output .= '<li class="dd-item tom-item" data-id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '">' . "\n";
                    $output .= '<div class="dd-handle"><span id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '_name">' . $key['name'] . "</span>\n";
                    /* button action */
                    $output .= '<span class="tom-action-buttons">
										<a class="blue edit-nestable" href="#">
											<i class="dashicons dashicons-edit"></i>
										<a class="red delete-nestable" href="#">
											<i class="dashicons dashicons-trash"></i>
                    $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
                    $output .= '<div class="nestable-input" id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" style="display:none;">' . "\n";
                    $output .= '<table class="widefat">
											    <tr class="inline-edit-row inline-edit-row-page inline-edit-page quick-edit-row quick-edit-row-page inline-edit-page alternate inline-editor">
											      <td colspan="5" class="colspanchange" style="padding-bottom:10px;">
											        <fieldset class="inline-edit-col-left">
											          <div class="inline-edit-col">
											            <h4>Edit Option : <span>' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '</span></h4>
											              <span class="title">Name</span>
											              <span class="input-text-wrap input">
											                <input type="text" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[name]" class="" value="' . esc_attr($name) . '">
														  <span class="title">Required</span>
														  <span class="input">
														  	<div class="required-container">
														  		<input id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '-required" class="input-required" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[required]" value="1" ' . checked($req, '1', false) . '>';
                    $output .= '<span class="status">' . ($req == '1' ? '( Required )' : '( Not Required )') . '</span>';
                    $output .= '</div>
											              <span class="title">
											              <span class="input-text-wrap input">
											                <textarea name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[desc]">' . esc_attr($desc) . '</textarea>
											          <div class="save-button">
											        	<a href="#" class="btn button-primary save-nestable">Save</a>
											      	  	<span id="loading-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="tom-loading" style="display:none;"><img src="' . admin_url() . 'images/spinner.gif" alt=""></span>
											        <fieldset class="inline-edit-col-right">
											          <div class="inline-edit-col">
											              <span class="title">
											              <span class="input-text-wrap input">
												              <select name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[type]" id="tom-type-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="tom-type" data-container="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '">' . "\n";
                    foreach ($types as $key => $option) {
                        /* function selected dr wp @http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/selected */
                        $output .= '<option' . selected($type, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>';
                    $output .= '</select>
                    /* Never show options on typography type */
                    $hideOptions = $type == 'typography' ? 'style="display:none;"' : $display;
                    $output .= '<label id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '-options" ' . $hideOptions . '>
											              <span class="title">
											              <span class="input-text-wrap input">
												           	<div id="opt-container-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="options-container" data-default="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '">
														        <div id="add-opt-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="input-options">' . "\n";
                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'select-image':
                            $order = 1;
                            foreach ($fieldoptions as $key => $value) {
                                $output .= '<div data-order="' . $order . '" class="input-options-group">
																				<div class="tom_media_upload repeatable_upload">
																					<div class="tom_media_button">
																						<img class="tom_media_image tom-default-image" src="' . $value . '" style="width: 30px;">		
																						<input class="input-opt input-key" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[options][opt-key][]" data-key="key" value="' . $key . '" placeholder="Key">		
																						<input class="input-opt input-val tom_media_url" type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[options][opt-val][]" data-key="val" value="' . $value . '">		
																						<a href="#" class="tom_button_upload button-secondary">Change</a>		
																						<a class="btn-remove dashicons dashicons-dismiss"></a>	
																			</div>' . "\n";
                            $order = 1;
                            foreach ($fieldoptions as $key => $value) {
                                $output .= '<div data-order="' . $order . '" class="input-options-group">
																	        	<i class="dashicons dashicons-yes"></i>
																	        	<input class="input-opt input-key" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[options][opt-key][]" data-key="key" value="' . $key . '" placeholder="Key">
																	        	<input class="input-opt input-val" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[options][opt-val][]" data-key="value" value="' . esc_attr($value) . '" placeholder="Value">
																	        	<a class="btn-remove dashicons dashicons-dismiss"></a>
																        	</div>' . "\n";
                    $output .= '</div>
														        <p><a id="new-repeatable" href="#">Add New Field</a></p>
											              <span class="title">
											              <span class="input-text-wrap input">';
                    $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '-default">';
                     * Switch input type
                    switch ($type) {
                        case 'select':
                            if (!empty($fieldoptions)) {
                                $output .= '<select id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]">';
                                foreach ($fieldoptions as $key => $option) {
                                    /* function selected dr wp @http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/selected */
                                    $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>';
                                $output .= '</select>';
                            } else {
                                $output .= '<select>Select default value</select>';
                        case 'radio':
                            if (!empty($fieldoptions)) {
                                $output .= '<select id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]">';
                                foreach ($fieldoptions as $key => $option) {
                                    /* function selected dr wp @http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/selected */
                                    $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($option) . '</option>';
                                $output .= '</select>';
                            } else {
                                $output .= '<select>Select default value</select>';
                        case 'textarea':
                            $output .= '<textarea id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]">' . esc_attr($val) . '</textarea>';
                        case 'checkbox':
                            $output .= '<div id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="tom-checkbox-default">';
                            $output .= '<input type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]" value="1" ' . checked($val, '1', false) . '>';
                            $output .= '<span class="status">' . ($val == '1' ? '( Checked )' : '( Not Checked )') . '</span>';
                            $output .= '</div>';
                        case 'multicheck':
                            if (!empty($fieldoptions)) {
                                $output .= '<div id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="tom-checkbox-default">';
                                foreach ($fieldoptions as $chkey => $chname) {
                                    $chdef = !empty($val[$chkey]) ? $val[$chkey] : '';
                                    /* function selected dr wp @http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/selected */
                                    $output .= '<div class="input-group-multicheck">';
                                    $output .= '<input class="input-multicheck" type="checkbox" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default][' . $chkey . ']" value="1" ' . checked($chdef, '1', false) . '> ' . $chname;
                                    $output .= ' <span class="status">' . ($chdef == '1' ? '( Checked )' : '( Not Checked )') . '</span><br>';
                                    $output .= '</div>';
                                $output .= '</div>';
                            } else {
                                $output .= '<div id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="tom-checkbox-default">';
                                $output .= '<div class="input-group-multicheck"><input class="input-multicheck" type="checkbox" disabled="disabled"><span class="status">Please create field options</span><br></div>';
                                $output .= '</div>';
                        case 'upload':
                            $display = empty($val) ? 'style="display:none;"' : '';
                            $output .= '<div id="' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="tom_media_upload">';
                            $output .= '	<img class="tom_media_image tom-option-image" src="' . $val . '" ' . $display . '/>';
                            $output .= '	<div>';
                            $output .= '		<input class="tom_media_url" type="hidden" value="">';
                            $output .= '		<input class="tom_media_id" type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '">';
                            $output .= '		<a href="#" class="tom_button_upload button-secondary">Choose</a>';
                            $output .= '		<a href="#" class="tom_remove_image button-primary" ' . $display . '>Remove</a>';
                            $output .= '	</div>';
                            $output .= '</div>';
                        case 'select-image':
                            if (!empty($fieldoptions)) {
                                $output .= '<select id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]">';
                                foreach ($fieldoptions as $key => $option) {
                                    /* function selected dr wp @http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/selected */
                                    $output .= '<option' . selected($val, $key, false) . ' value="' . esc_attr($key) . '">' . esc_html($key) . '</option>';
                                $output .= '</select>';
                            } else {
                                $output .= '<select id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '"><option value="">Select default option</option></select>';
                        case 'color':
                            $output .= '<input id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '" class="tom-color">';
                        case 'typography':
                            if (!empty($val)) {
                                $defaultOptions = TOMOptionFacade::tom_default_options();
                                $output .= '<div id="tom-default-' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '" class="input-default typography-options" ' . $display . '>
															        	<label>Color :</label>
																		<div class="color-container">
																			<input class="tom-color" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default][color]" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val['color']) . '" />
															        	<label>Size :</label>
																		<select class="array-default tom-typography tom-typography-size" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default][size]">';
                                foreach ($defaultOptions['font-size'] as $key => $value) {
                                    $output .= '<option value="' . $value . 'px" ' . selected($val['size'], $value . 'px', false) . '>' . $value . ' px</option>';
                                $output .= '</select>
															        	<label>Font Face :</label>
																		<select class="array-default tom-typography tom-typography-face" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default][face]">';
                                foreach ($defaultOptions['font-face'] as $key => $value) {
                                    $output .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . selected($val['face'], $key, false) . '>' . $value . '</option>';
                                $output .= '</select>
															        	<label>Font Style :</label>
																		<select class="array-default tom-typography tom-typography-style" name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default][style]">';
                                foreach ($defaultOptions['font-style'] as $key => $value) {
                                    $output .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . selected($val['style'], $key, false) . '>' . $value . '</option>';
                                $output .= '</select>
                            $output .= '<input name="' . esc_attr($option_name . '[' . $obj_key . ']') . '[default]" type="text" value="' . esc_attr($val) . '">';
                    $output .= '</div>
										  </table>' . "\n";
                    $output .= '</div>' . "\n";
                    $output .= '</li>' . "\n";
                /* Heading for Navigation */
                if (is_array($key) && $key['type'] == "heading") {
                    if ($counter >= 2) {
                        $output .= '</ol></div></div>' . "\n";
                    /* init nestable menu */
                    $initNestable .= '$("#nestable-' . $counter . '").nestable({"maxDepth":"1"});' . "\n";
                    $class = '';
                    $class = !empty($obj_key) ? $obj_key : $key['name'];
                    $class = sanitize_title_with_dashes($class);
                    $desc = !empty($key['desc']) ? $key['desc'] : $key['name'];
                    $output .= '<div id="options-group-' . $counter . '" class="group ' . $class . '">';
                    $output .= '<h3>' . esc_html($desc) . '</h3>' . "\n";
                    /* output heading ke hidden input biar tetep kesimpen jadi array */
                    $output .= '<input name="tom_options[' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '][name]" type="hidden" class="" value="' . $key['name'] . '" />
								<input name="tom_options[' . esc_attr($obj_key) . '][type]" type="hidden" class="" value="' . $key['type'] . '" />';
                    $output .= '<div class="dd" id="nestable-' . $counter . '">' . "\n";
                    $output .= '<ol class="dd-list container-body">' . "\n";
                echo $output;
            echo '</ol></div>';
            // Outputs closing div if there tabs
            if (tomGenerate::create_tom_tabs() != '') {
                echo '</div>' . "\n";
            /* Initial nestable list */
            echo '<script type="text/javascript">
					jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
						' . $initNestable . '
            /* Submit and Delete Group Button */
            $submit = '<div id="tonjoo-tom-submit">
							<input id="tom-submit-create" type="submit" class="button-primary hide-if-empty" name="update" value="Save" />
							<span id="loading-save-group" class="tom-loading" style="float:right;padding:4px;display:none;"><img src="' . admin_url() . 'images/spinner.gif" alt=""></span>
							<a id="tom-delete-group" class="reset-button button-secondary">Delete Group</a>
							<span id="loading-delete-group" class="tom-loading" style="display:none;"><img src="' . admin_url() . 'images/spinner.gif" alt=""></span>
							<div class="clear"></div>
        } else {
            /* Create New Group Button */
            $submit = '<div id="tonjoo-tom-submit">
							<input id="tom-submit-create" type="submit" class="button-primary" name="update" value="Create" />
							<div class="clear"></div>
        /* Div Create new option group */
        echo '	<div id="new-group" class="group new-group">
					    Create New Option Group
					  <div class="container-table">
					  	<table class="widefat">
						  <tbody class="container-body">
						    <tr class="alternate tom-item">
								<th scope="row"><label for="group-name">Group Name</label><br><span class="description">Name of option group</span></th>
								<td><input class="tom-input" type="text" id="group-name" name="tom_options[new-group][name]" placeholder="Group Name" value=""></td>
						    <tr class="alternate tom-item">
								<th scope="row"><label for="group-desc">Description</label><br><span class="description">Short descriptipn</span></th>
								<td><textarea class="tom-input" id="group-desc" name="tom_options[new-group][desc]" placeholder="Description" rows="4" cols="50"></textarea></td>
        /* Print Submit Button */
        echo $submit;