public function testDoWrite()
     $output = new StreamOutput($this->stream);
     $this->assertEquals('foo' . PHP_EOL, stream_get_contents($output->getStream()), '->doWrite() writes to the stream');
$stream = fopen('php://memory', 'a', false);

// __construct()

  $output = new StreamOutput('foo');
  $t->fail('__construct() throws an \InvalidArgumentException if the first argument is not a stream');
catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e)
  $t->pass('__construct() throws an \InvalidArgumentException if the first argument is not a stream');

$output = new StreamOutput($stream, Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, true);
$t->is($output->getVerbosity(), Output::VERBOSITY_QUIET, '__construct() takes the verbosity as its first argument');
$t->is($output->isDecorated(), true, '__construct() takes the decorated flag as its second argument');

// ->getStream()
$output = new StreamOutput($stream);
$t->is($output->getStream(), $stream, '->getStream() returns the current stream');

// ->doWrite()
$output = new StreamOutput($stream);
$t->is(stream_get_contents($output->getStream()), "foo\n", '->doWrite() writes to the stream');