  * {@inheritDoc}
  * @return void
 public function run(EntityInterface $user)
     $user->setPassword($this->passwordEncoder->encodePassword($user->getPassword(), User::SALT));
     $user->setRegistrationDate(new \DateTime());
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function generateToken()
     // Generate an URI safe base64 encoded string that does not contain "+",
     // "/" or "=" which need to be URL encoded and make URLs unnecessarily
     // longer.
     $bytes = $this->random->nextBytes($this->entropy / 8);
     return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($bytes), '+/', '-_'), '=');
Example #3
  * @param int $length
  * @return string
 public function generateRandomString($length)
     do {
         $bytes = base64_encode($this->random->nextBytes($length));
         $string = substr(strtr($bytes, array('+' => '', '/' => '', '=' => '')), 0, $length);
     } while (strlen($string) < $length);
     return $string;
Example #4
 public function set($note)
     if (null === $note->getSecret()) {
  * @param SecureRandomInterface $random From security.secure_random
  * @param $phase
  * @param EGGame $game
  * @param User $player
  * @return EGPlaySession
 public static function make(SecureRandomInterface $random, $phase, EGGame $game, User $player = null)
     $session = new EGPlaySession();
     $session->setStartDate(new \DateTime('now'));
     $session->id = bin2hex($random->nextBytes(20));
     return $session;
Example #6
  * Generate a new token and persist it into DB
  * @param string    $scope     Purpose of this token (where will it be used)
  * @param string    $ownerType Owner of this entity (could be an Entity class name)
  * @param integer   $ownerId   Identifier of the owner
  * @param integer   $usesMax   Maximum number of uses for this Token before it is invalidated
  * @param \DateTime $expiresAt Optional expiry time, after which the Token becomes invalid
  * @param array     $data      Optional additional data to check against, for advanced validation conditions
  * @return Token
 public function generate($scope, $ownerType, $ownerId, $usesMax = 1, \DateTime $expiresAt = null, array $data = null)
     $hash = md5($this->secureRandom->nextBytes(32) . $scope . $ownerType . $ownerId);
     $token = new Token();
     if (!empty($data)) {
     if ($expiresAt instanceof \DateTime) {
     return $token;
Example #7
 public function set($note)
     if (null === $note->id) {
         if (empty($this->data)) {
             $note->id = 0;
         } else {
             $note->id = key($this->data) + 1;
     if (null === $note->secret) {
         $note->secret = base64_encode($this->randomGenerator->nextBytes(64));
     $this->data[$note->id] = $note;
Example #8
 public function register(User $user)
     $errors = $this->validator->validate($user, ['Registration']);
     if ($errors->count() === 0) {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new Exception($e->getMessage());
         // TODO: send unlock email
         return true;
     return $errors;
  * @return bytes 16 random bytes to be used in the salt
 protected function getRawSalt()
     $rawSalt = false;
     $numBytes = 16;
     if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) {
         $rawSalt = mcrypt_create_iv($numBytes, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
     if (!$rawSalt) {
         $rawSalt = $this->secureRandom->nextBytes($numBytes);
     return $rawSalt;
Example #10
  * Tests whether the generated token is eight characters long.
 public function testGeneratedTokenHasLengthOfEight()
     $this->random->expects($this->once())->method('nextBytes')->with(self::ENTROPY / 8)->will($this->returnValue(self::$bytes));
     $this->assertEquals(8, strlen($this->generator->generateToken()));
  * @return string
 private function generateConversationId()
     return sha1($this->secureRandom->nextBytes(24));