Example #1
  * Creates a list with the given choices and values.
  * The given choice array must have the same array keys as the value array.
  * Each choice must be castable to an integer/string according to the
  * casting rules described in {@link toArrayKey()}.
  * If no values are given, the choices are cast to strings and used as
  * values.
  * @param array|\Traversable $choices The selectable choices
  * @param callable           $value   The callable for creating the value
  *                                    for a choice. If `null` is passed, the
  *                                    choices are cast to strings and used
  *                                    as values
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the keys of the choices don't match
  *                                  the keys of the values or if any of the
  *                                  choices is not scalar
 public function __construct($choices, $value = null)
     // If no values are given, use the choices as values
     // Since the choices are stored in the collection keys, i.e. they are
     // strings or integers, we are guaranteed to be able to convert them
     // to strings
     if (null === $value) {
         $value = function ($choice) {
             return (string) $choice;
         $this->useChoicesAsValues = true;
     parent::__construct($choices, $value);
  * Creates a list with the given choices and values.
  * The given choice array must have the same array keys as the value array.
  * Each choice must be castable to an integer/string according to the
  * casting rules described in {@link toArrayKey()}.
  * If no values are given, the choices are cast to strings and used as
  * values.
  * @param array    $choices The selectable choices
  * @param callable $value   The callable for creating the value for a
  *                          choice. If `null` is passed, the choices are
  *                          cast to strings and used as values
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the keys of the choices don't match
  *                                  the keys of the values or if any of the
  *                                  choices is not scalar
 public function __construct(array $choices, $value = null)
     $choices = array_map(array(__CLASS__, 'toArrayKey'), $choices);
     if (null === $value) {
         $value = function ($choice) {
             return (string) $choice;
         $this->useChoicesAsValues = true;
     parent::__construct($choices, $value);