Example #1
  * Get default config xml.
  * Retrieve the default config.xml. This call enables a 3rd party
  * application to get the current config.xml, modify it’s parameters, and
  * use setConfigXML to store it on the BigBlueButton server (getting a
  * reference token to the new config.xml), then using the token in as a
  * parameter in the join URL to override the default config.xml.
  * @return string
  * @throws \sanduhrs\BigBlueButton\Exception\BigBlueButtonException
 public function getDefaultConfigXML()
     $result = $this->client->getRaw('getDefaultConfigXML');
     $xml = simplexml_load_string($result);
     // Check for success
     if (!isset($xml->version)) {
         throw new BigBlueButtonException('Could not retrieve default config xml.');
     return $result;
 public function testCanGetEndpoint()
     $endpoint = $this->client->getEndpoint();
Example #3
  * Set config xml.
  * Associate a custom config.xml file with the current session. This call
  * returns a token that can later be passed as a parameter to a join URL.
  * When passed as a parameter, the BigBlueButton client will use the
  * associated config.xml for the user instead of using the default
  * config.xml. This enables 3rd party applications to provide user-specific
  * config.xml files.
  * @return string
  *   The xml formatted server response string.
 public function setConfigXML($configXML)
     $options = ['meetingID' => $this->meetingID, 'configXML' => $configXML];
     $this->client->postRaw('setConfigXML', $options);
     return true;
Example #4
  * Delete recording.
  * @return mixed
 public function delete()
     $options = ['recordID' => $this->recordID];
     return $this->client->get('deleteRecordings', $options);