Example #1
 public function get()
     $this->tpl = 'account/welcome.php';
     if ($this->user->isOK()) {
         $this->alert('You don not need re-send verify mail');
     if (!$this->user->email) {
         $this->alert("No email found, can not reactive!");
Example #2
 public function post()
     $is_verify_user = $this->app->verify_user;
     // Check email
     if (!filter_var($this->input->data('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $this->alert('Email format is wrong');
     // Check user name rule
     if (!preg_match("/^[\\w]{4,20}\$/", $this->input->data('name'))) {
         $this->alert('User name only use a-z and 0-9, length must be 6-20');
     // Check password length
     if (strlen($this->input->data('password')) < 6) {
         $this->alert('Password length must be great than or equal 6');
     // Check if exists user name
     if (Model::factory('User')->where('name', $this->input->data('name'))->find_one()) {
         $this->alert('User already exists');
     // Check if exists user email
     if (Model::factory('User')->where('email', $this->input->data('email'))->find_one()) {
         $this->alert('Email already taken');
     // Create user
     /** @var $user \Model\User */
     $user = Model::factory('User')->create(array('name' => $this->input->data('name'), 'password' => Crypt::makePassword($this->input->data('password'), $this->app->password_salt), 'email' => $this->input->data('email'), 'bio' => $this->input->data('bio')));
     // If disable verify_user will set user verified automatic.
     if (!$is_verify_user) {
     try {
         if (!$user->save()) {
             $this->alert('User create error');
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $this->alert('User register error because of the bad database');
         //@TODO log
     // login when success
     $this->input->session('login', $user->id);
     // Check if verify user
     if ($is_verify_user) {
         // Send verify email
     } else {
Example #3
 public function post(Input $req)
     // Check email
     if (!filter_var($req->data('email'), FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
         $this->alert('Email format is wrong');
     if ($password = $req->data('password')) {
         // Check password length
         if (strlen($req->data('password')) < 6) {
             $this->alert('Password length must be great than or equal 6');
         if ($req->data('password') != $req->data('re_password')) {
             $this->alert('Password dose not match');
     $this->user->set('bio', $req->data('bio'));
     // Change password
     if ($password) {
         $this->user->password = Crypt::makePassword($password, $this->app->password_salt);
     $send = false;
     // Change email
     if ($this->user->email != $req->data('email')) {
         // Check if exists user email
         if (Model::factory('User')->where('email', $req->data('email'))->find_one()) {
             $this->alert('Email already taken');
         $this->user->email = $req->data('email');
         $this->user->status = User::UNVERIFIED;
         $send = true;
     try {
         if (!$this->user->save()) {
             $this->alert('User create error');
     } catch (\PDOException $e) {
         $this->alert('User register error because of the bad database');
     if ($send) {
         // Send verify email
     $this->redirect('/u/' . $this->user->id);