  * Google+側で認証後にリダイレクトされてくる
  * */
 public function getCallback()
     // TODO: 認証エラー処理 (認証キャンセルされると、500エラーで返ってくる)
     // ユーザー情報を取得
     $userData = $this->socialite->driver('google')->user();
     // 情報取得
     $sns_id = $userData->getId();
     $sns_name = $userData->getName();
     $sns_email = $userData->getEmail();
     // ユーザーが登録済かチェック
     $user = User::where('oauth_flg', "google")->where('oauth_id', $sns_id)->first();
     if (!$user) {
         User::create(['name' => $sns_name, 'email' => $sns_email, 'password' => bcrypt('google%' . $sns_id), 'oauth_flg' => 'google', 'oauth_id' => $sns_id]);
         $user = User::where('oauth_flg', "google")->where('oauth_id', $sns_id)->first();
     // リダイレクト
     return redirect('/tasks');
Example #2
  * Obtain the user information from Eve Online.
  * @param \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\Factory $social
  * @return \Seat\Web\Http\Controllers\Auth\Response
 public function handleProviderCallback(Socialite $social)
     $eve_data = $social->driver('eveonline')->user();
     // Check if there is a SeAT account with the same name. If this is the
     // case, we need to confirm the current password for the user before
     // we convert the account to an SSO account.
     if (User::where('name', $eve_data->name)->where('eve_id', null)->first()) {
         // Store the data from Eveonline in the sesion.
         session()->put('eve_sso', $eve_data);
         // Redirect to the password confirmation page.
         return redirect()->route('auth.eve.confirmation.get');
     // Get or create the User bound to this login.
     $user = $this->findOrCreateUser($eve_data);
     // Login the account
     auth()->login($user, true);
     // Check if an account was just logged in for the first
     // time using SSO and ask for an email address if its required.
     if (User::where('name', $eve_data->name)->where('active', 0)->first() && setting('require_activation', true) == 'yes') {
         // Redirect to the password confirmation page.
         return redirect()->route('auth.eve.email');
     // Set the main characterID based on the response.
     return redirect()->intended();
  * Handle redirection from GitHub OAuth
  * @param SocialiteManager $socialiteManager
  * @param UserService      $userService
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function handleGitHubRdirect(SocialiteManager $socialiteManager, UserService $userService)
     $user = $socialiteManager->driver('github')->user();
     $id = $userService->registerUser($user);
     return redirect()->route('main');
 function it_creates_a_user_if_authorization_is_granted(Factory $socialite, UserRepository $users, Authenticator $auth, User $user, AuthenticateUserListener $listener)
     $socialite->driver('github')->willReturn(new ProviderStub());
     $auth->login($user, self::HAS_CODE)->shouldBeCalled();
     $this->execute(self::HAS_CODE, $listener);
 public function handleProviderCallback(Guard $auth, Socialite $socialite, UsersService $userService, SessionManager $manager)
     $user = $socialite->driver('facebook')->user();
     $authUser = $userService->findOrCreateByFacebook($user);
     return redirect('/');
Example #6
  * @param boolean $hasCode
  * @param AuthenticateUserListener $listener
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse
 public function github($hasCode, AuthenticateUserListener $listener)
     if (!$hasCode) {
         return $this->socialite->driver('github')->redirect();
     $user = $this->users->findOrCreate($this->socialite->driver('github')->user(), 'github');
     $this->auth->login($user, true);
     return $listener->userHasLoggedIn($user);
Example #7
  * @param $driver
  * @return array
 public function getUser($driver)
     $userData = $this->socialite->driver($driver)->user();
     switch ($driver) {
         case 'facebook':
             return ['name' => $userData->name, 'email' => $userData->email, 'avatar' => $userData->avatar, 'facebook_user_id' => $userData->id];
     return [];
Example #8
 public function __construct(Socialite $socialite)
     $this->driver = $this->getDriver();
     // Set redirect URL
     config(["services.{$this->driver}.redirect" => route('social.callback', $this->driver)]);
     $this->client = $this->getClient();
     $this->provider = $socialite->driver($this->driver);
     $this->socialite = $socialite;
 public function callback()
     \Config::set("services.{$this->driver}.redirect", action(\Config::get("services.{$this->driver}.redirect_action")));
     $serviceUser = $this->socialite->driver($this->driver)->user();
     $serviceUserId = $serviceUser->getId();
     $name = $serviceUser->getName();
     $email = $serviceUser->getEmail();
     $authUserId = $this->serviceAuthenticationService->getAuthModelId($this->driver, ['service' => $this->driver, 'service_id' => $serviceUserId, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email]);
     if (!empty($authUserId)) {
     return redirect()->action($this->redirectAction);
Example #10
  * When the user has authenticated it will return to this route.
  * @param Authentication $authentication
  * @param $driver
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse
 public function callback(Authentication $authentication, $driver)
     if (!in_array($driver, $this->availableProviders)) {
         return abort(404);
     try {
         $socialiteUser = $this->socialite->driver($driver)->user();
         $authentication->loginOrCreateUser($socialiteUser, $driver);
         return redirect('/');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return redirect('login-failed');
Example #11
  * Obtain the user information from facebook.
  * @return Response
 public function handleProviderCallback()
     $user = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
     //return $user;
     //return $user->token;
  * Show the application login form.
  * @param string $provider
  * @return \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response|array
 public function getLogin($provider = null)
     if (!is_null($provider)) {
         return $this->socialite->driver($provider)->redirect();
     return ['message' => 'Ready'];
  * @param null $provider
  * @return string
 public function getSocialAuthCallback($provider = null)
     if ($user = $this->socialite->with($provider)->user()) {
         $this->checkSocialUser($user, $provider);
         return redirect('home');
     } else {
         return 'something went wrong';
  * Find the existing user or create a new one for this account.
  * @param $provider
  * @throws EmailAlreadyInUse
  * @return User
 public function findOrCreateUser($provider) : User
     /** @var \Laravel\Socialite\Two\User $providerUser */
     $providerUser = $this->socialite->driver($provider)->user();
     $user = User::byProvider($provider, $providerUser->id)->first();
     if (is_null($user)) {
         $user = User::where('email', $providerUser->getEmail())->first();
         // If provider isn't associated with user, do that now
         if (is_null($user)) {
             return $this->registrar->create($provider, $providerUser);
         $userProvider = app(UserProvider::class, [['provider' => $provider, 'provider_id' => $providerUser->getId()]]);
         return $user;
     // update the avatar if it has changed
     if (!is_null($providerUser->getAvatar()) && $user->avatar != $providerUser->getAvatar()) {
         $user->update(['avatar' => $providerUser->getAvatar()]);
     return $user;
Example #15
  * Obtain the user information from Facebook.
 public function handleProviderCallback()
     try {
         $user = $this->socialite->driver('facebook')->fields(['name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email', 'gender', 'verified'])->user();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return redirect('auth/facebook');
     $authUser = $this->findOrCreateUser($user);
     Auth::login($authUser, true);
     return redirect()->route('home')->with(['success' => 'You are now logged in with your Facebook account']);
  * Handle sociel authentication callback.
 public function authCallback(Socialite $socialite, $provider)
     $auth = $socialite->with($provider)->user();
     $userAuth = UserAuth::where('uid', '=', $auth->getId())->first();
     if ($userAuth) {
         $user = $userAuth->user;
     } else {
         if ($auth->getEmail()) {
             $user = User::where('email', '=', $auth->getEmail())->first();
             if (is_null($user)) {
                 $user = User::create(['name' => $auth->getName(), 'username' => $auth->getNickname(), 'email' => $auth->getEmail()]);
         } else {
             $user = User::create(['name' => $auth->getName(), 'username' => $auth->getNickname()]);
         $userAuth = UserAuth::create(['provider' => $provider, 'uid' => $auth->getId()]);
     return redirect()->intended('/')->with(array('message' => 'Your are now logged in!', 'message_type' => 'success'));
Example #17
  * Process the Facebook callback, ensure they gave us the correct permissions, create the user if they don't exist, and log them in.
  * @return mixed
 public function getSocialAuthCallback()
     $user = $this->socialite->with('facebook')->user();
     if (!$this->validateUserFacebookAttributes($user)) {
         return $this->getFacebookReSocialAuth();
     if (User::where('facebook_id', $user->id)->get()->count() === 0) {
         $dbUser = $this->createUserFromSocialite($user);
     } else {
         $dbUser = User::where('facebook_id', $user->id)->get()->first();
     return redirect('/');
Example #18
  * @return \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\User
 private function getSocialUser()
     $user = $this->socialite->driver($this->provider)->user();
     // check how many fb friends
     if ($this->provider == 'facebook') {
         $friendCount = 0;
         try {
             $data = file_get_contents("https://graph.facebook.com/v2.5/me/friends?access_token=" . $user->token);
             if ($data) {
                 $dataArr = json_decode($data);
                 if (isset($dataArr->summary)) {
                     $friendCount = $dataArr->summary->total_count;
         } catch (\Exception $e) {
             throw new \RuntimeException($e->getMessage());
         if ($friendCount <= 0) {
             return ['user' => $user, 'success' => false, 'message' => 'Facebook account must have at least 10 friends!'];
     return ['user' => $user, 'success' => true];
  * Constructs the OAuthController.
  * @param \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\Factory
 public function __construct(Socialite $socialite)
     $this->socialite = $socialite->driver('github')->scopes(['user:email', 'public_repo', 'repo', 'read:repo_hook', 'write:repo_hook', 'admin:repo_hook', 'admin:org_hook']);
     $this->middleware('guest', ['except' => 'out']);
Example #20
 public function __construct(Factory $socialite, Redirector $redirector)
     $this->socialite = $socialite->driver('youtube');
     $this->redirector = $redirector;
  * @param $provider
  * @return \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\User
 public function getSocialUser($provider)
     return $this->socialite->driver($provider)->user();
Example #22
  * @return \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\User
 private function getUser($provider)
     return $this->socialite->driver($provider)->user();
 private function getAuthorizationFirst()
     return $this->socialiteFactory->driver('github')->scopes(['user:email', 'read:org', 'repo'])->redirect();
 private function getGoogleUser()
     return $this->socialite->driver('google')->user();
Example #25
 private function getProviderUser($provider)
     //        dd($this->socialite->driver($provider)->user());
     return $this->socialite->driver($provider)->user();
 public function __construct(Socialite $social)
     $this->github = $social->driver('github');
 private function getGitHubUser()
     return $this->socialite->driver('github')->user();
  * @return \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\User
 private function getSocialUser($provider = 'google')
     return $this->socialite->driver($provider)->user();
Example #29
  * user method
  * @param $driverName
  * @return \Codex\Addon\Auth\Socialite\User
 protected function user($driverName)
     $driver = $this->social->driver($driverName);
     return $driver->user();
Example #30
  * Handle OAuth login.
  * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request             $request
  * @param \Laravel\Socialite\Contracts\Factory $socialite
  * @param string                               $provider
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse|\Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
 public function handleOAuthReturn(Request $request, SocialiteContract $socialite, $provider)
     switch ($provider) {
         case 'google':
         case 'facebook':
             if (!$request->exists('code')) {
                 return redirect('/login')->withErrors(trans('passwords.oauth_failed'));
         case 'twitter':
             if (!$request->exists('oauth_token') || !$request->exists('oauth_verifier')) {
                 return redirect('/login')->withErrors(trans('passwords.oauth_failed'));
     /** @var SocialiteUser $userInfo */
     $userInfo = $socialite->driver($provider)->user();
     if ($this->loginViaOAuth($userInfo, $provider)) {
         return redirect()->intended($this->redirectPath());
     return redirect('/login')->withErrors(trans('passwords.oauth_failed'));