  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $environment = new Environment(['name' => 'production', 'parameters' => [["id" => "vpc_cidr", "value" => ""], ["id" => "key_name", "value" => "highcore-production"], ["id" => "private_zone", "value" => "highcore-production"], ["id" => "cloud_key", "value" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"], ["id" => "cloud_secret", "sensitive" => true, "value" => "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"]]]);
     $this->command->info('Environments table seeded!');
  * Run the database seeds.
  * @return void
 public function run()
     $stack = new Stack(['name' => 'highcore', 'components' => ['api' => ['id' => 'api', 'template_component' => 'api', 'parameters' => ['instance_type' => ['id' => 'instance_type', 'value' => 't2.micro'], 'api_db_host' => ['id' => 'api_db_host', 'value' => env('DB_HOST')], 'api_db_database' => ['id' => 'api_db_database', 'value' => env('DB_DATABASE')], 'api_db_username' => ['id' => 'api_db_username', 'value' => env('DB_USERNAME')], 'api_db_password' => ['id' => 'api_db_password', 'sensitive' => true, 'value' => Crypt::encrypt(env('DB_PASSWORD'))], 'api_app_key' => ['id' => 'api_db_password', 'sensitive' => true, 'value' => env('APP_KEY')]], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 346, 'y' => 210]]], 'ui' => ['id' => 'ui', 'template_component' => 'ui', 'parameters' => ['instance_type' => ['id' => 'instance_type', 'value' => 't2.micro']], 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'api', 'template_component' => 'api']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 642, 'y' => 209]]]], 'stacks' => [['name' => 'highcore-env']]]);
     $stack = new Stack(['name' => 'highcore-env', 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'vpc', 'template_component' => 'vpc', 'parameters' => ['cidr' => ['id' => 'cidr', 'value' => '']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 642, 'y' => 422]]], 'subnet-a' => ['id' => 'subnet-a', 'template_component' => 'subnet', 'parameters' => ['cidr' => ['id' => 'cidr', 'value' => ''], 'az' => ['id' => 'az', 'value' => 'eu-west-1a']], 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'vpc', 'template_component' => 'vpc']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 402, 'y' => 51]]], 'subnet-b' => ['id' => 'subnet-b', 'template_component' => 'subnet', 'parameters' => ['cidr' => ['id' => 'cidr', 'value' => ''], 'az' => ['id' => 'az', 'value' => 'eu-west-1b']], 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'vpc', 'template_component' => 'vpc']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 260, 'y' => 58]]], 'subnet-c' => ['id' => 'subnet-c', 'template_component' => 'subnet', 'parameters' => ['cidr' => ['id' => 'cidr', 'value' => ''], 'az' => ['id' => 'az', 'value' => 'eu-west-1c']], 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'vpc', 'template_component' => 'vpc']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 264, 'y' => 213]]], 'security' => ['id' => 'security', 'template_component' => 'security', 'parameters' => ['office_network' => ['id' => 'office_network', 'value' => '']], 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'vpc', 'template_component' => 'vpc']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 998, 'y' => 84]]], 'private_zone' => ['id' => 'private_zone', 'template_component' => 'private_zone', 'parameters' => ['name' => ['id' => 'name', 'value' => 'highcore']], 'components' => ['vpc' => ['id' => 'vpc', 'template_component' => 'vpc']], 'ui' => ['icon' => ['url' => 'images/icon.svg'], 'container' => ['fill' => 'green'], 'position' => ['x' => 985, 'y' => 233]]]]]);
     $this->command->info('Stacks table seeded!');