  * Find the lowest stability.
  * @param string[]      $stabilities   The list of stability
  * @param VersionParser $versionParser The version parser
  * @return string The lowest stability
 public static function findInlineStabilities(array $stabilities, VersionParser $versionParser)
     $lowestStability = 'stable';
     foreach ($stabilities as $stability) {
         $stability = $versionParser->normalizeStability($stability);
         $stability = $versionParser->parseStability($stability);
         if (Package::$stabilities[$stability] > Package::$stabilities[$lowestStability]) {
             $lowestStability = $stability;
     return $lowestStability;
Example #2
  * Validates the tag.
  * @param string             $tag
  * @param AssetTypeInterface $assetType
  * @param VersionParser|null $parser
  * @return false|string
 public static function validateTag($tag, AssetTypeInterface $assetType, VersionParser $parser = null)
     if (in_array($tag, array('master', 'trunk', 'default'))) {
         return false;
     if (null === $parser) {
         $parser = new VersionParser();
     try {
         $tag = $assetType->getVersionConverter()->convertVersion($tag);
         $tag = $parser->normalize($tag);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $tag = false;
     return $tag;
  * Initialize the installed package.
 private function initInstalledPackages()
     /* @var PackageInterface $package */
     foreach ($this->installedRepository->getPackages() as $package) {
         $operator = $this->getFilterOperator($package);
         /* @var Link $link */
         $link = current($this->versionParser->parseLinks($this->package->getName(), $this->package->getVersion(), 'installed', array($package->getName() => $operator . $package->getPrettyVersion())));
         $link = $this->includeRootConstraint($package, $link);
         $this->requires[$package->getName()] = $link;
  * Clean the raw version.
  * @param string $version The version
  * @param array  $matches The match of pattern asset version
  * @return array The list of $type, $version and $end
 protected static function cleanVersion($version, array $matches)
     $end = substr($version, strlen($matches[1][0][0]));
     $version = $matches[1][0][0] . '-';
     $matches = array();
     if (preg_match('/^(\\-|\\+)/', $end, $matches)) {
         $end = substr($end, 1);
     $matches = array();
     preg_match('/^[a-z]+/', $end, $matches);
     $type = isset($matches[0]) ? VersionParser::normalizeStability($matches[0]) : null;
     $end = substr($end, strlen($type));
     return array($type, $version, $end);
  * Convert the installed package data tests to mock package instance.
  * @param array $installed The config of installed packages
  * @return array The package instance of installed packages
 protected function convertInstalled(array $installed)
     $packages = array();
     $parser = new VersionParser();
     foreach ($installed as $name => $version) {
         $package = $this->getMockBuilder('Composer\\Package\\PackageInterface')->getMock();
         $packages[] = $package;
     return $packages;
  * Normalize the alias of branch.
  * @param PackageInterface $package The package instance
  * @return string The alias branch name
 protected function normalizeBranchAlias(PackageInterface $package)
     $stability = VersionParser::parseStability($this->versionParser->normalize($this->rootPackageVersion));
     $aliasNormalized = 'dev-' . $this->rootPackageVersion;
     if (BasePackage::STABILITY_STABLE === BasePackage::$stabilities[$stability] && null === $this->findPackage($package->getName(), $this->rootPackageVersion)) {
         $aliasNormalized = $this->versionParser->normalize($this->rootPackageVersion);
     return $aliasNormalized;
  * Check if the require dependency has a satisfactory stability.
  * @param Link   $require           The require link defined in root package
  * @param string $normalizedVersion The normalized version
  * @return bool
 protected function satisfyStability(Link $require, $normalizedVersion)
     $requireStability = $this->getRequireStability($require);
     $stability = $this->versionParser->parseStability($normalizedVersion);
     return Package::$stabilities[$stability] <= Package::$stabilities[$requireStability];