Example #1
  * @param array $schema
 protected static function prepareConfigSchemaField(array &$schema)
     switch ($schema['name']) {
         case 'public_path':
             $schema['type'] = 'array';
             $schema['items'] = 'string';
             $schema['description'] = 'An array of paths to make public.' . ' All folders and files under these paths will be available as public but read-only via the server\'s URL.';
         case 'container':
             $values = [];
             $defaultDiskName = \Config::get('filesystems.default');
             $disks = \Config::get('filesystems.disks');
             foreach ($disks as $disk) {
                 $default = false;
                 if ($defaultDiskName === $disk['driver']) {
                     $default = true;
                 $values[] = ['name' => $disk['driver'], 'label' => $disk['driver'], 'default' => $default];
             $schema['type'] = 'picklist';
             $schema['description'] = 'Select a disk configuration to use for local file service.';
             $schema['values'] = $values;
Example #2
  * Returns role info cached, or reads from db if not present.
  * Pass in a key to return a portion/index of the cached data.
  * @param int         $id
  * @param null|string $key
  * @param null        $default
  * @return mixed|null
 public static function getCachedInfo($id, $key = null, $default = null)
     $cacheKey = 'role:' . $id;
     try {
         $result = \Cache::remember($cacheKey, \Config::get('df.default_cache_ttl'), function () use($id) {
             $role = Role::with(['role_lookup_by_role_id', 'role_service_access_by_role_id', 'service_by_role_service_access'])->whereId($id)->first();
             if (empty($role)) {
                 throw new NotFoundException("Role not found.");
             if (!$role->is_active) {
                 throw new ForbiddenException("Role is not active.");
             $roleInfo = $role->toArray();
             $services = ArrayUtils::get($roleInfo, 'service_by_role_service_access');
             foreach ($roleInfo['role_service_access_by_role_id'] as $key => $value) {
                 $serviceName = ArrayUtils::findByKeyValue($services, 'id', ArrayUtils::get($value, 'service_id'), 'name');
                 $component = ArrayUtils::get($value, 'component');
                 $roleInfo['role_service_access_by_role_id'][$key]['service'] = $serviceName;
                 $roleInfo['role_service_access_by_role_id'][$key]['component'] = trim($component, '/');
             return $roleInfo;
         if (is_null($result)) {
             return $default;
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
         return $default;
     if (is_null($key)) {
         return $result;
     return isset($result[$key]) ? $result[$key] : $default;
Example #3
 protected static function getApps()
     if (SessionUtilities::isAuthenticated()) {
         $user = SessionUtilities::user();
         $defaultAppId = $user->default_app_id;
         if (SessionUtilities::isSysAdmin()) {
             $appGroups = AppGroupModel::with(['app_by_app_to_app_group' => function ($q) {
                 $q->whereIsActive(1)->whereNotIn('type', [AppTypes::NONE]);
             $apps = AppModel::whereIsActive(1)->whereNotIn('type', [AppTypes::NONE])->get();
         } else {
             $userId = $user->id;
             $userAppRoles = UserAppRole::whereUserId($userId)->whereNotNull('role_id')->get(['app_id']);
             $appIds = [];
             foreach ($userAppRoles as $uar) {
                 $appIds[] = $uar->app_id;
             $appIdsString = implode(',', $appIds);
             $appIdsString = empty($appIdsString) ? '-1' : $appIdsString;
             $typeString = implode(',', [AppTypes::NONE]);
             $typeString = empty($typeString) ? '-1' : $typeString;
             $appGroups = AppGroupModel::with(['app_by_app_to_app_group' => function ($q) use($appIdsString, $typeString) {
                 $q->whereRaw("(app.id IN ({$appIdsString}) OR role_id > 0) AND is_active = 1 AND type NOT IN ({$typeString})");
             $apps = AppModel::whereRaw("(app.id IN ({$appIdsString}) OR role_id > 0) AND is_active = 1 AND type NOT IN ({$typeString})")->get();
     } else {
         $appGroups = AppGroupModel::with(['app_by_app_to_app_group' => function ($q) {
             $q->where('role_id', '>', 0)->whereIsActive(1)->whereNotIn('type', [AppTypes::NONE]);
         $apps = AppModel::whereIsActive(1)->where('role_id', '>', 0)->whereNotIn('type', [AppTypes::NONE])->get();
     if (empty($defaultAppId)) {
         $systemConfig = SystemConfig::first(['default_app_id']);
         $defaultAppId = !empty($systemConfig) ? $systemConfig->default_app_id : null;
     $inGroups = [];
     $groupedApps = [];
     $noGroupedApps = [];
     foreach ($appGroups as $appGroup) {
         $appArray = $appGroup->getRelation('app_by_app_to_app_group')->toArray();
         if (!empty($appArray)) {
             $appInfo = [];
             foreach ($appArray as $app) {
                 $inGroups[] = $app['id'];
                 $appInfo[] = static::makeAppInfo($app, $defaultAppId);
             $groupedApps[] = ['id' => $appGroup->id, 'name' => $appGroup->name, 'description' => $appGroup->description, 'app' => $appInfo];
     /** @type AppModel $app */
     foreach ($apps as $app) {
         if (!in_array($app->id, $inGroups)) {
             $noGroupedApps[] = static::makeAppInfo($app->toArray(), $defaultAppId);
     return [$groupedApps, $noGroupedApps];
Example #4
  * Returns system lookups cached, or reads from db if not present.
  * Pass in a key to return a portion/index of the cached data.
  * @param null|string $key
  * @param null        $default
  * @return mixed|null
 public static function getCachedLookups($key = null, $default = null)
     $cacheKey = 'system_lookups';
     try {
         $result = \Cache::remember($cacheKey, \Config::get('df.default_cache_ttl'), function () {
             return Lookup::all()->toArray();
         if (is_null($result)) {
             return $default;
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
         return $default;
     if (is_null($key)) {
         return $result;
     return isset($result[$key]) ? $result[$key] : $default;
Example #5
  * Creates first admin user.
  * @param  array $data
  * @return User|boolean
 public static function createFirstAdmin(array &$data)
     $validationRules = ['name' => 'required|max:255', 'first_name' => 'required|max:255', 'last_name' => 'required|max:255', 'email' => 'required|email|max:255|unique:user', 'password' => 'required|confirmed|min:6'];
     $validator = Validator::make($data, $validationRules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         $errors = $validator->getMessageBag()->all();
         $data = array_merge($data, ['errors' => $errors, 'version' => \Config::get('df.version')]);
         return false;
     } else {
         /** @type User $user */
         $attributes = array_only($data, ['name', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'email']);
         $attributes['is_active'] = 1;
         $user = static::create($attributes);
         $user->password = ArrayUtils::get($data, 'password');
         $user->is_sys_admin = 1;
         // Register user
         // Reset admin_exists flag in cache.
         \Cache::forever('admin_exists', true);
         return $user;
Example #6
  * Use this primarily in middle-ware or where no session is established yet.
  * @param string $api_key
  * @return int The app id
 public static function getAppIdByApiKey($api_key)
     $cacheKey = 'apikey2appid:' . $api_key;
     try {
         return \Cache::remember($cacheKey, \Config::get('df.default_cache_ttl'), function () use($api_key) {
             return App::whereApiKey($api_key)->firstOrFail()->id;
     } catch (ModelNotFoundException $ex) {
         return null;
Example #7
  * Returns service name cached, or reads from db if not present.
  * Pass in a key to return a portion/index of the cached data.
  * @param int $id
  * @return string|null
 public static function getCachedNameById($id)
     $cacheKey = 'service_id:' . $id;
     return \Cache::remember($cacheKey, \Config::get('df.default_cache_ttl'), function () use($id) {
         $service = static::whereId($id)->first(['name']);
         if (empty($service)) {
             throw new NotFoundException("Could not find a service for id {$id}");
         return $service->name;