Example #1
 public function getUserAccessibleGroups(User $user, $includeNode = true)
     // On vérifie que l'utilisateur est soit un super admin,
     // soit assigné à un groupe puisque s'il ne l'est pas,
     // $accessibleGroups contient automatiquement tous les groupes
     // (cf. méthode getChildren())
     if ($user->getGroup() === null && !$user->isSuperAdmin()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('User "%s" is not super admin and is not assigned to a group.', $user));
     return $this->groupRepo->getChildren($user->getGroup(), false, null, "asc", $includeNode);
Example #2
 public function getAccessibleGroups()
     $groups = [];
     $user = $this->context->getToken()->getUser();
     if ($this->isGranted(User::ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN)) {
         $groups = $this->groupRepo->getChildren(null);
     } elseif ($this->isGranted(User::ROLE_ADMIN)) {
         $groups = $this->groupRepo->getChildren($user->getGroup(), false, null, "asc", true);
     } elseif ($user->getGroup() !== null) {
         $groups = [$user->getGroup()];
     if (empty($groups) && !$this->isGranted(User::ROLE_ADMIN)) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Security error! This user should not have empty group access. This can lead to security breach.');
     return $groups;