addToUrl() public static method

Add a request string to the current URL
public static addToUrl ( string $strRequest, boolean $blnAddRef = true, array $arrUnset = [] ) : string
$strRequest string The string to be added
$blnAddRef boolean Add the referer ID
$arrUnset array An optional array of keys to unset
return string The new URL
Example #1
  * Generate the navigation menu and return it as array
  * @param boolean $blnShowAll
  * @return array
 public function navigation($blnShowAll = false)
     /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSessionBag */
     $objSessionBag = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
     $arrModules = array();
     $session = $objSessionBag->all();
     // Toggle nodes
     if (\Input::get('mtg')) {
         $session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')] = isset($session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')]) && $session['backend_modules'][\Input::get('mtg')] == 0 ? 1 : 0;
         \Controller::redirect(preg_replace('/(&(amp;)?|\\?)mtg=[^& ]*/i', '', \Environment::get('request')));
     foreach ($GLOBALS['BE_MOD'] as $strGroupName => $arrGroupModules) {
         if (!empty($arrGroupModules) && ($strGroupName == 'system' || $this->hasAccess(array_keys($arrGroupModules), 'modules'))) {
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modMinus.gif';
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['collapseNode']);
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['label'] = ($label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strGroupName]) != false ? $label : $strGroupName;
             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['href'] = \Controller::addToUrl('mtg=' . $strGroupName);
             // Do not show the modules if the group is closed
             if (!$blnShowAll && isset($session['backend_modules'][$strGroupName]) && $session['backend_modules'][$strGroupName] < 1) {
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'] = false;
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['icon'] = 'modPlus.gif';
                 $arrModules[$strGroupName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['expandNode']);
             } else {
                 foreach ($arrGroupModules as $strModuleName => $arrModuleConfig) {
                     // Check access
                     if ($strModuleName == 'undo' || $this->hasAccess($strModuleName, 'modules')) {
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName] = $arrModuleConfig;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['title'] = specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][1]);
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['label'] = ($label = is_array($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName]) ? $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName][0] : $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MOD'][$strModuleName]) != false ? $label : $strModuleName;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['icon'] = !empty($arrModuleConfig['icon']) ? sprintf(' style="background-image:url(\'%s%s\')"', TL_ASSETS_URL, $arrModuleConfig['icon']) : '';
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] = 'navigation ' . $strModuleName;
                         $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['href'] = TL_SCRIPT . '?do=' . $strModuleName . '&amp;ref=' . TL_REFERER_ID;
                         // Mark the active module and its group
                         if (\Input::get('do') == $strModuleName) {
                             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['class'] = ' trail';
                             $arrModules[$strGroupName]['modules'][$strModuleName]['class'] .= ' active';
     // HOOK: add custom logic
     if (isset($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation']) && is_array($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'])) {
         foreach ($GLOBALS['TL_HOOKS']['getUserNavigation'] as $callback) {
             $arrModules = $this->{$callback[0]}->{$callback[1]}($arrModules, $blnShowAll);
     return $arrModules;
Example #2
  * Add the request token to the URL
  * @param string  $strRequest
  * @param boolean $blnAddRef
  * @param array   $arrUnset
  * @return string
 public static function addToUrl($strRequest, $blnAddRef = true, $arrUnset = array())
     // Unset the "no back button" flag
     $arrUnset[] = 'nb';
     return parent::addToUrl($strRequest . ($strRequest != '' ? '&amp;' : '') . 'rt=' . REQUEST_TOKEN, $blnAddRef, $arrUnset);
  * Add some suffix to the current URL.
  * @param AddToUrlEvent $event The event.
  * @return void
 public static function handleAddToUrl(AddToUrlEvent $event)
Example #4
  * Add a request string to the current URL
  * @param string $strRequest The string to be added
  * @return string The new URL
  * @deprecated Deprecated since Contao 4.0, to be removed in Contao 5.0.
  *             Use Controller::addToUrl() instead.
 public static function addToUrl($strRequest)
     @trigger_error('Using System::addToUrl() has been deprecated and will no longer work in Contao 5.0. Use Controller::addToUrl() instead.', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     return \Controller::addToUrl($strRequest);
Example #5
     * Add a breadcrumb menu to the file tree
     * @param string $strKey
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public static function addFilesBreadcrumb($strKey = 'tl_files_node')
        /** @var AttributeBagInterface $objSession */
        $objSession = \System::getContainer()->get('session')->getBag('contao_backend');
        // Set a new node
        if (isset($_GET['node'])) {
            // Check the path (thanks to Arnaud Buchoux)
            if (\Validator::isInsecurePath(\Input::get('node', true))) {
                throw new \RuntimeException('Insecure path ' . \Input::get('node', true));
            $objSession->set($strKey, \Input::get('node', true));
            \Controller::redirect(preg_replace('/(&|\\?)node=[^&]*/', '', \Environment::get('request')));
        $strNode = $objSession->get($strKey);
        if ($strNode == '') {
        // Check the path (thanks to Arnaud Buchoux)
        if (\Validator::isInsecurePath($strNode)) {
            throw new \RuntimeException('Insecure path ' . $strNode);
        // Currently selected folder does not exist
        if (!is_dir(TL_ROOT . '/' . $strNode)) {
            $objSession->set($strKey, '');
        $objUser = \BackendUser::getInstance();
        $strPath = \Config::get('uploadPath');
        $arrNodes = explode('/', preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote(\Config::get('uploadPath'), '/') . '\\//', '', $strNode));
        $arrLinks = array();
        // Add root link
        $arrLinks[] = '<img src="' . TL_FILES_URL . 'system/themes/' . \Backend::getTheme() . '/images/filemounts.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=""> <a href="' . \Controller::addToUrl('node=') . '" title="' . specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectAllNodes']) . '">' . $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['filterAll'] . '</a>';
        // Generate breadcrumb trail
        foreach ($arrNodes as $strFolder) {
            $strPath .= '/' . $strFolder;
            // Do not show pages which are not mounted
            if (!$objUser->hasAccess($strPath, 'filemounts')) {
            // No link for the active folder
            if ($strFolder == basename($strNode)) {
                $arrLinks[] = '<img src="' . TL_FILES_URL . 'system/themes/' . \Backend::getTheme() . '/images/folderC.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=""> ' . $strFolder;
            } else {
                $arrLinks[] = '<img src="' . TL_FILES_URL . 'system/themes/' . \Backend::getTheme() . '/images/folderC.gif" width="18" height="18" alt=""> <a href="' . \Controller::addToUrl('node=' . $strPath) . '" title="' . specialchars($GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['MSC']['selectNode']) . '">' . $strFolder . '</a>';
        // Check whether the node is mounted
        if (!$objUser->hasAccess($strNode, 'filemounts')) {
            $objSession->set($strKey, '');
            \System::log('Folder ID ' . $strNode . ' was not mounted', __METHOD__, TL_ERROR);
        // Limit tree
        $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['root'] = array($strNode);
        // Insert breadcrumb menu
        $GLOBALS['TL_DCA']['tl_files']['list']['sorting']['breadcrumb'] .= '

<ul id="tl_breadcrumb">
  <li>' . implode(' &gt; </li><li>', $arrLinks) . '</li>