Example #1
  * Clear the queue of complete and failed records
 public function clearQueue()
     $this->avaTaxLogger->debug(__('Starting queue clearing'));
     $this->avaTaxLogger->debug(__('Finished queue clearing'), ['delete_complete_count' => $this->deleteCompleteCount, 'delete_failed_count' => $this->deleteFailedCount]);
Example #2
  * Clear the queue of complete and failed records
 public function clearLogs()
     $this->avaTaxLogger->debug(__('Starting queue clearing'));
     /** @var $collection \ClassyLlama\AvaTax\Model\ResourceModel\Log\Collection */
     $collection = $this->logCollectionFactory->create();
     // Get configuration for record lifetime
     $lifetimeDays = $this->avaTaxConfig->getLogDbLifetime();
     // Calculate the number of seconds to adjust the filter
     // 86400 seconds == 60 seconds * 60 minutes * 24 hours == 1 day
     $secondsBeforeNow = $lifetimeDays * 60 * 60 * 24;
     // Add filters
     // Process each queued entity
     /** @var $log Log */
     foreach ($collection as $log) {
         // Remove the queue record
     $this->avaTaxLogger->debug(__('Finished clearing log entries'), ['delete_count' => $this->deleteCount]);
  * @param \Magento\Sales\Model\Spi\InvoiceResourceInterface $subject
  * @param \Closure $proceed
  *        I include both the extended AbstractModel and implemented Interface here for the IDE's benefit
  * @param \Magento\Framework\Model\AbstractModel|\Magento\Sales\Api\Data\InvoiceInterface $entity
  * @return \Magento\Sales\Model\Spi\InvoiceResourceInterface
  * @throws \Magento\Framework\Exception\CouldNotSaveException
 public function aroundSave(InvoiceResourceInterface $subject, \Closure $proceed, AbstractModel $entity)
     // Check to see if this is a newly created entity and store the determination for later evaluation after
     // the entity is saved via plugin closure. After the entity is saved it will not be listed as new any longer.
     $isObjectNew = $entity->isObjectNew();
     // Save AvaTax extension attributes
     if ($this->avaTaxConfig->isModuleEnabled($entity->getStoreId())) {
         // check to see if any extension attributes exist and set them on the model for saving to the db
         $extensionAttributes = $entity->getExtensionAttributes();
         if ($extensionAttributes && $extensionAttributes->getAvataxIsUnbalanced() !== null) {
             $entity->setData('avatax_is_unbalanced', $extensionAttributes->getAvataxIsUnbalanced());
         if ($extensionAttributes && $extensionAttributes->getBaseAvataxTaxAmount() !== null) {
             $entity->setData('base_avatax_tax_amount', $extensionAttributes->getBaseAvataxTaxAmount());
         // Updating a field to trigger a change to the record when avatax_is_unbalanced and base_avatax_tax_amount
         // are both false or 0 which evaluate the same as null in the isModified check
         if ($extensionAttributes && ($extensionAttributes->getAvataxIsUnbalanced() !== null && ($entity->getOrigData('avatax_is_unbalanced') === null || $extensionAttributes->getAvataxIsUnbalanced() != $entity->getOrigData('avatax_is_unbalanced')) || $extensionAttributes->getBaseAvataxTaxAmount() !== null && ($entity->getOrigData('base_avatax_tax_amount') === null || $extensionAttributes->getBaseAvataxTaxAmount() != $entity->getOrigData('base_avatax_tax_amount')))) {
     /** @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Spi\InvoiceResourceInterface $resultEntity */
     $resultEntity = $proceed($entity);
     /** @var \Magento\Sales\Model\Order $order */
     $order = $entity->getOrder();
     $isVirtual = $order->getIsVirtual();
     $address = $isVirtual ? $entity->getBillingAddress() : $entity->getShippingAddress();
     $storeId = $entity->getStoreId();
     // Queue the entity to be sent to AvaTax
     if ($this->avaTaxConfig->isModuleEnabled($entity->getStoreId()) && $this->avaTaxConfig->getTaxMode($entity->getStoreId()) == Config::TAX_MODE_ESTIMATE_AND_SUBMIT && $this->avaTaxConfig->isAddressTaxable($address, $storeId)) {
         // Add this entity to the avatax processing queue if this is a new entity
         if ($isObjectNew) {
             /** @var Queue $queue */
             $queue = $this->queueFactory->create();
             $queue->build($entity->getStoreId(), Queue::ENTITY_TYPE_CODE_INVOICE, $entity->getEntityId(), $entity->getIncrementId(), Queue::QUEUE_STATUS_PENDING);
             $this->avaTaxLogger->debug(__('Added entity to the queue'), ['queue_id' => $queue->getId(), 'entity_type_code' => Queue::ENTITY_TYPE_CODE_INVOICE, 'entity_id' => $entity->getEntityId()]);
     return $resultEntity;