Example #1
  * @param type $moduleName
  * @param type $moduleListenersPath
 private static function attachModuleEventListeners($moduleSource, $moduleTarget, $moduleListenersPath)
     $emitter = Di::getDefault()->get('events');
     $myListeners = File::getFiles($moduleListenersPath, 'php');
     foreach ($myListeners as $myListener) {
         $listener = basename($myListener, '.php');
         $eventName = CamelCaseTransformation::camelCaseToCustom($moduleTarget, '-') . '.' . CamelCaseTransformation::camelCaseToCustom($listener, '.');
         $emitter->on(strtolower($eventName), function ($params) use($listener, $moduleSource, $moduleTarget) {
             call_user_func(array($moduleSource . "\\Listeners\\" . $moduleTarget . "\\" . $listener, "execute"), $params);
Example #2
  * @method get
  * @route /auth/[i:id]/[a:name]
 public function getDefaultAuthValuesAction()
     $requestParam = $this->getParams('named');
     $auth_id = $requestParam['id'];
     $param_name = strtolower(CamelCaseTransformation::camelCaseToCustom($requestParam['name'], '_'));
     $data = array();
     if (in_array($param_name, self::$authInfosFields)) {
         $contact_template = AuthResourcesInfoRepository::getInfosFromName($param_name, $auth_id);
         if (!empty($contact_template)) {
             $data = array('id' => $contact_template['ar_id'], 'text' => $contact_template['ari_value']);
     return $this->router->response()->json($data);
Example #3
  * @param type $componentName
  * @return type
 public static function parseComponentName($componentName)
     $call = "";
     $parsedComponent = explode('.', $componentName);
     if (count($parsedComponent) == 1 || $parsedComponent[0] === 'core') {
         $call .= '\\Centreon\\Internal\\Form\\Component\\' . ucfirst($componentName);
     } else {
         $call .= '\\' . CamelCaseTransformation::customToCamelCase($parsedComponent[0], '-') . '\\Forms\\Components\\';
         for ($i = 1; $i < count($parsedComponent); $i++) {
             $call .= ucfirst($parsedComponent[$i]);
     return $call;
Example #4
 public function generateAction()
     $moduleCanonicalName = InputOutput::prompt(_("Type the module canonical name here (in CamelCase, it must not contains Module at the ends)"), function ($params, &$result) {
         call_user_func_array(array('\\Centreon\\Internal\\Module\\Informations', 'isCanonicalNameValid'), array($params, &$result));
     // Display Name and short name
     $moduleDisplayName = CamelCaseTransformation::camelCaseToCustom($moduleCanonicalName, " ");
     $moduleShortname = strtolower(CamelCaseTransformation::camelCaseToCustom($moduleCanonicalName, "-"));
     $moduleGenerator = new Generator($moduleCanonicalName);
     // Get Module ShortName set by user
     $userAnswer = InputOutput::prompt(_("Type the module shortname here (seperate by -) [" . $moduleShortname . "]"));
     if (!empty($userAnswer)) {
         $moduleShortname = $userAnswer;
     // Type User Name
     $moduleAuthor = InputOutput::prompt(_("Type your name here"));
     // Ask For generating Directory Structure
     InputOutput::display(_("Generating module full structure... "), false);
     InputOutput::display(_("Done\n"), true, "bgreen");
     // Ask For sample Controller/View
     $generateController = InputOutput::prompt(_("Generate sample controller/view (yes/no)? [yes]"));
     if (empty($generateController) || $generateController == "yes" || $generateController == "y") {
     // Ask to install the module
     $installModule = InputOutput::prompt(_("Install the module(yes/no)? [no] "));
     if (!empty($installModule) && ($installModule == "yes" || $installModule == "y")) {
         $moduleInstaller = Informations::getModuleInstaller($moduleShortname);
Example #5
  * @param string $canonicalName
  * @param array $result
 public static function isCanonicalNameValid($canonicalName, &$result)
     $canonicalNameNotOk = true;
     $error = "";
     if (!CamelCaseTransformation::isCamelCase($canonicalName)) {
         $canonicalNameNotOk = false;
         $error = "The given canonical name is not in CamelCase";
     } elseif (ucwords(substr($canonicalName, -6)) === "Module") {
         $canonicalNameNotOk = false;
         $error = "The given canonical name contains 'Module' at the end";
     } elseif (self::isModuleCanonicalExists($canonicalName)) {
         $canonicalNameNotOk = false;
         $error = "A module with the same canonical name already exist in your centreon";
     $result['success'] = $canonicalNameNotOk;
     $result['message'] = $error;
Example #6
  * @param type $validatorName
  * @return type
 protected function parseValidatorName($validatorName)
     $call = "";
     $parsedValidator = explode('.', $validatorName);
     if ($parsedValidator[0] === 'core') {
         $call .= '\\Centreon\\Internal\\Form\\Validators\\';
     } else {
         $call .= '\\' . CamelCaseTransformation::customToCamelCase($parsedValidator[0], '-') . '\\Forms\\Validators\\';
     for ($i = 1; $i < count($parsedValidator); $i++) {
         $call .= ucfirst($parsedValidator[$i]);
     return $call;