/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit(Dataset $dataset) { $datasources = Datasource::lists('name', 'id'); $categories = DatasetCategory::all()->lists('name', 'id'); $subcategories = DatasetSubcategory::all()->lists('name', 'id'); return view('datasets.edit', compact('dataset', 'categories', 'subcategories', 'datasources')); }
/** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function destroy(Datasource $datasource, Request $request) { //check depedencies first if ($datasource->datasets()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->route('datasources.index')->with('message', 'Some datasets are linked to this source, so you cannot delete it.')->with('message-class', 'error'); } if ($datasource->variables()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->route('datasources.index')->with('message', 'Some variables are linked to this source, so you cannot delete it.')->with('message-class', 'error'); } if ($datasource->values()->count() > 0) { return redirect()->route('datasources.index')->with('message', 'Some values are linked to this source, so you cannot delete it.')->with('message-class', 'error'); } //no dependencies, delete $datasource->delete(); Cache::flush(); return redirect()->route('datasources.index')->with('message', 'Source deleted.'); }
/** * Import a collection of variables */ public function variables(Request $request) { $input = $request->all(); return DB::transaction(function () use($input) { // First, we create the dataset object itself $dataset = $input['dataset']; // entityKey is a unique list of entity names/codes e.g. ['Germany', 'Afghanistan', 'USA'] $entityKey = $input['entityKey']; // entities is a list of indices for entityKey $entities = $input['entities']; $years = $input['years']; $variables = $input['variables']; if (isset($dataset['sourceId'])) { $sourceId = $dataset['sourceId']; } else { $source = $input['source']; $sourceProps = ['name' => $source['name'], 'description' => $source['description']]; $sourceId = Datasource::create($sourceProps)->id; } if (isset($dataset['id'])) { $datasetId = $dataset['id']; } else { $datasetProps = ['name' => $dataset['name'], 'description' => isset($dataset['description']) ? $dataset['description'] : "", 'fk_dst_cat_id' => $dataset['categoryId'], 'fk_dst_subcat_id' => $dataset['subcategoryId'], 'fk_dsr_id' => $sourceId]; $datasetId = Dataset::create($datasetProps)->id; } // First, we insert all of the entities with "on duplicate key update", ensuring // they all exist in the database. $insertQuery = "INSERT INTO entities (name, fk_ent_t_id) VALUES"; $pdo = DB::connection()->getPdo(); foreach ($entityKey as $name) { if ($name != $entityKey[0]) { $insertQuery .= ","; } $insertQuery .= " (" . $pdo->quote($name) . ",5)"; } $insertQuery .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE name=VALUES(name);"; DB::statement($insertQuery); // Now we need to pull them back out again so we know what ids to go with what names $entityNameToId = DB::table('entities')->select('id', 'name')->whereIn('name', $entityKey)->lists('id', 'name'); // Now we feed in our set of variables and associated data foreach ($variables as $variable) { $values = $variable['values']; $newVariable = ['name' => $variable['name'], 'description' => $variable['description'], 'unit' => $variable['unit'], 'fk_var_type_id' => $variable['typeId'], 'fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $sourceId, 'uploaded_by' => \Auth::user()->name, 'uploaded_at' => Carbon::now()]; $varId = DB::table('variables')->insertGetId($newVariable); $newDataValues = []; for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($years); $i++) { if ($values[$i] === '') { // Empty cells, as opposed to zeroes, most likely should not be inserted at all continue; } $newDataValues[] = ['fk_var_id' => $varId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityNameToId[$entityKey[$entities[$i]]], 'year' => $years[$i], 'value' => $values[$i]]; // For very big datasets, there may be too many to do in a single insert // Limit is about 25565 placeholders. So we stop and push in a bunch every so often if (sizeof($newDataValues) > 10000) { DB::table('data_values')->insert($newDataValues); $newDataValues = []; } } if (sizeof($newDataValues) > 0) { DB::table('data_values')->insert($newDataValues); } } return ['datasetId' => $datasetId]; }); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit(Variable $variable) { $datasources = Datasource::lists('name', 'id'); return view('variables.edit', compact('variable', 'datasources')); }
/** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function edit(DataValue $dataValue) { $entities = Entity::lists('name', 'id'); $datasources = Datasource::lists('name', 'id'); return view('values.edit', compact('dataValue', 'entities', 'datasources')); }
/** * Execute the command. * * @return void */ public function handle() { //set_time_limit( 600 ); //ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); //bump up limits set_time_limit(600); ini_set('memory_limit', '256M'); return; //will we be checking entities $entityCheck = $this->validate_entities == 'on' ? false : true; //create new file $inputFileData = ['raw_data' => $this->data, 'fk_user_id' => $this->userId]; $inputFile = InputFile::create($inputFileData); $inputFileDataId = $inputFile->id; $multivariantDataset = $this->multivariant_dataset; $variables = $this->variables; if (!empty($variables)) { $entityData = []; //creating new datasource, if there is some $sourceName = $this->source_name; if (!empty($sourceName)) { $datasourceData = ['name' => $this->source_name, 'link' => $this->source_link, 'description' => $this->source_description]; $datasource = Datasource::create($datasourceData); } else { //fake datasoure $datasource = new \stdClass(); $datasource->id = null; } //create new dataset or pick existing one $datasetName = $this->new_dataset_name; $datasetData = ['name' => $datasetName, 'fk_dst_cat_id' => $this->category_id, 'fk_dst_subcat_id' => $this->subcategory_id, 'description' => $this->new_dataset_description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id]; $dataset = Dataset::create($datasetData); $datasetId = $dataset->id; //process possible tags $tagsInput = $this->new_dataset_tags; if (!empty($tagsInput)) { $tagsArr = explode(',', $tagsInput); foreach ($tagsArr as $tag) { $tag = DatasetTag::create(['name' => $tag]); $tagId = $tag->id; $datasetTagLink = LinkDatasetsTags::create(['fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'fk_dst_tags_id' => $tagId]); } } //store inserted variables, for case of rolling back $inserted_variables = array(); foreach ($variables as $variableJsonString) { //convert back single out to actual single quote //$variableJsonString = str_replace( "'", "‘", $variableJsonString ); //setting json_decode second param to false, to try to save memory $variableObj = json_decode($variableJsonString, false); $variableData = ['name' => $variableObj->name, 'fk_var_type_id' => $this->variable_type, 'fk_dst_id' => $datasetId, 'unit' => $variableObj->unit, 'description' => $variableObj->description, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id]; //update of existing variable or new variable if (!isset($variableObj->id)) { //new variable $variable = Variable::create($variableData); } else { //update variable $variable = Variable::find($variableObj->id); $variable->fill($variableData); $variable->save(); } $variableId = $variable->id; $inserted_variables[] = $variable; $variableValues = $variableObj->values; foreach ($variableValues as $countryValue) { $entityData = ['name' => $countryValue->key, 'fk_ent_t_id' => 5, 'validated' => 0]; if ($entityCheck) { //entity validation (only if not multivariant dataset) //find corresponding iso code $entityIsoName = EntityIsoName::match($entityData['name'])->first(); if (!$entityIsoName) { //!haven't found corresponding country, throw an error! //rollback everything first foreach ($inserted_variables as $inserted_var) { $inserted_var->data()->delete(); $inserted_var->delete(); } //is new dataset if ($this->new_dataset === '1') { $dataset = Dataset::find($datasetId); //delete itself $dataset->delete(); } \Log::error('Error non-existing entity in dataset.'); \Log::error($entityData['name']); return redirect()->route('import')->with('message', 'Error non-existing entity in dataset.')->with('message-class', 'error'); } //enter standardized info $entityData['name'] = $entityIsoName->name; $entityData['code'] = $entityIsoName->code; $entityData['validated'] = 1; } //find try finding entity in db if (isset($entityIsoName)) { $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityIsoName->code)->first(); } else { //not standardized data $entity = Entity::where('code', $entityData['name'])->orWhere('name', $entityData['name'])->first(); } if (!$entity) { //entity haven't found in database, so insert it $entity = Entity::create($entityData); } //check to override validation if stored in db not validated and now is validate if ($entity->validated == 0 && $entityData['validated'] === 1) { $entity->validated = 1; $entity->save(); } $entityId = $entity->id; $countryValues = $countryValue->values; //prepare vars for mass insert $times = []; $values = []; //TODO - get latest time for base timeId $lastTime = Time::orderBy('id', 'desc')->first(); $timeId = !empty($lastTime) ? $lastTime->id : 0; foreach ($countryValues as $value) { if ($this->hasValue($value->x) && $this->hasValue($value->y)) { $timeId++; //create time $timeObj = $value->x; $timeValue = ['startDate' => isset($timeObj->sd) ? $timeObj->sd : "", 'endDate' => isset($timeObj->ed) ? $timeObj->ed : "", 'date' => isset($timeObj->d) ? $timeObj->d : "", 'label' => isset($timeObj->l) ? $timeObj->l : ""]; //convert timedomain $fk_ttype_id = 1; if (!empty($timeObj->td)) { $ttQuery = TimeType::query(); $fk_ttype_id = $ttQuery->whereRaw('LOWER(`name`) like ?', [$timeObj->td])->first()->id; } $timeValue['fk_ttype_id'] = $fk_ttype_id; //using mass insert instead //$time = Time::create( $timeValue ); //$timeId = $time->id; $times[] = $timeValue; //create value $dataValueData = ['value' => $value->y, 'fk_time_id' => $timeId, 'fk_input_files_id' => $inputFileDataId, 'fk_var_id' => $variableId, 'fk_ent_id' => $entityId, 'fk_dsr_id' => $datasource->id]; //using mass insert instead //$dataValue = DataValue::create( $dataValueData ); $values[] = $dataValueData; } } //mass insertion Time::insert($times); DataValue::insert($values); } } } }
public function datasource(Request $request) { try { $sourceName = $request->has('name') ? $request->get('name') : ''; $sourceLink = $request->has('link') ? $request->get('link') : ''; $sourceDescription = $request->has('description') ? $request->get('description') : ''; if (!empty($sourceName)) { $datasourceData = ['name' => $sourceName, 'link' => $sourceLink, 'description' => $sourceDescription]; $datasource = Datasource::create($datasourceData); $datasourceId = $datasource->id; return ['success' => true, 'data' => ['datasourceId' => $datasourceId]]; } return ['success' => false]; } catch (Exception $e) { return ['success' => false]; } }