  * Test whether singleton, session singleton, and application singleton caches
  * are not interfering. See issue ID#286 for details.
 public function testCacheBoundaries()
     $singletonCache = new ReflectionProperty(Singleton::class, 'CACHE');
     $singletonCache->setValue(null, []);
     $sessionSingletonCache = new ReflectionProperty(SessionSingleton::class, 'CACHE');
     $sessionSingletonCache->setValue(null, []);
     $applicationSingletonCache = new ReflectionProperty(ApplicationSingleton::class, 'CACHE');
     $applicationSingletonCache->setValue(null, []);
     // test singleton instance is created in singleton cache only
     $this->assertCount(1, $singletonCache->getValue(null));
     $this->assertCount(0, $sessionSingletonCache->getValue(null), 'Session singleton cache should be empty!');
     $this->assertCount(0, $applicationSingletonCache->getValue(null), 'Application singleton cache should be empty!');
     // test session singleton instance is created in singleton cache only
     $value = $singletonCache->getValue(null);
     $this->assertCount(2, $value);
     // 1=TagModel, 2=HttpRequestImpl (session singleton uses request -> session!)
     $this->assertEquals(TagModel::class, get_class($value[array_keys($value)[0]]));
     $this->assertEquals(RequestImpl::class, get_class($value[array_keys($value)[1]]));
     $this->assertCount(1, $sessionSingletonCache->getValue(null));
     $this->assertCount(0, $applicationSingletonCache->getValue(null), 'Application singleton cache should be empty!');
     // test application instance is created in singleton cache only
     $this->assertCount(2, $singletonCache->getValue(null));
     $this->assertCount(1, $sessionSingletonCache->getValue(null));
     $this->assertCount(1, $applicationSingletonCache->getValue(null));
Example #2
  * Loads a paged entry list.
  * @return Entry[] The paged entry list.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 21.05.2009<br />
 public function loadPagedEntryList()
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     $pager = $this->getPager();
     $entryIds = $pager->loadEntries(['GuestbookID' => $this->getModel()->getGuestbookId()]);
     $entries = [];
     $mapper = $this->getMapper();
     foreach ($entryIds as $entryId) {
         $entries[] = $mapper->loadEntry($entryId);
     return $entries;
Example #3
  * Returns a service object according to the current application context.
  * @param string $class Fully qualified class name of the service object.
  * @param string $context The application context, the service object belongs to.
  * @param string $language The language, the service object has.
  * @param array $arguments A list of constructor arguments to create the service instance with.
  * @param string $type The initializing type (see service manager for details).
  * @param string $instanceId The id of the instance to return.
  * @return APFService The desired service object.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case of invalid ServiceType or if requested service does not implement the APFService interface.
  * @author Christian Schäfer
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 07.03.2007<br />
  * Version 0.2, 17.03.2007 (Adjusted error messages)<br />
  * Version 0.3, 22.04.2007 (Language is now injected)<br />
  * Version 0.4, 24.02.2008 (Added SessionSingleton service type)<br />
  * Version 0.5, 25.02.2008 (Added performance optimization for the SessionSingleton objects)<br />
  * Version 0.6, 10.08.2009 (Added lazy import, so that the developer must not care about the inclusion of the component.)<br />
  * Version 0.7, 04.03.2011 (Refactored to static method; enhanced code)<br />
  * Version 0.8, 07.07.2012 Jan Wiese <*****@*****.**> (Corrected service retrieval to respect context and language each time.)<br />
  * Version 0.9, 23.07.2013 (Added "APPLICATIONSINGLETON" object creation mechanism.)<br />
 public static function &getServiceObject($class, $context, $language, array $arguments = [], $type = APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_SINGLETON, $instanceId = null)
     // Introduce generated instance key to create services with respect to the context.
     // In 1.15, creating instances of the same service implementation within different contexts
     // resulted in equal instances instead of different ones.
     // In 2.0 language has been removed from the instance id since within multi-language applications
     // you want to re-use the instance throughout different languages!
     if ($instanceId === null) {
         $instanceId = $class . '|' . $context;
     $service = null;
     switch ($type) {
         case APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_SINGLETON:
             $service = Singleton::getInstance($class, $arguments, $instanceId);
             $service = SessionSingleton::getInstance($class, $arguments, $instanceId);
             $service = ApplicationSingleton::getInstance($class, $arguments, $instanceId);
         case APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL:
             if (count($arguments) > 0) {
                 $service = (new ReflectionClass($class))->newInstanceArgs($arguments);
             } else {
                 $service = new $class();
             throw new InvalidArgumentException('[ServiceManager::getServiceObject()] The given type (' . $type . ') is not supported. Please provide one out of "' . APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_SINGLETON . '", "' . APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_SESSION_SINGLETON . '" or "' . APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL . '"', E_USER_WARNING);
     // inject the basic set of information to the APF style service
     if ($service instanceof APFService) {
     } else {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[ServiceManager::getServiceObject()] The precisely ' . 'now created object (' . $class . ') does not implement the APFService interface! ' . 'So context, language and service type cannot be set correctly!', E_USER_WARNING);
     return $service;
Example #4
  * Creates a list of pager pages and returns it.
  * @param string[] $addStmtParams list of additional statement params
  * @return Page[] List of pages.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 05.08.2006<br />
  * Version 0.2, 06.08.2006<br />
  * Version 0.3, 14.08.2006 (Added a global configuration for url rewriting)<br />
  * Version 0.4, 16.11.2007 (Switched to the FrontcontrollerLinkHandler)<br />
  * Version 0.5, 26.04.2008 (Avoid division by zero)<br />
  * Version 0.6, 19.01.2009 (Changed the implementation due to refactoring)<br />
  * Version 0.7, 10.04.2011 (Switched to LinkGenerator due to new link generation concept in 1.14)<br />
 private function createPages4PagerDisplay($addStmtParams = [])
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     // initialize start params
     $start = (int) 1;
     $countPerPage = $this->getCountPerPage();
     $currentStart = (int) $this->getRequest()->getParameter($this->pageUrlParameterName, 1) * $countPerPage;
     // initialize page delimiter params
     $m = $this->getMapper();
     $entriesCount = $m->getEntriesCount($this->statementNamespace, $this->countStatementFile, $this->getStatementParams($addStmtParams), $this->cacheInSession === 'true');
     $pageCount = ceil($entriesCount / $countPerPage);
     // create the page representation objects
     /* @var $pages PageItem[] */
     $pages = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < $pageCount; $i++) {
         // create a new pager page object
         $pages[$i] = new PageItem();
         // generate the link
         $link = LinkGenerator::generateUrl(Url::fromCurrent()->mergeQuery([$this->pageUrlParameterName => $start]));
         // set the number of the page
         $pages[$i]->setPage($i + 1);
         // mark as selected
         if ($start === $currentStart / $countPerPage) {
         // add the entries count
         // add the page count
     return $pages;
Example #5
 public function transform()
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t->start('(' . get_class($this) . ') ' . $this->getObjectId() . '::transform()');
     // create copy, to preserve it!
     $content = $this->content;
     // execute the document controller if applicable
     if ($this->documentController instanceof DocumentController) {
         // start benchmark timer
         $id = '(' . get_class($this->documentController) . ') ' . XmlParser::generateUniqID() . '::transformContent()';
         // execute the document controller by using a standard method
     // transform child nodes and replace XML marker to place the output at the right position
     if (count($this->children) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->children as &$child) {
             $content = str_replace('<' . $child->getObjectId() . ' />', $child->transform(), $content);
     $t->stop('(' . get_class($this) . ') ' . $this->getObjectId() . '::transform()');
     return $content;
  * Sets up the provider to be ready for use. Converts each BBCodeParserDefinition into
  * it's real implementation. If a provider was added / removed the converter is going to
  * notice this fact.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 28.10.2008
 private function setUpProvider()
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     foreach ($this->provider as $providerName => $providerDefinition) {
         if ($providerDefinition instanceof BBCodeParserDefinition) {
             /* @var $providerDefinition BBCodeParserDefinition */
             $class = $providerDefinition->getClass();
             // convert definition and initialize provider
             $this->provider[$providerName] = $this->getServiceObject($class, [], APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL);
Example #7
 public function transformForm()
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $id = '(HtmlFormTag) ' . $this->getObjectId() . '::transformForm()';
     // add action attribute if not set
     $action = $this->getAttribute(self::ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
     if ($action === null) {
         $this->setAttribute(self::ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, $this->getRequest()->getRequestUri());
     // ID#239: always encode action attribute when present to secure custom actions as well as auto-generated ones
     $this->setAttribute(self::ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, htmlspecialchars($this->getAttribute(self::ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME), ENT_QUOTES, Registry::retrieve('APF\\core', 'Charset'), false));
     // transform the form including all child tags
     $htmlCode = (string) '<form ';
     $htmlCode .= $this->getAttributesAsString($this->attributes, $this->attributeWhiteList);
     $htmlCode .= '>';
     // ID#281: add hidden form fields with URL get parameters for GET forms for convenience reasons
     if ($this->getAttribute(self::METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) === self::METHOD_GET_VALUE_NAME && $this->getAttribute(self::SUBMIT_ACTION_URL_PARAMS_ATTRIBUTE_NAME) === 'true') {
         $url = Url::fromString($this->getAttribute(self::ACTION_ATTRIBUTE_NAME));
         $queryParams = $url->getQuery();
         if (count($queryParams) > 0) {
             $hiddenFieldMarker = '';
             foreach ($queryParams as $name => $value) {
                 $control = $this->createFormElement($this, 'form:hidden', ['name' => $name, 'value' => $value]);
                 $hiddenFieldMarker .= '<' . $control->getObjectId() . ' />';
             // prepend fields to preserve parameter order
             $this->content = $hiddenFieldMarker . $this->content;
     if (count($this->children) > 0) {
         foreach ($this->children as &$child) {
             $childId = '(' . get_class($child) . ') ' . $child->getObjectId() . '::transform()';
             $this->content = str_replace('<' . $child->getObjectId() . ' />', $child->transform(), $this->content);
     $htmlCode .= $this->content;
     $htmlCode .= '</form>';
     return $htmlCode;
Example #8
  * @return ResponseImpl The response implementation.
 protected static function &getResponseStatic()
     return Singleton::getInstance(Frontcontroller::$responseImplClass);
  * Handles the tag's attributes (ses class documentation) and includes the desired template.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 30.10.2008<br />
  * Version 0.2, 01.11.2008 (Added the modelmode and getmethode params)<br />
  * Version 0.3, 29.12.2208 (Added the dependent action options)<br />
 public function onParseTime()
     // model-class=""
     $modelClass = $this->getRequiredAttribute('model-class');
     $modelMode = $this->getRequiredAttribute('model-mode');
     // namespace-param=""
     $namespaceParam = $this->getRequiredAttribute('namespace-param');
     // template-param=""
     $templateParam = $this->getRequiredAttribute('template-param');
     // get-method="" (e.g. "getAttribute" or "get")
     $getMethod = $this->getAttribute('get-method');
     if ($getMethod === null) {
         $getMethod = 'getAttribute';
     // register dependent action (needed, if the action is used for navigation purposes)
     $dependentActionNamespace = $this->getAttribute('dependent-action-namespace');
     $dependentActionName = $this->getAttribute('dependent-action-name');
     $dependentActionParams = $this->getAttribute('dependent-action-params');
     if ($dependentActionNamespace !== null && $dependentActionName !== null) {
         // create param list
         $actionParamList = [];
         if ($dependentActionParams !== null) {
             $paramPieces = explode('|', $dependentActionParams);
             foreach ($paramPieces as $piece) {
                 $temp = explode(':', $piece);
                 if (isset($temp[1])) {
                     $actionParamList[trim($temp[0])] = trim($temp[1]);
         // register action with the front controller
         /* @var $fC Frontcontroller */
         $fC = Singleton::getInstance(Frontcontroller::class);
         $action = $fC->getActionByName($dependentActionName);
         if ($action === null) {
             $fC->addAction($dependentActionNamespace, $dependentActionName, $actionParamList);
     // get model
     $model = $this->getServiceObject($modelClass, [], $modelMode);
     // check for the get method
     if (!method_exists($model, $getMethod)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[GenericImportTemplateTag::onParseTime()] ' . 'The model class ("' . $modelClass . '") does not support the method "' . $getMethod . '" provided within the "getmethod" attribute. Please provide the correct ' . 'function name!');
     // read the params from the model
     $templateNamespace = $model->{$getMethod}($namespaceParam);
     if (empty($templateNamespace)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[GenericImportTemplateTag::onParseTime()] ' . 'The model ("' . $modelClass . '") returned an empty value when trying to get ' . 'the template namespace using the "' . $getMethod . '" method! Please specify ' . 'another getter or check the model class implementation!');
     $templateName = $model->{$getMethod}($templateParam);
     if (empty($templateName)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[GenericImportTemplateTag::onParseTime()] ' . 'The model ("' . $modelClass . '") returned an empty value when trying to get ' . 'the template name using the "' . $getMethod . '" method! Please specify another ' . 'getter or check the model class implementation!');
     // import desired template
     $this->loadContentFromFile($templateNamespace, $templateName);
Example #10
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('html_errors', 'off');
// register the APF error handler to be able to easily configure the error handling mechanism
GlobalErrorHandler::registerErrorHandler(new DefaultErrorHandler());
// Define base parameters of the framework's core and tools layer
Registry::register('APF\\core', 'Environment', 'DEFAULT');
Registry::register('APF\\core', 'InternalLogTarget', 'apf');
Registry::register('APF\\core', 'Charset', 'UTF-8');
// set up configuration provider to let the developer customize it later on
ConfigurationManager::registerProvider('ini', new IniConfigurationProvider());
// configure logger (outside namespace'd file! otherwise initialization will not work)
register_shutdown_function(function () {
    /* @var $logger Logger */
    $logger = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
// Set up default link scheme configuration. In case url rewriting is required, please
// specify another link scheme within your application bootstrap file.
LinkGenerator::setLinkScheme(new DefaultLinkScheme());
// Add the front controller filter that is a wrapper on the front controller's input
// filters concerning thr url rewriting configuration. In case rewriting is required,
// please specify another input filter within your application bootstrap file according
// to your url mapping requirements (e.g. use the ChainedUrlRewritingInputFilter included
// within the APF).
// As shipped, the APF does not define an output filter since "normal" url handling
// does not require rewriting. In case rewriting is required, please specify another output
// filter according to your url mapping requirements (e.g. use the ChainedUrlRewritingOutputFilter
// included within the APF).
InputFilterChain::getInstance()->appendFilter(new ChainedStandardInputFilter());
Example #11
  * Imports additional domain object mapping information.
  * @param string $configNamespace the desired configuration namespace
  * @param string $configNameAffix the configuration affix of the desired configuration
  * @author Ralf Schubert
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 15.01.2011<br />
 public function addDomainObjectsConfiguration($configNamespace, $configNameAffix)
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     // add config, if not already included
     $cacheKey = md5($configNamespace . $configNameAffix . '_domainobjects');
     if (!isset($this->importedConfigCache[$cacheKey])) {
         try {
             // import and merge config
             $addConfig = $this->getConfiguration($configNamespace, $configNameAffix . '_domainobjects.' . $this->getConfigFileExtension());
             // extract configuration to support pre 1.13 GORM config
             foreach ($addConfig->getSectionNames() as $sectionName) {
                 $section = $addConfig->getSection($sectionName);
                 $this->domainObjectsTable[$sectionName] = [];
                 foreach ($section->getValueNames() as $valueName) {
                     $this->domainObjectsTable[$sectionName][$valueName] = $section->getValue($valueName);
                 if ($section->hasSection('Base')) {
                     $this->domainObjectsTable[$sectionName]['Base'] = ['Class' => $section->getSection('Base')->getValue('Class')];
         } catch (ConfigurationException $e) {
             // do nothing, because we accept that (domain objects are optional)!
         // mark object config as cached
         $this->importedConfigCache[$cacheKey] = true;
Example #12
 public function testInstanceWithIdDeletion()
     /* @var $model TagModel */
     Singleton::getInstance(self::MODEL_CLASS, [self::TEST_TAG], self::INSTANCE_ID);
     $model = Singleton::getInstance(self::MODEL_CLASS, [], self::INSTANCE_ID);
     Singleton::deleteInstance(self::MODEL_CLASS, self::INSTANCE_ID);
     $model = Singleton::getInstance(self::MODEL_CLASS, [], self::INSTANCE_ID);
 public function filter(FilterChain &$chain, $input = null)
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     $id = get_class($this);
     $input = preg_replace_callback('/<form (.*?)action="(.*?)"(.*?)>(.*?)<\\/form>/ims', [ChainedUrlRewritingOutputFilter::class, 'replaceForm'], preg_replace_callback('/<a (.*?)href="(.*?)"(.*?)>(.*?)<\\/a>/ims', [ChainedUrlRewritingOutputFilter::class, 'replaceLink'], $input));
     // delegate filtering to the applied chain
     return $chain->filter($input);
  * Generates the bookmark bar HTML code.
  * @return string HTML code of the configured bookmarks.
  * @author Christian W. Schäfer
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 02.06.2007<br />
  * Version 0.2, 07.09.2007<br />
  * Version 0.3, 08.09.2007 (Added profiling)<br />
 public function getBookmarkCode()
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     $id = 'SocialBookmarkBarManager::getBookmarkCode()';
     // generate the current page's url, if no url was set
     if (empty($this->url)) {
         $this->url = LinkGenerator::generateUrl(Url::fromCurrent(true));
     // get services from config file
     $services = $this->getConfiguration('APF\\modules\\socialbookmark', 'bookmarkservices.ini');
     foreach ($services->getSectionNames() as $serviceName) {
         $service = $services->getSection($serviceName)->getSection('BookmarkService');
         $this->bookmarkServices[] = new SocialBookmarkItem($service->getValue('BaseURL'), $service->getSection('Param')->getValue('URL'), $service->getSection('Param')->getValue('Title'), $service->getSection('Display')->getValue('Title'), $service->getSection('Display')->getValue('Image'), $service->getSection('Display')->getValue('ImageExt'));
     $output = (string) '';
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->bookmarkServices); $i++) {
         $output .= $this->generateBookmarkEntry($this->bookmarkServices[$i]);
         $output .= PHP_EOL;
     return $output;
 public function transformContent()
     $form = $this->getForm('register');
     if ($form->isSent() && $form->isValid()) {
         $uM = $this->getManager();
         $user = new UmgtUser();
         $firstName = $form->getFormElementByName('firstname');
         $firstNameValue = $firstName->getValue();
         $lastName = $form->getFormElementByName('lastname');
         $lastNameValue = $lastName->getValue();
         $street = $form->getFormElementByName('street');
         $number = $form->getFormElementByName('number');
         $zip = $form->getFormElementByName('zip');
         $city = $form->getFormElementByName('city');
         $email = $form->getFormElementByName('email');
         $userName = $form->getFormElementByName('username');
         $userNameValue = $userName->getValue();
         $password = $form->getFormElementByName('password');
         // assemble display name to have a more readable user within the umgt mgmt UI
         if (empty($firstNameValue) && empty($lastNameValue)) {
         } else {
             $user->setDisplayName($lastNameValue . ', ' . $firstNameValue);
         // add initial groups and roles if applicable
         try {
             foreach ($this->getInitialGroups() as $initialGroup) {
             foreach ($this->getInitialRoles() as $initialRole) {
         } catch (ConfigurationException $e) {
             $l = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
             /* @var $l Logger */
             $l->logEntry('registration', 'Registration cannot add initial groups or roles due to the following ' . 'exception: ' . $e . ' This may be ok, in case you have no initial groups and/or roles specified.', LogEntry::SEVERITY_INFO);
         try {
             // Lets have a look if the username/email is always in use and show an error message
             try {
                 $config = $this->getConfiguration('APF\\modules\\usermanagement\\pres', 'login.ini');
                 $loginType = $config->getSection('Default')->getValue('login.type', 'username');
             } catch (ConfigurationException $e) {
                 $loginType = 'username';
             if ($loginType === 'username') {
                 $regUser = $uM->loadUserByUserName($userNameValue);
             } else {
                 $regUser = $uM->loadUserByEMail($email->getValue());
             if ($regUser === null) {
             } else {
                 $form->setPlaceHolder('register-error', $this->getTemplate('register-error-user-already-exists')->transformTemplate());
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             $l = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
             /* @var $l Logger */
             $l->logEntry('registration', 'Registration is not possible due to ' . $e, LogEntry::SEVERITY_ERROR);
     } elseif ($form->isSent() && !$form->isValid()) {
         $form->setPlaceHolder('register-error', $this->getTemplate('register-error')->transformTemplate());
     } else {
Example #16
  * Returns the initialized service object.
  * @param string $configNamespace The namespace of the service object.
  * @param string $sectionName The name of the desired service object.
  * @param string $context The context of the current application.
  * @param string $language The language of the current application.
  * @return APFDIService The pre-configured service object.
  * @throws ConfigurationException In case the requested service is not existent.
  * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case of injection issues.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 19.04.2009<br />
  * Version 0.2, 24.08.2011 (Added "setupmethod" functionality)<br/>
  * Version 0.3, 07.07.2012 Jan Wiese (Corrected service retrieval to respect context and language each time.<br />
  *                         Introduced CACHED service type to retrieve a NORMAL instance from the cache and thus gain performance for none-singletons.)<br />
  * Version 0.4, 10.07.2012 Jan Wiese (Introduced configuration cache to gain performance)<br />
  * Version 0.5, 10.07.2012 Jan Wiese (Improvements in code quality and removed bugs from v0.3/v0.4)<br />
 public static function &getServiceObject($configNamespace, $sectionName, $context, $language)
     // build cache key. because configuration-file path includes context, include context (and language) in cache key
     // In 2.0 language has been removed from the instance id since within multi-language applications
     // you want to re-use the instance throughout different languages!
     $cacheKey = $configNamespace . '|' . $sectionName . '|' . $context;
     // Check, whether service object was created before. If yes, deliver it from cache for all services types except NORMAL.
     // Do not cache ServiceType 'NORMAL' because we want to have different instances!
     if (isset(self::$SERVICE_OBJECT_CACHE[$cacheKey]) && self::$SERVICE_TYPE_CACHE[$cacheKey] != APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL) {
         return self::$SERVICE_OBJECT_CACHE[$cacheKey];
     // Invoke benchmarker. Suppress warning for already started timers with circular calls!
     // Suppressing is here done by a dirty '@', because we will run into an error anyway.
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $benchId = 'DIServiceManager::getServiceObject(' . $configNamespace . ',' . $sectionName . ',' . $context . ',' . $language . ')';
     // Get config to determine, which object to create.
     $config = self::getServiceConfiguration($configNamespace, $context, $language, $cacheKey);
     if (!$config->hasSection($sectionName)) {
         throw new ConfigurationException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Service object configuration with ' . 'name "' . $sectionName . '" cannot be found within namespace "' . $configNamespace . '"! Please double-check your setup.', E_USER_ERROR);
     $section = $config->getSection($sectionName);
     // check, whether the section contains the basic directives and read/write service type cache
     if (isset(self::$SERVICE_TYPE_CACHE[$cacheKey])) {
         $serviceType = self::$SERVICE_TYPE_CACHE[$cacheKey];
     } else {
         $serviceType = $section->getValue('servicetype');
         self::$SERVICE_TYPE_CACHE[$cacheKey] = $serviceType;
     $class = $section->getValue('class');
     // The behaviour of service types CACHED and NORMAL is equal in the following, thus remapping it.
     if ($serviceType == APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_CACHED) {
         $serviceType = APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL;
     // Check if configuration section was complete. If not throw an exception to fail fast.
     if ($serviceType === null || $class === null) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Initialization of the service object "' . $sectionName . '" from namespace "' . $configNamespace . '" cannot be accomplished, due to missing
            or incorrect configuration! Please revise the configuration file and consult the manual!', E_USER_ERROR);
     // Create the service object with use of the "normal" service manager. Perhaps, this
     // may run into problems, because we have to ensure, that the singleton objects are
     // only treated once by the injection mechanism!
     // But: if we constitute, that the injected service objects are often also singletons
     // and the DIServiceManager caches the created service objects within a singleton cache,
     // this is no problem. Hence, the injected instance is then only one time constructed.
     // ID#249: as of 3.0 you are also able to inject dependent configuration and services via constructor.
     // This replaces the former getAndInitServiceObject() method of the ServiceManager with a more elegant
     // way. Configuration allows any number of constructor arguments as string, array, or other services.
     $arguments = [];
     if ($section->hasSection('construct')) {
         $constructorArguments = $section->getSection('construct');
         foreach ($constructorArguments->getSectionNames() as $argumentKey) {
             $directive = $constructorArguments->getSection($argumentKey);
             // be aware of the params needed for injection
             $value = $directive->getValue('value');
             $namespace = $directive->getValue('namespace');
             $name = $directive->getValue('name');
             if ($value === null && ($namespace === null || $name === null)) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Construction of the' . ' service object "' . $sectionName . '" cannot be accomplished, due to' . ' incorrect constructor injection configuration! Please revise the "' . $argumentKey . '" sub section and consult the manual!', E_USER_ERROR);
             // Simple value argument (string)
             if ($directive->hasValue('value')) {
                 $arguments[] = $value;
             } else {
                 // complex injection with another service
                 $arguments[] =& self::getServiceObject($namespace, $name, $context, $language);
     /* @var $serviceObject APFDIService */
     $serviceObject =& ServiceManager::getServiceObject($class, $context, $language, $arguments, $serviceType, $cacheKey);
     // do param injection (static configuration)
     if ($section->hasSection('conf')) {
         $cfTasks = $section->getSection('conf');
         foreach ($cfTasks->getSectionNames() as $initKey) {
             $directive = $cfTasks->getSection($initKey);
             // be aware of the params needed for injection
             $method = $directive->getValue('method');
             if ($method === null) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Initialization of the' . ' service object "' . $sectionName . '" cannot be accomplished, due to' . ' incorrect configuration! Please revise the "' . $initKey . '" sub section and' . ' consult the manual!', E_USER_ERROR);
             // check, if method exists to avoid fatal errors
             if (!method_exists($serviceObject, $method)) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Injection of' . ' configuration value "' . $directive->getValue('value') . '" cannot be accomplished' . ' to service object "' . $class . '"! Method ' . $method . '() is not implemented!', E_USER_ERROR);
             if (($value = $directive->getValue('value')) !== null) {
             } else {
                 if (!$directive->hasSection('value')) {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Initialization of the' . ' service object "' . $sectionName . '" cannot be accomplished, due to' . ' missing value(s) for method ' . $method . '()! Please revise the "' . $initKey . '" sub section and' . ' consult the manual!', E_USER_ERROR);
                 $cfSubSection = $directive->getSection('value');
                 $values = [];
                 foreach ($cfSubSection->getValueNames() as $valueName) {
                     $values[] = $cfSubSection->getValue($valueName);
                 call_user_func_array([$serviceObject, $method], $values);
     // do service object injection
     if ($section->hasSection('init')) {
         $miTasks = $section->getSection('init');
         foreach ($miTasks->getSectionNames() as $initKey) {
             $directive = $miTasks->getSection($initKey);
             // be aware of the params needed for injection
             $method = $directive->getValue('method');
             $namespace = $directive->getValue('namespace');
             $name = $directive->getValue('name');
             if ($method === null || $namespace === null || $name === null) {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Initialization of the service object "' . $sectionName . '" cannot be accomplished, due to incorrect configuration! Please revise the "' . $initKey . '" sub section and consult the manual!', E_USER_ERROR);
             // check for circular injection
             $injectionKey = $namespace . '::' . $class . '[' . $serviceType . ']' . ' injected with ' . $method . '(' . $namespace . '::' . $name . ')';
             // TODO why do we accept loops for normal services?
             if (isset(self::$INJECTION_CALL_CACHE[$injectionKey]) && $serviceType != APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_NORMAL) {
                 // append error to log to provide debugging information
                 $log = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
                 /* @var $log Logger */
                 $instructions = '';
                 foreach (self::$INJECTION_CALL_CACHE as $injectionInstruction => $DUMMY) {
                     $instructions .= PHP_EOL . $injectionInstruction;
                 $log->addEntry(new SimpleLogEntry(Registry::retrieve('APF\\core', 'InternalLogTarget'), '[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Injection stack trace: ' . $instructions, LogEntry::SEVERITY_TRACE));
                 // print note with shorted information
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Detected circular injection! ' . 'Class "' . $class . '" from namespace "' . $namespace . '" with service type "' . $serviceType . '" was already configured with service object "' . $name . '" from namespace "' . $namespace . '"! Full stack trace can be taken from the logfile!', E_USER_ERROR);
             } else {
                 // add the current run to the recursion detection array
                 self::$INJECTION_CALL_CACHE[$injectionKey] = true;
                 // get the dependent service object
                 $miObject =& self::getServiceObject($namespace, $name, $context, $language);
                 // inject the current service object with the created one
                 if (method_exists($serviceObject, $method)) {
                 } else {
                     throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Injection of service object "' . $name . '" from namespace "' . $namespace . '" cannot be accomplished to service object "' . $class . '" from namespace "' . $namespace . '"! Method ' . $method . '() is not implemented!', E_USER_ERROR);
     // Often, there you have a services that depends on several other services (e.g. database connection). Thus,
     // you are forced to initialize your service using these components. To ease such cases, you may specify a
     // generic method within the "setupmethod" attribute. The DIServiceManager calls this method at the end of
     // the initialization process and you can initialize your service without being dependent on the user's
     // order of configuration parameters.
     // in order to not execute the setup method on every request, check the initialization status of the service
     // object before. this mechanism can be used for re-initialization on __wakeup() in case the property is
     // set to false (=reinitialization after session wake-up).
     $setupMethod = $section->getValue('setupmethod');
     if (!empty($setupMethod)) {
         if (!$serviceObject->isInitialized()) {
             if (method_exists($serviceObject, $setupMethod)) {
             } else {
                 throw new InvalidArgumentException('[DIServiceManager::getServiceObject()] Custom service object setup ' . 'method "' . $setupMethod . '()" is not implemented for given type "' . get_class($serviceObject) . '"! Please double-check your configuration ' . 'for service "' . $sectionName . '" from namespace "' . $configNamespace . '."', E_USER_ERROR);
     // add service object to cache and return it
     self::$SERVICE_OBJECT_CACHE[$cacheKey] = $serviceObject;
     return self::$SERVICE_OBJECT_CACHE[$cacheKey];
Example #17
  * Returns the desired instance of the GenericORMapper configured for this application case.
  * @param GenericDomainObject[] A list of generic entries.
  * @param boolean $addEditor Indicates, if the editor should be mapped to the entry object.
  * @return Entry[] A list of guestbook domain objects.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 06.05.2009<br />
 private function mapGenericEntries2DomainObjects(array $entries = [], $addEditor = true)
     // return empty array, because having no entries means nothing to do!
     if (count($entries) == 0) {
         return [];
     // invoke benchmarker to be able to monitor the performance
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     // load the language object for the current language to enable
     // language dependent mapping!
     $lang = $this->getCurrentLanguage();
     // define the criterion
     $critEntries = new GenericCriterionObject();
     $critEntries->addRelationIndicator('Attribute2Language', $lang);
     $gbEntries = [];
     /* @var $current GenericDomainObject */
     foreach ($entries as $current) {
         // Check, whether there are attributes related in the current language.
         // If not, do NOT add an entry, because it will be empty!
         $attributes = $this->orm->loadRelatedObjects($current, 'Entry2LangDepValues', $critEntries);
         if (count($attributes) > 0) {
             // load the entry itself
             $entry = new Entry();
             foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
                 if ($attribute->getProperty('Name') == 'title') {
                 if ($attribute->getProperty('Name') == 'text') {
             // add the editor's data
             if ($addEditor === true) {
                 $editor = new User();
                 $user = $this->orm->loadRelatedObjects($current, 'Editor2Entry');
             $gbEntries[] = $entry;
     return $gbEntries;
 public function transformContent()
     // fill document attributes to local variable
     $document = $this->getDocument();
     /* @var $config array */
     $config = $document->getAttribute('Config');
     $dataCount = $document->getAttribute('DataCount');
     $anchorName = $document->getAttribute('AnchorName');
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     $urlParams = [$config['ParameterEntries'] => $config['Entries']];
     if ($config['EntriesChangeable'] === true) {
         $urlParams = [$config['ParameterEntries'] => $request->getParameter($config['Entries'])];
     // Pager leer zurückgeben, falls keine Seiten vorhanden sind.
     if ($dataCount == 0) {
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     $content = $this->getTemplate('pager');
     // Anzahl der Einträge
     $integerEntriesCount = $config['Entries'];
     // Anzahl der Seiten generieren
     $integerPageCount = ceil($dataCount / $integerEntriesCount);
     // Aktuelle Seite generieren
     $integerCurrentPage = intval($request->getParameter($config['ParameterPage'], 1));
     // Puffer initialisieren
     $stringBuffer = '';
     for ($integerPage = 1; $integerPage <= $integerPageCount; $integerPage++) {
         if ($integerPage == $integerCurrentPage) {
             // Referenz auf Template holen
             $objectTemplate = $this->getTemplate('Page_Selected');
         } else {
             // Referenz auf Template holen
             $objectTemplate = $this->getTemplate('Page');
         $stringURL = LinkGenerator::generateUrl(Url::fromCurrent()->mergeQuery([$config['ParameterPage'] => $integerPage]));
         // Pager zusammenbauen
         if (!empty($anchorName)) {
             $objectTemplate->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL . '#' . $anchorName);
         } else {
             $objectTemplate->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL);
         $objectTemplate->setPlaceHolder('Page', $integerPage);
         // Template transformieren
         $stringBuffer .= $objectTemplate->transformTemplate();
         unset($objectTemplate, $stringURL);
     // Puffer in Inhalt einsetzen
     $content->setPlaceHolder('Pager', $stringBuffer);
     // VorherigeSeite
     if ($integerCurrentPage > 1) {
         // Template vorherige Seite ausgeben
         $objectTemplatePreviousPage = $this->getTemplate('PreviousPage_Active');
         $stringURL = LinkGenerator::generateUrl(Url::fromCurrent()->mergeQuery([$config['ParameterPage'] => $integerCurrentPage - 1]));
         if (!empty($anchorName)) {
             $objectTemplatePreviousPage->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL . '#' . $anchorName);
         } else {
             $objectTemplatePreviousPage->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL);
     } else {
         // Template vorherige Seite (inaktiv) ausgeben
         $objectTemplatePreviousPage = $this->getTemplate('PreviousPage_Inactive');
     $content->setPlaceHolder('PreviousPage', $objectTemplatePreviousPage->transformTemplate());
     // NaechsteSeite
     if ($integerCurrentPage < $integerPageCount) {
         $stringURL = LinkGenerator::generateUrl(Url::fromCurrent()->mergeQuery([$config['ParameterPage'] => $integerCurrentPage + 1]));
         $objectTemplateNextPage = $this->getTemplate('NextPage_Active');
         if (isset($anchorName) === true) {
             $objectTemplateNextPage->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL . '#' . $anchorName);
         } else {
             $objectTemplateNextPage->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL);
     } else {
         $objectTemplateNextPage = $this->getTemplate('NextPage_Inactive');
     $content->setPlaceHolder('NextPage', $objectTemplateNextPage->transformTemplate());
     if ($config['EntriesChangeable'] === true) {
         // Einträge / Seite
         $arrayEntries = explode('|', $config['EntriesPossible']);
         $stringBuffer = '';
         foreach ($arrayEntries as &$integerEntries) {
             if ($urlParams[$config['ParameterEntries']] == $integerEntries) {
                 $objectTemplateEntries = $this->getTemplate('Entries_Active');
             } else {
                 $objectTemplateEntries = $this->getTemplate('Entries_Inactive');
             $stringURL = LinkGenerator::generateUrl(Url::fromCurrent()->mergeQuery([$config['ParameterPage'] => 1, $config['ParameterEntries'] => $integerEntries]));
             if (isset($anchorName) === true) {
                 $objectTemplateEntries->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL . '#' . $anchorName);
             } else {
                 $objectTemplateEntries->setPlaceHolder('URL', $stringURL);
             // Anzahl einsetzen
             $objectTemplateEntries->setPlaceHolder('Entries', $integerEntries);
             // Template in Puffer einsetzen
             $stringBuffer .= $objectTemplateEntries->transformTemplate();
         $objectTemplateEntries = $this->getTemplate('Entries');
         $objectTemplateEntries->setPlaceHolder('Entries', $stringBuffer);
         $content->setPlaceHolder('Entries', $objectTemplateEntries->transformTemplate());
  * Creates a log entry containing the exception occurred.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 21.02.2009<br />
 protected function logException()
     $message = '[' . $this->generateExceptionID() . '] ' . $this->exceptionMessage . ' (Number: ' . $this->exceptionNumber . ', File: ' . $this->exceptionFile . ', Line: ' . $this->exceptionLine . ')';
     $log = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
     /* @var $log Logger */
     $log->addEntry(new SimpleLogEntry(Registry::retrieve('APF\\core', 'InternalLogTarget'), $message, LogEntry::SEVERITY_ERROR));
  * @return Frontcontroller The current front controller instance.
 protected function &getFrontcontroller()
     return Singleton::getInstance(Frontcontroller::class);
  * Implements an initializer method to setup derived classes using the
  * DIServiceManager.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 07.05.2012<br />
 public function setup()
     $this->dbLog = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
 public function filter(FilterChain &$chain, $input = null)
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     $id = get_class($this);
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     // extract the session id from $_REQUEST if existent to re-add it after filtering
     $sessionId = $request->getSessionId();
     // initialize param to analyze
     $query = $request->getParameter(self::$REWRITE_QUERY_PARAM, '');
     // delete the rewrite param indicator
     // reset request but save POST data
     $postData = $request->getPostParameters();
     // ID#63: re-map action instructions according to registered aliases
     $fC = $this->getFrontcontroller();
     $tokens = $fC->getActionUrlMappingTokens();
     // re-map action urls
     foreach ($tokens as $token) {
         if (strpos($query, '/' . $token . '/') !== false) {
             $mapping = $fC->getActionUrlMapping($token);
             $query = str_replace('/' . $token . '/', '/' . str_replace('\\', '_', $mapping->getNamespace()) . '-action/' . $mapping->getName() . '/', $query);
         } else {
             if (substr($query, -(strlen($token) + 1)) == '/' . $token) {
                 // URL mapping appears at the end of the query and/or is the only part of it
                 $mapping = $fC->getActionUrlMapping($token);
                 $query = str_replace('/' . $token, '/' . str_replace('\\', '_', $mapping->getNamespace()) . '-action/' . $mapping->getName(), $query);
     // extract actions from the request url, in case the action keyword or the action
     // delimiter is present in url.
     if (substr_count($query, self::$ACTION_TO_PARAM_DELIMITER) > 0 || substr_count($query, self::$FC_ACTION_KEYWORD . '/') > 0) {
         // split url by delimiter
         $requestURLParts = explode(self::$ACTION_TO_PARAM_DELIMITER, $query);
         $count = count($requestURLParts);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) {
             // remove leading slash
             $requestURLParts[$i] = $this->deleteTrailingSlash($requestURLParts[$i]);
             if (substr_count($requestURLParts[$i], self::$FC_ACTION_KEYWORD) > 0) {
                 $requestArray = explode(self::$REWRITE_URL_DELIMITER, $requestURLParts[$i]);
                 if (isset($requestArray[1])) {
                     // create action params
                     $actionNamespace = str_replace(self::$FC_ACTION_KEYWORD, '', $requestArray[0]);
                     $actionName = $requestArray[1];
                     $actionParams = array_slice($requestArray, 2);
                     $actionParamsArray = [];
                     $actionParamCount = count($actionParams);
                     if ($actionParamCount > 0) {
                         $x = 0;
                         while ($x <= $actionParamCount - 1) {
                             if (isset($actionParams[$x + 1])) {
                                 $actionParamsArray[$actionParams[$x]] = $actionParams[$x + 1];
                             $x = $x + 2;
                             // increase by two, because next offset is the value!
                     $fC->addAction($actionNamespace, $actionName, $actionParamsArray);
             } else {
                 $paramArray = $this->createRequestArray($requestURLParts[$i]);
                 $request->setParameters(array_merge($request->getParameters(), $paramArray));
     } else {
         // do page controller-style rewriting!
         $paramArray = $this->createRequestArray($query);
         $request->setParameters(array_merge($request->getParameters(), $paramArray));
     // re-initialize GET params to support e.g. form submission
     // re-add POST params
     $request->setParameters(array_merge($request->getParameters(), $postData));
     // add session id to the request again
     if (!empty($sessionId)) {
         $request->setParameter($request->getSessionName(), $sessionId);
     // delegate further filtering to the applied chain
Example #23
 * The APF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with the APF. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.txt.
 * -->
namespace APF\modules\usermanagement\pres;

use APF\core\benchmark\BenchmarkTimer;
use APF\core\frontcontroller\Frontcontroller;
use APF\core\singleton\Singleton;
 * @file umgt.php
 * This file represents a bootstrap file to operate the usermanagement module.
// include the pagecontroller (change the path to what ever you want)
include_once './APF/core/bootstrap.php';
// create the front controller instance
/* @var $fC Frontcontroller */
$fC = Singleton::getInstance(Frontcontroller::class);
// set the current context (change the context to what ever you want)
// start the front controller
$fC->start('APF\\modules\\usermanagement\\pres\\templates', 'main');
// create the benchmark report
/* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
$t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
echo $t->createReport();
Example #24
 public function transformContent()
     /* @var $sessionStore UmgtUserSessionStore */
     $sessionStore = $this->getServiceObject(UmgtUserSessionStore::class, [], APFService::SERVICE_TYPE_SESSION_SINGLETON);
     $appIdent = $this->getContext();
     $user = $sessionStore->getUser($appIdent);
     if ($user === null) {
         $form = $this->getForm('login');
         // generate url ourselves to not include the logout action instruction
         if ($form->isSent() && $form->isValid()) {
             $username = $form->getFormElementByName('username')->getAttribute('value');
             $password = $form->getFormElementByName('password')->getAttribute('value');
             try {
                 $user = $this->loadUser($username, $password);
                 if ($user === null) {
                     $form->setPlaceHolder('login-error', $this->getTemplate('login-error')->transformTemplate());
                 } else {
                     // store user
                     $sessionStore->setUser($appIdent, $user);
                     // create auto-login cookie
                     $rememberMe = $form->getFormElementByName('remember-me');
                     if ($rememberMe->isChecked()) {
                     // redirect to target page
                     $urlProvider = $this->getDIServiceObject('APF\\modules\\usermanagement\\biz', 'LoginRedirectUrlProvider');
                     /* @var $urlProvider UmgtRedirectUrlProvider */
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $l = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
                 /* @var $l Logger */
                 $l->logEntry('login', 'Login is not possible due to ' . $e, LogEntry::SEVERITY_ERROR);
         } elseif ($form->isSent() && !$form->isValid()) {
             $form->setPlaceHolder('login-error', $this->getTemplate('login-error')->transformTemplate());
         } else {
     } else {
Example #25
  * Executes a statement provided using mysqli's bind feature.
  * @param string $statement The statement to execute.
  * @param array $params A list of statement parameters.
  * @param boolean $logStatement Indicates, if the statement is logged for debug purposes.
  * @return resource The execution result.
  * @throws DatabaseHandlerException In case the bind param mapping is wrong.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 08.03.2010<br />
 public function executeTextBindStatement($statement, array $params = [], $logStatement = false)
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     $statementId = md5($statement);
     // prepare statement
     $id = $statementId . ' prepare statement';
     $query = $this->createQuery($statement);
     // bind params
     $id = $statementId . ' bind params';
     // additional check, because bind param count errors do not result in an exception!
     $paramStatementCount = substr_count($statement, '?');
     $paramCount = count($params);
     if ($paramStatementCount != $paramCount) {
         throw new DatabaseHandlerException('[MySQLiHandler->executeTextBindStatement()] Number ' . 'of given params (' . $paramCount . ') does not match number of bind params ' . 'within the statement (' . $paramStatementCount . ')! Current statement: ' . $statement, E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->bindParams($query, $params);
     // log statements in debug mode or when requested explicitly
     if ($this->dbDebug === true || $logStatement === true) {
         $this->dbLog->logEntry($this->dbLogTarget, '[MySQLiHandler::executeTextBindStatement()] Current statement: ' . $statement, LogEntry::SEVERITY_DEBUG);
     // execute statement
     $id = $statementId . ' execute';
     // track $lastInsertId fur further usage
     $this->lastInsertId = $query->insert_id;
     // fetch the result set using the meta data returned by the query
     $id = $statementId . ' fetch';
     $statementResult = $this->fetchBindResult($query);
     // remember affected rows
     $this->bindNumRows = $query->num_rows;
     return $statementResult;
Example #26
  * Executes all actions with the given type. Possible types are
  * <ul>
  * <li>prepagecreate</li>
  * <li>pretransform</li>
  * <li>posttransform</li>
  * </ul>
  * @param string $type Type of the actions to execute.
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 27.01.2007<br />
  * Version 0.2, 31.01.2007<br />
  * Version 0.3, 03.02.2007 (Added benchmarker)<br />
  * Version 0.4, 01.07.2007 (Removed debug output)<br />
  * Version 0.5, 08.11.2007<br />
  * Version 0.6, 28.03.2008 (Optimized benchmarker call)<br />
  * Version 0.7, 07.08.2010 (Added action activation indicator to disable actions on demand)<br />
 protected function runActions($type = Action::TYPE_PRE_PAGE_CREATE)
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     foreach ($this->actionStack as $offset => $DUMMY) {
         // only execute, when the current action has a suitable type
         if ($this->actionStack[$offset]->getType() == $type && $this->actionStack[$offset]->isActive()) {
             $id = get_class($this->actionStack[$offset]) . '::run()';
Example #27
  * Returns a list of the object ids, that should be loaded for the current page.
  * @param string $namespace the namespace of the statement
  * @param string $statement the name of the statement file
  * @param array $params additional params for the statement
  * @param bool $cache decides if caching is active or not (true = yes, false = no)
  * @return array $entries a list of entry ids
  * @author Christian Achatz
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 05.08.2006<br />
  * Version 0.2, 19.01.2009 (Added the connection key handling)<br />
  * Version 0.3, 24.01.2009 (Added session caching)<br />
  * Version 0.4, 25.01.2009 (Removed null pointer bug due to session object definition)<br />
  * Version 0.5, 27.12.2010 (Bug-fix: In case of empty results, no empty objects are returned any more.)<br />
 public function loadEntries($namespace, $statement, array $params = [], $cache = true)
     $t = Singleton::getInstance(BenchmarkTimer::class);
     /* @var $t BenchmarkTimer */
     $params = $this->sanitizeParameters($params);
     // try to load the entries count from the session
     $session = null;
     $sessionKey = null;
     if ($cache === true) {
         $session = $this->getSession();
         $sessionKey = $this->getSessionKey($namespace, $statement, $params) . '_EntryIDs';
         $entryIds = $session->load($sessionKey);
     } else {
         $entryIds = null;
     // load from database if not in session
     if ($entryIds === null) {
         $conn = $this->getConnection();
         $result = $conn->executeStatement($namespace, $statement, $params);
         // map empty results to empty array
         if ($result === false) {
             return [];
         $entryIds = [];
         while ($data = $conn->fetchData($result)) {
             $entryIds[] = $data['DB_ID'];
         // only save to session, when cache is enabled
         if ($cache === true) {
             $session->save($sessionKey, serialize($entryIds));
     } else {
         $entryIds = unserialize($entryIds);
     return $entryIds;
Example #28
  * Send an email to the recipients configured. The return array contains two associative
  * offsets including the following information:
  * <ul>
  *   <li>recipientcount (new!): the number of recipients.</li>
  *   <li>successcount (new!): the number of emails sent successfully.</li>
  * </ul>
  * @deprecated This implementation is deprecated. Please use any available PHP solution instead (e.g. PHPMailer).
  * @return string[] The sending status.
  * @author Christian Schäfer
  * @version
  * Version 0.1, 09.06.2004<br />
  * Version 0.2, 03.01.2005<br />
  * Version 0.3, 17.01.2005<br />
  * Version 0.4, 14.01.2006<br />
 public function sendMail()
     $header = $this->generateHeader();
     /* @var $log Logger */
     $log = Singleton::getInstance(Logger::class);
     $sentEmails = [];
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->recipients); $i++) {
         $result = @mail($this->recipients[$i]['EMail'], $this->subject, $this->content, $header);
         if ($result == 1 || $result == true) {
             $log->logEntry('mail', 'Sending mail to ' . $this->recipients[$i]['EMail'] . '.', LogEntry::SEVERITY_INFO);
             $sentEmails[] = '1';
         } else {
             $log->logEntry('mail', 'Sending mail to ' . $this->recipients[$i]['EMail'] . '.', LogEntry::SEVERITY_ERROR);
     $status['recipientcount'] = count($this->recipients);
     $status['successcount'] = count($sentEmails);
     return $status;