  * Add the theme settings to the admin panel.
  * @param mixed[] $settingsObj
  * @return type
 public function add_settings($settingsObj = null, $section = null, $group = null)
     if ($settingsObj == null) {
         $settingsObj = $this->settings;
     // Exit is directory does not exist
     if (!is_dir($this->css_dir)) {
         if (isset($this->notifications)) {
             $this->notifications->add_notice(2, sprintf(__('The theme directory:<br/>%s<br/>is missing. ', 'wpcsl'), $this->css_dir) . __('Create it to enable themes and get rid of this message.', 'wpcsl'));
     // The Themes
     // No themes? Force the default at least
     $themeArray = get_option($this->prefix . '-theme_array');
     if (count($themeArray, COUNT_RECURSIVE) < 2) {
         $themeArray = array('Default' => 'default');
     // Check for theme files
     $lastNewThemeDate = get_option($this->prefix . '-theme_lastupdated');
     $newEntry = array();
     if ($dh = opendir($this->css_dir)) {
         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
             // If not a hidden file
             if (!preg_match('/^\\./', $file)) {
                 $thisFileModTime = filemtime($this->css_dir . $file);
                 // We have a new theme file possibly...
                 if ($thisFileModTime > $lastNewThemeDate) {
                     $newEntry = $this->get_ThemeInfo($this->css_dir . $file);
                     $themeArray = array_merge($themeArray, array($newEntry['label'] => $newEntry['file']));
                     update_option($this->prefix . '-theme_lastupdated', $thisFileModTime);
     // Remove empties and sort
     $themeArray = array_filter($themeArray);
     // Delete the default theme if we have specific ones
     $resetDefault = false;
     if (count($themeArray, COUNT_RECURSIVE) > 1 && isset($themeArray['Default'])) {
         $resetDefault = true;
     // We added at least one new theme
     if (count($newEntry, COUNT_RECURSIVE) > 1 || $resetDefault) {
         update_option($this->prefix . '-theme_array', $themeArray);
     if ($section == null) {
         $section = 'Display Settings';
     $settingsObj->add_itemToGroup(array('section' => $section, 'group' => $group, 'label' => __('Select A Theme', 'wpcsl'), 'setting' => 'theme', 'type' => 'list', 'custom' => $themeArray, 'value' => 'default', 'description' => __('How should the plugin UI elements look?  ', 'wpcsl') . sprintf(__('Learn more in the <a href="%s" target="csa">online documentation</a>.', 'wpcsl'), $this->support_url . 'user-experience/view/themes-custom-css/'), 'onChange' => "AdminUI.show_ThemeDetails(this);"));
     // Add Theme Details Divs
     $settingsObj->add_ItemToGroup(array('section' => $section, 'group' => $group, 'setting' => 'themedesc', 'type' => 'subheader', 'label' => '', 'description' => $this->setup_ThemeDetails($themeArray), 'show_label' => false));
Example #2
  * Compare current plugin version with minimum required.
  * Set a notification message.
  * Disable the requesting add-on pack if requirement is not met.
  * $params['addon_name'] - the plain text name for the add-on pack.
  * $params['addon_slug'] - the slug for the add-on pack.
  * $params['min_required_version'] - the minimum required version of the base plugin.
  * @param mixed[] $params
 function VersionCheck($params)
     // Minimum version requirement not met.
     if (version_compare($this->version, $params['min_required_version'], '<')) {
         if (is_admin()) {
             if (isset($this->notifications)) {
                 $this->notifications->add_notice(4, '<strong>' . sprintf(__('%s has been deactivated.', 'wpcsl'), $params['addon_name']) . '<br/> ' . '</strong>' . sprintf(__('You have %s version %s.', 'wpcsl'), $this->name, $this->version) . '<br/> ' . sprintf(__('You need version %s or greater for this version of %s.', 'wpcsl'), $params['min_required_version'], $params['addon_name']) . '<br/> ' . sprintf(__('Please install an older version of %s or upgrade.', 'wpcsl'), $this->name) . '<br/> ' . sprintf(__('Upgrading major versions of %s requires paid upgrades to all related add-on packs.', 'wpcsl'), $this->name) . '<br/><br/>');
     // Register add on if version is ok