public function validateFee() { $userProfile = Yii::createObject(userProfile::className())->findOne(['user_id' => Yii::$app->user->id]); if ($this->withdrawal_fee > $userProfile->money) { $this->addError('withdrawal_fee', '提现金额大于余额!'); } }
function register() { require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/user.class.php'; require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/classes/userProfile.class.php'; $userObj = new user(); $upObj = new userProfile(); $failure = false; $failureMsg = ''; $result = array(); if (isset($_POST['email'])) { $email = $_POST['email']; if (stristr($email, '') !== false) { $failureMsg = ' Please use a valid email address of yours - not ours.'; $failure = true; } // check that email isn't already registered $checkExist = $userObj->getId($email); if ($checkExist !== false) { $failureMsg = 'Sorry, this email address is already registered.'; $failure = true; } } else { $failure = true; } if (!isset($_POST['memberName']) || !isset($_POST['pass1']) || !isset($_POST['pass2'])) { $failure = true; } if ($failure) { $msg = 'There was an error with your registration. Please try again.' . $failureMsg; $result['reg'] = false; $result['msg'] = $msg; } else { $result['reg'] = true; $memberName = $_POST['memberName']; $pass1 = $_POST['pass1']; $pass2 = $_POST['pass2']; $city = ''; $result = $upObj->newRegistration($email, $memberName, $pass1, $pass2, $city); if ($result['reg']) { // check if it was an invitation response $result['msg'] = $this->buildConfirmationText($email, ''); } } return $result; }
<script src="../js/verify.js"></script> </head> <body> <menu> <nav class="navbar navbar-default navbar-fixed-top" role="navigation"> <div class="container"> <div class="navbar-header"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="index.php"> <img alt="Explore" src="img/logo.png" width="25" height="25"> 探索</a> </div> <?php if (!empty($_SESSION)) { $logUser = new userProfile($pdo); $usercls = $logUser->loadProfile($_SESSION['userid']); ?> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li <?php if ($pageTitle == "探索") { echo 'class="active"'; } ?> ><a href="index.php">主页</a></li> <li <?php if ($pageTitle == "发现 - 探索") { echo 'class="active"'; } ?>
function get_name($user_id) { $userProfile = new userProfile(); $userProfile->where('user_id', $user_id)->get(); return $userProfile->name; }
<?php //载入个人信息 $logUser = new userProfile($pdo); $usercls = $logUser->loadProfile($_SESSION['userid']); //载入粉丝/关注列表 $focls = new followCls($pdo); //$folist=$focls->loadFollow($_SESSION['userid']); ?> <maincontent> <div class="user-card"> <div class="left-info"> <div class="content-head-card"> <h3>动态<span class="user-id" id="id-user"><?php echo $usercls->getUid(); ?> </span></h3> </div> <div id="main-sharing-card-id"></div> <div class="refresh-column" id="main-card-sharing-more" onclick="getSharing()">更多</div> </div> <div class="right-info"> <div class="user-background"> <img src="<?php echo $usercls->getBackground(); ?>
public function actionDashboard() { if (Yii::app()->user->agreeToTerms == 0) { $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createUrl('company/terms')); } $criteria = new CDbCriteria(); //$criteria->condition = 'Candidate.CompanyID = :CompanyID'; $criteria->params = array(':CompanyID' => Yii::app()->user->companyID); $candidatesModels = Candidate::model()->findAllByAttributes(array(), $criteria); $candidates = array(); foreach (array_keys($candidatesModels) as $key) { $candidate = $candidatesModels[$key]; $candidates[$key] = new stdClass(); $candidates[$key]->ID = $candidate->CandidateID; $candidates[$key]->Name = sprintf('%s, %s', $candidate->LastName, $candidate->FirstName); $candidates[$key]->Email = $candidate->Email; $candidates[$key]->UserProfileID = $candidate->UserProfileID; $UserProfile = userProfile::model()->findbypk($candidate->UserProfileID); if (!isset($UserProfile)) { $candidates[$key]->RatingManager = "Rating Manager"; } else { $candidates[$key]->RatingManager = $UserProfile->FirstName . " " . $UserProfile->LastName; } $candidates[$key]->Title = $candidate->Title; $candidates[$key]->HireDate = $candidate->HireDate; $candidates[$key]->EmployeeID = $candidate->EmployeeID; } $this->render('dashboard', array('candidates' => $candidates)); }
/** * controller * * @author Dac Chartrand <*****@*****.**> * @license */ function sux($action, $params = null) { switch ($action) { case 'reset': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Reset password // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $reset = new userReset(); if ($reset->formValidate($_POST)) { $reset->formProcess($_POST); $reset->formSuccess(); } else { $reset->formBuild($_POST); } break; case 'login': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Login // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!empty($params[0]) && $params[0] == 'openid') { // Openid registration $auth = new userLoginOpenID(); if ($auth->formValidate($_POST)) { $auth->formHandoff($_POST); } else { $auth->formBuild($_POST); } } else { // Regular login $auth = new userAuthenticate(); $auth->login(); } break; case 'logout': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Logout // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $auth = new userAuthenticate(); $auth->logout(); break; case 'register': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Register // -------------------------------------------------------------------- if (!empty($params[0]) && $params[0] == 'openid') { // Openid registration $reg = new userRegisterOpenID(); if ($reg->formValidate($_POST)) { $reg->formHandoff($_POST); } else { $reg->formBuild($_POST); } } else { // Regular registration $reg = new userEdit(); if ($reg->formValidate($_POST)) { $reg->formProcess($_POST); $reg->formSuccess(); } else { $reg->formBuild($_POST, $_GET); } } break; case 'edit': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edit Registration // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $user = !empty($params[0]) ? $params[0] : null; // Edit profile registration $reg = new userEdit('edit', $user); if ($reg->formValidate($_POST)) { $reg->formProcess($_POST); $reg->formSuccess(); } else { $reg->formBuild($_POST, $_GET); } break; case 'avatar': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edit Avatar // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $user = !empty($params[0]) ? $params[0] : null; // Edit avatar $reg = new userAvatar($user); if ($reg->formValidate($_POST)) { $reg->formProcess($_POST); $reg->formSuccess(); } else { $reg->formBuild($_POST); } break; case 'openid': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edit OpenIDs // -------------------------------------------------------------------- $user = !empty($params[0]) ? $params[0] : null; // Edit avatar $oid = new userOpenID($user); if ($oid->formValidate($_POST)) { $oid->formProcess($_POST); $oid->formSuccess(); } else { $oid->formBuild($_POST); } break; case 'profile': // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Show user profile // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Nickname if (empty($params[0])) { if (isset($_SESSION['nickname'])) { suxFunct::redirect(suxFunct::makeUrl('/user/profile/' . $_SESSION['nickname'])); } else { suxFunct::redirect(suxFunct::makeUrl('/user/register')); } } $u = new userProfile($params[0]); if (!empty($params[1]) && $params[1] == 'rss') { // RSS $u->rss(); } else { // Profile $u->displayProfile(); } break; default: // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // Redirect to homepage // -------------------------------------------------------------------- suxFunct::redirect(suxFunct::makeUrl('/home')); } }
<?php //载入个人信息 $logUser = new userProfile($pdo); $usercls = $logUser->loadProfile($_SESSION['userid']); //载入我的收藏 $collections = new collectionCls($pdo); //载入我的草稿 $drafts = new draftCls($pdo); //修改资料 if ($_POST['saveProfile'] == 'saveProfile') { $wholeName = testInput($_POST['wholeName']); $location = testInput($_POST['location']); $sex = testInput($_POST['sex']); $intro = testInput($_POST['intro']); $nowPlace = testInput($_POST['nowPlace']); $place = testInput($_POST['place']); $detailIntro = testInput($_POST['detailIntro']); $wholeProfile = array($wholeName, $location, $sex, $intro, $nowPlace, $place, $detailIntro); $flag = 0; //记录用户资料填写的是否合格,小于0为不合格 foreach ($wholeProfile as $key => $value) { if (strlen($value) == 0) { $flag = $flag - 1; } } if ($flag >= 0) { $editResult = $logUser->editProfile($_SESSION['userid'], $wholeProfile); if (!$editResult) { echo '修改失败'; } else {
<?php require '..\\functions\\config.php'; //getSharing.php?uid=15 $uid = testInput($_GET['uid']); $flag = 0; if (strlen($uid) == 0) { echo 'the value of uid can not be NULL'; $flag = $flag - 1; } if ($flag >= 0) { if (!$pdo) { echo '-1'; //链接数据库失败 } elseif (empty($_SESSION)) { echo '-2'; //用户没有登录 } else { $getSha = new sharingCls($pdo); $sharingList = $getSha->loadSharing($uid); $getUser = new userProfile($pdo); $userlist = $getUser->loadProfile($_SESSION['userid']); arsort($sharingList); foreach ($sharingList as $key => $value) { $jsonData = $jsonData . '{"face":"' . $userlist->getFace() . '","name":"' . $userlist->getName() . '","uid":"' . $value->getUid() . '","time":"' . $value->getTime() . '","sharingType":"' . $value->getSharingType() . '","img":"' . $value->getImg() . '","content":"' . $value->getContent() . '","commentNum":"' . $value->getCommentAmount() . '","likeNum":"' . $value->getLikeAmount() . '","dislikeNum":"' . $value->getDislikeAmount() . '"},'; } $jsonData = substr_replace($jsonData, "", -1, 1); echo "{sharing:[" . $jsonData . "]}"; } } session_write_close();
function manage() { $data['message'] = null; $countries = new Country(); $user_profile = new userProfile(); $countries->get(); foreach ($countries->all as $country) { $data['countries'][$country->id] = $country->name; } $data['user_profile'] = $user_profile->get_by_id($this->dx_auth->get_user_id()); if ($this->dx_auth->is_logged_in()) { $data['email'] = $this->dx_auth->get_user_email(); if ($this->form_validation->run() == false) { $this->load->view('account/manage', $data); } else { $user_profile->country_id = $this->input->post('country'); $user_profile->website = $this->input->post('website'); $user_profile->name = $this->input->post('name'); $user_profile->save(); $data['message'] = '<p class="notice fade">Profile Details saved</p>'; $this->load->view('account/manage', $data); } } else { redirect('session/login'); } }
<?php require "functions/config.php"; $userAccount = testInput($_GET['people']); //初始化个人信息 $user = new userProfile($pdo); $usercls = $user->loadProfile($userID); if ($userID = $user->userIsExist($userAccount)) { //初始化关注/粉丝数据信息 $focls = new followCls($pdo); //初始化个人分享 $shacls = new sharingCls($pdo); $shalist = $shacls->loadSharing($userID[0]); if (!empty($_SESSION)) { $pageTitle = "{$userAccount} - 探索"; } else { header("Location:index.php"); } require "includes/header.php"; ?> <div class="people-user-background-detail"> <div class="people-user-heading"> <div class="people-user-heading-left"> <img src="user/ivydom/background-blur.jpg" alt="i<?php echo $usercls->getName(); ?> " width="260" height="265"> <div class="people-user-heading-left-detail"> <div class="people-user-photo"> <img src="<?php