Example #1
 public static function register($data)
     static::$error = false;
     $user = new static();
     if (!$user->set($data)->success()) {
         static::$error = 'REGISTER_VALIDATION_FALSE';
         return false;
     $login = isset($data[static::ROW_LOGIN]) ? $data[static::ROW_LOGIN] : '';
     if (!$login) {
         static::$error = 'REGISTER_NO_LOGIN';
         return false;
     $found = static::findBy(static::ROW_LOGIN, $login)->getFirst();
     if ($found) {
         static::$error = 'REGISTER_DUBLICATE_USER';
         return false;
     $password = isset($data[static::ROW_PASSWORD]) ? $data[static::ROW_PASSWORD] : '';
     if (!$password) {
         static::$error = 'REGISTER_NO_PASSWORD';
         return false;
     $user->{static::ROW_HASH_RESTORE} = static::makeHash();
     return $user;
Example #2
  * Create and save a new item
  * @param  array $data
  * @return Comment
 public static function create(array $data)
     $item = new static();
     // Check required fields
     foreach (self::$requiredFields as $field) {
         if (!isset($data[$field])) {
             throw new Exception("Required field {$field} not specified.");
     // Set field values
     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
         if ($item->exists($key)) {
             if (empty($val)) {
                 $val = null;
             $item->set($key, $val);
     // Set auto values if they exist
     if ($item->exists("created_date") && !isset($data["created_date"])) {
         $item->set("created_date", date("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
     return $item;
Example #3
  * After controller finished all logic, render view
 public function __destruct()
     if (false === $this->render) {
         return true;
     if (is_null($this->template)) {
         $this->template = $this->templateFromRoute();
     $this->f3->set('content', $this->template);
     echo \Template::instance()->render('layout.xhtml');
Example #4
 public static function trash($document)
     if ($document instanceof \Dsc\Mongo\Collection) {
         $trash = new static();
         $trash->set('instanceof', (string) get_class($document));
         $trash->set('collection', $document->collectionName());
         $trash->set('document', $document->cast());
         if (!empty($document->type)) {
             $trash->set('type', $document->type);
     } else {
         //do something else if we are not using a mapper
  * @param array $data
  * @return static
 public static function fromArray(array $data)
     $out = new static();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         $out->set($out::deserializeKey($key), $out::deserializeValue($value));
     return $out;
  * @param array $config
  * @return configuration
 public static function unserialize(array $config)
     $configuration = new static();
     if (false !== ($clientConfiguration = unserialize($config['watched_files']))) {
     return $configuration;
Example #7
  * Creates an instance
  * @param array $fields Initialize with fields values
  * @return static
 public static function create($fields = [])
     $record = new static(self::getLoader()->getFieldsDefinition(get_called_class()));
     if (!empty($fields) && is_array($fields)) {
     return $record;
Example #8
  * 作成する
 public static function create($flg = 0)
     $hash = new static($flg);
     for ($i = 1; $i < func_num_args(); $i++) {
     return $hash;
Example #9
  * Create a Map.
  * @param mixed $element,... Elements to include in the collection.
  * @return Map
 public static function create()
     $map = new static();
     foreach (func_get_args() as $element) {
         list($key, $value) = $element;
         $map->set($key, $value);
     return $map;
Example #10
  * Constructs entity from array.
  * @param  array          $input
  * @return \Paybox\Entity
 public static function fromArray($input)
     $entity = new static();
     if (is_array($input)) {
         foreach ($input as $name => $value) {
             $entity->set($name, $value);
     return $entity;
Example #11
  * Set configuration namespace
  * @param   string $namespace
  * @param   mixed $value
  * @return  void
 public function __set($namespace, $value)
     $bag = new static();
     $this->namespaces[$namespace] = $bag;
     if (is_array($value)) {
         $bag->set($value, null);
     } elseif (is_string($value)) {
  * return AuthorizeOptionsQueryString
 public static function fromAuthorizeOptions(AuthorizeOptions $options)
     $q = new static();
     $q->set('type', $options->getType());
     $via = $options->getVia();
     if ($via) {
         $q->set('via', $via);
     if ($options->getSkipConfirmation()) {
         $q->set('skipConfirmation', 'true');
     if ($options->getSkipAuthorization()) {
         $q->set('skipAuthorization', 'true');
     $lang = $options->getLang();
     if ($lang) {
         $q->set('lang', $lang);
     return $q;
Example #13
 public static function add($message, $priority = 'INFO', $category = 'General')
     $model = new static();
     $model->created = \Dsc\Mongo\Metastamp::getDate('now');
     $model->set('created.microtime', microtime(true));
     $model->priority = $priority;
     $model->category = $category;
     $model->message = $message;
     return $model;
Example #14
  * shortcut function
  * @param string cachekey
  * @param callback
  * @return mixed
 public static function invoke($cache_key, $callback = null, $namespace = '_global_')
     $cache = new static($namespace);
     if ($cache->has($cache_key)) {
         return $cache->get($cache_key);
     if (is_callable($callback)) {
         $value = $callback();
         $cache->set($cache_key, $value);
         return $value;
     return null;
Example #15
  * @param array $resource
  * @param string $action
  * @param string $diff
  * @param array $actor
  * @param string $message
  * @param string $priority
  * @param string $category
  * @return \Dsc\Mongo\Collections\AuditLogs
 public static function add($resource, $action, $diff, $actor, $message = null, $priority = 'INFO', $category = 'Audit')
     $model = new static();
     $model->created = \Dsc\Mongo\Metastamp::getDate('now');
     $model->set('created.microtime', microtime(true));
     $model->priority = $priority;
     $model->category = $category;
     $model->message = $message;
     $model->resource_type = !empty($resource['type']) ? $resource['type'] : null;
     $model->resource_id = !empty($resource['id']) ? $resource['id'] : null;
     $model->action = $action;
     $model->diff = $diff;
     $model->actor_type = !empty($actor['type']) ? $actor['type'] : null;
     $model->actor_id = !empty($actor['id']) ? $actor['id'] : null;
     $model->actor_name = !empty($actor['name']) ? $actor['name'] : null;
     return $model;
Example #16
  * @return array
  * @throws Exception
 public static function findAll()
     $pdo = self::getPdo();
     $tableName = self::tableName();
     $statement = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM {$tableName}");
     Application::getInstance()->logger->d('ACTIVE RECORD', 'Find all records.');
     if (!$statement->execute()) {
         $errorInfo = $statement->errorInfo();
         throw new Exception("PDO [{$errorInfo[0]}]: {$errorInfo[2]}.");
     $activeRecords = [];
     while ($record = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
         $activeRecord = new static();
         foreach ($record as $name => $value) {
             $activeRecord->set($name, $value);
         $activeRecords[] = $activeRecord;
     return $activeRecords;
Example #17
  * Gets the asset id for the object instance
  * @return  int
  * @since   2.0.0
 public function getId()
     // Check for current asset id and compute other vars
     $current = $this->model->get('asset_id', null);
     $parentId = $this->getAssetParentId();
     $name = $this->getAssetName();
     $title = $this->getAssetTitle();
     // Get joomla jtable model for assets
     $asset = \JTable::getInstance('Asset', 'JTable', array('dbo' => \App::get('db')));
     // Re-inject the asset id into the model
     $this->model->set('asset_id', $asset->id);
     if ($asset->getError()) {
         return false;
     // Specify how a new or moved node asset is inserted into the tree
     if (!$this->model->get('asset_id', null) || $asset->parent_id != $parentId) {
         $asset->setLocation($parentId, 'last-child');
     // Prepare the asset to be stored
     $asset->parent_id = $parentId;
     $asset->name = $name;
     $asset->title = $title;
     if ($this->model->assetRules instanceof \JAccessRules) {
         $asset->rules = (string) $this->model->assetRules;
     if (!$asset->check() || !$asset->store()) {
         return false;
     // Register an event to update the asset name once we know the model id
     if ($this->model->isNew()) {
         $me = $this;
         Event::listen(function ($event) use($asset, $me) {
             $asset->name = $me->getAssetName();
         }, $this->model->getTableName() . '_new');
     // Return the id
     return (int) $asset->id;
Example #18
  * Returns all the items of this collection that satisfy the predicate p.
  * The order of the items is preserved.
  * If no predicate, all items that equal false will be removed.
  * @param callable|null $p The predicate used for filtering. Function can be passed value, key, or key/value.
  * @return static A collection with the results of the filter operation.
 public function filter($p)
     if ($p === null) {
         return new static(array_filter($this->items));
     $func = new \ReflectionFunction($p);
     $params = $func->getParameters();
     if (count($params) === 1 && $params[0]->getName() !== 'key') {
         return new static(array_filter($this->items, $p));
     $newItems = new static();
     foreach ($this->items as $key => $value) {
         if ($p($key, $value)) {
             $newItems->set($key, $value);
     return $newItems;
  * Creates collection of items.
  * Override it if you need to implement
  * derived collection that requires specific initialization.
  * @param array $items
  * @return static
 protected function createCollection(array $items)
     $collection = new static();
     return $collection;
Example #20
  * @param callable(key:mixed,value:mixed):bool $callback
  * @return static
 public function filter($callback)
     $map = new static();
     foreach ($this->mapArray as $key => $value) {
         if ($callback($key, $value)) {
             $map->set($key, $value);
     return $map;
Example #21
  * Sets the `Etag` header
 public static function setEtag($value)
     if (!Header::isSent()) {
         $header = new static("Etag", $value);
         return $header;
     return false;
Example #22
  * @param callable $callable
  * @return MapInterface
 public function map(callable $callable)
     $newMap = new static();
     foreach ($this->elements as $k => $e) {
         $newMap->set($k, $callable($k, $e));
     return $newMap;
Example #23
  * Get all items, except given keys
  * @param   array $keys
  * @return  array
 public function except($keys, $result_array = false)
     $keys = (array) $keys;
     $bag = new static();
     foreach ($this->all(false) as $key => $value) {
         $key = $this->resolveKey($key);
         $bag->set($key, $value);
     foreach ($keys as $key) {
         $key = $this->resolveKey($key);
     return $result_array ? $bag->all() : $bag;
Example #24
  * Create a new log entry
  * @param string $type log type - create, update or delete
  * @param object $obj1 object changed, created or deleted
  * @param object $obj2 new object with changed values, only required for update type, must be the same object as $obj1
  * @param array $exclude Attributes from an update that are not being updated
  * @param string $user created_by field, default to self::$user
  * @param integer $userID  user_id field, default to self::$userID
  * @param string $ip IP address of request
  * @return boolean
 public static function _Log($type, $obj1, $obj2 = FALSE, $exclude = array(), $user = FALSE, $userID = 0, $ip = FALSE)
     // Set user
     if (!$user) {
         $user = static::$user;
     if (!$userID) {
         $userID = static::$userID;
     // Check object is a model object
     if (!$obj1 instanceof \Sonic\Model) {
         new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Cannot create changelog - object must extend \\Sonic\\Model');
         return FALSE;
     // Create new log object
     $log = new static();
     // Set log variables
     try {
         $log->set('name', get_class($obj1));
         $log->set('type', $type);
         $log->set('created_by', $user);
         $log->set('object_id', $obj1->get($obj1::$pk));
         $log->set('user_id', $userID);
         // Log IP
         // If an IP is specified use that otherwise
         // check for Client-IP header before using REMOTE_ADDR
         // This gets around the netscaler reverse-proxy with the additional host header
         if ($ip) {
             $log->set('ip', $ip);
         } else {
             if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) {
                 $log->set('ip', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP']);
             } else {
                 if (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
                     $log->set('ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Error setting changelog attributes - ' . $e->getMessage());
         return FALSE;
     // Begin transaction
     // Create log entry
     if (!$log->Create()) {
         new \Sonic\Message('error', $e->getMessage());
         return FALSE;
     // Set column class to log class\Column
     $column_class = get_class($log) . '\\Column';
     $oldValueAttr = $column_class::_attributeProperties('old_value');
     $newValueAttr = $column_class::_attributeProperties('new_value');
     // Switch log type to create columns
     try {
         switch ($type) {
             // Create
             case 'create':
                 // Log object attributes
                 foreach ($obj1->toArray() as $name => $val) {
                     if (isset($newValueAttr['max']) && strlen((string) $val) > $newValueAttr['max']) {
                         $val = substr((string) $val, 0, $newValueAttr['max']);
                     $column = new $column_class();
                     $column->set('change_log_id', $log->get('id'));
                     $column->set('name', $name);
                     $column->set('new_value', $val);
                     if (!$column->Create()) {
                         new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Error creating changelog column - ' . $e->getMessage());
                         return FALSE;
                 // Update
             // Update
             case 'update':
                 // Check objects are the same class
                 if (get_class($obj1) != get_class($obj2)) {
                     new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Cannot create changelog - objects must be the same class. obj1: ' . get_class($obj1) . ', obj2: ' . get_class($obj2));
                     return FALSE;
                 // Get updated attributes
                 $arrNew = $obj2->toArray();
                 // Remove any that are excluded
                 foreach ($exclude as $attr) {
                 // Log object attributes
                 foreach ($arrNew as $name => $val) {
                     $originalVal = $obj1->get($name);
                     if (isset($oldValueAttr['max']) && strlen($originalVal) > $oldValueAttr['max']) {
                         $originalVal = substr($originalVal, 0, $oldValueAttr['max']);
                     if (isset($newValueAttr['max']) && strlen($val) > $newValueAttr['max']) {
                         $val = substr($val, 0, $newValueAttr['max']);
                     if ($val !== $originalVal) {
                         $column = new $column_class();
                         $column->set('change_log_id', $log->get('id'));
                         $column->set('name', $name);
                         $column->set('old_value', $originalVal);
                         $column->set('new_value', $val);
                         if (!$column->Create()) {
                             new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Error creating changelog column - ' . $e->getMessage());
                             return FALSE;
                 // Delete
             // Delete
             case 'delete':
                 // Log object attributes
                 foreach ($obj1->toArray() as $name => $val) {
                     if (isset($oldValueAttr['max']) && strlen($val) > $oldValueAttr['max']) {
                         $val = substr($val, 0, $oldValueAttr['max']);
                     $column = new $column_class();
                     $column->set('change_log_id', $log->get('id'));
                     $column->set('name', $name);
                     $column->set('old_value', $val);
                     if (!$column->Create()) {
                         new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Error creating changelog column - ' . $e->getMessage());
                         return FALSE;
                 // Catch anything else
             // Catch anything else
                 // Error
                 new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Cannot create changelog - invalid log type: ' . $type);
                 return FALSE;
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         new \Sonic\Message('error', 'Exception creating changelog column - ' . $e->getMessage());
         return FALSE;
     // Set last ID
     self::$_lastID = $log->get('id');
     // Commit and return TRUE
     return TRUE;
Example #25
  * Will convert an array of data from mongo to a Mongo instance object
  * Will also convert any DBRefs to instances of their objects
  * @param array $data
  * @return Mongo
 protected static function createObjectFromDataArray($data = array())
     // we'll loop here because we don't want $data to be filtered (as this
     // has come from the database)
     $obj = new static();
     foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
         // $obj->$key = $value;
         $obj->set($key, $value, false);
     return $obj;
Example #26
  * Returns beginning or ending of a period
  * @param string $phrase
  * @param bool $beginning True for boundary beginning, False for boundary ending
  * @throws \Exception if $beginning=false
  * @return self
 public function getBoundaryDateByPeriod($period, $beginning = true)
     $this_timestamp = $this->get();
     switch ($period) {
         case static::DATE_PERIOD_DAY:
             if ($beginning) {
                 // get the beginning of the day
                 $result_ts = strtotime('today', $this_timestamp);
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('Bounday ending not yet supported');
         case static::DATE_PERIOD_WEEKTODATE:
             if ($beginning) {
                 // get date of the first day in week from '2012-W12-1'
                 $result_ts = strtotime(date("Y-\\WW-1", $this_timestamp));
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('Bounday ending not yet supported');
         case static::DATE_PERIOD_MONTHTODATE:
             if ($beginning) {
                 // get beginning of month
                 $result_ts = strtotime(sprintf('%s %s', date('M', $this_timestamp), date('Y', $this_timestamp)));
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('Bounday ending not yet supported');
         case static::DATE_PERIOD_YEARTODATE:
             if ($beginning) {
                 // get beginning of year
                 $result_ts = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, date('Y', $this_timestamp));
             } else {
                 throw new \Exception('Bounday ending not yet supported');
             // if period not recognized,
             // throw exception
             throw new \Exception('Period not recognized');
     // switch
     if ($result_ts) {
         $result_date = new static();
         return $result_date;
Example #27
  * Sets up the environment
  * @return void
 static function setup()
     if (!static::$set) {
         assert_options(ASSERT_ACTIVE, 1);
         assert_options(ASSERT_QUIET_EVAL, 1);
         assert_options(ASSERT_WARNING, 0);
         register_shutdown_function(function () {
             $time = \Tracy\Debugger::timer(static::NAME);
             static::printLine("Total run time: {$time} second(s)");
         static::$mode = PHP_SAPI == "cli" ? "cli" : "http";
         static::$set = true;
     } else {
         static::printLine("Warning: Testing Environment was already set up.");
Example #28
  * Partitions this collection in two collections according to a predicate.
  * Keys are preserved in the resulting collections.
  * @param Closure $p The predicate on which to partition.
  * @return array An array with two elements. The first element contains the collection
  *               of elements where the predicate returned TRUE, the second element
  *               contains the collection of elements where the predicate returned FALSE.
 public function partition(Closure $p)
     $trueColl = new static();
     $falseColl = new static();
     iterator_apply($this, function () use($p, $trueColl, $falseColl) {
         $key = $this->key();
         $current = $this->current();
         if ($p($current, $key)) {
             $trueColl->set($key, $current);
         } else {
             $falseColl->set($key, $current);
         return true;
     return array($trueColl, $falseColl);
Example #29
  * Factory method to construct a new document using the values passed to populate it
  * @throws ClientException
  * @param array $values  - initial values for document
  * @param array $options - optional, initial options for document
  * @return Document|Edge
 public static function createFromArray(array $values, array $options = array())
     $document = new static($options);
     foreach ($values as $key => $value) {
         $document->set($key, $value);
     return $document;
  * Instantiates a new record or document object, initialized with any data passed in.
  *	### Example
  *	{{{
  *		$user = User::create(array("username" => "Jhon"));
  *		echo $user->username; // echoes "Jhon"
  *		$success = $user->save();
  *	}}}
  * @param array $data set of fields to be passed to the set() function
  * @return CakeDocument new instance of object with initialized data
 public static function create($data = null)
     $document = new static();
     if ($data) {
     return $document;